Saturday, October 11, 2014

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

&& I know it ain’t gonna be { e a s y } no 
          But I’m a FIGHTER, and you can’t take that from me, no 
                    This is just a page in the chapter I’m in.

Name (last, first): Formerly known as Tsukino, Naomi until the divorce appeared and she took on her mother's family name Kuronuma. 

Meaning: Naomi happens to mean beautiful and honesty in Japanese, meanwhile Tsukino signifies moon fields in Japanese as well. 

Nickname(s): Aoba's cousin, Nami, and Nao.

Age: 15-16's or can be early 20's considering who the crush is. 

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Fairly well off.

Birthday: December 21st. 

Life Story: 

From the young age of ten, Naomi was always getting herself into trouble- enough that she'd be forced to transfer to another school. It seemed far too common for the blonde to be involved in a fight with other students her age. In her defense, those fights were only to keep her safe from the other kids, who started the fights more than once. She wasn't the type to let herself be pushed around by older kids, much less let them think that she was afraid of them. That wouldn't happen as long as she was around. However, this problem seemed to follow her around to every school she went to. It was around this time that she insisted in going to Ikebukuro, claiming the schools there were better than the ones back home. There were a few arguments here and there, until she stated she would be fine since her cousin, Aoba Kuronuma lived there as well. 

After Naomi finally settled in her apartment and adopted to her life there, her personality seemingly shifted in the course of a few weeks. Having a nice personality in Ikebukuro with her bad luck meant that she'd practically get eaten alive. Perhaps it was a good thing though, considering her circumstances. The blonde was related to the leader of the Blue Squares, but that was a piece of information she made sure was kept secret. After all, bringing any unwanted attention to herself wasn't something she wanted to do. However, it seemed like her bad luck had followed her over and the next thing she knew she was attacked by a pair of yellow scarves members. The event had startled the female and resulted in three overnight stays at the hospital. 

It was probably after three months of Naomi's stay there, that her parents had went ahead and sent her siblings to live there with her. Of course, this was around the time her parents were going through a divorce. There was that and the fact her mother, their appointed guardian, was going to be traveling over seas for work. Naturally, she couldn't leave the children alone at home with no one to watch over them. Despite that thought, Naomi had welcomed her siblings with open arms. Their company was appreciated, after all. 

However, it was around that time she had stumbled upon the name she would later know as Izaya Orihara. This abrupt meeting surprised the female, instantly making her feel more than a little uncomfortable around the male. One or another she found herself listening to his orders, much to her displeasure. In a sense, you could say she became a puppet for that man. From that day on, Naomi would occasionally disappear from time to time in the nights, doing the jobs he would send her on. However, those missions would only occur when-ever Izaya is out of town, considering she's one of his information sources. Things only continued to spiral more out of control when she ended up joining the Dollars, a colorless gang in Ikebukuro. 

Similar to the others, Naomi had received her invitation via text message, which was later discovered to be sent by Izaya Orihara. Due to Orihara's insistence, she became more involved with the Dollars's outings and the like. Of course, she refused to be a part of any of the interrogation and kidnapping schemes that the male had in store. 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Naomi can be quite defensive and quick to bite at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she developed this trait due to her childhood. For Naomi, it's scary getting close to someone and then getting hurt by them- purposely at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force her to let guard drop so easily, but she urges herself forward despite this. It would be foolish to remain scared when she has a chance to find something new.. and discover things she knew very little about previously. This trait often leads her to the occasional trouble or two. 

Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spill secrets to others, especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others. However, if the secret happens to be something that's harming someone in a personal level.. Then she won't hesitate to offer her assistance discreetly. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their troubles. However when it comes to her lemon troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with it herself. During those times, Naomi is the type to act like nothing is bothering her at all. 

Once trust is established with the female, Naomi is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surprising. She prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing any misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps the female a lot that she's quite observant, making sure she spots every single detail. Pushing that aside, Naomi can be quite affectionate and playful towards those she treasures dearly. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionate with them, excluding any acts of intimacy. That may require a bit more time until she's partially comfortable with someone to act on those emotions. 

Whenever she happens to feel threatened, she's quick to act a bit.. territorial per say. After all, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can be rather impulsive in that state as well, and do things she'll probably regret in the near future. Naomi can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking about her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's. If someone manages to get Naomi drunk, she's more than a little touchy in this state as she much as she dislikes it. Not to mention, she's fairly obedient and too trusting in this state- which can easily pose as a problem. 

Good Habit(s): Loyal. Brave. Fearless. Determined. Understanding. Patient. Trusting. Intuitive. Affectionate. 

Bad habit(s): Defensive. Sharp tongue. Territorial. Impulsive. Guarded. Secretive. Independent. 

Nationality: Japanese with a quarter of Italian. 

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy.

Current Residence: Ikebukuro.

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. Japanese.

Like(s): Instrumental music, warmth, amusement parks, rain, coffee, spending time with family, karaoke, relaxing, taking naps, blankets, sleeping in, mythical creatures, long stories, novels, and card games. 

Dislike(s): Confined places, insects, being ditched, being ordered around, pain, pointless fights, hypocrites, perverted old men,  Math, Sushi, Miso soup, cold weather, being stuck in the middle of a rainstorm, fish eyes, and reptiles.

Hobbies: Karaoke, sketching, reading, relaxing and exploring new things. 

Fear(s): Confined places. Her siblings being hurt. Being left alone.

Strength(s): Close range fighting. Parkour. Stamina. Dodging. 

Weakness(es): Weak with directions. Long range fighting. Her siblings. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

   ; Despite the small figure, she does have pretty good stamina.
; She's has a very good memorization skill. 

   ; Due to getting in trouble often, she's a quick thinker. 

 ; Naomi is a somewhat decent cook as long as she's not doing anything that involves chicken or seafood in general. 

  ; The blonde is fairly good at gathering information, not to mention she's observant as well.  


; Aoba Kuronuma, the Blue Squares previous leader, is Naomi's blood relative. However, this isn't known to many people besides those in their family. 

; Somehow Naomi ended up joining the Dollars, although it was later revealed to her that Izaya Orihara had been the one to send her an invite. 

; Despite her frail appearance, the girl can kick some ass if it's called upon. 

; The blonde got suckered in to be one of Izaya's little workers, one who does his little jobs occasionally; like what Celty does for the crimson eyed male. 

; Unknown to most, she's the one gathering information for Izaya and informing him of the daily events that are going down in Ikebukuro when he's not here. 

; Her participation in Dollars is due to Izaya Orihara's tasks for her that often get her involved indirectly with matters in the group. 

; Naomi is practically the splitting image of her mother, Yuni, but her hair is much longer though.

; The only way to actually force her to act aggressively is by messing with her two younger brothers. After all, she's quite protective of them. 

; It's ironic considering her younger brothers are twins, Naomi has a twin of her own Raiden. 

; Naomi has an easier time contacting their father, Saito Tsukino, more so than the rest of her siblings. Her father plays favorites, after all. 

; If she happens to be suffering from a nightmare or acting rather aggressively during an argument, there's only two ways to calm her down. Someone can either toy/brush her hair or simply shut her up by doing something spontaneous. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: Naomi dream would have to involve making a name for herself and possibly having a family of her very own. Although the latter of the two is for much later in her life. 

Occupation/job: Naomi is a rather studious student and guardian of her own siblings, though she earns her paycheck in a different manner. Considering Orihara provided her with several job opportunities, she's financially well off as long as she continues to work and prove her usefulness to him. However, she makes sure that the fact she's working for Izaya is kept a secret from others. Of course, it's a secret she models part time occasionally with her brother, Raiden. 

Nightmares: Naomi doesn't have many nightmares, although she seemed to suffer from them during the time she was forced to stay overnight at the hospital. 

Health: Health- wise, Naomi is fairly healthy not suffering from any sickness or anything of that sort. However, she's very likely to get sick if she doesn't properly take care of herself whenever the weather is cold or sje happened to be caught in the middle of a rainstorm. However, she has a knack for getting hurt during her information gathering for Izaya. 

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Saito Tsukino, 36-37 years old. 

Saito is a man many describe as the type who could achieve anything he desired, if he put his all into something. His determination is a quality that he is very known for. Despite those pros, Saito is an avid smoker and drinker, although he tends to drink far too much at times. Of course, there was also the fact that he didn't seem to settle down with one woman, despite marrying Yuni. Naturally, the scandal of his cheating was hushed down significantly to avoid drawing any further attention to the family. After the divorce, he occasionally calls his kids but he seems to be easier with his latest lover. 

      Yuni Kuronuma, 33-34 years old. 

Yuni's future didn't seem too bright when she was younger, until her father had found a job in a major company. A company that would promptly deliver him a load of cash, in the next few years. However, he died a few days prior to that which left his eldest daughter, Yuni, the responsibility of handling his business. It was no surprise that she was much more work oriented after her pregnancy. Saito's cheating did cause her to feel hurt but she knew about it early on, but decided she was simply reading too much into things. Of course, she'd never know how right she was at that time. After the divorce occurred, the reality of the situation had finally hit her which forced her to take on much more jobs and traveling. 


Raiden Kuronuma, 15-16 or early 20's. 

Raiden is the brother, and twin, of Naomi though he's much more observant and expressive than the female. The blond often gets pulled into Naomi's modeling gigs, simply to help add more cash to the table. Unlike his studious sister, he's much more of an athlete and writer than she is. He's the type to frequently go around in early morning walks and he'll often try to rope his siblings into joining him in these walks. Raiden has strayed far, far away from Orihara and any of the colored gang business. The male refuses to join any gangs, knowing how violent it can get. 

         Ryuu Kuronuma, 14-15 years old. 

Being the youngest child in his family isn't something he's particularly fond of, considering he gets treated like the baby of the family frequently. He's the younger twin of Ryohei, although he's only ten minutes younger than him. Similar to Ryohei, he shares the same pair of ocean like irises as him. As much as he dislikes it, he often gets himself into problems due to his naivety towards most situations- especially those involving other people's affairs. Incidentally you could say it's his own fault, Ryuu is too trusting to a fault, which is the reason for most of his troubles. Due to his soft nature, it isn't too surprising both siblings are awfully protective of him- especially Naomi, who seems too motherly at times. 

            Ryohei Kuronuma, 14-15 years old. 

Ryohei is the third oldest child of the Kuronuma siblings, also being the older twin of Ryuu, who he often watches over. Similar to Naomi's situation at school, he occasionally gets into some trouble from time to time. He's more of a bad luck victim, who always happens to be the wrong place at a bad time. Despite that, he's fairly observant enough to know when it's best to leave things alone and go elsewhere. Unlike his brother, Ryohei is rather sarcastic and apathetic half of the time, preferring to spend time with his friends instead of working on classwork. He doesn't believe in trusting others until they proven themselves trustworthy first. 


Aoba Kuronuma, Cousin.

Aoba Kuronuma happens to be one a cousin Naomi is particularly fond of, to the point of doing favors for him instantly. Of course, that could be considered a fault since she knew very little about his own connection to the Blue Squares. Naomi enjoys conversing with him quite a lot, despite the occasional argument he would have with Kida. There's nothing she wouldn't do for the cousin she happens to be rather protective of. 

Izumii Ran, Cousin.

Asshole. That's the only thought Rin has on this member of the family. She refuses to speak to the idiotic man, finding him to be an absolute pig. The girl has sided with Aoba in a number of occasions, often getting told off by the pervert. 

Pet(s): N/A

Best Friend(s):

Mikado Ryuugamine 

Initially, the two students friendship had been nonexistent until they eventually began to converse one day during a small run in with one another. Before Naomi even knew it, she had grown remarkably close to Mikado within a month or two. She feels rather comfortable and at ease whenever she happens to be around the male. It wouldn't be odd to find the two conversing on a daily basis, or simply hanging with one another during or after school hours. 


Izaya Orihara

Naomi never intended to associate herself with Izaya Orihara, but fate had other intentions for the girl. Before she knew it, Izaya had fooled her into working for him- only doing the occasional job or two. As long as she did that, then her and her brothers would be free from any trouble that occurred in Ikebukuro. Of course, there were some advantages to his as well. True to his word, her brothers were kept out of harm's way though she was required to do a few more to make sure it remained that way. As of now, she can't really say she hates him for making sure her's brothers are safe from any harm. In a sense, Naomi knows better against trusting him but as long as she poses as a valuable asset then their relationship shouldn't become harmful to her. 


Shinra Kishitani

Shinra happened to be someone Naomi met through Celty and Izaya, finding him to be a little odd at first. However, her opinion soon changed once she managed to converse with him quite a few times. Naomi finds him to be rather interesting and a fun person to chat with. She does admit that she finds Celty and Shinra's closeness to be rather cute in her opinion. 

Anri Sonohara

Despite having friends in common, Naomi and Anri don't necessarily converse much when they're left alone together. Although, she finds the short haired girl to be a calming person. Of course, that isn't something she'll mention to the girl anytime soon. It wouldn't be odd to find the two teens conversing from time to time during school hours. Although, their relationship seemed to change after a few weeks of conversing here and there. The two teens soon found themselves talking to one another, simply about their day or concerning something they have in common. Naomi finds her presence to be rather calming. 

 Kururi Orihara

Their first meeting had been a little odd, since Naomi had stopped by her siblings's school intending to pick them up, when she stumbled upon Kururi. The blonde didn't expect to counter her nor the other students picking on her there. Before she knew it, Naomi quickly defended the younger female against the other students. From there, the blonde had made it a habit to check up on the girl while she visit her brothers at school. It's safe to say Naomi had a soft spot for the short girl, making sure to look after her. She's quite fond of Kururi really, often spending some time with her. 

Celty Sturluson

Naomi had heard stories and rumors about the black rider, which started to grow her curiosity in the topic. She only managed to meet the black rider through Izaya, due to a mission he wanted her to complete for him. It was by chance that she stumbled upon Celty that fateful night. Before she realized it, she began to converse with Celty whenever she happened to run into her. Even after finding out she was headless, her opinion of the female didn't seem to change. The blonde finds the dulahan to be a rather charming and caring person, in her opinion. 


  Kida Masaomi

Naomi's friendship with Kida was formed through Mikado, after she had grown closer to the other boy first. At first, she wasn't too sure on what she should even think about the male, already hearing about attempts to pick up females beforehand. Naturally, this only made her more confuse halting her attempts to form a proper opinion for him. Over the course of a few weeks, Naomi had managed to grow much closer than she intended with the male- almost resembling the closeness she had with Mikado. Typically, the blonde plays along whenever Kida happens to spit out cheesy pick up lines. Before she seemed to realize it, her feelings for Kida had changed into something else- far more than just a simple friendship. Of course when she noticed, she was more than a little aware of this- making her seem rather distant from the male. 

Naomi can't help but feel as if her feelings for the boy would be ignored without warning. After all, she has heard mentions of what happened between Kida's last girlfriend, Saki, from Izaya. The story was enough to make the female realize that her feelings would not be recognized by him. As much as she hated to admit it, Naomi quickly found herself falling more and more for him during the time she tried to ignore her feelings. Despite that thought, she does enjoy his company considering the fact he easily makes her smile without much trouble. 

Shizuo Heiwajima

It wasn't surprising that Naomi had already began to heard mentions of Shizuo before she had even seen him in person. His reputation exceeded him, after all. However with her new job, she managed to stumble upon the man one night. It wouldn't be long before she managed to converse with him that following night. Despite his inhuman strength, she finds him to be rather charming and unique in her opinion. Of course, she didn't seem to realize Izaya had indirectly forced this meeting to happen between the two. After all, he always had a hand in other people's affairs. Pushing that aside, Naomi didn't even seem to realize her own feelings for Shizuo began to change during the course of their friendship. Then again, there were some obvious signs that showed she felt an attraction for the male. However, she didn't mention this to the blond, deciding to hold off on it for some time. 

Naomi feels at ease when Shizuo around, regardless of what the rumors or others may say to him. Inhuman strength or not, the blonde will actively search for Shizuo from time to time, simply to chat with the male. She has made her feelings known to the male though the blonde hasn't done anything to further show her interest in the male. 


Seiji Yagri

Almost similar to Mika, Naomi doesn't go out of her way to converse with Seiji deeming it best to simply avoid him. After all, she doesn't want to risk Namie paying her more attention than necessary. There's that and the fact she can't help but feel a creepy vibe coming from Seiji. That may be the main reason why she avoids him like the plague. 

Mika Harima

Naomi doesn't go out of her way to greet Mika, due to their initial dislike of each other beforehand. That and the fact the other female scares her to some extent- one of the many reasons she strays far away from Mika. 

Saki Mikajima

Although Naomi had never met Saki personally, she's already heard mentions of the female before through Izaya Orihara mostly. The female is the very reason why she feels so.. hesitant and cautious around others. Would she end up in the hospital as well if she kept this up? Questions like these often plagued the girl's mind, more than she'd like to admit. After all, wasn't she doing the same thing Saki did- working for Orihara? Saki poses as embodiment of fear for the young female as much as she hates to admit it. 

Mairu Orihara

Mairu was someone Naomi happened to meet through Kururi and boy was she surprised. The blonde never expected the two to hit it off fairly well, knowing how Mairu had made it a habit of groping females's chest. There are a few arguments here and there between the two females, but it's hardly anything harsh or negative in their odd little friendship. Naomi is rather protective of Mairu, easily moving to help her if her trouble came the girl's way. 


  Namie Yagiri

Despite their the females occasional meeting, Naomi can't get along well with the older female. Of course, she can't say that she's tried to get along with the female beforehand. Something about Namie simply rubs the younger female in the wrong way, making her feel rather hesitant about speaking to the female. Due to this reason alone, she avoids getting involved with the older female in general. 


Affiliation: Dollars, but has a connection in Blue Squares.

Role: Naomi is well known for her strategic planning and her information gathering skills, which is one of her more stronger fields. However with Orihara's insistence, she's heavily involved with many of the happenings in Ikebukuro. Of course, most of that information is unknown unless someone also happens to participate actively in many of the happenings in Ikebukuro. 

Fighting skills: Now, Naomi may not be well known for her punches or her strength- but she can put up a decent fight. However, she's well known for her endurance and defensive skills in a fight. 

Intelligence: Naomi has put a lot of effort in her studies, not having any desire to be without knowledge one day. After all, it wouldn't be beneficial for her to lack knowledge considering who poses a threat to her. 

Pawn or knight?: During the duration of her time with Izaya, Naomi is used quite a lot for her skills- being forced to meddle with other's affairs due to his orders. However when Dollars had their first official meeting, Naomi managed to break free from the role Izaya had forced her to take. 

Skills: Close combat, information gathering, parkour, quick reflexes and dodging skills.

Screen-name: Mii-chan. 

Time spent online: Typically, Naomi only spends around an hour and half on the computer unless she's using it for a project or research purposes.  

Who knows her real identity?: Currently the only ones who know Naomi's true identity are Mikado, Celty and Izaya, of course. 

School: Raira Academy.

Grades: Due to Naomi's naturally studious nature, her grades tend to range anywhere from A's to high B's. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Naomi's body is rather slender and petite, not much fat to be seen on the blonde due to the diet and training she goes through. Her bust is at best a b-cup, leaving her with very little room to complain. Her complexion is rather fair though she doesn't tan too easily unless with the use of a tanning lotion. There's a few noticeable freckles on her body though there's a light freckles covering her shoulders. Her eyes happen to be a bit big and often give off clear signs of a doll like appearance, almost giving off an innocent vibe to her. With her bright cerulean hues and short golden locks, Naomi gives off the appearance of a foreigner. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s):  Usually, Naomi can be seen in her uniform during the week day. However, she is more inclined to wear more frilly type of dresses: ranging from colors to an angelic white to a devilish red. Of course, she does wear anything from v-necks and frilly shirts to long sleeved and sweaters. For the lower half of her body, she wears fitted jeans and shorts to the occasional skirts and leggings. Although, she only wears the last two if she feels like it. Half of the time, she can be spotted with a jacket either tied around her waist or lingering on her arm. As far as shoes go, she'll wear anything from a pair of flats to a pair of ankle boots. For sleeping, Naomi will usually wear either a long button down shirt and shorts or a tank top and pajama pants. As far as bathing suits go, Naomi has no shame in wearing a two piece swimsuit in public. 

Accessories: Naomi happens to wear a small locket, with a moon and stars engraved in it, around everywhere. It's a gift from her two younger brothers. 

Makeup: Naomi wears a minimal account of make up, which consists of a simple clear colored lipgloss and some eyeliner on the top eyelid; a small account on the bottom as well. However with her modeling gig, it wouldn't be odd to catch her wearing more makeup than she'll usually wear. 

Scent: Most people say she smells of cherry blossoms or vanilla half of the time. 

Hairstyle(s): Naomi's hair is short but it easily covers her neck and almost reaches her shoulder blades. Her bangs are usually swept to the right side of her head, framing her face. With it's short length, the blonde doesn't do much other than brush her hair daily and leave it down. However, that's difficult to manage considering she often runs her fingers through her hair. On the rare occasion that the blonde is modeling, Naomi might wear some extensions making her length reach mid-back. Whenever there's a special event, the blonde feels inclined to curl her hair a bit almost giving her a doll like appearance. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's a few faint scars that can be found on the female, most lingering on her stomach and hips. Most of those scars were earned through unwanted scuffles with other gangs who caught her in the streets before. As far as tattoos and piercings go, she only has two piercings which happen to be a single pair in each ear. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

- One of those nights; The cab. 

- Don't you ever forget about me; Sleeping with Sirens. 

- Broken; Seether. 

- Off with her head; Ghost Town.  


"Mairu! Stop that-..! These are mine, not yours.. so please stop groping me already."

"Sheesh.. I didn't expect you of all people would keep me waiting this long."

"Hah.. I'm sorry, but I can't do this- whatever this is, anymore. I just can't.. Too many things happened in the past week that I can't focus on anything other than that now." 

"Just leave me alone. I don't need any trouble, alright?" 

"N-No..! I have to find them- I promised I wouldn't let them get harmed..! What kind of sister would I be if I failed to protect them?"

"You're playing a very dangerous game, you know? No one gets away with that."

"Reporting for duty, Orihara. What is it that you need, my liege? I'm dying to complete your next task for me."

"This isn't my preferred job either you know? I would rather jump off a bridge than continue to work for him, but there's something I'm doing so in the meantime I need to be useful to Orihara." 

Favorite food(s): Spicy dishes & Pasta. 

Favorite color(s): Lavender & Turquoise. 

Favorite number(s): 18, 27, 50, & 96. 

Favorite season(s): Winter & Fall. 

Favorite holiday(s): Christmas & White day. 

Favorite time of day: Mid- afternoon. 

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