Tuesday, June 16, 2015

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 ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

I used all of my little tricks
To make sure that you noticed me
I was sure that I had you fooled
Yet you saw through my strategy

Name (last, first): Roux, Katarina.

Meaning: Esme is an old French unisex name meaning "esteemed, loved." Katarina is the Swedish form of Greek Aikaterine, meaning "pure." This form is also used in Germany, Hungary, and many other Slavic countries. From the French "roux" meaning red, this descriptive surname was used to refer to an individual with red hair or a ruddy complexion.

Nickname(s): Kat though most people simply refer to her as Katherine.

Age: Seventeen - Eighteen.

Species:  Human.

Gender:  Female.

Martial status: Single.

Reputation:  Katarina had earned herself a somewhat notorious reputation considering how she went from a guard to a criminal within a few a months.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Birthday:  December 27th.

Life Story: 

Katarina was born on December 27th to  Alfons Roux and Aurore Wolf sometime near midnight. Growing up was relatively easy for the female considering the position of her parents' jobs on the Ark. It classified her as one of the middle class on the Ark, leaving her in a relatively decent place on the ship. With that being said, her childhood had consisted of nothing but fond memories and not a single hardship. Of course, it didn't help her growing up considering how parents seemed to try and shelter her beforehand. She did make a few friends in the Ark, which consisted of John Murphy, Raven Reyes, Finn Collins and Monty Green. 

Things gradually changed once she was nearing her seventeenth birthday, Alfons managed to pull some strings with a fellow guard to place her into training. It was a spontaneous action that wasn't well received by the female at first, but she decided to give it a shot anyways. Katarina was only partially done with her guard training when an incident occurred that would tear the position away and earn her a spot in one of the prison cells for criminals. She only had to check out the rooms, merely inspect them as one of her duties- that was all she needed to do.

Unfortunately, one of the rooms she had to inspect belonged to an single mother with a sickly child. Hidden inside that room had been illegally obtained medicine, presumed stolen. All Katarina needed to was report it to the guards waiting outside the room's door. However, she couldn't bring herself to speak up after seeing the blatant fear stirring wildly inside of the mother's eyes. She couldn't possibly reveal her and force her child to be raised by someone else. There was no way she could be the cause for someone else possibly being floated from the Ark.

Before the guards had anytime to check in on her, she had taken the stolen medicine and hid it carefully in her clothing. During that moment, she could've sworn her heart stopped the second the other guard set foot inside the room. Despite her quick thinking, the medicine would later be found on persona when she was attempting to return it back to the woman after hours. Katarina had been half way on her walk there. Apparently the guard had noticed the small bottle in her pocket earlier, but made no mention of it until now. Wordlessly, she was suddenly arrested by another guard and forced to retire to one of the cells though her case was still being processed. It would later be decided that she'd be held accountable for her crimes against the Ark.  Her parents had been devastated by the news but there was little they could do to stop it.

It wasn't long before she was grouped in part of the hundred to descend down to Earth first. With her descent to Earth with the remaining hundred, Katarina was practically elated and terrified all at the same time. It was amazing in her opinion. It was incredibly easy for her to get lost in her own thoughts concerning the new place they would call home.  Honestly, it was easy for her to become ecstatic about their new home- causing her to be swept up in everyone else's pace at the time.

The moment Jasper had disappeared, she had been insistent on going out in the forest to search for him with the others. There was no way she could leave one of her friends out there. It was a good thing she had prior fighting experience otherwise things would have been difficult for her at the time. After all, they were in a place no one else lived yet there was the threat of another group inhabiting it as well. This was around the time that she began to put her own guard training into use. With Octavia's relationship with Lincoln slowly increasing, Katarina saw no reason to be weary of him any longer- unfortunately, that placed her in a questionable position at the time. Nonetheless, at least Finn also shared her views at the given moment. 

The most shocking thing for her was the abrupt news that she had a brother, one who happened to be on Earth with her. It was a fellow criminal by the name of Alastor Alf Heron- it was blatantly obvious why she hadn't heard of him previously, considering the fact he was confined sometime after birth. Despite this knowledge, the two decided to keep quiet about their relation fearing that it could be used against them in the long run. After all, there was still a possibility that they could be taken away once more- either by the remaining members of the Ark, the Grounders or the Mountain Men. Nothing was safe here, after all.

By the time the grounder war occurred,  she had the misfortune of being outside during the time of the explosion. Katarina was absolutely terrified by the explosion which landed her with a burn mark on her left shoulder along with a few scars. Although the most prominent one would be the gash above her right eyebrow that would later develop into a scar. Other than that, she did suffer from quite a few injuries due to the war that went on previously. A majority of her upper arms were cut up and bruised while her face seemed to be coated with blood,  a result from the injury she sustained above her right eyebrow. An injury that would later leave a scar on the girl. 

- - S E A S O N  T W O - -


When some survivors of the Ark landed on Earth, Katarina was completely devastated that her parents were no where to be found. Her father, Alfons, had been presumed dead while her mother, Aurore, was last seen alive. However, no knew of her whereabouts at the given moment. It wouldn't be until later on that she figured out there was still a remaining family member, Alastor Alf Heron. The brother she never knew she had. Her parents had chosen to deny her this knowledge, silently deciding it would be better that she remained ignorant about this. However the brief radio call they had earlier had informed her of her remaining family member. 

Nevertheless, she continued to remain with the remainder of the group as they desperately searched for those that were lost.

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Katarina can be quite defensive  and quick to bite at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she developed this trait due to the sheltered life her parents tried to contain her in.  For Katarina, it's scary getting close to someone else and then being hurt by them- on purpose at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force her to let her guard drop so easily, but she pushes herself forward nonetheless. She finds it foolish to remain scared about things when she has a chance to discover new things. This trait often leads her to trouble on more than one occasion.

Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spill secrets to others, especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others coming into play here. However, if the secret happens to be something harmful.. then she might feel inclined to talk about it further with the person involved. She wouldn't hesitate to offer help, especially if it has to be discreet. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their suffering. However when it comes to her own suffering and troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with her problems herself. During those times, Katarina is the type to act like nothing is bothering her.

Once trust is established with the female, Katarina is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surprising. She prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing a misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps the female a lot that she's quite observant, making sure she spots every single detail. Pushing that aside, Katarina can be fairly affectionate and playful towards those she treasures dearly- even a bit flirtatious at that. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionately with them, excluding any acts of intimacy that might require more work.

When it comes to intimacy and affection for others, Katarina can be a very giving person, having no qualms in showering them with affection or even subtle touches. However, she's prone to becoming territorial if she feels like someone else is stealing all the attention from a loved one. In fact, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can be rather impulsive in that state and do things she'll possibly regret in the near future. Katarina can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking about her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's at that.

Good Habit(s):  Loyal, brave, fearless, determined, understanding, patient, trusting, and intuitive.

Bad Habit(s):  Defensive, sarcastic, impulsive, guarded, territorial, honest and soft-hearted. 

Nationality: French and German and a quarter Greek.

Place of Origin: Alpha station, the Ark.

Current Residence: Earth.

Spoken Languages: English and only a small amount of french and German.

Like(s):  Physical intimacy, warmth, close contact, long conversations, soft melodies, secrets, high places, swimming, fingers running through her hair, back massages, meaningful conversations, surprises, routines, exploring new areas, rush from thrills, and excitement.

Dislike(s): Waking up early, having her sleep disturb, large animals, the cold, spicy food, syringes, the mist, wars, injustice, formalities, Ark's rules, being carried, being treated inferior, chaos, reptiles, torture, excuses, interrogations, mountain men, and the grounders. 

Hobbies:  Reading novels, exploring new areas, spending time with loved ones, small power naps, and card games.

Fear(s): Losing a loved one, getting herself in trouble, not being able to help a fellow comrade and losing herself in the vast forest. 

Strength(s): Wielding fire arms, Hand-to-hand combat, long distance running, scouting, and pain tolerance.

Weakness(es):  Physical strength, tracking, long ranged combat, ambushes, taking care of injuries and fighting w/o light.


☆  Katarina's case had been left in the processing stage for a few weeks until it was decided she should be held responsible for the crime. 

☆  Katarina can occasionally be spotted wandering off from time to time, simply taking their surroundings.

☆  The brunette might not admit it but she's fearful of insects. 

☆  She wouldn't hesitate to go along with a majority of the groups' plans, often being one of the first in the group to volunteer.

☆  It isn't uncommon for Katarina to take on the hunting or guard duties in the camp, preferring to do something that allows her some freedom.  

☆  Out of the two factions in camp, she happens to be undecided- not officially part of Bellamy's or Clarke's followers. However, she'll agree with however her views are similar to at the given moment.
☆  During the Grounder war, Katarina had been beyond terrified though she kept up the facade and continued to fight. However, the blood that stains her hands won't be forgotten so easily. 
☆ Katarina won't admit it but injuries are something she lie about and try to keep covered up, preferring to take care of it herself despite being inadequate to take care of it properly.

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  To find her parents. 
☆  To have enough power to protect those she cares about.
☆  To see the end of their journey.

☆  Guard-in training ( Formerly )
☆  Scouter- serves as one of the few who goes ahead and checks out the forest for The 100.
☆ One of the hundred.


☆  Solitude: Despite her occasional solitary actions, Katarina doesn't enjoy being completely alone. She prefers to work in groups though she's uncertain about voicing her own thoughts aloud- afraid to get close to another individual. After all, they are in war. 

☆  Not being able to fill the expectations placed on her: Katarina tries her very best to accomplish all of her tasks, simply to meet the expectations that are expected of her. She doesn't enjoy letting people down for whatever reason.

☆  Killing someone: When her hands first became tainted with a Grounder's blood, Katarina had shut down completely almost on the verge of a breakdown. She couldn't scrub the blood off any faster. 

☆ Rejection: It might have been her position as a (temporary) guard that left her feeling fearful that someone would come to reject her because of her past. She couldn't stand the thought of becoming an outcast within the group. 


☆  Being inferior: Katarina always strives to be a part of the best, not wanting to be seen as the weak link in a group.

☆  Not meeting expectations: Based on her upbringing, she developed fear towards being inadequate around those she cares for.  

☆ Second best: There's nothing she loathes more than being the second option to someone. It makes her feel as if she wasn't good enough for someone- a feeling she doesn't want to experience again.

☆ Not being strong: With the way things are going now, Katarina doesn't want to be rendered as weak-willed or physically in that aspect. After all, things are changing and she fears she won't catch up if she doesn't change somehow.

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Alfons Roux, status unknown.

Alfons was someone that others perceived as serious and honest, considering he had a blatant way of expressing his thoughts to others. Inf fact, he'll often stumble over some of his words if he considers it to be rather rude. Nonetheless, that blunt side of him seemed to simmer down the moment he met his future wife, Aurore. He's still rather outspoken and patient, though he does have a tendency to stress himself out if he's handling far too many assignments.

Aurore Wolf, presumed alive.

Aurore was an easygoing woman who preferred to not sweat the details on problems, deciding to deal with them as they arrived. The brunette had been one of  medical assistants when she had met Alfons, promptly falling for the serious guard.  Despite falling for the male, she still retained her ambitious  nature along with her determination. After all, she wasn't the type to sit around idly while there were still things she could achieve. 


Alastor Alf Heron

Alastor is the brother Katarina never knew she had until recently though this fact has been kept a secret to the remaining numbers in the camp. The two had ultimately decided to keep their lineage a secret in fear that it could be used against them later on. Despite that negative thought, the two are fairly close though they do bicker from time to time. She won't admit it but having him around does make things easier- almost soothes any previous fears she may have. Katarina can trust him to watch her back and vice versa.





Best Friend(s):

Octavia Blake 

It might have been their similar nature that immediately drew Katarina to the younger Blake sibling when they first descended to earth. She greatly admired the way Octavia was excited to take in the new surroundings, promptly finding herself being swept up in that excitement. In little time, the brunette found herself conversing with the fellow brunette throughout their days on Earth. Ocatavia's determination to fight was admirable by the girl, especially her strong devotion to see things out until the end. Katarina happens to find herself quite comfortable in Ocatavia's presence, finding it easy to express her thoughts to the female. She wouldn't hesitate to do anything for the younger Blake sibling.

John Murphy

The friendship was far from expected considering how often the two's views clashed with one another. Nevertheless, his sarcastic nature was well received from the female. Of course, there was a small change in their friendship due to her position as temporary guard that strained their friendship. However her fall to a criminal ranking had served to renew their friendship once again. Honestly, she doesn't agree with all of John's actions but she wouldn't hesitate to call him out on some of his actions if she deems it morally wrong or harmful to the group.  Katarina does admit that his sudden change of heart is surprising, but she supports the change he's willing to strive for. 


Raven Reyes

Raven was someone that Katarina got along with fairly quickly, though that didn't seem to change the fact that the brunette admired her skills. After all, Raven was the youngest mechanic in the Ark. In little time, she soon found herself stopping by more often to visit her. Katarina enjoyed her conversations with the young mechanic, finding great excitement in those conversations. Due to her own fondness of the mechanic, the brunette wouldn't hesitate to stick up for Raven if the situation called upon it. 

Finn Collins

Finn had been someone that Katarina met later on, through her friendship with Raven. At first the two didn't get along too well due to Katarina's sarcastic comments from time to time, but it was easy to jump over that hurdle. Once that had been done, she found herself falling to step with Finn's easygoing and relaxed nature. Of course that doesn't stop the occasional one sided argument between the two. It's easy for Katarina to get along with Finn due to their similar views in keeping the peace between the Grounders and their group. However, she was completely devastated the moment she caught wind of Finn's actions at the Grounders' camp. She didn't know what to believe anymore. 

Monty Green

Monty had been one of the easiest people for Katarina to get along with out of the entire group. She admires his good nature, especially the way he shows concern for everyone. It's an admirable trait to see in someone along with his intelligence. It's almost second nature for the brunette to help out Monty whenever he's in need of a few materials. The brunette can often be seen conversing with the male whenever she has time to do so. 


Initially, Katarina was extremely hesitant about Lincoln considering she still saw any grounder as the enemy. It was Octavia's relationship with the male that changed her views entirely. Because of this, she made more of an effort to converse with the male on friendlier terms. And sure enough, Katarina confirmed her previous thoughts. Lincoln proved to be excellent company throughout numerous small conversations with the male. The brunette might not reveal it easily but she did get Lincoln to teach her a few defensive moves. 


Jasper wasn't someone that Katarina clicked with right away until Monty was in the picture. Gradually with Monty in there, it had been easier for the brunette to interact with Jasper more so. It would only serve to improve the relationship between the two. After some conversations, Katarina will often finding herself being swept up in Jasper's and Monty's antics from time to time.


Bellamy Blake

Bellamy was someone that Katarina met prior to The 100's decent to Earth, though she hadn't actively conversed with him until later on. She finds his leadership skills to be quite impressive, in her opinion.  Although she won't admit it there was this charm about him that simply drew her towards the male to begin with. She figured it was better to indulge her curiosity a bit and finally approach the male. Truth be told, she wasn't dissatisfied in the least. Bellamy proved to be entertaining company as well as a an interesting individual. Katarina adored her conversations with him, though she'd never be bold enough  to actually express her interests in him outright. Although she has expressed it in subtle ways- hardly going beyond that. 



The grounder is someone that leaves Katarina uncertain, considering her initial views towards grounders. However, she couldn't  quite grasp a proper opinion on the leader just yet. Although, she does know that she doesn't entirely agree with Lexa's views on wars. That's where the two happen to clash. However, Katarina still retains a non-hostile relationship in regards to Lexa- preferring to stay civilized.


Honestly Katarina's not sure on what to make of the former Chancellor anymore. After all, it's understandable that he has to be stern with certain rules otherwise there would be chaos in the Ark. With that being said, she's inclined to simply stay out of his way now and merely go about her business instead. The brunette doesn't see any point in engaging in any conversations with him unless it concerns the group.


Clarke Griffin

Honestly Katarina doesn't have a problem with Clarke though she finds it difficult  to get along with her to begin with. There's something about the blonde's views changing that often leaves the brunette feeling conflicted. She can't say she entirely agrees to some of Clarke's actions considering how swayed she seemed to be when John was framed for Wells and did little but encourage the group to hang him. That might have been the reason why Katarina's so insistent on evading most conversations with Clarke unless it's necessary to talk her. She prefers to avoid any conflict if possible, after all.




Affiliation: The 100 and Lincoln.

Alignment:  Chaotic neutral. Katarina is often on the sidelines unless she feels compelled to step forward and offer her services. Despite that thought, she doesn't want to have blood on her hands. However, her views had to change when the Grounder war arrived and sparing the life of a Grounder couldn't be done. It was them or the Grounders, after all. Her hands had become tainted already- there was no end to the blood on her hands now. Considering her loyalty, she would be the one willing to take a risky position for someone else, especially if it would help her friends. She would prefer taking up that position instead of a loved one taking up that position and possibly becoming harmed or worse. In a sense, she did hate herself for getting her hands dirty but she won't let that stop her from protecting someone else.

Crime: Presumed to have stolen medicine- Katarina had taken the fall for a single mother with a sickly child, preferring to keep the mother with her child. She kept her mouth shut and had taken on the charges wordlessly.

Education: Hand to hand combat, Fire arms training, Combat training and Scouting.

Effect of the Grounder war: Katarina's previous of views had changed rapidly during the battle, forcing her into action. With her hands becoming tainted with the blood of others, she steadily began to resent herself because of her previous actions. However, she didn't let those thoughts stop her from doing what she needed to do to keep someone else safe. Katarina won't admit it but she occasionally suffers from nightmares and night terrors because of the Grounder war. 

Charisma: Katarina is hardly one to motivate others, preferring to take on a role more or less on the sidelines instead. Truth be told, she prefers to reach others through her actions instead of her words.

Defense: Typically, Katarina incorporates the objects close to her and the terrain to help maintain a distance between herself and her opponent.  As far as her defensive skills goes, she can hold her own for awhile until her impulse kicks in and she does something reckless.

Intelligence: Katarina happens to find joy in coming up with various plans and battle strategies. It's relatively easy for her to consider the consequences of a certain movements and base her strategies around that.

Stamina: Katarina's stamina is fairly decent considering all of the training she underwent previously. The brunette can run for a long distance, though she has more difficulty running in wet terrains.

Strength: Despite her lack of muscles, she can throw one hell of a punch and put up a fight. Of course, it does help that she received prior training during her temporary position as a guard.

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks:  Katarina's body is slender with an athletic build due to the training she previously underwent. Due to her training on the Ark, she tries to maintain an upright posture as much as possible.  As far as her womanly assets go, the brunette is a endowed at a medium sized b-cup.  She has a fair complexion though it often becomes tinted with a light rosy hue. Her cheeks are lightly dusted with freckles, which also happen to appear on her shoulders. Her eyes are a bit round and hazel colored- a trait she received from her mother, Aurore. Katarina's eyes can be described as expressive though there's a hint of exhaustion stirring within them.  Her lips are slightly full and can often be spotted in a small grin from time to time. 

Height: 5'5.

Weight:  130 lbs. 

Everyday Outfit(s):  Katarina's clothing consists of dark tones and a few warm but still equally dark tones thrown in. Personally, she prefers wearing anything that either flowing, fitted, or warm. Moving on one of the outfits she can constantly spotted in is a black top with a warm colored button down shirt, dark denim skinny jeans and dark brown hiking boots. She has no qualms against dresses, shorts or even skirts at that. Nonetheless, she prefers to be comfortable and warm with her clothing at all times if she can. 

Accessories:  She doesn't carry much accessory-wise besides the few rings given to the brunette by her parents.

Makeup: There's hardly any make up to be spotted on the girl.

Scent: A light after-rain scent clings to her.

Hairstyle(s): Katarina's hair is long and wavy reaching her lower back almost. Her bangs are often brush aside creating a parting in the middle, or simply brushed behind her ear. The color of her is described as a medium reddish brown shade. Her hair often let down though she'll end up arranging it in a messy bun or a simple braid if she can.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:  On Katarina's lower back, there's a few faint scars running along her back almost reaching her upper back as well. A majority of these were from incidents related to her time training as a guard. After the grounder war, there's a few scars scattered across her upper arms and a small burn mark on her left shoulder. On her forehead, there's a faint scar above her right eyebrow- a result from the explosion. As far as piercings go, she does have a single pair on each earlobe other than that she doesn't have any more.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

☆  Sacrifice - Zella Day.

☆  Moondust - Jaymes Young.
☆  I'll be good - Jaymes Young.
☆  Hollow Drum - Laura Welsh. 
☆  Flares - The script. 
☆  Can you feel my heart - Bring me the horizon. 


☆  "I-I.. killed him. I killed him. Wasn't there something.. else we could have done? T-There's blood on my hands now. It won't wash away no matter what I do.."

☆  "I'll.. do it.  It's dangerous to send anyone else out, right? Besides, I.. already know the terrain so I'll be fine going off on my own."
☆  "If.. I do this.. would it be beneficial to the group..?"
☆  "I'm so, so sorry. I-I didn't think things would ever reach this point."
☆  "I.. I said I would be here for you no matter what and I meant that. Tell me what I have to do. You.. know I'd do anything for you."
☆  "No..! We can't do that! It's not right!"

Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't spicy.

Favorite Color(s):  Warm colors.

Favorite Number(s): Eighteen.

Favorite Season(s):  Spring and Summer.

Favorite Holiday(s): Undecided.

Favorite Time of Day: Evening. 

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