Monday, July 6, 2015

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 ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

She thinks herself 
Lady Macbeth
while in reality 
She is Ophelia
Lost in a story that is not her own.

Name (last, first): Himura, Akiko. 

Meaning:  Akiko means autumn child, bright child and sparkling child in japanese.  Meanwhile, Himura means scarlet village from hi meaning scarlet and mura meaning village.  

Nickname(s):  Aki, pixie, and  dwarf.

Age: Sixteen - Eighteen. 

Species:  Human. 

Gender:  Female. 

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Moderately high. 

Reputation:  Due to her dad's sports shop and her own extracurricular activities, it wasn't too surprising that she had built up a small reputation for herself. Although, her personality and looks did help in boosting her reputation considering she's rather friendly and her looks aren't anything to complain about. 

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. 

Birthday: June 18th.

Life Story: 

Akiko Himura was born in the early morning of June eighteenth to Ryo and Katsumi Himura, along with her twin brother, Hajime, who's birth followed minutes later. It would only be a year later that her parents would marry in the early winter months. Throughout a majority of the Himura twins childhood, their father incorporated many of his own passions in their childhood- often teaching the children a few pointers in various sports. Although, Akiko seemed to prefer track and swimming more than any other sport though she did have a passion for volleyball and basketball. 

As she grew up, she began to involve herself in the her middle school's girls' volleyball team over the years. Naturally, her brother, Hajime, also began to take up a sports club, track, which happened to be a club both children joined in the long run. Her father, Ryo, encouraged this which explained the childrens' later involvement in the sports store he ran locally. With months gradually turning into years, she become heavily involved in volleyball and track to the extent that she earned herself a name through the competitions she participated in.

It was only natural for her to immediately consider joining a track and volleyball team once she entered high school. Of course, the toughest decision for her was deciding which high school to enroll in. Nonetheless, Akiko managed to settle one school in specific which explains her persistence in making sure she's trying her hardest to win every match as much as possible. This was also around the time she began to help out more with her father's sports shop considering she was of legal age to be hired and start earning herself a paycheck. With her admittance to her designated high school, she was quick to befriend Hinata Shoyo and Kenma Kozume- two individuals she would later find herself growing significantly close to within the next few weeks.  

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Akiko is rather laid back and composed in most situations though she does have her moments where she loses control. It's a well known fact that she can become quite passionate when she's either talking or doing something she likes. She'll often be swept up in the topic and won't notice she's becoming too talkative in the issue. Naturally, she can't help but be embarrassed afterwards though she won't own up to the emotion at all. Nonetheless, she enjoys seeing other individuals becoming passionate about things they enjoy, which explains why she's so insistent on listening to others talk.

Due to Akiko's composed nature, she has a bad habit of becoming easily stressed or irritated when she's feeling overwhelmed. It's during these moments that's often reduced to tears and the occasional temptation to raise her voice. To put it in simpler terms, she can't handle stress well considering she allows it to build continuously before deeming it a problem. In these situations, she's the type to continue overworking herself until someone or something forces her to stop.

In regards to romance and intimacy, she can come across as cunning and teasing towards though she's interested in. However, it's a completely different situation when it's reversed. She has an awful tendency to put up a mature pretense in front of those she likes, acting as if she was an experienced individual when it came to topics concerning romance and intimacy. Ironically, she's quite inexperienced though that won't stop her from acting as if she's knowledgeable about the topic.

When things aren't going in her favor, Akiko can be rather cunning and often try to shift the situation onto something else in her hopes to evade it all together. This will often tie in with her playful nature considering she will opt to teasing someone about something to evade something. Of course, there are moments where she'll find herself becoming sensitive and often opt to admit to certain things instead of evading the topic entirely. 

Good Habit(s):  Composed, loyal, playful, adaptable, generous and friendly.

Bad Habit(s):  Laid-back, sensitive, passionate, easily embarrassed and cunning.

Nationality: Japanese. 

Place of Origin: Japan. 

Current Residence: Japan.

Spoken Languages: Japanese and some English. 

Like(s): Coffee, rain, video games, thriller novels, oversized sweaters, sleeping in, warmth, the sound of rain, competitions, comfortable beds, portable handhelds, television shows, physical comfort, sleeping in, running in the rain, superhero movies, mystery and horror movies, and soft melodies. 

Dislike(s): Tea, betting games, horoscopes, tanning, double dates, singing out loud, the smell of alcohol, lewd stares, unfairness, exams, talk shows, romance novels, tardiness, being lied to, coming across as weak to others, bad sportsmanship, and becoming afraid of something that she can take on.

Hobbies:  Swimming, Running, napping, checking out new films, practicing and reading new thriller novels. 

Fear(s): Not living up to her father's reputation, getting a severe injury that stops her from playing, coming 

Strength(s): Long distance swimming, domestic chores, fast reflexes, observation, disguising herself and studying. 

Weakness(es): doing the laundry, punching, running in the mud, juggling, boiling and reciting things straight from the textbook.


☆  Due to her dad's influence, Akiko had grown up with a passion for sports- though she has a fondness for volleyball and basketball.

☆  One thing that can quickly render her speechless is receiving praise for her skills or simple compliments. 

☆  Akiko is the oldest twin of the Himura family, placing her as the oldest child in the family. 

☆  Akiko has a fondness for having her hair being brushed or simply toyed with by others. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  To get into the championship rounds.
☆ Sharpen her skills on the court. 
☆ Creating a name for herself in the sports world. 

☆  Student. 
☆  Part time at her father's sport shop.

☆ Not being good enough.
☆ Losing a championship game. 
☆ Being rendered useless in a game. 

☆  Not being good enough.
☆ Not surpassing expectations.

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Ryo Himura

Ryo can often come across as aloof and serious due to his mature looks, though that doesn't properly describe the raven haired male. After all, he's fairly friendly and composed, not being one to avoid making a joke from time to time if the opportunity arises. Ryo is fairly well known in the community due to his athletic accomplishments and his sports shop, which explains the constant flow of customers coming in to the shop. However, he's fairly stern when it comes to sports, always looking for ways to sharpen ones skills in the various sports there are. 

Katsumi Himura

Katsumi is an energetic and occasionally overbearing mother at times, though she's immensely intuitive to things. Most of her personality comes out when she's in the presence of easygoing or serious children, which explains her terrible habit of teasing young adults. It might have been her bright personality coupled with Ryo's that often placed her in a position of high regard. Nonetheless, she's quick to help others if need be even if she'll put herself in a bad position. 


Hajime Himura

Hajime can often come across as headstrong and rather serious, though the latter is a lie. After all, he's quite the prankster he's in the company of friends and family. Nonetheless, he does have a serious side to him which can be seen through the intensity he shows in his track club. Despite this, it's difficult to actually get him to focus seriously on anything else unless it involves someone or something he cares about. Otherwise, he'll remain relatively relaxed and quite energetic at inappropriate times. 




Best Friend(s):

Shoyo Hinata

It wasn't surprising that Akiko had hit it off almost  immediately with Hinata. It might have been his natural schmoozer trait that caused the raven haired girl to have a piqued interest in him, which wouldn't be too surprising.  Although, it usually ends with Akiko trying to praise him back and ending up on the receiving end of things. This might explain why the two happen to mesh fairly well with one another. Because of this, it isn't surprising to find Akiko often hanging out with Hinata or simply conversing with him whenever an opportunity arises. Due to their closeness, the raven haired female isn't shy about admitting things to him or simply doing favors for him. 

Kenma Kozume

Their friendship occurred due to their interests in video games, something that started off their conversations. Of course Kenma's relaxed nature is the reason why Akiko hit it off fairly quick with the male. Their personalities clashed fairly well considering the two were rather laid-back on a daily basis. It wasn't surprising that she took a liking to him which explained her quick closeness to the male. She enjoys hanging out with the male whenever there's an opportunity to hang out with the male, due to that she doesn't mind if the two are simply basking in silence or playing with their consoles. Akiko does trust Kenma significantly and wouldn't hesitate to come to him if she happens to have a problem. 


Yu Nishinoya 

Ironically, Akiko gets too swept up in Yu's pacing often going along with his crazy shenanigans. A majority of the time she does little to actually stop him. Of course, her playful nature is to blame for this considering it'll often cloud her judgement. However, that doesn't mean she won't try to stop him from to time if he's about to do something reckless. Despite his boisterous nature, she feels completely at ease with him due to his considerate nature when it concerns the feelings of others along with their insecurities. This might explain why she's often quick to back him up from time to time.

Kiyoko Shimizu

Considering their shared passion for volleyball, it wasn't surprising that the two raven haired girls hit it off fairly well. Akiko finds it fairly easy for her to get carried off and talk about volleyball quite passionate when they're in the same room together. Despite Kiyoko's quiet nature, she admires her dedication and passion for volleyball, which is something she states to her quite clearly. 

Tadashi Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi's shy and nice nature was the main reason Akiko had befriended him in the first place, though his hardworking nature is also something she admires. Despite this, she'll often go to a certain extent to avoid the room if he's with Tsukishima, knowing how the other male acts towards others. His hardworking nature eventually inspired Akiko to train more and more throughout the week. 

Tanaka Ryunosuke

It might be Ryunosuke's loud and short tempered nature that often leaves the two butting heads from time to time. Nonetheless, Akiko finds it pretty entertaining to have conversations with the male. Naturally, she does find herself going along with his pacing which often makes it difficult for her to actual focus on practicing. Nevertheless, she greatly admires his skills on the volleyball court. 

Tsukishima Kei

Ironically, Akiko handles Tsukishima's blunt comments fairly well with her own playful nature. Of course, that doesn't mean she won't fall prey to her words and often become sensitive or simply try to evade the comment entirely. Truth be told, it's quite easy for her to fall for his terrible habit of getting people riled up. Of course, she blatantly denies this despite it being true. Regardless of this, she still finds herself conversing with him from time to time though she makes sure to end the conversation before he makes it a habit of riling her up.

Akaashi Seji

It might have been Akaashi's calm and composed nature that made it easier for Akiko to be relaxed around him. Truth be told, it was relatively easy considering her laidback nature. It wouldn't be odd to find her conversing with Akaashi from time whenever she decides to visit one of their practice matches. Of course, he's usually the one who has to tone down the air between Akiko and Bokuto whenever the two's playful arguments began. 


Tetsuro Kuro

The captain easily captivated Akiko's attention, though she wouldn't own up to that thought any time soon. It may have been his scheming personality that often caused the female to retort to a more playful attitude whenever he was around, which was the case half of the time. Naturally, it's a bit difficult for her to actually state her thoughts around Kuro- something that become quite obvious when she ends up rambling from time to time. Because of this, it isn't rare to see Akiko turning embarassed due to Kuro's actions from time to time. With their growing friendship, it wasn't surprising that she slowly found herself growing attracted to the male. However, she's very hesitant on admitting this hidden confession to the male. 

Tobio Kageyama

At first, Kageyama's short-temper and Akiko's laidback nature might be the reason why the two clash heads from time to time. However, she soon found herself gradually growing more and more curious about the male. That could be the reason behind Akiko's insistence on getting to know Kageyama a bit more. It took quite a bit of work for her to even be considered a friend, but it was worth it in the end- though that's strictly her opinion only. Due to their growing friendship, Akiko promptly found herself growing more self conscious in his presence. Unfortunately for her, it took some time for her to realize she felt something deeper for the male.



Bokuto Koutaro

Despite the shared playful nature, the two volleyball fanatics occasionally but heads from time to time. After all, his child-like personality is the main reason they get to a one-sided argument on Akiko's side. Nonetheless, the female enjoys Bokuto's presence considering he's quite energetic and the type to get along with everyone fairly well. Akiko admires his skills immensely, which can be clearly seen due to the praise she gives him from time to time. 

Tooru Oikawa ( Possible crush )

Oikawa's flirtatious and childish nature is one of the reasons why Akiko often becomes conflicted and a bit frustrated in his presence. After all, her laid-back nature is the reason why his flirtatious nature often clashes with her. All of the attention he happens to stir from females constantly disturbs, considering he can easily capture the attention of females. Nonetheless, she'll often find herself falling prey to his childish antics a majority of the time. It might be his cunning nature that explains why Akiko has a few things in common with the male, considering she'll often use the same strategies he uses against the rival team. 




Affiliation: Track and Swim club. 

Alignment: Chaotic neutral- Akiko enjoys stirring trouble from time to time, simply to have some fun occasionally. Nonetheless, she's the type to remain in the neutral party  unless she's forced to move a hand. Otherwise, she's fairly passive aggressive when it comes to these things. 

Grades: Typically, Akiko can make anywhere from a low ninety to a high eighty, depending on her level of motivation for the class. Of course, her position on her after school clubs is the reason why she retains high grades. 

School: Varies.

Agility: The ravenette is hardly clumsy considering she makes sure her movements are fairly precise and steady. 

Charisma: Social skills is something that Akiko has a handle on though she hardly motives people without the proper reasoning beforehand. 

Defense: Akiko's fast reflexes come in handy when it comes to defensive moves, considering she will be quick to move out of possibly harm.

Intelligence: Akiko prefers to leave the strategies to someone else and follow their orders instead. Her laidback nature might be the reason behind that. 

Stamina: Akiko has an excellent amount of stamina though she does have the tendency to burn out quickly, if she runs without slowing her pace as she goes.

Strength: Akiko can throw a mean punch but her knuckles tend to become bruised afterwards. This might explain why she's so insistent on sticking away from any physical fighting. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks:  Akiko's body is slender and petite with a faint athletic build to it, due to her participation in her track and volleyball club. Her breasts happen to be a moderate b-cup while her waist is a bit on the slim side. Her skin is rather fair though she does happen to tan easily in the sunlight. Her eyes are often twinkling with a playful look in them and are quite expressive, which can be seen in the way there's constantly a playful smile lingering on her lips.

Height: 169.2 cm ( 5'6.5 )

Weight:  126 lbs.

Everyday Outfit(s):  Akiko's outfits consists of fitted, elegant and feminine style of clothing with layers added in to the mix. She adores incorporating various colors in her outfits, though she prefers to wear light pastel colors or warm hues a majority of the time. It isn't rare to see her wearing tank tops, long sleeved shirts, sweaters, and v-necks. As far as bottoms goes, she prefers to wears to fitted jeans and shorts, occasionally skirts if the weather is right. When it's winter time, she prefers to incorporate leggings and sweaters into her outfits. For formal events, she does prefer to wear more feminine clothing, especially dresses when it comes to those types of outings.

Accessories: Akiko doesn't carry much accessories, though she does enjoy incorporating necklaces and rings in her outfits. 

Makeup: Akiko wears a light amount of makeup, preferring to keep her's rather light and natural looking. For formal events, she does try to doll herself a bit more and tries to match up the theme of the event. 

Scent: Coconut mixed with a light fragrance of vanilla. 

Hairstyle(s): Akiko's hair is a dark raven hue reaching her lower back almost in length, while her bangs reach her eyes though they're often swept to the side. Her hair is often let down though she will keep pull her hair up in a high ponytail or bun from time to time. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:  On Akiko's upper left thigh, there's a small, dark scar due to a car accident she was involved in during her childhood. Other than that, there isn't any more scars to be found on her body. As far as tattoos goes, she doesn't have any nor does she have any plans on getting one in the near future. She does happen to have a piercing which can be found on her earlobes, though it only happens to be one pair of piercings. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

☆ American candy - The Maine. 

☆  Can you keep a secret? - The cab. 
☆ Dark star - James Young.
☆ On the way down- Dean Geyer.
☆ Let go- Megan Rochell.
☆ Counting stars- One republic. 


☆ "Keep pushing me and I might consider kissing you just to shut you up."

☆ "You don't understand...! This was my big break and I completely blew it- I won't get another shot like this ever again."
☆ "Hah. For a moment there I actually fell for that line. Your skills are getting quite impressive now."
☆ "Okay- one match and winner gets to boss around the loser, what do you say?"
☆ "I'm just scared that I'll lose, you know? I mean we made it all the way to this point and it's scary that it's actually a possibility we might lose."
☆ "All that effort won't be wasted.. you're doing a great job, after all."

Favorite Food(s): Preferably soup or anything that isn't too sweet or spicy. 

Favorite Color(s): Pale blue or lilac. 

Favorite Number(s): Eighteen.

Favorite Season(s): Winter and Spring. 

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas. 

Favorite Time of Day: Evening.

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