Wednesday, July 1, 2015

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N 

When you have a good heart:
you help too much.
you trust too much.
you give too much.
you love too much.
And it always seems you hurt the most.

Name (last, first): Hayato, Akane.

Meaning: Brilliant red.

Nickname(s):  Princess, doll, and little red.

Age: Late 15-16's.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: April 18th.

Life Story: 

   Akane Hayato's life was fairly simply during her childhood, considering she was the youngest and only female in her family. Her parents often doted on her at a young age, specifically her father most of the time. Of course, her uncle, Ame, did spoil her as well since he happened to like children. Of course, there were some relatives who did not approve of the relationship between her parents nor the fact they conceived both of their children before marriage. Naturally, her parents had shrugged their insults aside considering the two were to get married in the spring of the upcoming year. 

  Sadly, the wedding had never arrived due to the fire that broken out in the household hours prior to the wedding. The only two that had survived from that ordeal was Akane and her uncle, Ame. The former was lucky to come out of the fire alive, due to Ame's help. Gradually, there days were filled to the brim with paper work and etcetera. After all, all of the Hayato's family fortune was given to the young Akane completely. Of course, the money can't be touched only in small fractions at a time until she reaches the age of eighteen. Ame had become her official guardian around that time period. 

Truth be told, it was difficult for her to grow accustomed to living with her uncle, Ame, considering she spent a great deal of time with her deceased parents more so than with her uncle. Nonetheless, she managed to get through her grief with her hobbies and clubs, deciding to invest her energy there instead. Gradually, the grief she felt towards her parents' death slowly began to diminish into a small, painful ache. Archery helped her focus on other things. 

With the opening of the Seigetsu Academy to females, she had taken advantage of that and enrolled immediately. After all, it was an opportunity to do something new for once. This had lead her to meet her best friends, Kanata there as well. Eventually she did gain a growing crush on a certain individual. Nonetheless, she found it fairly easy to grow comfortable there which explains her later involvement with Seigetsu Academy's archery club.

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Akane is unusually polite to anyone, and teachers, upon the first meeting. It seemed like a habit she had grown up with or something around those terms. So, it's only a surprise, on the rare occasion, that the girl does decide to be rude to someone. Although... that trait can be considered bad, since she would still be polite towards those who are rude to her. There's always a lone that can't be crossed with her, if she's polite with you. She'll snap easily if her kind actions are dismissed or ignored. Those are one of the many things that will get to her fairly quickly. 

If the chocolate eyed girl finds something she wants, she'll try her absolute best to make that object her's. Her determination can certainly last a long time~! Especially if something has caught her interest, not to mention her curiosity. Despite that, she often likes to tease people with her affectionate and playful nature. It's an odd habit of her's that occurred ever since she was younger. Similar to the one that if she's sleeping.. she'll cling to the person closest to her. Even if someone tries to wake her up, it'll be done in vain. Once she's attached.. it'll be difficult to get her to let go, unless you manage to wake her up.

Whenever she's in a fight with, physical or verbal, she's prone to becoming reckless. Her all is given into a fight, meaning she will put her all on the line for a fight. After all, That was the way she was raised during her childhood. It soon became a solid thing to do in every fight that would occur. Nevertheless, even she knows her limits and when she clearly lost a fight.

Despite teasing others with comments, Xion will get flustered by a single perverted comment or by a compliment. Due to that troublesome habit, she's easily nervous and will be subjected to stammering out things. It's an annoying trait she really, really hates. Nonetheless, it was something her older brother used to tease her about all the time. Also, if she doesn't have a chance to respond or she gets too flustered, she'll resort to making her way out of the room quickly. 

Good Habit(s): Polite to her superiors, affectionate, determined, courteous, playful, and expressive. 

Bad Habit(s): Active, short tempered, persistent, possessive, and reckless.

Nationality: Japanese.

Place of Origin: Japan.

Current Residence: Japan.

Spoken Languages: Japanese.

Like(s): Sleeping, relaxing, small animals, naps, warm clothing, comfortable blankets, playful disputes, cuddling, close contact, the sound of rain, thriller novels, television series, card games, cold treats, sweets, soft melodies, warm showers, hanging out with family or friends, big sweaters, scented candles and video games.

Dislike(s): Sickness, alcohol, arguments, being sick, interruptions, being distracted, cruelty, hot weather, being woken up early, being lied to, romance movies, romance novels, being caught in the middle of a rainstorm, spicy food, being picked up suddenly, orange juice, cigarettes, and lying to others. 

Hobbies: Exploring new areas, sleeping, playing piano, archery, and sketching.

Fear(s): Drowning. Being forgotten. Fires.

● Foreign languages.
● Translating.
● Persuasion.
● Drawing.
● Organizing.


● Easily side tracked. 
● Directions. 
● Heights. 
● Being picked up.

Special Powers/Abilities: 

● Akane is good at tracking people down.
● Despite the small figure, she does have a decent amount of stamina.
● Observational skills are fairly excellent.
● The girl is fairly good at prioritizing and organizing.
● Managing money seems to come fairly easy to her.


☆  Akane is the current head of the Hayato family, one of the more well-known families.

☆  It was later discovered that there were no surviving members of the family, leaving her as the sole heir to the family fortune. To be exact, members of both the Hayato family and her immediate one. 

☆ Occasionally, she can be found napping in the school's roof deciding to use it as her napping area. Although, she does end up going to the clinic, very rarely, and nap there instead.

☆  Akane has a very similar appearance to her mother, Yuki, when she was a lot younger. 

☆  The female does have a small knack for archery and singing. 

☆ Akane has quite the exceptional talent for taking photographs. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 

☆ To discover new things.
☆ To see more of the world.
☆ To reach higher heights in the modeling world.

☆ Student. 
☆ Model.

|| F E A R S A N D N I G H T M A R E S 

● Being caught in the middle of a fire. 
● Being lost in a big city. 
● Becoming involved in a scandal.

● Arsonphobia ( fear of fire )
● Claustrophobia  ( fear of confined spaces )

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Kazuya Hayato, deceased. 

Kazuya was a fairly well known writer though he mainly stuck to the thriller and horror genre of books. The redhead was a fairly friendly and courteous man, despite his bad sense of humor. He always had a fondness for writing and painting, which could easily be seen by the various canvas he left behind in his storage unit. His wealth grew economically due to his various investments in numerous stocks in the stock market. 

Yuki Hayato, deceased.

Yuki used to own a small photography business, mainly taking pictures of models or things for charity work. This might explain Akane's later involvement in the modeling world. She was an outgoing and playful soul, which could easily be seen by the way she was rather lively around her friends and loved ones. Of course, she always had a knack for being misinterpreted due to her honesty. 


Saito Hayato, older brother. 19-22 years old.

Saito is the older brother of Akane Hayato, although as of yet his presence has been missing. No one can locate his exact location nor if he's even in the country. His disappearance had occurred some time before the house fire, due to his school's hours. There was quite a scandal stating perhaps he had run to avoid becoming head of the house and being in charge of the family. Of course, rumors could only say so much until you start believing them to be true. 


Ame Hayato, 24-26 years old. 

 Ame Hayato is Akane's current living relative, also serving as her guardian. He's from her father's side of the family, being one of his younger brothers. Also, he happens to be the only living relative now due to a house fire that occurred years prior. However, he's not officially related to the Hayato family considering he was adopted into the family during his teenage years. Nevertheless, Akane sees him as her uncle and family, considering he's been there for her since the very beginning. Occasionally, the male can be seen pulling her out of school for a day or so, simply to communicate among themselves. This became an odd tradition between the two, due to Akane's previous health issues rising once again. 

 Despite his status as Akane's official guardian and emergency contact, no one sees the resemblance between them or knows the fact that the two are, indeed, related to one another. 

Pet(s): A small cat of mixed breeds with reddish brown fur with emerald orbs. 

Best Friend(s):

Kanata Nanami

Kanata is someone Akane often seeks out once she sets foot on school grounds. After all, with his fainting spells she can't help but worry about him. Naturally, the blonde makes sure to not show so much worry towards the male- considering he doesn't enjoy others worrying about him. Nevertheless, that hardly stops her from lingering around him, simply to communicate with him and watch over him when his fainting spells occur. Ironically, the female happens to dote on him from time to time. She can't help but adore the male's crybaby and romantic nature. Akane finds him to be rather reliable and trustworthy. 


  Tsubasa Amaha 

Tsubasa is someone Akane happens to dote on quite a lot, considering his rather sweet nature. After all, he's a rather sweet kind and his knack for inventing things makes her dote on him more than necessary. Excluding that, the redhead does enjoy communicating with the younger male.  Truth be told, it wouldn't be odd to see Akane seeking him out just to spend some time with Tsubasa. It's relatively easy for her to grow comfortable in his presence, which can be seen by the way she's visibly comfortable around him.

Yoh Tomoe 

Initially, Akane did not get along with him in the beginning, considering his hostile nature to everyone. However, with her own politeness.. in a way she countered the harsh comments in return. After all, it wasn't in her nature to tell others be hostile in return to her. This had somehow ended up forming some odd sort of friendship between the two, establishing an odd friendship. Despite the friendship, it's still uncommon to not spot the two arguing from time to time due to something foolish.

Kanakubo Homare 

It might have been their shared fondness for archery that initiated their friendship. Truth be told, it was relatively easy to start a friendship with Homare due to his personality- something Akane seems to admire.  This could explain why the redhead is often staying longer during practice simply to get some advice from Homare. Nonetheless, she finds him to be a rather reliable individual. 

Aozora Hayato 



 Kazuki Shiranui 

Kazuki had somehow caught Akane's eye early on, causing the female to feel attracted to him. Of course, the fact that he was a year older or so than her did add on to her attraction to him. This often leads the female to follow after him, hoping to establish a much more stable friendship with the male. Somehow, after establishing a friendship with him, began to subtly flirt with the male. Naturally, she hasn't necessarily confessed a single word of her feelings to him or anyone in particular. 

Ryunosuke Miyaji

Ryunosuke Miyaji wasn't someone Akane intend to fall for beforehand. In fact, it seemed to happen almost suddenly yet she can't recall the exact moment when it occurred. Perhaps it was when she decided to visit the Archery club once for questions about membership? Nevertheless, she developed feelings for the male and had fallen fairly hard for him as well. Of course, this is something that leaves her clueless. Naturally, she does eventually strive to join the Archery club simply to continue her hobby of it and to pursue the male much more easily. 


 Suzuya Tohzuki 

Suzuya isn't someone Akane can get along with, despite his seemingly kind nature. After all, she had mistakenly caught a small glimpse of his dark nature. That wasn't something she could easily ignore after seeing it. In fact, it made the female much more hesitant to be around the male. Despite, his good looks and somewhat kind nature, she can't bring herself to communicate with him anymore than necessary. 




Affiliation: Seigetsu Academy. 

Year: Second year student. 

Type of student: Akane is a rather diligent and overachiever type of student, hardly settling for anything less than average. Of course, this means she also strives to keep her grades fairly high. However, that doesn't mean the female doesn't slack off once she's completed all of her work and homework for the day. 


ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Akane's body is somewhat slender though it can come off a bit petite at times, given her small stature. Her bust is a rather moderate size, nothing to complain nor brag about really. Due to her light skin color, she can often come off being described similar as a porcelain doll. Most people described her hands to be soft and a tad bit smaller than others- giving her small complex about it. Her eyes are a bit sharp giving her a more piercing or fierce look at times. Her lips are often pursued in a friendly or playful smile. 

Height: 159 cm.

Weight: Currently 44 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Akane's outfits consists of a mixture of warm and cool colors, considering she enjoys incorporating a variety of colors into her outfits. Her outfits can be described as a feminine and casual. Typically, she prefers to wear sweaters, tank tops and cardigans, along with shorts, skirts and fitted pants. The redhead does wear summer dresses if the summer heat is affecting her, which is usually the case half of the time for the female.

Accessories: There's two accessories that can always be found on the young female person constantly. A pendent like necklace, containing pictures of her immediate family and of her current guardian, Ame. The other accessory happens to be a ring that resides on her index finger, an old present from her parents.

Makeup: The only makeup Akane happens to wear would be eyeliner, some mascara and either lipstick or lipgloss. For special occasions, she does go the extra mile to make herself more presentable in social events. 

Scent: Coconut with a hint of vanilla.

Hairstyle(s): Nox's hair is extremely similar to her parents though it is a shade darker than expected. Her crimson tresses reach the middle of her back while her bangs happen to fall over her left eye- often covering it up. Despite constantly brushing her hair, it often appears to be wind swept or ruffled a majority of the time.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: On the right side of her belly button she has a slightly dark colored crescent moon shaped birthmark. The young woman has one piercing on her left ear, a silver figure of a small dragon. Akane's back contains a faint trace of a scar resting on her shoulder blade to her lower back, from a fight years ago. There's a small faint scar on her cheek as well, also quite a few on her hands.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song/Quote(s):

   ● Lost in you - Three Days Grace.
   ● Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran. 

  ● Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran.

  ● Use me to use you - Trapt. 

  ● Drumming song - Florence and the machine. 


● " It's odd how quickly things can change in little time."
● "Ack- No, I didn't mean that I swear!"
● "What do you that's not how it goes?"
● "Pfft. Are you joking?"

Favorite Food(s): Italian and American food.

Favorite Color(s): Red. White. Purple.

Favorite Number(s): 27. 96. 18. 50.

Favorite Season(s): Winter and Spring.

Favorite Holiday(s): Doesn't have one.

Favorite Time of Day: Evening.

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