Saturday, October 11, 2014

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|| I N T R O D U C T I O N || 
I had to let it happen.

I had to change.  

Name (last, first): Himura, Akane. 

Meaning: Akane happens to mean "deep red" in Japanese. Himura means "scarlet village" from hi meaning "scarlet" and mura meaning "village".

Nickname(s): Little red.

Age: Sixteen-Eighteen years old.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .


Life Story: December 22nd. 

        Akane Himura was born at midnight on December 22nd, to Souji and Chizuru Himura. Her two brothers were already a year or two older by that time. Of course, it was a few troublesome years considering her weak health and the health problem that had soon made it's appearance in her life. The health problem that made itself known is Cardiomyopathy, which is a weakening of the heart muscle or another problem with the heart muscle. It often occurs when the heart cannot pump as well as it should, or with other heart function problems. Most patients with cardiomyopathy have heart failure. At the time, the small family of five could barely afford to pay the cost of her surgery for heart, instead they opted to use much more simpler methods. Treatments that they could afford for her. 

    Over time, her parents had raised both children with plenty of love and happiness. Of course, they couldn't always be there to protect them whenever harsh words came their way. After all, their uncle Renji Himura always had an awful habit of saying awful things that he didn't mean- most of which was directed to the three young children. It was never intentional but with his consistent drinking and their general tendency to be loud.. Well some harsh words were said in their presence. Nevertheless, it was something they'd have to deal with considering he was living with them temporarily. 

    On her thirteen birthday, her father, Souji, had died due to a sudden heart attack. It was quite unexpected since no one in the family had expected that to occur anywhere in the near future. However, nothing could be changed. They had to accept the fact Souji was dead and they needed to plan for a funeral. And sure enough, her mother, Chizuru planned for it but after that, it was quite difficult to pull her away from her work. After all, she needed something.. anything to pull her out of this depression she felt. However, nothing could really do that for the older woman. Instead, she continued to work long hours while the children spent time among themselves. After all, they couldn't necessarily change anything at the given moment. 

   And with that, her life was relatively normal for the next few years excluding Renji's harsh comments from time to time. Of course, there were a few scares from time to time due to her weak health problems. Ironically, that wasn't the only scare that had occurred in those days- around her fifteenth birthday. Sadly, Hiro had gotten involved in a accident that had sent him to the hospital only to day the very same day he was admitted. It was a fairly sad day for all of the party involved. Akane was definitively hit hard by the loss of one of her older brother's considering she was fairly close to both of them. 

    By the time Akane was sixteen, she already had both guardian characters and knew little of Easter's big plan. Of course, it wasn't long before she began to find out more about Easter through Tadase and the gang. With the team Tadase had made up, the crew soon decided to reveal a bit more to her considering she had guardian characters herself. Akane had soon decided to offer her help in searching for the Embryo- but her help is limited considering her weak health at times. However with her recent health scare, Akane gradually began to distance herself a bit from her own friends. After all, she doesn't want to risk them finding out or becoming weak in front of them. 

   Her dull life gradually began to change once Easter had gotten bigger, due to her mother's job in that business. The company had offered to pay the medical expenses for Akane's sickness, which was more than they could afford with their income. That had sealed the deal for their mother, Chizuru. Of course, the secret concerning Akane's shugo chara would later be found out by a member of the company. This event would eventually force her into becoming heavily involved with Easter along with their plans to gather more shugo charas for their plans. She had no other option than to help them, considering her obvious limitations. 

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Akane often tends to come across as overly optimistic and bright, though it's only a facade. The brown eyed female can be fairly pessimistic when she's feeling disheartened. However, that isn't a sight she shows anyone. Of course, there are other sides to her that she isn't fond of sharing in general. For example, she doesn't like showing anyone her angry side but it does happen nonetheless. When the female is angry, she only offers a thin lipped smile and proceeds to take on a much more cold and distant demeanor. However, that's only because she doesn't want to risk snapping at someone. On the rare occasion that she does snap, her cheeks will flush with warmth and she's quick to bite with her words. 

Normally, the brunette can be quite playful and often coming up with various ways to make someone laugh. After all, she doesn't enjoy seeing someone with a frown. Occasionally this can often make others upset which ideally leads the girl to try and apologize if she does upset someone. Whenever that happens, Akane is quick to move over to their side and try to find some way to apologize for former actions. Trust me, the brunette can be fairly stubborn as well during those cases. 

Akane can often be caught doting on others and quite protective over them as well. After all, she doesn't want her friends or loved ones to experience any type of pain if she can possibly prevent it. And sure enough, that's the reason why she often puts herself in troublesome situations to deal with their problems for them either directly or indirectly. Ironically, she doesn't like informing her friends when she has a set of troubles herself. After all, she doesn't want to burden them with a petty problem. Pushing that aside, she can be quite affectionate with people if she feels relatively close to them and comfortable. 

Whenever the female happens to be upset or in tears, she prefers to hole herself up somewhere and stay there. After all, she doesn't like to be seen as weak by others. Instead, she wants to be seen as someone strong and dependable- so being caught crying wouldn't show that. In a sense, you could say that she's often bottling up her emotions and pretending she feels something she doesn't. The brunette does tend to put up a strong front to comfort others first before herself. Of course, when someone refuses to leave the girl alone while she's in a teary eyed state, then she finally allows herself to give in for once. Akane can become incredibly vulnerable and weak during these moments, easy to give in to sadness and to the words of comfort or harshness one might offer her. 

Good Habit(s): Affectionate, generous, protective, playful, friendly, and thoughtful.

Bad Habit(s): Distant, stubborn, guarded, vulnerable, and reluctant.
Nationality: Japanese. 

Place of Origin: Japan. 

Current Residence: Japan.

Spoken Languages: Japanese and English.

Like(s): Coffee, rain, the smell of Vanilla, snow, music, zodiac, fairy tales, warmth, blankets, cats, video games, electronics, thriller novels, mystery novels, marshmallows, desserts, soft melodies, small animals, scented items, sleeping in, films, swimming, relaxing in the sunlight, running in the rain and physical contact.
Dislike(s): Being dependent, waking up at odd hours, sight of blood, harsh words, cruel treatment, manipulative people, dark chocolate, crowded areas, being forced into things, waking up early, being disturbed, being seen as weak by others, sympathetic looks, being treated differently, and her sickness. 
Hobbies: Daydreaming. Reading. Drawing. Swimming. Wandering about. Playing piano. 

Fear(s): Abandonment. Earthquakes. Heart failure. Blood clots. Cardiac arrest. Sudden death. 

Strength(s): Conversational skills. Observing. Tasks involving creativity. Singing. Talented with drawing and playing piano. 

Weakness(es): Weak health. Finding locations. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Considering she can't do many strenuous activities, Akane is quite skilled with her hands. However, she sucks at sewing to an extreme. 

☆  Akane is the youngest child in her family, with her two brothers being older than her by a year. 

☆  Her health problem happens to be Cardiomyopathy, which often requires her to only do a minimum amount of exercise.

☆  Usually, she sleeps for about six hours and half on a day to day basis. Of course, she does tend to sleep longer if it's a relatively warm day. 

☆  Italian food is one thing that will easily convince the girl to comply with favors. 

☆  Making Origami figures is a small hobby she happened to pick up recently. 

☆  Akane's health problems is something she's kept to herself, not telling anyone in her group of friends. After all, she doesn't want to be treated differently because of that. 

☆  Akane is more than aware of the obvious risks her diseases has given her, along with the fears she has. This is she's often seen putting up a strong front, not wanting to show her weak side. Truthfully, Akane is scared of death and this disease brings her incredibly close to it. 

☆  Losing both her father and one of her older brothers has affected her greatly, but she refuses to let her walls down enough for anyone to catch on that she's merely acting strong. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  Have a peaceful life without her health getting in the way of things.
☆  To end her involvement with Easter.

☆  Student. 
☆  Coerced into working with Easter.

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Souji Hiraomato, thirty-four years old. Deceased. 

Souji Hiramoto was a rather kind and playful soul, often enjoying teasing his children. The man was a great father to all his children, doting on each one of them equally instead of acting biased with the children. In a gentle and playful manner, of course. Nonetheless, the writer had experienced quite a lot of joy until he turned thirty one. Souji had been having hearts problems for some time, but he hadn't properly gotten himself checked by the doctors. 

Chizuru Himura, thirty-two years old. 

      Chizuru is quite the busy woman, if she's not at home doting on her children. The blonde spends most of her time working at the office, busying herself with more cases than she can talk on. She's quite easy going and a bit embarrassing to deal with considering her occasional teasing comment or two. Other than that, she's the typical hard working mother of three children. Normally, she's leaves spending money for the children before she's going off to work or attending over meeting in different area in general. 

     However, plans quickly changed once Chizuru had gotten a job offer in Easter. They offered to pay for Akane's medical expenses, which were more than the family could afford. And with that thought in mind, she willingly give in and worked for Easter. 


Kazuma Himura, seventeen-nineteen years old.

       Kazuma Himura is fairly protective of his younger sister, Akane, remembering her weak health. One might say he's constantly doting on her and leading her to depend on him. After all, he doesn't want to risk the chance of something happening with her weak health in mind. Nevertheless, the male is relatively easy going despite his somewhat distant looks. With his brother's death, he's already beginning to detach himself from others but has managed to keep a relatively close relationship with his last remaining sibling. Over time, he has managed to return to his former personality that he donned in the past.

Hiro Himura, seventeen-nineteen years old. Deceased. 

        Hiro Tsukiko is the sibling who happens to be quite addicted to sports though it's mainly swimming and basketball at that. However, Hiro had dropped out of school during his third year of high school to pursue a different path. Of course, that's not to say he didn't get in quite a bit of trouble due to his actions. However because of that one mistake, Hiro was sent to the hospital due to an accident. Instead of returning to his family healthy, he had died the very same as day as the accident. 


Renji Tsukiko

Renji is the typical player and avid drinker, always found with a drink in hand. The male is far from being kind, instead he's quite troublesome to deal with. After all, he has a nasty habit of saying every single thing that comes into mind. Of course with a uncle as rotten as this one, Akane learned it was better to put up a strong front. After all, she didn't want to be seen as weak due to his harsh words and her former sensitivity to them. She learned by now that it's better to either accept his words and move on or simply ignore him entirely. 


Best Friend(s):

Tadase Hotori 

At first, Akane had never expected to get along so well with Tadase, considering their age differences. Somehow, their occasional conversations grew to longer conversations and then they become far more frequent. And with that, she began to hang out a bit more with the blond, enjoying his company. Tadase is someone that she wants to help, if she has the power to do so. After all, he's someone fairly important to her and someone she see as a younger brother. In a way you could say he reminded her of her father, due to their somewhat similar personalities. 

Utau Hoshina 

Utau Hoshina was only someone Akane had managed to meet by chance, considering their obvious differences. Not once did the brunette expect to converse with the idol more so than others in their age group. Nevertheless, it had happened by chance and she can't say she dislikes it. After all, being around Utau helps the female feel far more relaxed than she usually would around other individuals. Of course, there's that and the fact she can be herself around the idol without any consequences coming from it. 


Nagihiko Fujisaki

Nagihiko was another unexpected friendship, but it had a pleasant start. That much was guaranteed at the very least. Akane does enjoy watching his conversations with Tadase, finding the two to be hilarious when their with one another. Of course, it's funnier when Kukai also happens to be involved in the conversation. Nonetheless, Akane enjoys spending time with Nagihiko whenever there's a chance to do so. However, she's a little on guard with him around considering how intuitive he is.

Kukai Souma

Kukai was someone she had met earlier through one of his older brothers, yet she had managed to befriend the younger teen. He's definitively someone she has fun competing against whenever she character changes with Hisako. After all, the guardian character does strengthen her physical abilities to a certain degree. Pushing that aside, Akane enjoys her conversations with Kukai, finding them to be quite enjoyable. He's also someone she feels protective over, willing to throw herself in harm's way for him. Of course, there's that and the fact she can act herself around him. It's also easier for her to confess her thoughts to Kukai.

Yaya Yuki 

Now Yaya might be hard to handle at times but Akane doesn't mind that fact. After all, she sees her as a younger sister- constantly wanting to keep her away from any possible harm. With that in mind, Akane is quite over protective of Yaya- willing to put herself in the way of danger for her. You could say her selfless nature kicks in more with Yaya around- or if she's in trouble, in general. 

Amu Hinamori 

With Amu's personality, Akane never expected the two to get along in the near future. However, it seemed fate had other things in mind considering it wasn't long before the two began conversing. Of course, Akane is somewhat hesitant around Amu considering the way the pinknette interacts with Ikuto. Jealously isn't her thing but it's hard not to feel that when she sees how those two interact with one another. Nonetheless, she does enjoy conversing with Amu whenever a chance arises. 


Ikuto Tsukiyomi 

  Ikuto Tsukiyomi wasn't someone that Akane wanted to interact with given the description of him that she heard from Tadase. Somehow, the two began to interact with one another- well not necessary, considering Akane was wary about the older male. It wasn't surprising that the conversations grew to be more frequent between the two. After all, the two teens attended the same high school. The conversation was bound to happen after awhile of finding out the other's plans. With Ikuto's teasing, Akane finds it extremely hard to stay calm around him, fearing that the wall she built up will crumble to nothing with him around. And that thought absolutely scares her. 

   Perhaps that's the reason why she's so guarded around the male. Akane doesn't want to risk the chance of Ikuto finding out her thoughts or feelings, which she considers to be extremely private. There's that and the fact he happens to be quite close to Amu, which might explain why she's rather hesitant around him.


Kairi Sanjou 

Normally, Akane would have gotten along with him but fate had entirely different plans for the two. Their unusual friendship turned out to be more of a rivalry for some reason. Of course, it isn't like the female minds that much considering it's still a friendship nonetheless. It might have been his personal involvement with Easter before that kept Akane from befriending the male, which hardly came as a surprise. After all, she couldn't allow her own involvement with Easter be known to the others. 

Rima Mashiro

Despite the friendliness between the two, it's not always easy for the two females to get along. After all, Rima can easily find out when Akane happens to put up a strong front. That's probably the only reason why she's rather hesitant to converse with the younger girl even more. Her strong facade isn't something she wants crumbling anytime soon. Regardless of that, Akane sees Rima as a younger sister which explains her occasional teasing in regards to the smaller blonde.


|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Easter ( forced )
Alignment: Lawful neutral- Akane prefers doing what's right even if it means pushing aside her own thoughts towards the subject.This explains her conflicted thoughts when it comes to her work with Easter. After all, she has no desire to work as a tool for their disposal. Nonetheless, she keeps her connection to Easter a secret from the others as well. 
Role: Because of her mother's involvement with Easter, Akane's shugo charas were discovered by them leading to the company to coerce the brunette into working with them. Despite the girl's desire to stay far away from them, she couldn't keep herself from becoming a tool at their disposal. Regardless of her involvement with the company, Akane has shown signs of helping out Tadase and his group from time to time. However, she can't outright help them with anything at the given moment. 
 Education: High school.
Strength; Due to her health problems, she can come across as extremely weak and frail unless she's slapping someone. Other than that, she's practically weak as a twig. This might be the reason why she's often considered weak in terms of physically abilities.

Defense; With her health problems, Akane grew more skilled at being able to dodge any attack coming her way. It makes up for her severe lack in the strength department, after all. At least, she won't have to worry about being harmed in the near future because of her fast reflexes.

Intelligence; Considering her lack in the strength department, Akane hardly wasted much time in becoming a more adapt thinker. Strategies happens to be something that she specializes in greatly, though her strategies still need some sharpening before they can be called something great. 

Grades: Surprisingly, Akane's grades are fairly good even though she tends to slack off with studying from time to time. 

|| S H U G O  C H A R A  E X T R A ||

Name: Hisako

Meaning: Long- lived child. 

Born from?: Hisako was born from Akane's desire to life a relatively healthy life, free from any health problems. She's practically everything she had wanted to be before- and still does actually. She wanted to be able to do all the things others kids could do her age. Of course, there's that and the fact that she didn't hear any more pessimistic comments concerning her weak health any longer. 

Personality: Hisako is quite an upbeat and cheerful type of gal, someone Akane might resemble. Although, Hisako does happen to be cheerful unlike her master. The bright cerulean hue eyed girl is quite eager to help and always seen moving about- hardly wanting to stay still. Instead, she's always moving about from place to place. 

Character changes: Whenever Akane character changes with Hisako, the dark blue headphones will appear seconds later. And with this, she'll become far more activity almost as if she was never feeling weak in ten first place. Of course, she's much eager than usual to help others out if a problem arises. 

Transformation: Unlike Akane's transformation with Makoto, her hair will gradually shift to a light blue color and be arranged in a twin pig tails style- resembling a more grown version of Hisako. A pair of dark blue headphones can be seen on the female, mainly to block out the voices of others. Two pairs of pale blue bandage shape things are on both of her cheeks. Her outfit consists of a light blue sweat jacket with a single white stripe on the side and black skirt, along with thigh high black socks that causes the lower half of her legs to disappear briefly. 

Powers: Most of Hisako's powers are used to either physically enhance her body or to manipulate the sound around her. Instead of needing a weapon, her voice and the sleeves of her jacket can easily be morphed into weapons. Her most powerful attack would have to be Sound wave, which causes her to use her voice to amplify the sounds nearby under her control. A skill that can either heal or cause even more destruction. 

Name: Makoto. 

Meaning: Sincere, true. 

Born from?: Makoto was born right after Hiro's death, due to her desire to become someone her brother could be proud of. Of course, this was all based on bits and pieces of what he had described the so called perfect little sister to be. And this was the moment she desired to change herself until someone else entirely. Someone much more stronger than her current self. 

Personality: Makoto is much her charming and somewhat obedient chara, unlike Hisako at times. In fact, the girl will be quite easy to push around in this state considering her wall flower like nature. Of course, she's independent and productive as well on her own- hardly needing help to do difficult tasks. 

Character changes: Whenever Akane character changes with Makoto, a single black ribbon will appear in her hair replacing the red baretts she's usually seen wearing. Of course, the female can become quite easy to bend to other's wills if the right words are said to her. 

Transformation: Akane's looks appear to be the same but instead of red barrets and scarf, a single clip of three pink flowers can be spotted on her hair. Her outfit consists of a somewhat short but moderate kimono while her hair is partially left in a up do with a few strands lingering on her right shoulder. Her weapons mainly consists of flowers and petals, in general, becoming a weapon for her to use at her disposal. Well to be more specific, it's the wind that she happens to control to a certain extent. 

Powers: None of her physical features are enhanced in this state, unlike her mental state. Her mind is far more focused and it's easier for her to come up with a good plan to use. With no physical benefits, Akane depends on her strategies and attacks with the wind and flower petals far more than often. After all, she can easily manipulate the flower petals to fly at people to a certain speed that can become quite deadly fast. A skill that's called Wind wave. 

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks: With her current health problems, it's not a surprise that Akane's body is somewhat frail and slender. However, it doesn't come across as malnourished instead it appears that the female is fairly skinny. Her bust isn't something too attention grabbing, but she happens to be a moderate b-cup. Her face has a hint of roundness to it as well, along with a few blemishes here and there. She has a pale and a bit ruddy complexion, due to how fast she happens to tan. Her eyes are described as round and are quite expressive despite the exhausted look that occasionally appears in them. Her lips are often pursued in a dimpled smile a majority of the time.
Height: 5'2 ft.

Weight: 44 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Normally, Akane is often seen in her school uniform along with her red accessories. Of course when she isn't in school uniform, she can be seen wearing shirts that range from v-necks to somewhat frilly shirts. However, when she does wear that she can often be spotted wearing a cardigan as well. As for the lower half of her clothing, she prefers wearing pants or shorts. There is some occasions that she does choose to wear a skirt in favor of shorts, if it's a particularly hot day. Occasionally, she can be seen wearing dresses if it's a special occasion. Her clothing style consists of casual and feminine clothing though she does have an apparent fondness for layers.

Accessories: The red barrettes and scarf are two accessories she's always spotted with, despite the weather conditions. 

Makeup: The minimum amount of make up she uses is either Chapstick or a light colored eye shadow. Other than that, she hardly uses makeup unless it's for a special occasion or so. 

Scent: A light vanilla-like scent. 

Hairstyle(s): One might say her hair is a mixture of a light and dark russet hue that falls slightly past her shoulders. Typically, Akane's hair is often let down with the red barrettes pushing aside a few strands of hair. With her hair left down, it reaches partially mid back while her bangs reach her eyes but are often swept to the side to avoid any problems. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There are a few faint markings that can be spotted on her body. One in specific would be the one on her right inner wrist from an accident from her childhood. Other than that, Akane rarely gets any scars unless something rough happens to occur. As for piercings, she doesn't have a single one besides the two on her ears. 

|| E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

☆  B-Team : Marianas Trench. 

☆  Haven't had enough : Marianas Trench. 

☆  Flares : The Script. 

☆  This is twice now : Lydia. 
☆  New hope : Broken Iris.
☆  "I can't let you do this. This is wrong and you know it." 
☆  "Huh? What are you doing here? I didn't expect to run into you here of all places." 

☆  "No, no. I'm alright. Haha, really. Don't worry about me."

☆  "It feels kind of strange really.. Thinking about things such as this. A curse.. right? But is it one really? It's something that can easily help you form a bond with someone else..- I.. Nevermind. Forget I said anything about this." 

Favorite Food(s): Pasta. Chicken Alfredo. Ramen. Teriyaki. Chicken noodle soup. Fish. 

Favorite Color(s): Orange. Red. White. Lavender. 

Favorite Number(s): 0. 18. 27. 50. 96.

Favorite Season(s): Winter. Fall.

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas. New Year's Eve. 

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn. 

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