Friday, November 7, 2014

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|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

They were young&independent.

And they thought they had it planned.

--- Should have known right from the start

You can't predict the end.

Name (last, first): Nagisaki, Naomi. 

Meaning: Naomi means beautiful and honesty in Japanese. 

Nickname(s): Kari. Nagi. 

Age: Nineteen-Twenty years old.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: October 31st. 

Life Story: 

Being born as the eldest and only female child to the Nagisaki family, Naomi was left in a difficult position. Countless expectations were pushed upon her despite her young age. The ravenette had to juggle countless activities and other ladylike norms that her mother wanted her to adapt to. With her growing annoyance and desire to be praised by her parents, she's tried her best to be everything her parents wanted her to be. Of course with her younger brother, Hikaru, it's difficult to do that. Despite being the oldest twin out of the two, her parents seem to praise him more than they do her. 

Pushing aside her affection for her brother, Naomi can't help but feel a mixture of irritation and disappointment in the matter. After all, the only thing she wants to hear from her parents is approval. However, that isn't given to her anytime soon until a few years later- once the female had reached her late teens, becoming the beautiful socialite her parents urged and pressured her to be. It was only a little more than a month after she had turned nineteen that she had a small accident, which had given her the fading scars on her lower back.

 It might have been only a three weeks after that incident that she had requested to become romantically involved with a potential business partner of the family. Of course, she would become engaged to that business partner's child who went by the name of Shinji Hiramoto. There was constant rejections and protests from the nineteen year old, but it seemed useless from her. After all, her parents had made it clear that she would be engaged to the man and that was finally unless she found herself a man of equal or higher value. That would be the only way she could find herself free from her parents control of her potential future.

|| E N T E R I N G  W O N D E R L A N D ||

Waking up in midst of a drowsy spell in a unknown forest was the last thing Naomi expected to occur that following day. However, there was little time to waste considering how day quickly fell to night, leaving the ravenette to fend for herself. Despite the fear of the unknown she currently felt, she managed to force herself to her feet and walk forward until she had reached the territory belonging Julius Monrey, in otherwords, she had reached the Clock tower. From that point on, Julius had been the one to explain some of the situation to her. 

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Naomi can be quite defensive and quick to bite at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she developed this trait due to her childhood. For Naomi, it's scary getting close to someone and then getting hurt by them- purposely at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force her to let guard drop so easily, but she urges herself forward despite this. It would be foolish to remain scared when she has a chance to find something new.. and discover things she knew very little about previously. This trait often leads her to the occasional trouble or two. 

Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spill secrets to others, especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others. However, if the secret happens to be something that's harming someone in a personal level.. Then she won't hesitate to offer her assistance discreetly. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their troubles. However when it comes to her lemon troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with it herself. During those times, Naomi is the type to act like nothing is bothering her at all. 

Once trust is established with the female, Naomi is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surprising. She prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing any misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps the female a lot that she's quite observant, making sure she spots every single detail. Pushing that aside, Naomi can be quite affectionate and playful towards those she treasures dearly. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionate with them, excluding any acts of intimacy. That may require a bit more time until she's partially comfortable with someone to act on those emotions. 

Whenever she happens to feel threatened, she's quick to act a bit.. territorial per say. After all, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can be rather impulsive in that state as well, and do things she'll probably regret in the near future. Naomi can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking about her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's. If someone manages to get Naomi drunk, she's more than a little touchy in this state as she much as she dislikes it. Not to mention, she's fairly obedient and too trusting in this state- which can easily pose as a problem. 

Good Habit(s): Loyal. Brave. Fearless. Determined. Understanding. Patient. Trusting. Intuitive. Affectionate. 

Bad habit(s): Defensive. Sharp tongue. Territorial. Impulsive. Guarded. Secretive. Independent. 

Nationality: Japanese with a dash of Italian. 

Place of Origin: P E N D I N G

Current Residence: P E N D I N G

Spoken Languages: English, Italian and Japanese.

Like(s): Coffee, tea, blankets, warmth, physical contact, blankets, sweaters, small animals, cats, swimming, games, music, carnivals, small shows, novels, and spending time with loved ones.

Dislike(s): Thunderstorms, mud, rude awakenings, betrayal, blood, needles, being sick, exhaustion, insults, gossip, cruelty, harsh expectations, violence, unnecessary arguments, and horses.

Hobbies: Daydreaming, drawing, exploring, playing card games, and swimming. 

Fear(s): Not living up to her parent's expectation of her's. Being forced into a marriage she wants to avoid.

Strength(s): Determination, bravery. Intuitive. High amount of stamina and pain tolerance.

Weakness(es): Impulsive, reckless. Little knowledge on fighting. Easily distracted.

Special Powers/Abilities:

; Naomi will do whatever it takes to help a friend or loved one, if her help is needed or useful to them.

; The ravenette doesn't scare easily.

; Naomi is engaged to a man by the name of Shinji Hiramoto, a man chosen by her parents. Of course, she wants very little to do with this man.

; The ravenette is well known for her passion of exploring and swimming.

; She has a soft spot for small creatures, mainly cats or rabbits.

; As much as she hates to admit it, she can get lost fairly easily due to her bad luck with directions.

; A good cup of tea and thunderstorm, or a warm room, can easily make the female fall asleep. Once she's asleep, it's quite difficult to wake her up during the first hour or so.

; Naomi enjoys physical contact and being able express her affectionate side to other individuals. 

; Being praised by other individuals will easily make the ravenette turn rather flustered and inclined to smile.

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: Naomi dreams of experiencing new things and exploring the world around her. Eventually this dreams develops into something more, later on in her life, to have a child of her own.

Occupation/Job: Due to her parent's being old fashioned, and the era they live on, Naomi doesn't have a job at the given moment. However, she has mentioned her interest in getting into a career that either involves animals or helping others- mainly children. 

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Nagisaki Ryuu, thirty nine years old. 

Ryuu is quite the old fashioned man, though he doesn't seem to show that side of him unless in the presence of his family. Despite having everything he wanted, the male still craves more things both emotionally and materialistic. The emerald eyed man enjoys throwing his own expectations onto his children, wanting them to be ready for the world and eager to take control of it. He's quite the ambitious man, but he's easily to anger if provoked or ignored.

Nagasaki Mina, thirty seven years old. 

Mina is a rather materialistic and selfish woman, quite vulnerable as well. The raven haired woman is known for bad habits of gossiping about others, and faking smiles in the company of other woman. Despite her angelic appearance, she can have quite a nasty way of insulting someone to the point of reducing them to tears. Of course, she doesn't show this side to her children- instead she shows a much more motherly side, though she may come off as aggressive. 


Nagasaki Hikaru, nineteen- twenty years old. 

Hikaru is the older brother of Naomi, who happens to be quite the studious individual. He has high dreams to become heavily involved with the medical field and journalism as well. Despite having outgoing parents, Hikaru is more of the type to sit back and watch the show, instead of actively participating in it.The raven haired male can be rather kind though it's often masked behind careful thought of words, despite his good intentions. He can't express himself easily, something that's easy to see.


Hiramoto Shinji, twenty- twenty one years old.

Shinji Hiramoto is a foreigner, who's father happens to manage plenty of well known business in quite a few cities nearby. Due to his rich upbringing, Naomi's parents were eager to marry her off to the blond haired male. Despite his rather angelic looks, the man is rather playful and quite mischievous. In fact, he happens to enjoy teasing Naomi to the point that she gets rather irritated with the male and wants nothing more than to leave the room. Ignoring his teasing habits, he does have his moments where he can be kind when he isn't being overly friendly with other individuals.


Best Friend(s):


Oddly enough, Naomi didn't expect to grow close to the Peter due to their quirks constantly at conflict with one another. Despite that, the ravenette easily found herself interacting with Peter though she does have her moments where she'll argue with the man. However, the two have relatively peaceful relationship almost to the point where she may see him as an older brother figure. Naomi certainly doesn't mind keeping an open mind if he voices his concerns, nor does she mind confessing her thoughts and emotions to him.

Alice Liddell 



Elliot March

Upon their first meeting, Naomi had been a bit hesitant around him. However, it didn't take Naomi long to grow closer to the male, though she'll argue with him from to time about his ears. A topic the two often discuss more often than ever. Pushing that aside, the ravenette will often spoil him by bringing various carrot related desserts whenever she's visiting. In her opinion, it's quite interesting seeing his reaction to her teases that the male isn't rabbit like he claims he isn't.


Despite their first meeting and the queen's obvious offer of kindness, Naomi was still reluctant to be around the woman. Pushing aside the first meeting, the ravenette soon found herself getting along well with the queen. It had gotten to the point where it wouldn't be odd to see her visiting Vivaladi from time to time at her castle.


Julius was someone Naomi got along with easily right off the bat, despite the occasional bump in the road the two had from time to time. Someone the older man reminds her of her twin brother, Hikaru. However, that isn't something she'll reveal to him or anyone else of this world. Despite their closeness, she'll often stay away from the man a bit to make sure she isn't bothering him in any shape or form.


Boris Airay 

At first, Naomi had been fairly hesitant around the pink haired male, unsure of what to think of him. However, it was difficult to keep that hesitant nature considering his more cat-like features. Despite her best intentions, she found it increasingly difficult to not act affectionate and more open around the pink haired male. Within the next few days, she promptly found herself and easily becoming more like herself around him. Of course, she doesn't entirely approve of his mischievous nature to mess with the guards around the Heart Kingdom. Nevertheless, she can't fully stay mad at the male considering her soft spot for him. Despite knowing Boris's teasing nature, she'll often find herself falling prey to his teasing nature- almost to the point she'll be reduced to a flustered mess. It's safe to say that she trusts Boris completely, knowing her faith in him isn't bad.


The Crimson eyed male had been one of the first people Naomi met during her stay, easily falling prey to his pacing. It was rather hard not to considering Naomi is often the type to be pulled along with the flow of things, Ace being no exception to this rule of her's. The ravenette is often dismayed due to Ace's tendency to get the two lost, whenever she happens to be with him.As much as she hates to admit it, the ravenette can easily fall vulnerable to Ace's teases to the point where she can't help but feel extremely uneasy and vulnerable around him. Despite the occasional arguments with the man, Naomi can't find herself staying away from him even with the knowledge of his.. other job. It may seem as bad judgement, but she trusts Ace with her life. 

Blood Durpee

Now Blood had been one of the individuals Naomi never expected to be relatively peaceful with. His personality constantly clashed with her personality, often making the girl go into the defense mode. Sure, the ravenette might have acknowledged his good looks but it still made her hesitant to approach the male and trust him completely. Nevertheless, she found herself growing curious about him despite knowing nothing good would come from her curiosity. Before she knew it, the interactions between the two quickly began to grow to the point she'd often visit him at the mansion. Despite her growing interest in the male, a recent fight between the two had made Naomi grow rather distant and hesitant around the male. After all, she doesn't enjoy being insulted due to someone's jealously towards her friendships with other individuals.


Tweedle Dee & Dum. 

The twins are two people Naomi adores greatly, despite their bad first meeting and their little quirks. The ravenette can't help but treat the two kindly, though this makes her an easy target for their antics. After all, anyone who knows the two knows about their fondness for violence and dangerous games. Of course, this might be the reason why she's shown to be a bit more nervous and reluctant from time to time around the two. 


Nightmare wasn't someone Naomi could easily get along with due to his own weak immune system and her dislike to see blood. It was a bad combination in the making honestly. That's one of the main reasons why she avoids the male, unable to hold a conversation with him. However, she does think he's rather good company to have around when he's not feeling too sickly.


P E N D I N G.

|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Pending.

Role: Outsider.

Strength: It isn't surprising that the female may be rather weak physically due to her gender. Despite being weak physically, that hardly stops her from doing whatever she can to get away from harm. However, she's proven mentally that she's quite strong countless times. 

Defense: With her pain tolerance and stamina, Naomi can put up quite a good fight for a long time. However, there's no guarantee that she won't fall prey to exhaustion eventually. 

Intelligence: With the amount of time she put into her studies, Naomi is quite knowledgeable about a number of things. However, she has more knowledge in the psychology, medical and English field. 

Pawn or a Knight?: Naomi can be manipulated by others due to her own desire to meet the expectations of her loved ones, and help them reach their own goals. However, she will make a formidable enemy if provoked or insulted by a loved one.

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

 Body Type/Looks: Naomi's body is rather slender and petite, not much fat to be seen on the raven due to the diet and training she goes through. Her bust is at best a b-cup, leaving her with very little room to complain. Her complexion is rather fair though she doesn't tan too easily unless with the use of a tanning lotion. There's a few noticeable freckles on her body though there's a light freckles covering her shoulders. Her eyes happen to be a bit big and often give off clear signs of a doll like appearance, almost giving off an innocent vibe to her. With her bright emerald hues and long raven locks, Naomi gives off the appearance of a porcelain doll. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s):  Naomi is more inclined to wear more frilly type of dresses: ranging from colors to an angelic white to a devilish red. Of course, she does wear anything from v-necks and frilly shirts to long sleeved and sweaters. For the lower half of her body, she wears fitted jeans and shorts to the occasional skirts and leggings. Although, she only wears the last two if she feels like it. Half of the time, she can be spotted with a jacket either tied around her waist or lingering on her arm. As far as shoes go, she'll wear anything from a pair of flats to a pair of ankle boots. For sleeping, Naomi will usually wear either a long button down shirt and shorts or a tank top and pajama pants. As far as bathing suits go, Naomi has no shame in wearing a two piece swimsuit in public. 

Accessories: The only accessory she happens to carry is two select pieces of jewelry, a small locket attached to a golden chain which contains a picture of her family, and an engagement ring. As much as she hates it, she can't bring herself to take it off until she's made her decision on what to do about the situation.

Makeup: Naomi doesn't wear much makeup unless there happens to be a formal event, where she needs to look presentable in front of others.

Scent: The ravenette gives off a faint vanilla like scent.

Hairstyle(s): Naomi's medium length raven locks fall to about mid-back with her bangs framing her face rather nicely. Her hair is fairly soft and smooth, due to the care she often gives her hair. Typically, Naomi's hair can be found left down unless she's swimming or there's formal event. If that's the case, then she'll feel inclined to put her hair up in a ponytail for the time being. However there's a formal event, her hair will be lightly curled and in a up do with a few strands to frame her face nicely.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: On Naomi's body, there's no tattoos though she does have a single pair of piercings on each ear. The ravenette's back has a few faint scars that still appear to be in the process of healing and fading away. These scars appeared due to an incident a few months prior to her arrival to Wonderland.

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N || 

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

; Maps- Maroon 5.

; Mr.Brightside- The Killers.

; Somebody to die for- Hurts.

- - - 

"I can't stand that man. It's like he's out to torment me everything I strive to find happiness for myself." 

"S-Stop.. this isn't right..! You can't do this..!"

"What..? I don't recall giving you permission to do something like that to me, mister."

"Don't.. tell me you didn't get us lost again- please tell me that's not true."

"I love you, alright? I didn't want you to know..! I knew it wasn't wise for me to fall in love, especially in this way. It.. i-isn't right of me to fall in love with you when my feelings aren't even returned..!"
Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't spicy.

Favorite Color(s): Lavender and Red.

Favorite Number(s): 18, 27, 59, and 96.

Favorite Season(s): Summer and Winter.

Favorite Holiday(s): Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve.

Favorite Time of Day: Morning.

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