Tuesday, June 23, 2015

{ ι ηєє∂ уσυ ; нαкυσкι σ¢ }

|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

I need you
...for selfish reasons.

Name (last, first): Kurosaki, Hikari.

Meaning: Hikari was named after the element Light, being the only joy her parents once shared together. 

Nickname(s):  Hikari has numerous names for her, some given to her beforehand. The ones that are mostly known would be Strawberry, Light, and lastly, Kari. 

Age: Appearance wise, Hikari looks somewhere around her late eighteens to her earlier twenties. 

Species: Pureblood Demon or Oni. 

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: December 27th. 

Life Story:       

       Hikari was raised in the environment where demons were far superior than humans, but various humans could do damage to her. That was something her parents couldn't allow, due to her being the first born in her family; which made her the rightful heir to be the next head, after the current's death. Her existence was kept a secret from the demon world, not wanting male demon's attempting to claim her as their's. Especially at such a young age. After all, female demon, pure blooded demons, were rare in this time. It was easy to imagine demons trying to openly pursue her and attempt to take her innocence in the illusion of gaining a strong offspring. Of course, this meant her father had strictly kept the knowledge of his sole female child hidden until the world. This was rather difficult to do. 

      After a few years of maturing, the ravenette was quickly engaged to Yami of the Takeshi family. The current heir and future clan leader as well. The pinknette believed the two would have nothing in common and would clash instead of that the two were quick to befriend the other. However, the woman had quickly became close to the dark haired man who had later became her lover. He slowly yet steadily forced his way into her heart through their many interactions. Yami was far different from any demon male she had ever met. This was the very beginning of their relationship together. Romance swiftly followed. 

However, everything changed once the humans caught whiff of the demon clan nearby, deciding to propose a deal to the demon clan. Of course that wasn't all to that. They were planning on exterminating the next head but Yami had swiftly intervened, lying and claiming he was the current head of the clan. Although the true heir was Hikari at that time. With Yami's insistence, she decided to indulge him in his request and leave with the remaining clan out the back door and far from their home. Just like Yami had requested of her. Little did she know that the last kiss they shared would be their last one. The Kurosaki home was lit on fire by the group of humans that had appeared in their home, their proposal rejected, and lastly, Yami's untimely death. 

That seemed to be Hikari's breaking point. The strawberry blonde went mad with anger and had slaughtered the humans that dared to step on Kurosaki's grounds that day. There was no way she could accept the death of her lover this soon. The ravenette spent countless nights in despair, unable to process the thought of her lover being killed. Everyone tried to drag her out of her stump but that didn't seem to work at all. This despair she felt would cease to leave, only leaving her with an emptiness she felt inside.

 It was only a little more than five months later that she had traveled to one of the nearby villages and met two individuals there- Chizuru and Heisuke. Within a small duration of time, she quickly befriended the two and began to travel to the village more and more. Of course, she was still hesitant to be around humans though she kept that and her lineage a secret from the others as well.

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


    Hikari is all of the ladylike qualities one needs in this era; Graceful, Polite, Courteous, Elegant and soft-spoken. Naturally this is solely for maintaining her appearance, since one slip up could get men to her clan and destroying it like they did in the past. It's one of the many reasons why she strictly keeps up this attitude in the public eye yet she retains some of her original authority over her clan. There was no way she'd allow a man to walk right her, believing her to be just another defenseless woman. It was sickening thought for her really. This might explain why she's so stubborn about doing certain things herself, without anyone's help.

Of course with that composed nature of her comes the irritated side of her. She can handle teasing remarks or perverted looks but when someone belittles her.. then it's a complete different story for her.  Given her composed nature, the young woman would simply suck up her irritation and keep a strict polite attitude is used. Truth be told, Hikari is rather short tempered, though she'll often try to ignore the issue by taking up the problems of those around her instead. In these cases, she'll often busy herself with everyone else- instead of focusing on herself.

Ironically, that doesn't stop her sarcastic remarks if she happens to feel provoked by someone else. Hikari doesn't see anything wrong in making snide comments as long as they're cleverly disguised behind her words. Otherwise, she bites back her tongue and waits for another opportunity. She has a bad habit of becoming rather  competitive as well, though she isn't horrible when it comes to that aspect. Instead she happens to be more competitive when it comes to playful bather or simple card games and things of that nature.

When it comes to intimacy, Hikari will try to come off as experienced in that field though she's severely lacking instead. She'll often try to  disguise it despite the flush of color that would usually stain her cheeks in these situations. As far as romance goes, she can be fairly stubborn about various things unless it happens to be someone she trusts- otherwise, she'll put up a struggle for even a simple kiss. However if it was someone she trusts, Hikari will feel inclined to be more docile and a bit more playful, following the led of the other individual.

Good Habit(s): Composed, independent, playful, loyal, competitive, and polite.

Bad Habit(s):  Proud, stubborn, responsible, easy to fluster, and sarcastic.

Nationality:  Japanese. 

Place of Origin: Varies. 

Current Residence: Varies.

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. Japanese.

Like(s): Tea, swords, swordplay, the sound of rain, snow, warm beds,  expensive food, playful bather, warm baths, long conversations, routines, encountering familiar faces, familiarity, hot food, physical contact, flowers, late night walks, high places, discovering new areas, expanding her territory, and her status.

Dislike(s): Wars, the smell of blood, clan discussions, crowded areas, being cornered, being forced into battle, having her trust betrayed, lewd comments, brothels, unjustified killing, cowardliness, greed, the smell of medicine, being seen as weak by others, not being strong enough, and having doubts.

Hobbies: Sword fighting. Dancing. Sketching. Poetry. 

☆  Enhanced strength.
☆  Enhanced stamina.
☆  Enhanced hearing/vision.
☆  Heals instantly.
☆ Flexibility.
☆  Bonds.
☆  Distractions.
☆  Ambushes.
☆ Medicine- the smell of it sickens her.

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Enhanced healing abilities and basic combat abilities as well. 

☆  Hikari's body is quite flexible and graceful like a cat's would be. 

☆  Because of her demon blood, she's quite quick and agile.


☆  Hikari is the current head of the Kurosaki clan, being one of the first female leaders in the clan. 

☆  Yami is considered to be her very first love, being the only man who could handle someone of her nature. 

☆  Despite any self proclaimed statements of love, Yami will still linger in her mind.. even if she has a new lover. 

☆  The ravenette is quite the stubborn one when it comes to her needing protection. She would insist that she doesn't need it, even if the situation is dire. 

☆  This guilt she feels over Yami's death constantly plagues her mind, making her wonder why she didn't try to refuse his request and get him to leave instead of herself. After all, if she had spoken up and said she was the head of the family, then Yami's death wouldn't have happened. 

☆  After Yami's death, it seemed like time had frozen for the ravenette. She would hardly respond to anyone, instead she always seemed to be thinking to herself quietly. 

☆  Hikari is a skilled swordsman, but that has to remain a secret to the world. After all, the men in this era believed a woman should be protected, not defending themselves with swords. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  To live peacefully.
☆  To protect her family.

☆  Geisha; though she refuses to do anything beyond serving tea and simply chatting.
☆  The head of the Kurosaki clan.

|| D A R K N E S S  I N S I D E  T H E  H E A R T ||

☆ Clan extermination.  
☆  A loved one's death.
☆  Not being able to protect her loved ones.

☆  Clan extermination; the cause? Yami's death.
☆  Change of the era; the reason? It would be more difficult to hide herself.
☆  Growing closer to someone else; the reason? Possibly losing them in the process.

Day terror(s): 
☆  Being discovered.
☆  Encountering bad humans.

☆ Pyrophobia: Fear of fires.
☆   Gamophobia: Fear of commitment or marriage.

|| F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ||



 Mikado Kurosaki

   " My, my.. Hikari you've grown since the last time I've seen you. How.. are you doing now?"  

 Mikado is the proud father of Hikari, the sole heir to the Kurosaki demon clan. He has earned himself the infamous reputation of being a true demon, killing people left and right if they dared to betray his trust. Of course, this was all in the past but if someone dared to mess with his lovely mate, Rin, or one of his children then he wouldn't hesitate to attack them relentlessly. After Yami's death, he had left the household to go and discover something else. A hidden truth to something he's been searching for some time now. That was the day that Hikari officially took over as the head of the clan, no longer having to rely on her father's words of approval. 


Rin Kurosaki
  " My child, sometimes in life we lose the ones we cherish. It will hurt for some time, but pain always goes away." 

 Rin is a beauty who rivals a piece of art work, from her porcelain like face to her brilliant pair of teal like eyes. The woman can be quite feisty and can pass off as a pampered woman at times. The exact definition of a lady in that era. Of course, she only showed a certain personality to her family members and guests. Under the presence of family members, she was much more relaxed and easygoing- an obvious change from her demeanor around strangers.



                         Haruka Kurosaki, a eighteen year old man. 

      " Hikari.. you have to let go of this guilt you feel.. I'm sure Yami wouldn't want to see you like this." 

 Haruka is the younger brother of Hikari, standing at a height of almost six feet. With a set of ebony locks and a pair of bright light grey like eyes, who's engaged to someone already. He's practically the embodiment of light, sharing numerous qualities the light would have. Brilliance, Warmth and Radiance. Due to his enthusiastic nature,  many people believe he's much younger than he actually is. Of course, he's overall laid-back nature does very little to prove otherwise honestly. 



Kyoya Kurosaki, a seventeen year old man. 

  "What a drag.. does this mean you won't be watching over the clan now, little miss sunshine?" 

 Kyoya is the third eldest in the Kurosaki family, already engaged to a woman younger than himself. He's more like a doting younger brother, constantly worrying over the others in his own.. harsh little manner. It's an obvious sign he's not very good at expressing himself properly to other individuals. In fact, he goes about it in a rather awkward manner often being caught stumbling over his words from time to time. Fortunately, he's fairly intuitive so that helps him connect with other individuals. 



Yami Takeshi, deceased at the precise age of 22. 

   " Love, you're quite a woman, aren't you~? No, I'm not complaining. After all, you're my only love."

 Yami was Hikari's fiancé, the one who didn't seem to underestimate her like other males did. The ravenette treated her as his equal, always considering her opinion before another's. Hikari loved him more than anyone, and he loved her all the same; cherishing her to the last moments of his life. Humans wanted the Kurosaki clan to help them achieve their goals, demanding to see their clan head. It seemed like Yami knew beforehand what direction this conversation would take to and lied to the men, stating that he was the clan head. Discreetly, he told Hikari to take the rest of the clan away from the place, incase any trouble rose. Naturally, Hikari refused but Yami silenced her with a small, meaningful kiss and a few words. " Just trust me on this one, love. Take them away from here quickly, around the back, and I'll come and meet up with you guys soon." Little did she know that those would be the last words she would hear from him ever again. He was absolutely perfect in her eyes and he would be even after his death. 


 Yuki Sasagawa, will eventually be known as Yuki Kurosaki. 

  "I've heard so much about you from Haruka. I have to say you're a remarkable woman." 

  Yuki is the dear fiancé of Haruka, Hikari's younger brother. Unbeknownst to others, the chestnut haired woman is quite shy and timid among strangers, always trying to give off a cold facade. It one of the many reasons why her mate, Haruka, is constantly teasing her and placing numerous kisses on her lovely rosy cheeks. This girl is relatively kept secure by her lover's side, not wanting anyone to harm her in anyway. Yuki happens to be much more compassionate towards others, especially in the presence of those who require help.


Hatsuharu Takeshi 

 " So, you're the woman my brother loved? Hm.. Maybe you'd like to show me what he saw in you."

 Hatsuharu isn't like his considerate older brother, Yami. The ravenette is more of an aggressive demon, who enjoys taking what's not his. It's one of the many reasons why Hikari took him under her wing, wanting to keep a watchful eye on the mischievous young demon. In fact, he's far too mischievous for his own good. It isn't rare to spot him causing some kind of scene with another individual, especially when there's something he's after. He's been known to be fairly persistent, after all.

Miyuki Yamamoto, will eventually be known as Miyuki Kurosaki. 

  "Mm.. It's a bit nerve wrecking I suppose. To be honest.. being engaged is a pretty.. new to me." 

 Miyuki is the fiancé of her brother, Kyoya, but she's far too young at the given moment. The raven haired beauty is quite the charismatic woman, always having a way with words unlike any other. Miyuki is well known for not being kind when expressing her opinion, choosing to reveal her thoughts- even if some may be a bit cruel to be informed of. This might be the reason why she might come across as rude in the eyes of other individuals. 


Best Friend(s):

Heisuke Toudou

 Heisuke is a fairly good friend of the young ravenette, someone she had met during a small errand she was running. Nevertheless, that had promptly made the two eager to converse among each other more. It might have been the fact that they shared some similarities that the they had clicked almost instantaneously. Hikari might not admit it easily but she enjoys spending time with him, finding it fairly enjoyable in her opinion. This might be the reason why she wouldn't  hesitate to help him in a heartbeat if he was to get involved in some type of trouble. It isn't rare to see Hikari wandering around in her search for Heisuke.



Chizuru  Yukimura

Chizuru steadily became a girl that Hikari wanted to keep safe, somehow reminding her a bit of Yami. Something that the girl wanted to figure out how and why. Nevertheless, she had continued to befriend the girl during her visits to the village or when she dared to go to her estate. Because of their close friendship, Hikari would't hesitate to protect or even cover up for Chizuru, seeing her as a younger sister.

Hijikata Toushizo

Hijikata stern and loyal nature was the reason why Hikari seems to respect him  and hold his words in high regard. Of course, that doesn't mean the two don't butt heads from time to time due to conflicting thoughts here and there. 

Harada Sanosuke 

Harada's cheerful nature might be the reason why Hikari got along with him so well. Of course, his short tempered attitude might be a reason why the two butt heads from time to time. Although, this can be easily ignored in favor of hearing his jokes, which she finds fairly humorous. His loyalty is another reason why she has such high regard and respect towards the redhead. 


This pureblood oni is special the young woman, given their prior friendship. Originally, their status as pureblood oni was what drove the two to friendship at first, but eventually their short conversations gradually becoming longer. It wasn't long after that the two finally began to speak as two close friends, no longer speaking as simple strangers. Now their relationship was that of friends. Hikari does feel rather protective of Senhime, wanting to make sure that the fellow Oni doesn't get hurt by another. 


Originally, the two weren't exactly friends until Hikari had befriend the infamous Senhime, then that's where the two soon met. The ravenette does hold immense respect for the warrior, considering she's one of the rare females who know how to protect themselves perfectly. Something she finds to be a unique and fascinating trait for a young woman in their era. This might be the reason why she's quick to come to Kimigiku for advice if needed. 


Souji Okita 

 Souji was one of the few men that had truly caught her attention, after Yami's untimely death. There was this complete air of mystery around him. She wanted to find out what exactly it was but she denied herself that right. After all, the female didn't want to admit that someone else had captured her attention. Of course, his teasing and occasional rude remarks dismay her a bit at first until she ends up retorting with some playful retort of her's. It might have been this teasing banter that led to Hikari becoming far too accustomed with their conversations. Of course, she would often be caught by surprise whenever he decided to suddenly go the extra mile on his teasing. Much to her dismay, her feelings for him had gradually shifted over time.



Hajime Saito 

Hajime was someone Hikari didn't expect to like at first glance, given their initial silence during their first meeting. Somehow, that slowly changed into something else entirely. His thoughtful nature and his desire to put others' safety above his own might have been the thing that drew her towards him. It was rare for Hikari to find someone as thoughtful as him in his area, despite the obvious lack of verbal confirmation of this. With that thought in mind, she slowly began to converse with him more so as time begin to pass by. It would only be a few weeks later that her feelings for her had gradually changed from simply friendly  to a more intimate level, something that didn't fail to scare the pureblood demon.



Kazame Chikage. 

Kazame is someone the girl is hesitant to be around considering their demon lineage. Of course, she can easily understand his desire to possess a pureblood heir but the way he goes about it seems.. completely wrong. Nevertheless, she can't completely blame him considering it's understandable why he's doing this. After all, pureblood heirs are extremely important to demons. Hence why this shouldn't have been a surprise to the female. Despite that thought, she's on the fence on treating him politely or at a distance.

Shinpachi Nagakura

Shinpachi is someone that Hikari has no idea how to act around, given his infamous status around women. This might be the reason why there's constant bickering around the two, sometimes it's playful banter. Half of the time, it hardly qualifies as anything but aggressive. Hikari does try her best to act as civilized as she can around the male, knowing it would be better not to cause anymore unnecessary ruckus. 


Nagumo Karou

Nagumo isn't someone that Hikari feels remotely comfortable around given the hesitant nature of his closely resemblance to Chizuru. That might have been the first warning sign in her head, though she thought nothing of it until she finally established a closer relationship with Chizuru. Because of the girls' friendship, Hikari had taken up a more cautious attitude around Nagumo- making sure to keep an eye out for him. There's something about him that leaves her on edge. 


Isami Kondou 

Isami was one of the rare few Hikari had no initial opinion of nor any remote interest in. He seemed like a well mannered and respected man, but she hardly became close to him. Personally, she's uncertain of what to think of him considering how close he is to battlefields in general. After all, the ravenette doesn't have any fondness for battles due to the blood being shed. Despite that thought, Hikari acts respectfully and courteous around Isami, knowing it  would be better to treat him politely instead of acting distant. 


Abilities: Due to her demon heritage, Hikari is gifted with numerous abilities that outrank that of a normal humans. Her healing abilities are top notch, able to heal any wound almost instantaneously. Naturally, most men would laugh at the thought of a woman knowing how to handle the way of the sword. However, Hikari cares little about their opinion really and, instead, continues to sharpen her knowledge about the topic. Of course, this is a secret. It would be better if they were under the illusion she was weaker than them. After all, she could promptly kick their asses with her sword afterwards and be left feeling smug. Not to mention, even she can't handle being outnumbered by men, considering how many of them enjoy the thought of women being the weaker sex. 

Role: As head of the Kurosaki clan, Hikari has to maintain a calm posture as well as being level headed. After all, any rash decisions can end up being her clan's last day of survival. 

Side: From a demon's perspective, Hikari finds war to be distasteful and absolutely refuses to have any part in it. However, at the death of her beloved fiancé, Yami, she quickly grew distraught at the thought. 

Association with Shinsengumi?: Naturally, Hikari wasn't inclined to meeting any more humans until she happened to run into Chizuru, who she eventually befriend and found out her backstory. From that moment on, she gradually becoming associated with the Shinsengumi; not seeing any of the top leaders there as enemies for the time being. 

Clan history: The Kurosaki bloodline is known to strictly have only pureblood oni in them. A rare feat only some bloodlines manage to accomplish. 

Demon rank: Hikari's bloodline is pure and untainted by any human mating, since her family strictly mates with other demons only. Coincidentally, this will change after she meets a certain group calling themselves Shinsengumi. 

How does she react in battle?: Hikari is a swift and precise swords-woman, easily able to move her body like a cat. She's absolutely ruthless during battle, not one to exchange words during a fight. Naturally, wounds are hardly a priority to her since her healing abilities instantly heals any she receives. Therefore, she could careless about a grave wound while she's fighting. 

How does she react when in love?: Love..? Love is something Hikari has only experienced once in her lifetime. That experience she shared with her fiancé, Yami, who had been slaughtered before they could mate like most demons did. However, if she does happen to fall in love.. the pinknette is more inclined to open up to her dear one, wanting nothing more than to cherish them and shower them with affection. Of course, considering how her first love ended tragically.. she'll be more than aggressive and cruel in battle if they were ever threatened. 

How does she react when something traumatizing happens to her?: Hikari might be a fighter, but even she can't avoid taking collateral damage sometimes. The ravenette shuts down almost completely, often having a brief flash of pain crossing her porcelain like face. If she happens to be alone, the ravenette will fall to her knees, body lightly trembling as tears began to escape her. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks: Hikari's body is quite gifted in numerous areas, giving her a more womanly figure. Her breasts aren't too large where it would be a hassle for her, instead they're more of a moderate size. To be more specific her breasts would be almost a c-cup, which is fairly suiting to her womanly figure. There are noticeable curves on her petite body, which is beneficial for her lover if he's interested in that. Her light blonde locks fall over her right shoulder, curling slightly towards the end of the tip. 

Height: Being a female, she's around Nagumo's and Heisuke's height, a few good inches shorter than the two siblings. 

Weight: Hikari hardly weights much, since the ravenette does like keeping up with her figure. The female is fairly thin with a slim stomach. 

Everyday Outfit(s): Typically, woman were forced to wear yukatas back then meaning Hikari wore a more elaborate and elegant style. She typically  wears warm tones though she does opt to wear cool tones from time to time. Due to her rank, she mainly wears yukatas a majority of the time. On a rare occasion, one might find her sporting man's clothes simply to run off and explore the villages a bit. It's easier to walk around the village with that disguise on.  

Accessories: There's a certain necklace she always has on her persona at all times. A single iridescent stone in the shape of a lion hangs around her neck on a single black cord necklace. This was a gift from her former lover.  

Makeup: Hikari doesn't use any makeup unless it's necessary for her to do so.

Scent: The woman gives off a faint cherry blossom smell. 

Hairstyle(s): Hikari's hair reaches her waist almost while her bangs frame her face fairly well, giving her a more lady-like appearance. Her thick ebony locks are often brushed and left down, though she does keep it up a hair ornament or two. Much to her displeasure, Hikari has a difficult time keeping her maintained due to her habit of running her fingers through her hair.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's no single piercing nor tattoo on her body, which can be considered a good thing. However for scars, there's a faint few located on her shoulder blades and a bit on the palm of her hand. A majority of these were from past incidents, encounters with others of her kind.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

☆  Far Away: Nickelback. 

☆  Drumming song; Florence and the machine. 

☆   Kissing in cars: Pierce the veil. 

☆   The one that got away; The civil wars. 

☆  Sacrifice; Zella Days.

 ☆  " Hm..? I was in love once, with a wonderful man. He was absolutely perfect to me, but he had his flaws like anyone else. I... Yami wasn't supposed to die in that incident. It was supposed to be me speaking to them, not him." 

☆  " Hah.. Who're you..? I don't recall inviting humans here, especially swordsman." 

☆  "War? Hah. We don't welcome that in here and if you dare to change that... Heh. Good luck watching your back." 

☆  "Hmm...? Why are you asking me this? I know we can't be together at all. There's this.. wall between us. He's a human and I'm a demon. Two things that could never cross one another."

☆  "Leave. I'm not making any deals with humans." 

Favorite Food(s): Preferably soup or warm food.

Favorite Color(s): Anything that isn't too dark. 

Favorite Number(s): 18. 96. 27.

Favorite Season(s): Winter and Spring.

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas. 

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn.

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