Thursday, July 10, 2014

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

It's so easy to fake a  S M I L E

when you've been doing it for a { while }

"If it comes down to me or you, I wouldn't hesitate to throw myself in front of you." 

Name (last, first): Giorgio, Bambi Iris. 

Meaning: Bambi means curly haired child.

Nickname(s): Bambina. Golden child. Miss heiress. Miracle child. 

Age:  22-25 years old. 

Species: Mutant.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: March 18th.

Life Story:  

Bambi Giorgio's life was relatively normal, excluding the small differences that separated her from others during her adolescence. With her parents being well known and fairly famous, it was hardly much of a surprise that their children would get noticed by various individuals. However, that wasn't something significant in her life instead it would happen during her teen years. Upon turning the age of fifteen, she had been napped in the middle of the street. Bambi was planning on heading out to a friend's house only to have that end terribly. The following events would plague her later in life along with awarding her with a horrible gift. 

She could easily remember fading in and out of consciousness during an entire week. Needles being poked and drugs being administered to her. Her thoughts were running haywire as she tried to decipher what exactly was going on but her thought process was keeping up. The drugs being administered to her kept her from thinking quickly and efficiently. Instead, she would be forced to undergo countless tests that following week until the two men's hideout was discovered by the police, due to an anonymous call being made. However, it was far too late to undo the damage that had been committed to the young girl. 

Various cuts and bruises coated her body almost as if it were a mere coat that she happen to be wearing at the time. The experimentation on her body hadn't speed up the results until only two days later. All of the wounds she endured previously had vanished from sight besides the faint scar on her backside. That seemed to be permanent, odd but no one questioned it. However, they did question the fact her wounds were healing much faster than any normal humans. This had left countless questions in mind. What had been administered to the girl to make her this way?

The scandal was rather difficult to keep hushed but her parents managed to do it with a little help of power and money. They refused to allow their own daughter to suffer due to the consequences of two vile men. Try as they might her healing seemed far too accelerated, which no one could explain. There were far too many questions appearing and hardly many answers to satisfy the preoccupied family. It was around this time that Bambi had sealed herself away in her room, hardly reacting to anything. 

On the following spring of her twentieth birthday, Shield had found the young heiress in midst of her isolation period. Somehow, they managed to convince her to join them despite the first few comments of refusal coming from the female. The thing that had convinced her to join was the fact that they mentioned they could run tests on her to determine what was in her system. Unfortunately, this was a white lie the higher ups had come up with to get her on their side for the time being. Despite her belief that something like this might happen, she continued to linger in the company. It wasn't like her powers would be useful in any other situation besides this one. During this time period she did run into a certain former solider, leaving her with scar or two in the aftermath. Ironically, she narrowly managed to dodge another encounter gone south with him again. Before she knew it, two years had quickly passed and the Avengers were quickly assembled by that time period. 


The attack on the city was one of the reasons why she had taken up training once more, not wanting to be unable to defend herself should the moment call upon it. She wanted to defend herself properly this time around. Sure enough, she was doing just that when rumors that the Winter Solider had appeared. After the events that occurred in the city, she would soon learn the truth about what was truly going on in Shield. With that being known, she had promptly left the company - more like the company itself was destroyed. After the destruction of Shield, she found herself returning to her father's company and temporarily taking a job there. Of course she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and lost in the world she had once been a part of.

Despite being a part of her father's company and having a somewhat stable life, Bambi can't find herself adjusting so easily to her old life once again. This life wasn't the one she had grown accustomed to any longer- instead it left her craving something else completely. However, Bambi continued to live a relatively normal life until two-three months later. The female had long grown uneasy, wanting nothing more but to find the excitement and familiarity that once filled her life- allowing her a feeling of purpose. A feeling she wanted to feel once again. This had been reason why she had made her services available to wherever it may be needed, hardly discriminating one job from another unless it involved killing. The girl fiercely refused to be involved in any jobs that dealt with that. 

Almost five months after that, her parents had died upon impact in a car crash. That moment had significantly changed the lives of the three Giorgio children, considering their parents were everything to them in a sense. It was only six weeks after that event, that the two older children began to run their father's company though Bambi was more of the person to make the plans inside of the building instead of being the individual to represent them outside of the building. Along the way, she found herself becoming heavily involved with one of the members of the X-Men, Wolverine, and later on, Rogue. 

However the meeting with the two members of X-Men had only appeared, after she had established a relationship with Erik Lehnsherr, otherwise known as Magneto. The Italian woman had spent some time along side of him, leaving the company for Beniamino to run, while she ran off to learn more.  Of course, it wasn't until she was with Magneto that she learned the truth behind what happened to her, earlier in her life. That gift that had been given to her was only laying dormant inside of her until it had been awakened, during that time those men kidnapped her. Naturally, all of this information had surprised and easily led her to believe that it was a lie but it was later proven that what Magneto said was true. Bambi Giorgio was a mutant, similar to her deceased cousin. A cousin who's name she doesn't seem able to recall at the given moment. 

During that small time with Magneto, she learned to control her own powers much more than she did previously. However, with power there's a price everyone has to pay for it. Despite the lack of pain she feels in general, there seems to be a loss of reality occurring to her- not to mention, she seems to be much more martyr like. For example, Bambi slowly grew to throw away all hesitation when faced with a dangerous situation. She would willingly put someone else's life before her own, knowing she wouldn't be affected negatively by the situation like any other human would be. With her temporary alliance with Magneto, Bambi had encountered the X-Men numerous times but hadn't established an appropriate opinion on the group. 


Regardless of her brothers voiced wishes, Bambi insisted on joining the Avengers with the immense desire that she needed to do something. After all, what better way to put herself to use? Her regenerative powers could do their job here in the battle instead of inside some office building. With that thought in mind, she spent the next two years in and out of various missions- some in the company of fellow comrades. Slowly, she found herself learning more about her abilities and the way they worked. Of course, Erik's training did help her discover what her true potential was previously. Nevertheless, Bambi grew more and more reckless during her missions though the reason behind that was probably her desire to put herself to use. The battlefield had somehow become a comfort zone for the female, making feel more alive and human there. 

During the shut downs of various Hydra shields, Bambi found herself occupying her time with a wide variety of missions. Some of the missions were with a member of the Avengers or something Nick Fury had set aside for her. Naturally, she did offer occasional assistance to the Avengers when requested. However, she hadn't officially joined until Thor and Tony convinced her to join officially for once. 

"Whatever this is-- I promise I won't forget about it.. but I need to go now. I'm sorry." 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Bambi tends to strategize first and organize her thoughts and emotions before deciding anything course of action. Of course, most of those plans are difficult to process since she's rather impatient at times. There's only so much waiting she can do before ultimately getting fed up with the task of waiting. Naturally, this can lead to her being rather sarcastic if she happens to become bored or completely fed up with something. This might be the reason why she's often spotted countering whatever Tony has to remark about her that following day. Although, when she's mad she tends to be rather emotional as well on those days. 

The Italian woman is quite playful and can be such an awful teaser. She enjoys making others feel rather flustered, considering it can make her mood much more brighter. Of course, she does it enjoy it when others play along- a challenge is welcomed. However, if she were to be the one on the opposite end, then she'd try her hardest to turn the situation around. If she were to get flustered, her cheeks would redden considerable and then she'd proceed to find an escape route. Without an escape route, she'll do her hardest to ignore the individual who made her feel this way. Take it as a small form of revenge in her way. 

It's no surprise that there seems to be an air of confidence surrounding the young brunette, with the parents she has. The woman had been trained to think of herself highly and act ladylike- excluding the moments she's fighting of course. That's something else entirely. Headstrong is one word that can be used to describe her considering she enjoys finishing something to the very end. She isn't one to let things linger by and gather dust. It's much preferred to figure things out first before ending them, the latter being the last option she would choose. 

Whenever the woman happens to be distraught, she'll often stay quiet that day and keep to herself. However, a single affectionate gesture can be well received which would alter her mood significantly. Of course, this depends entirely on the person committing this act of affection. Sometimes she might end up retaliating as a way to relieve herself of this terrible emotions. Naturally, it's easier said than done more than half of the time. 

If she happens to fall in love, she's more than a little cautious about her own actions and thoughts. After all, she doesn't want to fall for someone who might be bad for her. Of course, it doesn't help that she finds herself wanting to be closer with those who hold her affections. Despite her slightly cautious, she'll easily find herself forgetting about everything else and simply focus on the other individual, the one who holds her affection. 

Good Habit(s): Observant. Determined. Organized. Playful. Confident. Graceful. Friendly. Persuasive. Outgoing. Understanding. 

Bad Habit(s): impatient. Sarcastic. Sensitive when angered. Bottles up emotions. Guarded. 

Nationality: A mixture of Italian, European, and a dash of American. 

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy. 

Current Residence: No permanent residence. 

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. Japanese.

Like(s): Coffee. Horror movies. Warm blankets. Sunny weather. Rain. Concept art. Disney. Gothic novels. Sweaters. Cardigans. Music. Animated films. Parks. Cheesecake. Sweets. Lions. Wolves. Foxes. Tv series. Myths. Urban legends. Long drives. Motorcycles. Swimming. Water. Warmth. 

Dislike(s): Sour Candy. Fainting. Sustaining injuries. Heavy amounts of blood in one location. Perverts. Pornography. Dirty books. Lizards. Chameleons. Flies. Mud. Breaking a bone. Heights. Bean dips. Giraffes. Cheesy movies. Pick up lines. Betrayal. Hospitals. Needles. Doctors.

Hobbies: Drawing. Painting. Parkour. Listening to music. Training. Taking photographs. 

Fear(s): Suffering. Blood loss. Losing her siblings. 

Strength(s):  Tactics. Plans. Strategies. Close combat. 

Weakness(es): Anxiety problems. Bad at coping. Far away combat. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Regeneration. 

☆  Fire manipulation. 

☆  Fast healing.

☆ Excellent senses. 

☆  Agility.

☆ Fast reflexes. 

☆  Aging is slowed. 


☆ Due to being the eldest out of her siblings, Bambi is the current heir to her father's business. 

☆  Currently, she's trying to figure what it is that she truly wants. 

☆ The young Italian woman has an apartment of her own out in the city, where she lives with her two husky pups. 

☆  Considering the fact she owns two husky pups, Bambi spoils the two quite often with treats and other toys. 

☆  Unknown to many, her powers seemed to develop fairly quickly to the point that it began to scare her. After all, she knows very little about her powers at the given moment. 

☆  After her parents death, Bambi manages her father's company along side her twin brother, Beniamino, and later, Luciano, as well.

☆  At one point of her life, Magneto served as a mentor to the young Italian woman. Of course, this was before she knew the X-Men and who exactly Magneto was. 

"Just.. tell me what I have to do."

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream:  Honestly, Bambi isn't quite sure what she wants anymore. At one point, she believed all she wanted was to be able to escape this life of fighting but that wasn't her dream. Not anymore at least. The Italian woman craved something else completely unknown to her. 

Occupation/Job: Due to the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. , Bambi was forced to find a job elsewhere. Of course that was much easier said then done. However, she has managed to gain a position in her father's business- temporarily of course. Despite that, she quit that job to join the Avengers group- deciding it was better to put herself to use there.

Nightmares: It isn't odd for Bambi to wake up in the middle of the night on the verge of a soundless screaming fit. Those days that she had been taken constantly haunt her in her dreams, unless she's medicated or sleeping with someone else in the bed beside her.

Insecurities: Due to her abilities, Bambi can't help but feel as if she's an outcast now. Her abilities put her at an obvious distance from others, after all. 

"This pain will only last for a brief moment and you know that, so let me do this."

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Rosalina Ricciolino Giorgio, 42- 45 years old.  { Deceased by Post-Avengers timeline. }

Rosalina had successfully earned her way to stardom upon the end of her adolescence, when she was a young adult woman. Her work continued throughout the years, only stopping once her children arrived. Of course, she did continue to act in other films but she waited until her children had grew up decently with their doting mother watching over them. Upon reaching the age of thirty nine, she had retired from acting and decided to take on a job as acting coach while occasionally helping with scripts in her husband's filming company. 

Christopher Giorgio, 44-48 years old. { Deceased by Post-Avengers timeline }

Christopher Giorgio, the son of a wealthy business man in the entertainment industry. It seemed only natural for him to continue his late father's legacy in the film industry by taking over. Sure enough, Chris was the perfect fit for the head of the filming company. Only a few months later would he met the love of his life and the future mother of his children. Naturally, he continued with the business during their marriage but he did take days off to spend more time with his family. After all, he is a family oriented man to the point that his career didn't prevent him from coming home consistently.  


Beniamino Giorgio, 21-24 years old. 

Beniamo Giorgio is the second child, while being the eldest son for the Giorgio family. Out of the three siblings, he's possibly closer to Bambi than he is with his younger brother, Luciano. Of course this might be because the two have more similarities than they do differences. The two can easily be spotted hanging out with one another, if the other isn't busy with something- job and other friends mainly. Ben works in his father's company as well, but he does take on a occasional job as a male model for clothing. Whatever earns him money is good in his book as long as it doesn't involve nudity. 

Luciano Giorgio, 19- 22 years old. 

Unlike his siblings, Luciano decided to live away from his immediate family and live with one of his uncles, Benjamin Ricciolino. He didn't want to be recognized with someone else's accomplishments other than his own. Of course, with his mother and father's careers it wasn't any easier to ignore. That was the sole reason he had decided to move away upon turning sixteen. Despite his father's refusal and his mother's hesitance, he informed him that he didn't want to live under their shadow any longer. He wanted to be recognized as his own person and he could do just that if he lived somewhere else, in a completely different environment than his own. During the weekends, he does stop by to hang out with his family and friends. 


Benjamin Ricciolino, 30-34 years old. 

Benjamin is one of Bambi's uncles that she happens to be close to, considering their similar interests. Her uncle is an artist, who often can be spotted painting many more works of art. Most of his paintings can be found in galleries during various art shows. Although, he prefers spending time with his family members and his own small family of three, consisting of his wife and three month old baby girl. He's quite the doting father for his children, giving the same treatment to his niece and nephew. 


Hades, one month and half old husky. 

This small husky was given to Bambi by her uncle Benjamin during her last birthday. The male pup is rather playful and energetic, constantly being seen running all over the place. When he isn't energetic, he can be spotted sleeping somewhere warm and quietly. 

Aphrodite , one month old husky. 

Now this little female pup was given to her by her parents, who didn't know her uncle, Benjamin, had gotten her the same gift as well. Aphrodite is a rather tame dog, preferring to sleep instead of running around every where. 

Best Friend(s):

Tony Stark ( Iron Man ) 

This was quite the odd relationship from the very start. Somehow Bambi had met Tony beforehand and from there their odd friendship blossomed. Their friendship resembled nothing like an actual one honestly. There would be a constant back and forth stream of insults between the two along with a few conversations about businesses and his suits. Just general things until another witty challenge would arise once more. Despite the insults, Bambi does enjoy going out with Tony for a drink or two with Pepper as well of course. Honestly, Bambi admits to liking the time she spends with Tony either conversing about business or simply going out for drinks. Despite their close friendship, Bambi still has a few conflicts with Tony occasionally. 

Thor Odison

One way or another, Thor had immediately captured Bambi's attention with little effort. The male is a god after all, and a part of the myths. The latter reason might be the sole reason she grew interest in him rapidly. Of course, the conversations about his world slowly changed into daily conversations between the two. Thor was quite an interesting person in her book, someone she definitively wanted to find out more about. In exchange of information of his world, she'd answer quite a few questions of Earth. It was the least she could do considering she asked an awful lot whenever they would sit down and talk. Due to their close friendship, it's no surprise that Bambi will often find herself fighting alongside through frequently or simply becoming much more open about herself and her thoughts in the god's presence. 


Alastor Alf Heron ( Knight )

Bambi  had encountered the male sometime during her time with Magneto. It wasn't an immediate friendship though the two did seem to click well as partners. Naturally, the two did make an odd partnership considering Alastor was far too proud to request help while Bambi happened to be the opposite- considering she'll often put herself in harm's away regardless of the other individuals' content. The two had become close enough that she was invited to the small wedding Alastor had with his wife, Luciana, along with the birth of his child.  Over time, the two had gotten so used to one another that their fighting style is on pair with one another's. However, that doesn't imply that the two don't argue from time to time over foolish things like her getting in the way when he didn't require assistance.  

Wanda Maximoff ( Scarlet Witch )

Bambi instantly took a liking to Wanda, sometime during her recruitment into the Avengers. She doesn't feel anything but companionship and admiration for the other woman. After all, Bambi enjoys her company along with her remarks occasionally. She finds her determination pretty admirable as well.  Truth be told, the brunette finds it pretty fun to work alongside of Wanda, finding her abilities to be rather admirable.

Peter Parker ( Spiderman )

Bambi had ran into Peter one night during a small incident, and the two managed to hit it off fairly quickly. Of course, she hadn't known who he truly was under the mask until much later. Regardless, Bambi gets along fairly well with the web slinger which is easy to notice. After all, she finds herself in a more playful and outgoing mood when he's around. Despite their close friendship, she still gets over protective over the masked hero. Regardless of that, she does want to do her best to help Peter especially when she found out about his uncle's death. She can relate to it considering her parents' death affects her to this day, which leads her to go the extra mile for the male.


Logan Howlett ( Wolverine )

Logan had been one of the first members of the X-men that Bambi would come to met in her life. Despite the rough edges the older man has, the Italian woman feels completely at ease around him. After all, he resembles.. an older brother figure to the female, almost making her feel like she doesn't need to shoulder the responsibility of the oldest child anymore. In a sense, she can act recklessly in Wolverine's presence, silently knowing he'd be the one to remind her when to reel back her safety net. Bambi enjoys the man's gruff side and will often seek him out for a few pointers whenever the chance arises.


Rogue might have been hesitant to approach Bambi at first, but the Italian woman found the mutant's demeanor interesting. In a sense she could relate to her, considering Bambi had no desire to have any powers in the first place. However, even she had to admit her powers weren't as bad compared to Rogue's. Due to her regenerative powers, the brunette has no qualms in the possibility of the female coming into contact with her physically. With that issue pushed aside, Bambi finds it easy to express herself both verbally and emotionally in Rogue's presence. It's quite simply for her feel comfortable and relaxed around the girl. To be more specific, it almost makes Bambi feel like the two have a sisterly bond considering how protective and concerned she is when it comes to Rogue. 


Clint Barton ( Hawkeye )

This friendship was hardly much of a surprise, considering he was probably the sanest of all the Avengers. It was no surprise Bambi would attempt to invite him out to a drink, along with another companion or two. The two get along fairly well on a day to day basis, occasionally being sent on missions with one another. For Bambi, Clint is excellent company though he's not the greatest at giving out advice. Nonetheless, she does enjoy attempting to shoot targets whenever she finds Clint over in the training room. 

Bruce Banner ( Hulk )

Similar to Tony's treatment of Bruce, Bambi regards him as a normal individual. After all, she herself is.. unique as well which made her reach out for a friendship with him. Naturally, she began to invite him out for drinks with Tony and herself during break hours. She happens to enjoy the conversations they share immensely. Despite the close friendship, she still shows hesitance when it comes to fighting beside him when his other side shows up. Although, the brunette is slowly working her way around that as we speak.

Natasha Romanoff ( Black Widow ) 

Natasha intrigued Bambi greatly, making the brunette rather curious about the young woman. And with that curiosity, she began to seek out Natasha for a conversation or two, even a drink if the woman was willing. One way or another, the two had began develop a friendship of some sorts. Of course, Bambi did admire Natasha considering the woman was many things- deadly yet stunning. It sort of became a habit for the Italian woman to come to the redhead for a few pointers or a simple sparring match, considering training with Natasha helps out Bambi a lot in figuring out her own weaknesses.

Charles Xavier ( Professor X )

Charles had always been someone that made Bambi hesitant, though it was understandable at the time. After all, she had sided with Magneto during her first encounter with Charles and the X-men. There had been a brief mental conversation going on between them at the time. It would be a complete lie if Bambi denied the fact that Charles's  words affected her to a certain extent, making her ponder where her loyalties truly lie.  For her, he became someone she sought out quite frequently- constantly in need to communicate with the older man. It was easier for her to communicate with him than her own family about her powers.  To this day, she wouldn't hesitate to fight for Charles if he asked her to do so.

Jean Grey ( The Phoenix )

Jean is someone that Bambi had encountered sometime during her time with Magneto, though they were on opposite sides at the time. However, that's besides the point. The woman admires Jean's intellect and abilities, finding herself desiring to reach her level.  It's no surprise that Bambi happens to have Jean in high regard, often listening to the other woman's advice on things before doing something entirely foolish.  


Note: Tony Stark, Thor or Loki can also be considered a crush as well.

Steve Rogers ( Captain America ) 

One way or another.. her feelings for the Captain had changed from what they were initially. This was something she absolutely hated considering it wasn't wise to date others in the same business as her. After all, you would see them getting hurt and suffering- something she desperately wanted to avoid seeing as much as possible. However, things didn't work out that way. Bambi had began to seek out Steve occasionally, wanting to strike up a conversation with him. Somehow she had managed just that, beginning to have a decent friendship with him established. 

There's something about Steve that attracted her attention in the first place. It could have been his morals or the way he was a natural born leader and an all-round good guy. Nevertheless, her interest had already been piqued by the older man. With her obvious interest, she's become a bit more vocal about spending time with him whether it's on the training or battle grounds. 

James Buchanan Barnes ( Winter Solider ) 

Their initial meeting wasn't the greatest considering a fight broke out and she was left with a scar or two in the aftermath. Bambi believed this would be the last encounter with the man until the incident in Washington occurred. As much as she blatantly denied it to herself, curiosity towards the masked man was bound to occur. Something she had never intended for. It had occurred suddenly, leaving her in a complete state of dismay and confusion. Something had to be changed quickly. Despite her thoughts, she found herself drawing closer to him wanting to find out more about the man behind the mask. There wasn't any harm in doing that small thing, right? Then again.. Curiosity did get the cat killed, didn't it? The Italian woman quickly found herself becoming frustrated with the chaotic stir of emotions within her. 

Despite his past deeds, Bambi still finds herself extremely curious and interested in him even after he discovered who he was previously. Over time she found herself with an immense desire to figure out who he was. That might have explained why she slowly found herself seeking out the ever elusive man.

Pietro Maximoff  ( Quicksilver )

There was something about the male that captured Bambi's attention fairly quick. Of course, she's quick to deny that fact. After all, she doesn't enjoy letting him know he's right about a few things.  Despite being new on the team, she holds him in high regard and has a great deal of trust placed on the male. Of course, she'll often cave to her more playful ways around him due to their rivalry from time to time. Bambi enjoys the male company, deeming it more fun to have him around. It's no surprise that she doesn't hesitate to watch his back or vice versa. 

Loki Laufeyson. ( Possible crush ) 

Loki leaves Bambi feeling amazed yet irritated, considering his very nature. He intrigues her but it isn't something she'd like to find out more about. The man was rather.. manipulative and enjoyed getting into people's heads. The latter was one thing she'd liked to avoid considering some things were better left unsaid. And there was quite a lot that couldn't be as easily revealed in her mind. However, she does seem to enjoy a conversation or two with him. Somehow she can't help but sympathize with him, a feeling that should not be allowed considering the man's previous actions. 

Regardless of their past, Bambi doesn't seem to feel any hostility towards Loki though that's predictable. After all, she can't help but.. sympathize with him in a sense, which is something she shouldn't feel. 

Wade Wilson ( Deadpool )

It's safe to say Wade and Bambi don't see eye to eye often, considering it feels more like a sibling bond more than anything. Although it can resemble a straight up rivalry with the way their morals constantly clash with one anothers'. Nevertheless, the woman has a somewhat decent relationship with the male though their rivalry often gets in the way of things.  



Erik Lehnsherr ( Magneto )

The older man might have taught her a few things but Bambi can't help her own cautious emotions around the male.  After all, the news of his own alliance had made her fairly hesitant to join or learn more from her former mentor. Despite her better judgement, she can't help but think Erik does have a point in some of stances against the humans. Of course, this isn't something she has verbally stated just yet given her own reluctance to do so. Regardless of the brunette's friendship with the X-men, she can't find herself fully betraying him despite the knowledge of what Erik has done. A part of her still sees him as a mentor and a possible parental figure, something that's recently become lost to her. Bambi won't admit it but she will help out Magneto occasionally if the task doesn't involve killing or harming a non-mutant or civilian. 




Affiliation:  S.H.I.E.L.D ( Formerly ) ,  The brotherhood ( Formerly ), Avengers, and X-Men ( limited ). 

Alignment: Chaotic good. Bambi has no qualms against doing something that's for the good of someone else's, but her methods may be a bit chaotic though. After all, she no regard for herself due to her own regeneration abilities. This will led her to throw away her own safety in favor of protecting someone else or simply helping out. 

Agility:  To be specific, Bambi isn't the most graceful considering she does stumble from time to time. Nonetheless, her recent training has helped in improving her abilities. Although she's no dancer when it comes to moving quickly and evading certain attacks. 

Fighting ability: Bambi's strength is fairly high but it's nothing that can rival Steve's or Bruce's own remarkable strength. Her reflexes are fairly fast while her defense skills are top notch, she could still sharpen them quite a bit. Due to her regenerative ability, she doesn't mind taking on some damage during fights at the price of suffering for someone else's safety. 

Influence: Due to her family's company and reputation, Bambi does have a great deal of influence considering she has various connections throughout the city and the like. Of course, she does have advantage considering she knows how to communicate well with others to get her point across.  

Intelligence: Bambi's intelligence is fairly high considering she enjoys making plans and strategies. However, she prefers to brainstorm escape plans or distractions half of the time. 

Preferred role: Bambi was one of the more elite and well known agents of Shield before everything went down. Nevertheless, she prefers undercover missions or ones that involve fighting. After all, her disregard towards her  helps allows her to go crazy in this aspect. 

Skills: Considering she has had more experience on the job, she's learned a number of things which includes hacking into computers, defense maneuvers, escape techniques, interrogation skills and others. 

|| M A R V E L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Who brought her in?: Nick Fury had encountered her some time after her twentieth birthday.

Dual Identity: Unknown. 

Education: High school graduate, hand -to- hand combat tutoring, Computer skills, and a few others.

Missions she typically handles?: Usually, Bambi handles  undercover missions or those where she doesn't have to worry about keeping her own abilities out of sight. 

Loyalty: Undecided.

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: With all of the training Bambi does, her body is quite slender similar to Natasha's body frame. Her chest is somewhat moderate b-cup, nothing to be disappointed in really- same goes for her other most looked at assets. As far as skin care goes, Bambi's skin is relatively smooth and her complexion is rather fair. However, the female doesn't tan easily unless she uses proper tanning lotions and the like. There are a few noticeable freckles to be found on her shoulders and cheeks. Her nails are trimmed and occasionally painted during her off days. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Typically, Bambi can be seen in various outfits depending on the occasional and time of day. She'll be wearing anything from a simple pair of shorts, skirts to skinny leg type jeans while her shirts range from different things. Anything from a v-neck, tank top to a somewhat flowly dress will be used. During the early morning, when she's at home, she'll be spotted in a simple band tee and either a pair of shorts or leggings. Of course during winter, dresses, leggings and long sleeved sweaters will be used- along with cardigans. For work she dresses differently, a blouse and a pencil skirt is used much more often during those times. For public events, she's inclined to dress in elegant gowns or something casual yet femine.  It's a completely different matter for sleep, considering she'll often prefer a simple pair of shorts and either a button down shirt or a tank top. 

Accessories: Hanging around her neck is two necklaces, one is silver anchor while the other is a simple medieval looking pocket watch that contains a picture of her family. 

Makeup: Bambi's make up is kept natural looking and very light, but she hardly used it before Shield went down. Now, she can spotted wearing light eye make up and a pale pink lipstick. 

Scent: There's a sweet scent resembling Vanilla that lingers on the young adult. 

Hairstyle(s):  Normally, her dark chocolate locks are kept down to fall in light curls, residing on her shoulders. Bambi's hair is naturally wavy though she does make some effort to straighten her hair out early in the morning. It's no surprise that she'll occasionally decide against that idea. During missions, she's known to keep her hair in a bun to keep it out of the way. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: On Bambi's inner right wrist resides a basic anchor, filled in black. It was a tattoo she had gotten with her brothers two years ago. There's also a small bar-code tattoo that contains her birth-date on it, along with the year in Roman numerals. It isn't usual for her to have a scar or too on her slim body. Sure enough, there is a rather large one trailing from her upper shoulder blades down to mid back. It's rather faint but it can still be easily spotted if one were to closely observe her flesh. Naturally, she does have one pair of simple ear piercings. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

  - Take me away ; Globus. 

- Drown ; Bring me the horizon. 

-Holding on to you ; Twenty one pilots. 

- Serial Killer ; Lana Del Rey.

- Hollow Drum ; Laura Welsh. 


"I can't go back to my old self - not anymore at least. I've seen things I can't unseen.. I even done things I would never think of doing before. I just can't understand what I'm supposed to do now..?"

"You know.. you look rather handsome right about now.."

"Haha, this feels like a bad story just wanting to land on some poor editor's desk."

Favorite Food(s): Lasagna. Italian dishes. 

Favorite Color(s): Calm and peaceful colors. 

Favorite Number(s): 18. 96. 27. 59. 

Favorite Season(s): Winter. Fall. 

Favorite Holiday(s):  Christmas eve. Halloween. 

Favorite Time of Day: Morning. 

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