Tuesday, June 23, 2015

{ ι ωαηт тσ ѕєє ; αттα¢к ση тιтαη σ¢ }

|| I N T R O D U C T I O N || 

I want to see.. I want to see my reflection in your eyes...

I want to hear..  I want to hear those soft lips speak my name...

And if, for a moment,      a smile lights your face...

I will be able to live.

Name (last, first): Giorgio, Bambi Iris. 

Nickname(s): Bambina. Bam. 

Age: Sixteen - Eighteen years old. 

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Middle class, well fed. 

Reputation: Due to her mother's promiscuous ways, Bambi is often given looks filled with pity or disdain. 

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: January 20th. 

Life Story: 

Bambi Iris Giorgio was the oldest child of Alonzo Giorgio and Ruby Williams, being one of two bastard children. Her birth wasn't necessarily welcomed at the night being, neither was her brother's, Dante. Nevertheless, the unmarried couple decided to share a home amongst them to take care of their own children together. After all, it wasn't the least they could do for the children to live a relatively happy and ordinary life desolate the pair not being married to one another. That peace only lasted for about five years until her father, Alonzo caught wind of Ruby's promiscuous ways. Perhaps he had noticed it sooner but he decided to wait and confirm his own suspicions first, before he even decided to act upon it. 

With her father's suspicions being proven, Alonzo wasted every little time in taking his children away from her. In fact, he hardly wasted much time in taking them away from the previously shared home. The pair of five year old children hardly had any clue on what was truly going on at the time. However, it wouldn't be long after that the he like catch wind of some of the rumors concerning their dear mother. Then again, it wasn't too hard for them to not notice when there was constant looks of pity aimed their way along strings of gossip frequently leaving their lips in hushed whispers as they passed them by. 

As Bambi was growing up, she felt quite frustrated with herself and her surroundings. It seemed like her mother's presence would not leave her, much to her dislike. People would constantly throw insults her way until they noticed she wasn't her mother, Ruby. The pair shared far too many similarities with between them, often causing everyone to mistake them for one another. Bambi absolutely hated being mistaken as her mother during her adolescence, often resorting to small fits at the time. Of course, those fits didn't last long when she knew it couldn't be helped. There were bound to be some similarities between the toe considering the fact her mother was the one who gave birth to her. 

It was only after the attack on Shiganshina that her priorities quickly changed that following day. The heavy stench of blood practically made her feel nauseous and dizzy, making it one of the things she would hate later on in life. She didn't want to live under the constant fear of suffering another titan attack- instead she wanted to be someone who could change all of that in a matter of seconds. That was her main reason for joining the military at first, but her goals gradually changed during her time there. Of course, it was a bit difficult at first since her father didn't tolerate her decision. Naturally she didn't linger on that thought for too long at the given time. 

Surprisingly she was ranked 15th in her squad at the time, exceeding the female'd expectations. Of course, her brother's, Dante, presence there did suprise her as well. The ravenette never expected to see her own brother joining the military, especially the Survey corps. Nevertheless, she had expected his decision just like he had expected her own when she decided to join the military abruptly. Before she even knew it the battle of Trost suddenly occurred relieving thst horrible experiences years ago. 

The attack did damage her mentally at first, but she refused to let that bring her down. They needed to avenge their fallen comrades one way or another. Simply sitting down and mulling over their thoughts would do little to nothing in helping them in their efforts to take down the titans. With that thought, a new resolve was born. Of course, her resolve did falter slightly with her brother, Dante, in the same squad as her. This only increases her desire to do better and to protect him as the older sibling of the two. 

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Bambi can be quite defensive and quick to bite at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she developed this trait due to her childhood. For Bambi, it's scary getting close to someone else and then being hurt by them- purposely at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force the female to let her guard drop so easily, but she urges herself forward. It would be foolish to remain scared when she has a chance to find something new.. and discover things she knew very little about. This trait often leads the female to the occasional trouble or two. 

Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spill secrets to others, especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others. However, if the secret happens to be something that's harming someone in a personal level.. then she won't hesitate to offer her assistance discreetly. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their suffering. However when it comes to her own suffering and troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with her problems herself. During those times, Bambi is the type to act like nothing is bothering her. 

Once trust is established with the female, Bambi is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surorising. She prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing a misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps the female a lot that she's quite observant, making sure she spots every single detail. Pushing that aside, Bambi can be quite affectionate and playful towards those she treasured dearly. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionate with them, excluding any acts of intimacy. That may require a bit more time until she's partially comfortable with someone to act on those emotions.  

Whenever the female happens to feel threatened, she's quick to act a bit.. territorial per day. After all, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can be rather impulsive in that state and do things she'll probably regret in the near future. Bambi can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking about her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's. 

Good Habit(s): Loyal. Brave. Fearless. Determind. Understanding. Patient. Trusting. Intuitive. 

Bad Habit(s): Defensive. Sharp tongue. Territorial. Impulsive. Guarded. 

Nationality: A mixture of Italian and German. 

Place of Origin: Shiganshina District. 

Current Residence: N/A. 

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. German. 

Like(s): Warmth. Exploring. New places. Blankets. Books about the world. Long hair. Relaxing. Dreaming. Sunny days. Rain. Warm meals. Taking walks at night. Star gazing. Communication. Hearing stories. 

Dislike(s): Titans. The smell of blood. Rude awakenings. Promiscuous women. Human trafficking. The king. Sexist men. False information. Reputations. Slacking off. Misunderstandings. Betrayal. 

Hobbies: Sketching. Reading. Exploring. Napping. Training. 

Fear(s): Failure. Her brother, Dante, dying because of a titan. Disease. 

Strength(s): Excellent at maneuvering herself in the 3D Maneuvering Gear. Teamwork. Mental strength. 

Weakness(es): Physical strength. Quick strategies. Ambushes. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Highly imaginative. 

☆  Persuasive.

☆  Knows how to work in teams effectively. 

☆  It wasn't too surprising for Bambi to be the object of constant ridicule or pity due to her mother's promiscuous ways. After all, her mother was a whore and unwed to her father, making the child a bastard offspring. 

☆  Bambi's dislike towards her mother is hardly anything new to the public, considering her mother is quite the attention seeking individual. Besides, her mother always has a knack for making the younger ravenette lose her patience. 

☆  Due to sharing similar traits with her mother, Bambi would often be bothered in the middle of the street because men easily mistook her for her mother, Ruby. It was something that bothered the female growing up. 

☆  The name Bambi is of Italian origin meaning child. It was an odd name to give the female, nut she hardly complains much about it. 

☆  Her middle name Iris means rainbow in a variety of different origins. The name seemed to be fitting due to the aftermath of rain storm that occurred the day before that was soon filling the sky with a faint rainbow in it's aftermath. 

☆  Whenever she happens to feel stressed, Bambi has a bad habit of letting her emotions get the best of her and often becomes quite emotional. 

☆  As odd as it sounds, Bambi feels quite relaxed when her hair is being brushed or played with. 

☆  The stench of blood makes her feel rather nauseous at times. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S || 

Ambition/Life-long Dream:
☆  To discover more things.
☆  Seeing past the walls.

☆  Survey Corps, scouting legion.

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Giorgio, Alonzo. Thirty eight years old. 

Alonzo works directly underneath the king, often having to carry out his orders to the appropriate workers. It isn't a job he happens to care for but it was quite convenient in keeping his own family alive. As much as he hated it, he drifted away from his two children sometime during his rise in his career. It wasn't his attention to do so but it managed to happen and once he realized it.. He hardly had anytime to react. His two children were already a part of the Survey Corps by the time the distance was noticed, and his home was an empty one. Alonzo does regret not taking the time away from work to put his own children first. 

Williams, Ruby. Thirty four years old. 

Ruby was hardly the motherly type of woman, rather she was far more of the wild type. She enjoyed being out instead of being stuck at home, watching over her children. Hence why it hardly surprised her family members when she had left them for good to pursue someone else. To this day, the family avoids meeting up with the promiscuous woman, especially Bambi. As much as she dislikes the woman, she's constantly being reminded of her because of their similar looks. Pushing that aside, Bambi can't seem to get away from her mother due to the constant rumors surrounding the woman. 

Despite Bambi's claims she doesn't hate her mother considering a part of still wants to be close to her mother. Of course, that's just a foolish dream on her part. After all, their family isn't going to reunite happily like she wanted it to. 


Giorgio, Dante Jay. Sixteen - Eighteen years old. 

Dante being the younger brother of Bambi, always has to handle being doted on by the older individual. Similar to his sister, he went for the Survey Corps, not wanting to be any other division but that. The young man is quite determined to do his best, despite his disdain for the system they currently live under. He's quite eager to strive for the best, hardly wanting to settle for less. It isn't odd to catch him training with Bambi from time to time, due to the siblings eagerness to improve their flaws. 

Dante can be quite arrogant and hot-tempered at times, but he's more than a little compassionate towards others. 





Best Friend(s):

Armin Arlet

For the female, it wasn't odd for her to strike up a conversation with the blond. Talk about the world beyond the walls always seemed to fascinate Bambi, which was one of the many things try had in common with one another. Despite what Armin may think of himself, Bambi finds him to be quite intelligent and unique. After all, it isn't often that you met someone who can come up with ideas out of the blur like Armin does. That's a quality she admires immensely in the male, which she doesn't hesitate to mention to him whenever she has the chance to do so. The female enjoys being in his company always fond of hearing what he has to say. 

Bambi can easily find herself growing comfortable around him to the point where she can go to him for advice. 

Sasha Blouse

The brunette is someone Bambi managed to strike up a conversation with quite easily at that. Before she knew it, she grew accustomed to Sasha's antics and occasionally joined in at times. It's relief for her to be close to another female who doesn't seem to be so.. distant from the group like other members in their squad. Bambi doesn't mind being roped into Sasha and Connie's antics, since she finds it rather entertaining. After all, it isn't often that the squad gets to share a laugh or two with one another. Personally, Bambi feels very comfortable communicating with Sasha to the point where she doesn't mind confessing her thoughts to her. 


Annie Leonhart

Intially, Bambi didn't have much of a relationship with Annie until they were paired up for the occasional sparring match during their trainee days. Truthfully, the ravenette admires the blonde's skill quite a lot, finding her fighting style quite remarkable. Bambi occasionally finds herself going to Annie to ask for advice on fighting styles or stances. She does enjoy having conversations with the female, even if they make be short from time to time. 

Historia Reiss || Christa Lenz

Bambi does enjoy conversing with Christa when ever she gets the chance to do so, but the relationship is still odd on her part. As much as she doesn't like to admit it, the way Christs manages to attract guys effortlessly does make her a bit jealous. However, she doesn't dwell on that thought for too long due to the unpleasant memory it gives the female. Christa presence does comfort the female, although it does leave her a bit odd. The comfort she provides feels a bit too motherly in her tastes. 


Bertolt Hoover

Bertolt is someone Bambi deems as nice but somewhat odd, despite their lack of conversations. After all, her interactions with the male are fairly limited. Besides, his height does intimidate her somewhat considering her short stature which is quite noticeable when she stands next to the male. 

Mikasa Ackerman 

Bambi does admire Mikasa's abilities, though you could say she's a bit jealous of them. Nevertheless, she doesn't feel anything in particular towards Mikasa due to their lack of interaction. However, she does admit to the woman being a skilled comrade to have in their squad. Of course, she wouldn't mind starting a conversation with the female if there was an opportunity given of her. Although that doesn't mean much would change between the two females.


Ymir isn't someone Bambi has much of an opinion for though their vastly different personalities are to blame for that. After all, the mysterious air Ymir gives off cord make the female a bit curious about her but it isn't a feeling she indulges.  

Reiner Braun

Bambi doesn't have a real opinion nor thought concerning Reiner, which isn't too surprising. There's hardly much interaction the two in the first place, despite being in the same trainee squad in the first place. Bambi does admit to admire his skills, especially in the physical aspect since she happens to be lacking in that area. 


Hanji Zöe

Bambi admires Hanji immensely, with or without that fascination she has with titans. After all, it wasn't often that you found someone who'd be able to stand being that close to titans. It surprised the female, and startled her, but that was quickly accepted after much thinking. Bambi finds Hanji to be someone quite interesting and dependable. The ravenette does enjoying taking the time to converse with Hanji whenever she has the chance to do so. 

Levi Ackerman 

Despite Levi's known harsh nature, Bambi admires the man for a number of various reasons. After all, he's someone who's easily admired for his skills in the battlefield- something she strives to gain. That may explain why she was so eager to be in the Survey Corps, where he'd be monitoring over the new recruits. Surely with Levi monitoring them, she'd be able to achieve her goal at a much faster rate than she had intended for intially. Of course, she can't deny that his cleaning ways intimidate her to a certain extent. His harshness doesn't seem to make her wary due to the treatment she received earlier in her childhood. 


Eren Yeager.

Somehow Eren became someone Bambi noticed during their trainee days, though she didn't talk to him in those days. However, she eventually came around to openly engaging in conversations with the male. Bambi does admit to admiring Eren's courage and determination for his goal. Of course, his reckless nature does cause her worry from time to time. Nevertheless, she doesn't find herself complaining too much about his ways. After all, there would be no point in convincing him other wise. 

It did take some time for Bambi to even realize her own feelings for Eren had changed during the course of their friendship. At first, she would have gone on completely oblivious if she hadn't noticed the signs earlier. She would often finding her thoughts concerning him, which seemed to be a fairly obvious sign to the female. Despite those feelings, Bambi still talks to him normally, deciding it was better not to indulge those feelings of her's for fhe time being. 

Jean Kirstein 

At first, Bambi wasn't too fond of Jean's attitude during their time as trainees but that changed in the course of a few weeks. Bambi herself didn't understand her own feelings when it concerned Jean, though it wasn't surprising at the time. After all, those feelings were relatively new for her during that time. Despite that shift in her feelings, she would still spend time continuing to converse with him, excluding the occasional bickering the two would engage in. Over time, it wasn't long before she came to admire Jean's new attitude towards things. The sudden change did surprise her but it was hardly something she questioned, considering the fact he had given his own ambition some thought beforehand. 

Bambi might keep it to herself but she admired the leadership skills that Jean has, deeming him a respectful individual. 


Connie Springer

Bambi's friendship with Connie is rather odd, since they could from a simple conversation to a small argument in a flash. In a sense, it isn't far fetched to say they have a somewhat friendly rivalry going on with one another. One way or another she can easily be lured into his odd antics with Sasha, constantly making the female wonder how they got so off topic. However, she doesn't dwell on it too long since the antics he gets into with Sasha have the tendency to make her laugh. Pushing that aside, she does enjoy having Connie as a friend and someone she can have a friendly rivalry with. 



|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Survey Corps. 104th Trainees Squad formerly. 

Rank: 15th. 

Reason for being a part of the Survey Corps?: Bambi isn't the type to sit around and do nothing, especially when there's danger nearby. Therefore, her decision to join the Survey Corps wasn't too surprising. Although, the danger that the Survey Corps members faced did leave them uncomfortable with her decision but it wasn't their decision to make. After all, each of them had joined a squad of some sort and moved into different paths from there. However, she never expected to see her brother in the same squad as her.

First reaction to seeing a titan: Initially, fear was quick to taint the girl's courage, almost to the point where she was shaking at the sight of them. The thought of death hardly left her sight and the stench of blood filled the air. However, it took some time for her to realize she was the only thing to determine the outcome of this event and she needed to focus if she wanted to survive another day.
Instructor Shadis's individual trainee evaluations: "She's a master of 3D Maneuvering Gear and strong mentally, but she lacks physical strength. However, her skills in working as a team does seem to make up for that flaw of her's."

Battle skill; Physically, Bambi isn't considered as strong due to her lack of physical strength. However, she's quite strong mentally which is one of her strong points. Also she's quick to react fast under pressure, hardly stumbling to move into action. Defense wise, she can be considered quite strong. The ravenette happens to be rather exceptional in operating the 3DMG. 

Initiative: Bambi's initiative is rather high, which is no surprise due to her strong resolve. She wants to do her best and excel at the things she's currently lacking in. Of course, her determined personality helps out with her initiative. 

Speed||Agility: Due to her fast reflexes, Bambi is quick to react and move into action. She's hardly one to stumble unless she's backed into a corner with no chance of escaping. 

Teamwork: Bambi works rather well with others, always eager to hear a teammate's input. The female is quick to adapt to their needs and doesn't mind being the mediator if a dispute occurs between the squad members. Even if her teammates seems rather uncooperative, Bambi would still insist in coming up with a plan and having everyone participate. 

Strategy; Now this happens to be a field Bambi is still working on at the given moment. However, she makes up for that by attempting to provide new ideas and suggestions to help out in planning a stategy they could use. 

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks: Bambi's body is quite slender and petite looking, but she is rather fit for someone her size and age. There's a small noticeable amount of muscle found on the ravenette. As far as her more womanly assets go the female has a somewhat decent set, hardly anything to complain about. Her complexion is rather fair, another trait her mother seemed to pass on her- including the iconic chocolate hues and long eyelashes. Bambi's hands seem to be rather small and her fingers are somewhat medium in length. Her face has a small hint of roundness to it, giving her a more youthful look. Her eyes are slightly large and give off a curious and playful twinkle that appears constantly within them. Her lips are often pursued in a small grin or a tired smile from time to time. Her nails are trimmed though they do pass the tips of her fingertips barely.

Height: 168 cm. 

Weight: 55 kg. 

Everyday Outfit(s): With Bambi's role as a solider, she's often seen wearing her uniform which consists of a short, light brown jacket with the badge of the Survey Corps on both shoulders, on the front left pocket, and on the center of the back, a white shirt, a dark brown sash around the waist covering the hips, white pants and dark brown leather boots. Upon entering the Survey Corps, she can be seen wearing a green cape with the symbol of the Survey Corps. 

When she isn't in her uniform, she'll end up wearing a simple long sleeved shirt and long skirt though it only reached her ankles. Her shoes are simple pair of shoes one would find on any other woman during that time period. Despite her father's financial status, she prefers to only have the clothing she needs not wanting something suiting someone in the middle class. After all, it's better to have what you require, not something extravagant. 

Accessories: There's hardly any accessories that she carries, excluding a small drawing on a small piece of paper. 

Makeup: Bambi hardly has any use of those items. 

Scent: A very faint sweet smell clings to her. 

Hairstyle(s): Bambi's hair used to be a lot longer, reaching to the end of her lose back. However, her hair was cut before that leaving her hair to be around the tip of her shoulder blades and a few inches almost reaching mid back. Usually, her bangs are often swept to the side to avoid getting in the way of her eye sight. Typically, Bambi leaves her hair io during missions or training but she does keep it down once they return back to head quarters. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's not any tattoos, piercings or piece of jewelry that can be found on the female. Bambi happens to have plenty of scars on her body though, which isn't too surprising really. There happens to be a rather faint scars on her back, just below her shoulder blades that seem to be rather faint pink hue. Another scar happens to be on upper arms as well, only having a rather jagged scar on one while the other seems to be straight across. 

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

☆  Moon dust - James Young. 

☆  This is gospel - Panic! At the disco. 

☆ Sacrifice- Zella Days.

- - - x

☆  "I'm not like that woman- not at all. Her choice was.. stupid but it's in the past now. She's just someone I used to know."

☆  "We can't sit around here and do nothing. We need to practice.. do something..! It's not good for us to sit here dwelling on  the past, we need to hurry and catch up to the present before it leaves us behind."

☆  "Personally, if it comes down to saving someone and killing a titan.. I'd save someone. There's no doubt about that- none at all. That would be the right thing to do. " 

Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't too sweet or spicy. 

Favorite Color(s): Emerald. Ruby red. 

Favorite Number(s): 18. 27. 50. 80. 96. 

Favorite Season(s): Winter & Fall. 

Favorite Holiday(s): 

Favorite Time of Day: Afternoon. 

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