Wednesday, October 1, 2014

{ נυѕт gяαв му нαη∂ ; ρєяѕσηα 3 σ¢ }

Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it

My love, they are the hunters, and we are the f o x e s


Name (last, first): Yukimura, Arisu.

Meaning: Arisu is the Japanese form of Alice meaning 'noble sort'. Yukimura means 'snowy village', derived from Yuki 'snow' and Mura 'village

Nickname(s): Alice or Ari.

Age: 17 - 18 years old. { Persona Arena 4 } 20 years old. 

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Martial status: Single.

Financial status: Moderate.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: December 21st.

Life Story:

Arisu Yukimura was born on December twenty-first to Makoto Yukimura and Elena Hiramoto, although her birth had scared her parents immensely. There was a chance that the young child might die upon being born. However, that didn't seem to be the case considering she was born sickly but she was born nonetheless. It was because of this that her parents often relied on Yami, the neighbor's child, to watch over the redhead during school hours. It was only natural for the seven year old to become rather confused about this issue. Of course, her confusion only continued when her half sibling, Hatsuharu, would encourage her negative thoughts. In his defense, he felt threatened by the new child his mother had. This was around the time Arisu stayed with her mother, Elena, for a month or so. 

By the time that month ended, she was back in her father's arms, rather happily at that. It's no secret that she loves her father dearly, he was one of the most person to her at the time. That's why his death had completely taken her by surprise, leaving her in a state of depression. It wasn't long before she seemed to shut down, becoming inconsolable and sickly. Yami had taken it upon himself to take care of her during that period of grieving. After her father's brother, Ryuu, had his hands full trying to earn enough money for the two of them. The girl was quite sickly for a few months until she managed to recuperate, much to Yami's relief. Of course, that didn't mean she had fully gotten over her father's death just yet. It was still fresh in her mind, almost as if it had happened yesterday. 

Over the course of her adolescence, Arisu has been staying with her uncle, Ryuu, but occasionally she would have to stay with her mother, Elena. Ironically, those days happened to be the ones the redhead despised the most during her adolescence. Other than the occasional inner turmoil Hatsuharu would make her feel, Arisu lived a fairly ordinary life until she would reach her junior year of high school. The dark hour. At first, this wasn't something she had noticed right away, considering she'd always find herself knocked out before might- but it changed the day she happened to wake up minutes before it occurred. For a moment, she believed she was dreaming the whole thing up until she had walked outside her apartment and noticed the coffins in the street and the strange color of the sky. That was the moment she saw the shadows for the first time, and then she could faintly recall being terrified for her life.

It would only be later that she'd encounter the group in Tartarus and learn that she held the potential to yield a Persona. Naturally, the news did shocked her significantly at the time. Honestly, she couldn't accept the idea that she managed to summon a persona who reeked of self-confidence and arrogance, though she did have some help from the evoker. 

Various people believed it was a simple case of sickness but were soon led to believe it was another bullying incident gone had. No one would know until Minato and the team began to search for missing people for the police. It was a little after that, that she had finally been found tittering between exhaustion and unconsciousness. Her body was beyond exhausted, almost sore to an extent, due to the onslaught of battles with the shadows. Nevertheless, she had spent the next few days in the hospital, feeling downright exhausted and weary of the situation she had been placed in. The invitation to join the S.E.E.S. was also clouding her thoughts at that given moment, almost making her question her own beliefs. 

In the end, she had ultimately decided to join them in their quest to defeat The Shadows. Of course this decision took her a few days to decide, considering she decided to figure out the obvious pros and cons of this situation she was in. 

|| P E R S O N A   4:   A R E N A   V E R S E ||

Throughout the last two- three years, Arisu has been focusing on improving herself as a person. After all, the female still feels those moments of uneasiness from time to time. Naturally, the death of a friend was difficult to forget but she strives to move on. The process was quite difficult but the redhead managed to strive forward in her life, though she kept the memories of her friends in mind. With that being said, Arisu managed to get a job in modeling to earn herself money as she began to attend college. 

With work and college, the redhead didn't have much time to focus on other things until she received a call from Mitsuru about the case in Inaba. Initially, she wasn't going to assist with fighting until she heard that three individuals would be joining them. Those three individuals happened to be Ken, Junpei and Yukari. They provided her with a reason to fight and join the case with the Shadow Operatives.


ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R ||


Arisu is a bright young girl, who enjoys playing with others and doesn't mind trying new things. Of course, it does talk a small pep talk beforehand for her to try something new first. The redhead is always eager to to accomplish things, which can easily be seen in her desire to sketch quite a few things that happen to catch her interest. After all, she's quite creative and doesn't like doing things half halfheartedly.Unfortunately, Arisu is easy to scare and fluster, which she happens to dislike immensely. It often leads the girl to sulk afterwards, and attempt to gather her courage once again. 

She can often be described as adventurous and active, though she can be lazy at times. However, those times vary and they happen rarely. That doesn't stop the ravenette from continuing her training or sharpening her skills even further. She's very eager to learn new things, never passing up a new opportunity. Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spill secrets to others especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others. However, if the secret happens to be something that harms someone in a emotional or physical level.. then she won't hesitate to find or offer her assistance discreetly. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their troubles. However, when it comes to her own suffering and troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with it herself. During those times, Arisu is the type to act like nothing is bothering her.

Arisu can be quite defensive and quick to bite at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she's developed this trait because of her childhood. For Iris it's scary getting close to someone else and then being hurt by them- purposely at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force the female to let her guard drop so easily, but she pushes herself forward. It would be foolish to remain scared when she has a chance to find something new.. and discover things she knew very little about. This trait often leads the female into the occasional troublesome situation or two. 

Once trust is established with the female, Arisu is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surprising. She's prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing a misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps that she's quite observant which helps the female out in making sure there isn't a detail she missed. Pushing that aside, Iris can be quite affectionate and playful towards those she treasures dearly. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionate with them, excluding any acts of intimacy. That may take a bit more time until she's partially comfortable with someone to act on those emotions. 

Whenever the female happens to feel threatened, she's quick to act a bit.. territorial per say. After all, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can act rather impulsively in that state and do things she'll probably regret in the near future. If she's pushed any further, she can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking to her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's. In those moments, she wouldn't hesitate to go forward and attack without another biting comment from her side. 

Feelings of love have the awful tendency to making the female feel extremely hesitant and lost. After all, she's hardly had any experience with that emotion- in fact she may have only felt it once. However, she's more than willing to give the intimate type of love a chance. In a sense, you could say she's a bit of a fool when she happens to fall someone. It's everything nor nothing at all for the young female. Hence why it's dangerous for her to fall for someone who's bad for her. 

Good Habit(s): Loyal. Brave. Fearless. Determined. Understanding. Patient. Trusting. Intuitive. Adventurous. Bright.

Bad Habit(s): Defensive. Sharp tongue. Impulsive. Guarded. Territorial. Easily distracted. Obedient to a fault. Easily scared and embarrassed.

Like(s): Sweets. Rain. Owls. Foxes. Wolves. Coffee. Rain. Thunderstorms. Blankets. Winter season. Video games. Swimming. Card games. Spooky stories. Horror movies. Dogs. Suspense novels.

Dislike(s): Shadows. Tartarus. Nyx. Nyx followers. Treating family harshly. Insects. Arguments with her mother, Elena. Confrontations. Being unprepared. Being forced into things. Being caught in the middle of the rain. Wasabi. 

Hobbies: Drawing. Reading. Training. Exploring. Swimming. Relaxing.

Fear(s): Insects. Death. Betrayal. Nyx's arrival.

Strength(s): Healing. Ice attacks. Close combat. Determination. Concentration.

Weakness(es): It's a known fact that the white haired beauty has an occasion dizzy spell, often fainting if she feels exhausted or sick. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Ice magic seems to be her forte. 

☆  Luck and Defense stats are fairly high, along with accuracy. 

☆  Healing spells happen to be Arisu's strong field here. 


☆  Arisu tends to get sick fairly easily if she feels utterly exhausted, leading to her feeling rather drowsy and fall under a dizzy spell the very same or next day. 

☆  At night, she's usually downstairs watching television quietly in the dorm, and has a habit of falling asleep on the couch, until someone wakes her up. 

☆  Upon discovering the Dark Hour, she couldn't bring herself to run which lead to her first encounter with the shadows. At the last second, she managed to force herself away from the scene. 

☆  Everyone at school likes to believe she has a good relationship with her half sibling, Hatsuharu. Of course, they don't actually have one in the first place. 

☆  Similar to Fuuka, Arisu had wandered in the Tartarus due to a minor incident at school, which was her fault but she doesn't seem willing to explain. 

☆  If the question comes up about which parent she's closest to, she would always pick her father, Makoto, without a doubt. 

☆  Out of her two siblings, she's more inclined to be around Takeshi in general, instead of Hatsuharu.  

☆  Two years after the events in P3, Arisu has kept herself busy through modeling and various online classes. Of course, she also joined the Shadow Operatives although she's only a back up member. Nothing official. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  Explore the world.
☆  Help eliminate the Shadows.


☆  Student. 
☆ Part time at a local cafe.

 ☆  College student.
☆  Model.


Day terror(s): Arisu isn't someone who'd you want to scare, mainly due to the fact she tend to scares fairly easily at times. 

Phobia(s): Because of the uncanny resemblance she shares with her late father, Arisu has gradually grown hesitant about looking  into a mirror. This is mainly out of fear of stirring up old memories. In a sense, you could say she's self conscious about her own looks. 

Fear of impending death: Arisu was reluctant to believe that they were about to die upon Nyx's arrival. It just didn't add up in her mind.. nothing seemed to fit. Nevertheless, despair had heavily set in constantly leaving her in a state of depression and exhaustion. 

|| SPECIAL INFORMATION Involving Persona 3 ||

Known power:  Arisu is skilled with a good set of magic based abilities, along with a few damage dealing attacks. Although, she's more inclined to use her magic based abilities more so than physical attacks. The ones she mostly uses has to be Medirama, and other element based abilities. Preferably healing types. Of course her magic is limited to ice and healing types. 

 "Rubor! I-I summon thou..!" 

"This again..? Someone needs to teach you to stop being weak girl. I guess it'll have to be me then." 

Persona name: Rubor. 

Persona weakness: Considering his looks, electric based magic and weapons can do a good amount of damage to the man. 

Persona strength: Rubor is the type of persona who happens to have a good mixture of abilities in one. 

Appearance: Before evolving Rubor was a panther shaped persona with a skeletal like structure along his body. There's nothing connecting him to an appearance nor speech. However, once he evolved the humanoid appearance and voice came. Light blue tufts of hair and a slightly gruff voice were given to him, along with a tall, muscular body which was a good eight inches taller than the persona user herself. There are a strange light blue, possibly teal, colored markings near the corner of his eyes. Of course, there's also a skeletal jaw on the left side of his mouth, covering the skin down below his left eye. 

|| ------------ ||

Resides with?: Dormitory. 

Weapon preferred: Due to much consideration, Arisu's weapon of choice is a trident. 

Member of any extracurricular activities?: Arisu is involved with the girl's volleyball team, cooking club and a helper of the library from time to time. Eventually she ended up joining the school's photography club as well. 

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ||



  Makoto Yukimura, a deceased thirty six year old man. 

Makoto was one of the few who could fight against shadows with his persona, a secret he took to the grace with him. The crimson eyed man was a very kind and forgiving man, almost appearing to have no bad bones in his body. Despite losing the love he once had for a certain raven haired beauty, he cherishes their only daughter, Arisu, greatly. He was the one she admired greatly throughout her childhood, wanting to be more like him. A carefree man who wouldn't care if he risked his life trying to save someone else from danger. This was the type of person she wanted to grow up as and be like, unlike other girls who wanted to be like their mother or something involving princesses. Makoto was Arisu's role model. Unbeknownst to his children, he was one of the few workers that happened to be working on the development of shadows. Of course, it wasn't because he wanted to be instead there was another reason entirely. He couldn't back down from the experiment, considering how far they had gotten within a short amount of time. In the end, you could say it was the fact he had a daughter waiting back home that finally forced him to make a decision and leave the research group or at least attempt it. 

                               Elena Hiramoto, a hot headed thirty five year old woman. 

Elena is hot headed and rather stubborn woman, who always wants thing done her way.. which didn't explain how she feel in love with someone who was the complete opposite. Due to her own nature, she can be rather impulsive and harsh, frequently saying things she doesn't mean. Of course, she does want to apologize for those things but it's odd for Elena to bring herself to apologize. In a sense, this might have explained her strained relationship with Arisu. 



Hatsuharu Hiramoto, a eighteen year old male. 

Hatsuharu is the older half sibling of Arisu, who's only connection to her would be their mother. Even so, Haru shows signs of dislike for his sibling due to the obvious competition Arisu fails to see. However, most people have a bad habit of believing the harsh man has a soft side for his younger siblings. Of course, it never helped that Takeshi and Yami would be one of the first people to defend her against him. The male did grow up with the two of them, after all. This type attitude seemed to continue until she ended up leaving her own home for the dorms. It wasn't something he had noticed at first, but it certainly captured his interest when he had. As much as he hated to admit, he couldn't help but wonder if something had happened that he didn't know about. It was around this point that his attitude towards her gradually began to change and he found himself trying to make an effort to know the sister he disliked earlier in their shared childhood. 

 Takeshi Yukimura, a fifteen year old male.

Takeshi may have a sharp tongue at times but he also has his moments where he's quite gentle and calm, only towards certain individuals though. Of course, he's still the type to get himself into more trouble than he should. It explains why he's constantly seen in arguments or fights from time to time. Unlike Arisu, he had grown up alongside her but his visits were spontaneous due to his mother often being busy with work. His mother happens to be different from Arisu's and he was living with her. Pushing that aside, Takeshi does have a fairly good relationship with Arisu often meeting up with her either in the weekends or during school hours. 



Ryuu Yukimura, her twenty five year old uncle.

Ryuu is the younger brother of Arisu's father, Makoto, who's she known since her childhood. The redhead is the current care taker of Arisu, though he's quite busy with his job, trying to earn more money for the two. Of course, he does worry from time to time which explains why he sends Yami to check up on her. Due to his young appearance, it wasn't too surprising that the school made such a fuss when he showed up to sign a few forums that needed his signature. Over than that, he's quite the hard worker and overachiever.  

Pet(s): N/A.

Best Friend(s):

Yami Kurosaki, a seventeen year old student.

Yami is the childhood friend of Arisu, who took it upon himself to look after the redhead. Unknown to her, this was a promise he made with her late father during their childhood. Nevertheless, he still makes it his job to look after her. The chocolate eyed man is a bit cocky at times, believing he has to do everything for Arisu. Of course, that's not always the case honestly. He's quite the social butterfly, enjoying conversations with people concerning things they each have in common. Yami happens to be in the kendo club, enjoying the sport immensely. 



Arisu had met Harumi later on in the year, after she was found from Tartarus. She finds the chestnut woman to be a bit odd at times, but that didn't seem to stop her from befriending her. Harumi had this aura that just.. soothes her and erases her fears, especially when they're engaged in battle. In a way, Arisu was a bit jealous of her friend, noticing there was something about her that pulled people towards her. Of course, that was something she didn't share with the female, despite their close friendship with one another. Arisu does enjoy conversing with Harumi and being able to spend with her, regardless of where it may be sometimes. 

Junpei Iori

Junpei was someone that Arisu had met in her second year of school, finding him to be a rather interesting individual. Arisu feels more at ease around him, since Junpei is an easy person to talk to as well as a friendly guy. The student always seemed to know now how to calm her dome effortlessly and make her feel more comfortable. It wasn't just that. The way he could easily be himself and have confidence made her feel if she wouldn't progress if she didn't do something to change herself as well. She had to change from dreary old personality if she wanted to keep moving forward. This happened to be what Junpei had shown her unintentionally. It was one of the many reasons why he's important to, irreplaceable even. She had to leave her comfort zone sooner or later, and sooner was better than waiting around. And sure enough, Arisu gradually began to change. It wouldn't be odd to see them spending time together during school hours or afterwards. 

During the next two years, Arisu would make sure to go out of her way to visit Junpei whenever she had an opportunity. The duo's relationship didn't change much, though they did continue to hang out more. 



Aigis, a precious friend. 

Despite Aigis being a robot, Arisu finds the blonde to be rather unique and interesting, seeing her as a precious friend. After all, she had time to spend with her during the time they'd walk Koromaru or simply during school. Arisu does admire the robot's skill in battle, finding it to be rather impressive. Over time, you could say she's grown rather comfortable to being around Aigis to the point where she'd confess some of her own thoughts to the girl. She also finds it amazing that Aigis can translate for Koromaru and other animals.

                    Ken Amada, the younger sibling she wished she had. 

As much as Arisu hates to admit it, she dotes on Ken a lot- in a sense, spoiling him senseless. It wasn't her intention to dote on him, but she's quite fond of children in general. Of course, she tries her best to make sure she doesn't dote on him too much to be considered irritating. Arisu does find his more mature attitude to be rather.. odd at times, but she has no reason to complain. After all, it's something that defines him as Ken Amada. The redhead enjoys speeding time, making sure she has free time throughout the week to spend quality time with him. Of course, it didn't help that he had gotten her hooked on some of his favorite shows, a fact she isn't willing to admit. 

Over the next two years, Arisu had strived to visit him frequently and converse with the middle school boy. After all, the last thing she wanted was for him to feel as if she had forgotten all about him. To be honest, Arisu saw the Ken as a younger brother- wanting nothing more than to watch over and protect him. 
   Fuuka Yamagashi 

Fuuka is someone Arisu enjoys conversing and hanging out with, finding her to be a rather kind soul. She finds her passion for pursuing things she's interested in rather remarkable. There's also the fact that Arisu can't help but feel protective over Fuuka, knowing it doesn't sense for her to feel that way towards the girl. Arisu enjoys conversing with Fuuka, having fun with the wide of variety of topics that the two girls talk about. Fuuka was the reason why Arisu decided to join more clubs and become more of an active member.


  Shinjiro Arisaki

There was an obvious misunderstanding between Shinjiro and Arisu, considering his appearance didn't do much to preserve his kind nature underneath the reputation he had earned for himself. Of course, that was probably Arisu's fault for misunderstanding the situation beforehand. Despite Shinjiro's insistence that he shouldn't be bothered with, Arisu still continues to interact with him which would occasionally earn her a scolding for coming to the wrong side of town. The redhead always had a bad habit of being scolded by the older boy, though it always ended with Shinji giving up on the lecture half way through. In a sense, Arisu saw him as an older brother figure- something she had mentioned to once before, during a conversation the two had shared previously. 



Arisu practically adores Koromaru, finding the young dog to be a good companion and a smart animal. The young girl can often be seen taking Koromaru out on walks or simply playing games with the friendly creature. Arisu finds Koromaru's skills in battle to be quite impressive. Pushing that aside, she does admit she tried sneaking Koromaru to the theater once, much to her displeasure. Arisu couldn't deny the small creature. Of course, she did feel rather foolish when they were found out but on well. As long as Koromaru was happy, then Arisu was content with that. After all, she didn't enjoy seeing the smart companion disheartened. 

Yukari Takeba

Arisu had befriended Yukari in her second year of second high school, getting along with her rather well. Yukari happens to be someone Arisu has a great deal of trust in, finding herself comfortable to confessing her thoughts and troubles to the girl. Of course, that goes both ways for the teens. Arisu is more than willing to help out Yukari anyway she can, if she ever happens to need it. From time to time, the two can often be seen in the local cafe or shopping center during the weekend.

Over the next two years, Arisu had kept close contact with Yukari despite the obvious strain their jobs placed on their friendship. Nevertheless, the two managed to ignore that and continue befriend one another. 

Mitsuru Kirijo

At first Arisu didn't have much interaction with Mitsuru until later on, after she had joined S.E.E.S. Her opinion on the redhead had gradually began to change into one of slight admiration. She finds Mitsuru's strength to be rather remarkable and that's something she's striving for as well. Arisu has made more of an effort to try and talk to her fellow dorm mate, finding out that she's quite a unique character. Of course, she still finds it surprising whenever Mitsuru mentions checking out one of the more local restaurants.

Andre Laurent Jean Geraux, otherwise known as Bebe

Bebe was someone Arisu managed to befriend fairly quickly, during his stay. The blond came to be someone that she admired, enjoying his enthusiasm with certain activities. She enjoys spending time with him, whenever the two happen to be free in the weekends. Arisu is always open to listening to his troubles and offering advice if she can help.


Akihiko Sanada

Akihiko is someone Arisu admires, though she isn't a fanatic of his- like his fan girls. After all, his fan girls were pretty fesity towards any female that was remotely close to the boxer. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from interacting with her fellow dorm mate. Somehow along the way, she had gradually fallen for the boxer from their time to Tartarus to their small conversations at the Ramen shop and back to the dormitory. It's obvious that the female noticed her feelings changing for him, but she's completely unaware of how she's supposed to respond with this sudden change of feelings. He was like the stars to her, in a sense, something out of her grasp. 

Ryoji Mochizuki

Initially, Arisu didn't seem to like Ryoji beyond the terms of friendship due to his tendency to flirt with others. It was just plain odd to her, but this wasn't a thought she voiced to others. Nonetheless, their friendship had occurred within seconds from the moment Junpei formally introduced the two individuals. This was the spark they needed to begin their friendship. It was at that very moment that she realized maybe Ryoji was completely different from what she originally believed, which proved to be true. This lead to Arisu promptly opening up to him and soon began the start of their more longer and drawn out conversations. It wasn't long before her opinion of him changed as well as her feelings, although she wasn't too scared.

 Minato Arisato { Makoto Yuki }

Arisu had somehow found herself falling for the navy haired man throughout the time they spent together. It was a thought that scared her to a certain extent. Nevertheless, she continued to chat with the male she'd later call leader. She has a great deal of trust in Minato, not the type to doubt his call. After all, he's someone who would never let the team down or even sacrifice one of them if the situation called for it. It wouldn't be odd to find her chatting with him from time before or after school hours. Arisu does enjoy being able to talk to him, after all.


Chihiro Fushimi

 Arisu does talk to Chihiro from time to time, but it's nothing that can consider them as friends. Although, the redhead does find Chihiro to be a kind individual, not forming a real opinion beyond that at the given moment.

Chidori Yoshino

Arisu doesn't have a real opinion on the fellow redhead other than the information she's heard from Junpei. Nevertheless, she doesn't seem hate the girl despite being on completely different teams from one another. It reminds her of Romeo and Juliet in a way, not like she told that to either individual involved.


Hidetoshi Odagiri

With Hidetoshi's strict nature, it's not too surprising Arisu doesn't have a great relationship with the male. After all, the redhead is prone to rushing in the hallways trying not to arrive to class late. There's that and the fact she's more laidback and carefree than the male is which is one of the reasons why their personalities have a tendency to clash quite often.

Kenji Tomochika

Arisu doesn't seem to get along to well with Kenji, somehow managing to have a friendly rivalry going on with the male. Of course, that may be due to their clashing sense of humor? At least that's what the female believes, not that she's inclined to tell him any differently. Then again, it might be the fact he's into older women that makes Arisu feel rather hesitant to be around him.


Takaya Sakaki

Arisu finds Takaya to be somewhat intimidating in a sense, and doesn't agree with his views at all. He's not someone she'd enjoy having a conversation with. As far as she knows, she needs to take him down before he can accomplish his goal.

Jin Shirato
Arisu doesn't have a concrete opinion on Jin, other than their contradicting views. As far as she knows, the team can't let them complete their goal. Of course, she steers clear of any locations he's been in unless prompted by her teammates to go.

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks:  Arisu's body is slender and petite  due to her training sessions. She happens to be endowed though it isn't too noticeable due to the cloth she wears over her clothing. Her face has a small hint of roundness to it, giving her a more youthful look. Her complexion is fair though she's susceptible to becoming sunburned if she has long exposure in the sun. Although, she does have a few freckles scattered across her shoulder blades and cheeks. Her eyes are slightly large and often give off a expressive look despite the piercing twinkle that occasionally appears. Her lips are often drawn in a timid smile or even a troubled smile from time to time. Her nails are trimmed though they do pass the tips of her fingertips barely. 

Height: 156 cm. 

Weight: 49 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Typically, Arisu isn't too picky  about her clothing but she hates wearing clothes that are too tight for her. She'll wear anything from long sleeved sweaters and button up shirts to tank tops and flowly shirts. Of course for bottoms, she prefers to wear shorts and pants over skirts, but she'll wear them without much refusal. After all, she only saves the more feminine clothing for special events or for the occasional meeting at the theater. However, she's inclined to wear dresses during the summer or while to the beach. Old habits die hard. As far as sleepwear go, Arisu is the type to  wear an over-sized sweater and a pair of shorts or a plain black tank top with either pajama pants or shorts.

Accessories: Arisu sports a small necklace with the single charm of a dream catcher. Other than that, she doesn't own to many accessories.

Makeup: Arisu hardly uses makeup much unless it happens to be either lipgloss or chap-stick, preferably chap-stick. However, she's prone to making more of an effort with makeup whenever there happens to be an important event or an outing with friends.

Scent: Arisu's scent is an odd one since she happens to smell like vanilla with the very faint smell of coffee mixed in.

Hairstyle(s): Typically, Arisu's fiery red locks  are often kept in a ponytail, since it reaches her lower back when left down. Her bangs happen to frame her face though they're often swept to the side by the girl. She's prone to leaving her down when she's either swimming or already in sleepwear. Other than that, Arisu does make more  of an effort on her hair whenever there's an important occasional or an outing with friends.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's not too many scars on Arisu's body but there  are a few on her legs and upper back. Although, all of those scars are from her childhood to her adolescence. As far as tattoos and piercings go, she has no tattoos but she does have one pair of piercings on each ear. Jewelry, on the other-hand, isn't something she wears too often unless it has significant value to the redhead.

|| E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song: 

☆   Love the way you lie; Eminem.

☆  Start Again; Red.

☆  She is the sunlight; Trading Yesterday.

☆  This is gospel; Panic at the disco

☆  Don't you worry child - Swedish house mafia 


☆  "Ah? That assignment was due today..? I thought it was due tomorrow."

☆  "You know sometimes I blame myself for my own insecurities and flaws. If I don't try to change.. I'll stay this way for a long time." 

☆  "-- Is that even legal?"

☆  "N-No..! I told you this is something I have to do by myself. I can't keep depending on people like this- I can't stay this way forever."

☆  "Mm.. you know sometimes I really hate myself for a lot of reasons, but I don't care anymore. That's what makes me.. me, in a way. It's useless hating myself when I'm the only who can actually do something to change that opinion."

☆  "You guys.. need my help..? That's sounds pretty far fetched. Is it wrong of me to think that?" 

☆  "I.. don't want my last moments with you guys to be spent moping around. I'm.. sorry but we can't linger on this anymore. We can't kill.. him. It wouldn't be right nor would any of us actually agree to make that decision. We's our friend, guys. "

Favorite Food(s): Mildly spicy foods. 

Favorite Color(s): Ruby red & Lavender. 

Favorite Number(s): 18, 27, 59, 80 & 96. 

Favorite Season(s): Winter & Fall

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas. 

Favorite Time of Day: Morning. 

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