Thursday, July 10, 2014

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

I can feel myself losing it.
            Is this what it’s like…?
                           Becoming the Darkness?

Name (last, first): Giorgio , Nox. 

Meaning: Nox comes from the Latin form of Darkness. 

Nickname(s): Okami's successor. Okami's child. The dark child. Black sheep. Ice queen. 

Age:  Around the same age as Natsu and the gang. 

Species: Human, dragon slayer. 

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: March 18th.

Life Story:  

      Nox's life started out completely odd for a young girl of her age, having no parents to offer her the guidance and support a child requires. Instead, she was left to fend for herself with no one to protect her. Not that she required it with the Dragon that decided to watch over her. Okami was the dragon's name. Intially, the ravenette was completely scared of the dragon. This was the first she had ever seen one in person.. especially one who stated they would take of her as their own child. 

Nevertheless, she had slowly grown used to the ice dragon's presence throughout their time together. Countless days were spent with lessons on how to defend herself, fight and use the same techniques Okami used. However, those days wouldn't last forever with the a certain day looming closer. And before either of them knew it, Okami had quickly vanished. That was after he had left one single demand for the young child, "Kill me.". Those were the last words that were told to her and the last memory she has of him. Anything past that was.. forgotten or so it seems. 

By the time Nox regained consciousness, Okami was no where to be seen leaving the girl completely isolated in the small field. Distraught and disoriented, she forced herself to her feet only to have her body lurch forward and fall weakly to the ground. Her hands and body were stained by a crimson substance, earning a small scream from the girl, herself. Did she.. kill him? Did she kill Okami? 

That question would forever remain in here, simply repeating itself in the form of nightmares and day terrors. Regardless of her silent torture, she had to force herself to continue on. Okami had taught her to survive and she couldn't waste the life that the dragon decided to spare. Hence why, she did anything she could to survive. She lived off the wallets of the rich she happened to stumble upon. 

It wasn't until she began to develop her magic more that she had stumbled upon a dark guild. One in particular that her older brother, Lux, had joined. This knowledge had surprised the girl considering her lack of memory of her family members. She could hardly remember having any older brothers or even a family. Nevertheless, she had soon found out that Lux was, indeed, her older brother. That hardly changed many things for her.

The ravenette choose to ignore her connection with him, deciding not to join him and his companions in the dark guild. Being in a dark guild was something she couldn't partake in.. even if her brother was in that guild. That wasn't enough to make her join the guild. Before long, she had slowly but steadily began to earn a name for herself in the world of guilds. Her missions that she took contained many solo missions, which allowed her the knowledge of various guilds that were around during that time.

Of course, those times weren't easy for her considering her little visits to her brother's guild sprouted rumors about her. There were countless mentions of her belonging to a dark guild and the meaning behind her name hardly helped. Nox was the Latin form for darkness after all. Ironically, her brother's name was the definition for light. Such a peculiar name for someone who was in a dark guild.  

Before long she had found out about Fairy tail, a guild she had found herself growing curious about. The guild was everything she wanted to be a part of and more. There was hardly anything preventing her from wanting to join them. And sure enough,  her acceptance into the guild was soon granted or you could say that she was invited by a few member in the guild. And with that, she soon became attached to the guild and the people found there. Nothing inside of made her want to leave that special place. 

Of course, that doesn't mean she isn't facing her own personal demons. Despite being surrounded by a group of people, she can't seem to focus on reality at times. At times, this has proven to be both a blessing and a curse for the girl. After all, these negative thoughts will make her want to try harder to win the upcoming fight. 

After the recent fight and the true nature of their dragons hiding place, Nox felt a strong mixture of sadness and immense relief. She was truly happy that Okami wasn't dead, especially by her hand. The guilt she felt inside for all these years had slowly vanished and a more vulnerable side of the dragon slayer was finally shown. It was a struggle but the female had broken down to the point of sobbing silently to herself as she watched her foster parent disappear from her sight finally. She had finally gotten the answer she desired but the price wasn't one she wanted to pay. 

|| T I M E  S K I P || 

A year after Fairy Tail disbanded, Nox had decided to take a journey by herself as well. Naturally the thought of being abandoned by her fellow comrades and friends left her terrified, but she refused to speak up about it. After all, the guild disband and everyone had set off on their own. She was in no position to openly speak her mind and follow after someone else's footsteps like a lost child. That might have been her reason to travel on her own to improve her abilities. Of course, the former reason for her to leave without a word was due to the thought of possibly being a bother to her former comrades. In a sense, she needed to run off by herself and find her reason her fight once again. 

With that being said, Nox traveled quite far and managed to improve her abilities significantly. Despite her goal being accomplished, the ravenette seemingly closed herself off once more. There's hardly anyone keeping contact with one another, after Fairy Tail disbanded. In a sense, she had lost her home once again and the friends she had made were scattered and hardly anywhere within her reach. It was difficult for her to find jobs which lead to her involvement in her estranged brother's dark guild, merely helping them fetch supplies or ingredients for their spells. 

During her time in the dark guild, she steadily began to train herself to the point of exhaustion often. It was easy for to concentrate on other things, besides Fairy Tail, Okami's death, and the friends that went their separate ways. She wanted to lose herself instead of focusing on the fact that she was simply running away again. It was so easy to lose herself in the self loathing and guilt she felt towards herself. She didn't want to think about Fairy Tail nor the friends that went their separate ways. Nox desperately needed time to regain the ambition and indifference she had before she met them. 

After all, her original goal had already been accomplished leaving her with an empty shell of a girl once more. She was nothing more than the scared girl she was years ago, during a time Okami was missing from her life supposedly. Due to this, Nox worked hard frequently to sharpen her skills and surpass the ability of her foster parent. 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


    Nox is a the type of person who tries her best to avoid anything that leaves her uncomfortable. However, that doesn't often work considering she enjoys challenging herself to try something new. After all, being stuck in one place all day doesn't suit her needs nor interests at all. This often leads her to search for something to do. The ravenette is rather anxious at times and more than willingly to move around. This often makes her want to move around constantly and simply be active. Being lazy is hardly something you can find inside of her unless she's dead tired. 

Surprisingly, she handles herself fairly well under pressure unlike others. This is due to the girl's natural patience and tolerance towards changes. She can handle a sudden change fairly good with the right amount of conversation or simple gesture. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that she can be easily persuaded by other's words instead it would be their actions and decisions. People's actions can influence her thoughts and decisions, if they show her the appropriate amount of emotion. 

Whenever she happens to be flustered, the ravenette will try to leave the premises quickly. If she can't do that, then she'll simply isolate herself or refuse to even speak aloud. She doesn't like revealing her inner thoughts or emotions if it embarrasses her to do so. Of course, that doesn't mean she can keep everything hidden to everyone. When someone happens to pester her enough in this state, her self control snaps and she'll end up revealing most of her thoughts in no time. You could say she's quite argumentive in this state, eager to make the other individual drop the subject. 

It's rare to ever see her upset or even doubting herself in the slightest way. The ravenette is fairly confident in her own abilities, due to her past way of living. Along with that confidence came the bad habit of doing reckless actions and anything to survive. For example, if she had to shoulder a tremendous burden to win a battle then she would gladly take it on head first. So, in a way she's quite reckless at times to survive for another day. 

However, anything remotely emotional makes the young ravenette panic and fret. She can handle anything other than something like deaths or feelings abruptly changing. It leaves the girl feeling uneasy and unsure of herself. The last thing she wants to do is approach the subject head on, instead she just wants to run. Nothing prepared her to face things like this. 

Good Habit(s): She has an odd habit of asking others if they want some of her food, before eating. 

Bad Habit(s): She has to be constantly moving, since she can't sit or stand still. 

Nationality: A mixture of Italian & Japanese.

Place of Origin: Unknown at this time. 

Current Residence: Fairy Tail guild. 

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. Japanese.

Like(s): Coffee. Water. Zodiac spirits. Dragons. Legends. Winter. Ice. Nice, long naps. Warm meals. Blankets. Traveling on foot. Magic. Soft rhythm. Books. Physical comfort. Stability. Physical contact. Fairy tail. 

Dislike(s):  God Slayers. Demon Slayers. Summer. Harsh treatment. Being woken up. Tea. Bears. Getting lost. Traveling on vehicle. Loud or obnoxious noises. Misunderstandings. Partings. Motion sickness. Cowardliness. 

Hobbies:  Sword-fighting. Sketching. Parkour. Sleeping. Exploring. 

Fear(s): Confinement. Abandonment. Complete darkness. 

Strength(s):  The cold. Close combat. Ice being nearby. Fighting in a open room or in the light. 

Weakness(es): Claustrophobia. Heat. Fire. Long ranged combat. Fighting in a closed room or in the dark. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

; Considering the fact she's a dragon slayer, her abilities are often linked to ice and the cold.

; Ice Dragon Slayer Magic » Nox managed to learn this magic through the lessons Okami taught a young Nox. Her emotional state can decrease the temperature of the room, causing the coldness from the flame to become colder. This magic is called the Flame of Emotion. Any significant change in her emotional state can effect her flames. 

; Ice Dragon roar » Nox can gather the coldness from the room and use it to release a large quantity of ice flames. The flames appeared to be ice shards once they escaped the confines of her mouth. 

; Ice Dragon harden » Nox's body becomes engulfed by ice, not allowing anything to attack her at that moment. It acts as a hardening ability to make her endure much more attacks and to block incoming ones. Of course, this makes it harder for her considering she has to make sure her concentration doesn't break. 

; Ice dragon flight ; Using her ice powers, Nox can propell herself in the sky with just the right amount of ice flames. Of course, this requires much more consumption of ice to maintain just the right amount of flames and durability. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean it can't be accomplished. 

; Ice dragon claw » Nox's hand hardens significantly to completely be freezed over enough for it to be a shield of some sorts. With that, she propels herself forward to attack her enemies. This also works as a form of an attack if she chooses to attack someone with her frozen hand. 

; Secret Ice Dragon Slayer Magic » This is still something she's currently developing. 

; Enhanced smell » Being a Dragon slayer, Nox's sense of smell is exceptionally good. Something that's hardly much of a surprise, considering other Dragon slayers share this ability as well.

; Enhanced hearing » Similar to the description of above.

; Enhanced reflexes » Being constantly on the run after Okami's disappearance, Nox's reflexes were sharpened considerably over the years.

; Enhanced speed » Nox's speed is fairly fast due to her past and training, allowing her to easily dodge and cover distances in a short amount of time. 

; Enhanced strength » Despite Nox's enhanced strength, she's still not a match for the likes of Sting and Rouge combined. 

; Immense durability » Nox can handle quite a lot of attacks, regardless of her physical state. Her hardening ability allows her more durability in the field. 


- Nox was persuaded, more like demanded, to slay Okami, a day before the dragons would vanish from the face of the earth. However, she has no recollection if she actually went through with her parent's last wish. 

- She rencountered her older brother, Lux, later on after Okami had died. A few years after that really. 

- Despite partaking in a few missions with others, she never officially joined any guild. Eventually, she does end up joining the Fairy Tail guild. 

- Due to her past, she's exceptionally good at stealing from others. Naturally, she doesn't like bringing up the past. 

- She's often seen as someone suspicious due to her minor stay in a dark guild. Of course, this is only because a certain sibling of her's resides in a dark guild. 

- Her Fairy tail guild mark is located on her inner right wrist. The color is a simple light blue color to resemble her status of an Ice dragon slayer. 

- Out of habit, she tends to flinch if a hand is moving towards her. The ravenette is often under the impression that she might be striked. 

; After Fairy Tail disbanded, Nox struggled to find jobs to maintain steady incomes. This might be the reason why she began doing odd jobs for her estranged older brother once more, simply retrieving ingredients for spells he needed or other materials. 

; Much to her hesitance, she began to become slowly involve herself in her brother's dark guild, due to the lack of proper jobs and other circumstances. Involving herself in the dark guild was an all too easy decision for her to take, after all she had no attachments to his guild. The only thing she needed at the moment was some stability and cash. Unfortunately for her, the dark guild had been one of the only ways to go about it. 

|| F E A R S A N D N I G H T M A R E S 

Day terrors: The day Okami disappears never ceases to leave her thoughts. Constantly, the woman would zøne out and thoughts of her former parent's disappearance would surge through her mind. It scared her senseless.. what could she possibly do to stop these memories from resurfacing. 

Nightmares: The constant nightmare running through her head would be the one that involved her parent, Okami, demanding her to kill her. Of course, the thoughts of the past often plauge her. After all, she doesn't know for sure if Okami died by her hands or not. Recently, her dreams often contain her former comrades and her friends though those dreams come to an end once she realizes she's alone now. 

Phobias: Being confined to a small room is something that scares Nox deeply. The thought of not being able to do anything or even escape.. makes her heart race. This isn't common knowledge but the ravenette remembers nothing but the feeling of being stuck in one closed off room. 

The darkness is another thing that bothers the girl. This phobia originated after Okami's disappearance and being left alone. There was nothing nearby.. the only surrounding her was a single large forest. No one could hear her calls nor could she escape. She spent her nights alone, huddling close to the small fire, afraid of moving. She never liked the dark.. considering the fact it could hide many things. Things that could harm a young child of her age. 

Abandonment. With Okami's unexplained departure, the fear of being abandoned once more terrified her. What if it occurred again? What if she got close to someone and they left her? She couldn't handle that again! Not at all! Hence why, she detaches herself personally from others. The thought of being left behind by another.. is a situation she doesn't want to encounter again. 

Attachment.. might be another thing that the ravenette is afraid of. After all, her parents had abandoned her as a young child and Okami's disappearance took a toll on her. Nox couldn't bare the thought of losing someone like that again, but it's bound to occur. If she does manage to get close to someone, her defenses slowly start crumbling down but she'll be hurt badly if she's left alone once again.

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: Nox's dream is to find out what truly happened to her Dragon parent, Okami. After finding out what truly occurred that day, she had lost her reason to fight for a brief time. 

Occupation/Job:  Fairy tail Mage, who occasionally takes on solo or team based missions. After the disbandment of Fairy Tail, she's been try hard to find jobs but the only ones she's managed to find available for her are ones dealing with dark guilds. 

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll



  Nox had met the ice dragon long ago, when she was parent less and in need of guidance, and Okami had provided just that. He was a splendid father to the girl, but problems had quickly arouse. The ice dragon only had a certain amount of time to remain in the human world, before they would vanish- the dragons-. It was then that he proposed for Nox to slay him, since he had taught her all the necessary moves for dragon slaying as well as some regarding his rare type of breed.   

Nevertheless, his fate is still unknown to the young Ice Dragon slayer to this day. She could only hope that she'll be able to find out in the near future.  Unfortunately, every lead she had slowly dwindled due to a mere rumor. The ravenette had even asked other Dragon slayers and the same situation had occurred to them. Of course, Nox kept quiet about a certain detail in her faulty memory. 

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After learning about the true nature of Okami's disappearance, she was absolutely heart broken and relived upon learning the news. After all, the truth had always been inside of her and before she knew it she paid the price for that knowledge. 


Lux Giorgio. 

Lux Giorgio is the eldest brother of Nox, though he had been separated from the young girl for some time now. He was a family member she could vaguely remember to this day. Everything about him seems to be wiped clean from her memory. Not a single thing reminds her of him despite the somewhat resemblance they share with one another. Nevertheless, it was soon known that the two were siblings due to their similar birthmarks found on their bodies. 


Despite that knowledge, Nox hardly approaches her brother often unless it's for some counseling. Her lack of visits are due to her brother's involvements in a dark guild, something she wants nothing of. However with Fairy Tail disbanding and everyone going their separate ways, Nox quickly found herself running back to her estranged brother's side. She needed stability and he could provide that for the time being. Of course, she didn't expect to get involved heavily with his dark guild. The growing attachment to her brother might have influenced her to involve herself more with the guild. 


None that are known. 


None yet. 

Best Friend(s):

Levy Mcgarden{?}

Levy was someone that Nox grew close to in a short amount of time through their love of reading. Before Nox knew it, they were already becoming fast friends and soon the closest of friends. Levy became someone that she held immense trust in, along with the feelings of wanting to make sure that she was safe. After all, Nox had dealt with loved ones disappearing and she didn't want a repeat of that. Especially not to a dear friend like Levy. The dragon slayer feels quite open and comfortable around the other female, though it isn't too surprising. Levy makes her feel comfortable with little effort in general, to be honest. 

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As much as Nox hates to admit it, she lost contact with Levy after the disbandment of Fairy Tail. The thought of losing contact with the female did feel her own guilt for leaving without notice. Nonetheless, Nox has made an effort to try and locate the female, though her search isn't proving to be fruitful honestly. 


    Rouge Cheney 

Rouge had easily captured Nox's attention, due to some fascination she held for him. Without a single regard, she had approached him and striked up a conversation. He was someone fairly interesting in her eyes and someone that was also a Dragon slayer. And with that, she found more reasons to befriend the fellow raven haired individual. Occasionally, the ravenette will find herself leaving the guild to go and find him, simply to spend the day with him or to visit. Although she might not admit it verbally, Nox feels quite comfortable around Rouge. It's easy to converse with him about various things. Of course, she does enjoying a sparring lesson or two whenever the two get a chance to do so.  

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Nox did keep some contact with Rogue, despite the disbandment of Fairy Tail. The dragon slayer found it easier to return to where Rogue was occassionally and interact with him. Being around the male almost made her forget about the friends who she had yet to encounter once again. In a sense, he unknowingly provide a sense of familiarity to the girl. 


Pat the beginning, Nox wasn't sure on how to act around Wendy at first. Despite the hesitance she silently urged herself to take the first step and converse with the young girl more. After all, her upbringing was similair to her and the other dragon slayers. Besides, it felt nice being able to talk to someone else who shared a similar nature to you. Before she even realized it, Nox began to see and treat Wendy as a younger sister. The ice dragon would go to great lengths simply to keep her safe from any harm. With the two of them being dragon slayers, she'll often offer to train with her.  

 |      |

Leaving behind Wendy was a difficult decision for Nox, since she wanted to see her grow up well. However she needed time by herself to process everything before she broke down once more. That might have been one of the reasons why she was so hesitant to visit Wendy during their time part. The guilt she felt for leaving was eating her up, and being around Wendy would only fuel that self hatred she had lingering inside of her. 

Erza Scarlet 

Nox admires the red haired beauty, which had lead the other to approach her first. After all, she was the famous Erza Scarlet from Fairy tail. And with that, she began to converse with Erza whenever the two were at the guild, mission free. After a few weeks of conversing, she began to go on an occasional mission with her and soon hanging out with one another. Within a few more moments spent together, the ravenette's trust was established with Erza. In a sense, she does look up to the redhead given her amazing abilities and beauty. 

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After the disbandment of Fairy Tail, Nox hadn't maintained much contact with Erza due to a number of reasons. The most prominent one being their lack of encounters and answers. Nox had a fairly difficult time trying to locate Erza when she was constantly being pulled in other directions for missions. The result had been a lack of answers and disappointment for the female. 

Lucy Heartfillia 

At first, Nox was fairly hesitant on approaching the blondette for a conversation. She hardly knew much about the girl other than what the others said. Half of said things were just minor conversations about her looks. Nothing useful to go on. Somehow, she found herself beginning a conversation with her. And Lucy seemed like a pretty, sweet girl. Someone that she wanted to make sure no harm came to her. Lucy is someone who Nox finds herself comfortable around, to be honest. 

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Nox did want to offer Lucy a proper goodbye before she left, before the dragon slayer's desire to leave immediately prevented her from doing just that. The only thing she could offer was a quick letter she had written for her before she retreated on her isolated journey from the others. In a sense, she might be avoiding Lucy due to the guilt she feels for leaving without any warning beforehand. 

Gajeel Redfox

Being another dragon slayer, Nox was more than willingly to strike up a conversation with Gajeel. It wasn't often that she encountered individuals who were like her. Dragon slayers. And with that, she excitedly began a conversation with him. His attitude towards her was something she promptly pushed aside, even with the occasional argument or so. After all, Gajeel was good company and a good sparring partner as well. Of course, it is easier being around him given their previous involvement in a dark guild. 

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Similar to Natsu, Nox has a kinship with Gajeel due to their similair backgrounds. In a sense, the dragon slayer was devasted when Gajeel had went his separate way as well to train. She couldn't blame him for thst. After all, everything occurred so suddenly- people needed time to hone their skills once again. 


Gray Fullbuster

Gray was someone she had fought with at first when she first entered the guild, but that quickly changed. Slowly but steadily, her feelings for the Ice Mage began to change into.. something entirely different. It wasn't long before she had a strong urge to avoid him like the plague. However, she knew questions would be asked and she didn't feel like admitting anything to anyone. That decision lead her to suck up her sudden uneasiness and nervousness to stop running away from him. Of course, the constant stripping does leave the girl flustered and annoyed at him. He was making her situation worse! Naturally, she couldn't directly tell him that detail. 


After the disbanding of Fairy Tail, Nox had little contact with Gray after he had left with Juvia. Although she won't admit it, his parting had probably impacted her the hardest given her own feelings for the male. Nevertheless, she chose not to speak about it considering everything that had occurred previously. 

 Natsu Dragneel 

  Natsu is someone the young Nox didn't expect to like at first, but something attracted her to him. The way he gets when a friend is in he risks anything to rescue them even at the cost of his life. He's simply amazing in her point of view, despite his odd tendencies at times. Nevertheless, the moment she noticed her feelings, she felt uneasy. Her emotions were unstable especially in battle, leaving her to be quite a lot of troublesome situations in battle. This often left her in a terrible state by the time she returned to the Fairy Tail guild. Unfortunately for her, people slowly began to notice her slight behavior change around the Dragon slayer. Regardless of her feelings for him, she does feel a kinship with him due to their search for their missing dragon parent. 

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Natsu's disappearance had been one of the main reasons for her to leave as well. After all, he had been one of the few people who had convinced her to join Fairy Tail. It was difficulty to accept that reality, which had forced her to leave before the dragon slayer could possibly break down once she accepted the news of his departure. 

Sting Eucliffe

Sure the two might be fairly good friends with one another, but that doesn't stop the occasional arguments the two may have with one another. After all, their personalities tend to clash from time to time. Nevertheless, the friendship she has with him is something she highly values. It felt nice being able to communicate with other people, who also had a Dragon for a parent. Naturally, that's not the only reason for her kinship with him. It's so easy for Nox to forget about everything and simply act her age, indulging in her own friendly rivalry with the blond from time to time. 

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With Fairy Tail disbanding, Nox has managed to keep some contact with Sting still. For her, it was a lot easier maintaining contact with Sting considering he was in a different guild. Over the course of a few days to weeks, the dragon slayer does make an effort to approach the male and visit him whenever she gets the chance to do so. 

Juvia Lockser 

Juvia was someone Nox had some difficulty communicating with at first, due to her immense fondess for Gray. Despite the dragon slayer's own feelings for the male, she found Juvia's personality to be rather refreshing. It was a nice change, considering most of the air around everyone had been serious lately. Of course, Nox is a bit hesitant to be around Juvia when Gray is around considering the female's possessive nature around the male. That might be the reason why there's a small rivalry between the two girls from time to time. 

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Although Nox won't admit it, she was rather disheartened when she found out Juvia and Gray were leaving together. Nonetheless, she kept her mouth shut and departed first from the remains of their former guild home. 



As much as Nox hates to admit her temporary admittance had been given to her due to guild master's, of her brother's dark guild, having an interest in her. Unfortunately for her, she didn't meet the guild master until recently. Much to her initial surprise, he was a young man around the same age as her though his stature and strength was superior to her own. Of course she had learned the latter the hard way when she unintentionally challenged him one fateful day. Honestly, Nox hardly gets along with him due to Ignis's assertive and open personality, but she puts up with it due to her own growing debt with the redhead. 

Will soon be added.                                                                                    


Affiliation: Fairy Tail guild member. || Temporary member of a dark guild. 

Sense of justice: Chaotic neutral. Despite Nox's good intentions, she'll often end up signing herself for more trouble accidentally. Coincidentally, she has no qualms in involving herself in fights or troublesome situations.

Role: Throughout her stay there, she's steadily building up her status in the guild in hopes of becoming a S class member. 

Strength & Defense; Nox's strength isn't any to gawk at considering the limitations of her abilities. If there isn't anything to fuel her powers up, her defense is a little lacking on the most part. That's only if there's no ice nearby to keep her powers at tip top shape for the most part. 

Intelligence; She is fairly intelligent in aspects of combat and coming up with strategies. The dragon delayer relies heavily on techniques and her recklessness to come up with a witty plan. 

Skills: Her skills are somewhat similar to the other Dragon slayers, though her's are strictly based on ice and cold alone. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Nox's body is quite petite for a young woman of her age due to her slightly short height. Thankfully, she's a few inches taller than Levy so she isn't as short. Her bust isn't anything that beats Erza's or Lucy's but it's hardly anything to be ashamed of for a girl her age and size. Along with that, her hip isn't that large nor small instead it's somewhat in the medium range. There's a few faint freckles on her shoulders and cheeks, though it isn't too noticeable. 

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Over the course of Fairy Tail's disbandment, Nox's body had gone through several changes during that time. The dragon slayer was still fairly petite but there was more noticeable muscle on her body now. Her chest does seem to have a grown a noticeable cup size while her stomach is rather flat. Her hips haven't gone through much change fortunately. There's still noticeable light freckles along her shoulders and cheeks. The dragon slayer did get a bit of a tan, due to her constant missions and training sessions. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Typically, the ravenette goes after clothes that don't get in the way of her movement and aren't too tight and leave her feeling restricted. Hence why she's often seen in jeans or shorts and a black tank top with a simple pair of combat boots. Her style does change to a loose shirt to a long sleeved shirt to a sweeter. Skirts are something she occasionally wears if she feels up to it. If there's a formal event of some sort, then she'll feel inclined to find a dress to wear for the day. 

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Over the course of Fairy Tail's disbandment, Nox's clothing style had changed as well though it wasn't anything major. The dragon slayer still had an obvious preference for fitted and non-constricting clothing. She'll often end up wearing pants and shorts though she does change her style when she needs to go in disguise for a quest. As far as tops go, Nox wears a simple v-neck shirt or a long sleeved shirt, occasionally a loose shift if she's in the mood for it. Her shoes hardly seemed to change in style though. 

Accessories:  The only thing she carries would be a single locket that she found with when she was a mere child. However, the locket seems to be sealed shut by some sort of spell. One that she can't seem to discover a loophole for. 

Makeup: The ravenette hardly uses much make up, unless it's for some sort of formal event. 

Scent: Her scent resembles that of vanilla. 

Hairstyle(s):  Normally, Nox's hair left down to cascade past her shoulder to mid back. Her hair often looks wind swept due to her fascination for heights. This often causes her hair to be completely messed up and slightly disorganized. Recently, she's been keeping her up in a somewhat low ponytail. This is hairstyle strictly for missions only and the like. 

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Over the course of a few months, Nox's hair has grown a bit more in length- now reaching the tips of her lower back and hips. Her bangs are often side swept and kept out of her line of sight, mainly to prevent any hinderance to her. The only difference would be the fact her hair does give off the appearance that it's brushed daily, unlike in the past when it often looked windswept. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's a birth mark on Nox's shoulder that resembles a crescent mark, something her sibling seems to have as well. Nox has a few simple piercings on her ears, each one donning a pair of small metal shaped dragon earrings. There are a few faint scars across her lower back and some on her hip area. These were the result of a few scuffles she had gotten herself in. 

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Over the course of a few months, Nox's body seems to be either littered with various scars on her back along with a few in her upper arms. Although, the ones on her arms are fainter than the ones on her back. The more nasty scar is one on her upper right thigh that is still in the process of healing due to a struggle she had gotten involved in. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

- Lost Realist; Trapt. 

- Victim; Trapt.

- Thistle and weeds; Mumford & Sons. 

- Heavy in your arms; Florence and the machine. 

- - - x 

"I have to do this on my own. I can't continue relying on someone else to solve my problems any longer."

"Ah.. I didn't want to trouble you." 

"I don't mind traveling alone. I sort of got used to a long time ago actually."

"This is the reason why I don't like getting attached to people or places..! Something always goes wrong and people leave. I hate being the only one left behind-...!"

"He.. what? N-No! That's not right! He would never do something like that!" 

"Leave me alone-...! I never asked for help. I don't want it! Just leave me alone..!"

"It's easier pushing people away, in my opinion. Everyone always leaves."

Favorite Food(s): Pasta. Lasagna. Spaghetti. Garlic bread. 

Favorite Color(s): Black. Purple. Red.

Favorite Number(s): Eighteen. Twenty-Seven. Ninty-Six.

Favorite Season(s): Winter or Fall. 

Favorite Holiday(s):  Preferably Christmas or New Years. 

Favorite Time of Day: Mornings around eight to nine a.m.

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