Tuesday, June 23, 2015

{ вυт ƒσя σтнєяѕ ι ¢αη кιℓℓ ; тσкуσ gнσυℓ }

|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

 It gives me Sᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜ
                           to have somebody to fight for;
                                   I can never fight for myself
                                   but for others {I can кιℓℓ.}

Name (last, first): Tsukiko, Hikari. 

Meaning: Radiance or light, moon field. 

Nickname(s): Kairi.

Age: Sixeen- Nineteen years old. 

Species: Half Ghoul. 

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Martial status: Single. 

Birthday: December 21st.

Life Story:

Unlike other stories, Hikari's birth was hardly welcomed by her mother though her father did welcome her. The red haired child was born a total of five minutes earlier than her twin sibling, Ren, making her the oldest out of the two of them. Most of their childhood, they were kept away from their mother while Kyoya, their father, taught them about the world of the Ghouls. Of course, most of the information was kept away for a later them. After all, they were still fairly young to be taught such things at that age. They were only taught the basics, such as learning to eat organic food in the presence of humans to avoid being found out as Ghouls. 

It was around her second birthday that her younger sibling, Shintaro was born to the family. Naturally, it was no surprise that the children were the ones to remain at home with their new sibling, while their father went away to hunt. Miyako, their mother, was kept away in a different section of the house hidden to them. The children were told that their mother was sick and wasn't in any condition to see any of them. Incidentally, her father refused to reveal anymore information concerning their mother. With that in mind, they didn't bother to question their father any longer. However, it didn't take long to figure out that their mother had died the moment their father stopped bringing in food for her and seemed much more.. unusual than he did typically. 

Around the age of eleven, her father had yet to return to home, stirring up confusion among the children. Kyoya hardly left any notice to his disappearance- in fact, it wasn't long before they realized he was either captured or dead. It was easy for panic to consume the three children due to their lack of knowledge in hunting and surviving on their own. Thoughts of being caught forced the children out of the house, to avoid being captured.  Within the week, the Tsukiko children were starving and more than tempted to act impulsively. Fortunately for them, they stumbled upon their father's friend in the streets before anything could go wrong, Shuuya Yamazaki. 

Being with the older man provided the children with a stable environment as well as someone to teach them the information they lacked. Having Shuuya as mentor for five years allowed them to get accustomed to the human world, through observation and having direct experience with them. However that didn't mean they were fond of having to eat organic food in their attempts to make themselves appear more human. It wasn't too surprising to catch the three feeling rather nauseous once they returned home. Nevertheless, they gradually learned to deal with that throughout their years spent with Shuuya. 

Finally after five years, it was apparent to the children that Shuuya was going to be leaving soon. The teens believed they would be going as well, until it was made clear that he would be going alone. However, he didn't abandon them completely instead he had left his apartment to them, as well as enrolling them into school. With that being done, Shuuya finally deemed it appropriate to leave the 20th ward, after leaving them something to remain stable and secure. 

This was around the time the fifteen year old finally began to hunt for the three, deeming herself the one in charge of the small family. Of course, it helped meeting Uta who provided her with a mask to go out in the nights. During those last three years, she had been constantly hunting for meals for the family earning herself quite the reputation among the Ghoul investigators- The Wolf. It was probably around this time she had heard about Anteiku through her meetings with Uta and the occasional run in with Rize. 

Having a job here at Anteiku proved a sense of relief for Hikari considering the stress being at Kamii university provided her with. Of course, Anteiku allowed her a stress free environment as well since her siblings could easily be watched there. It was a rare chance that she couldn't pass up- keeping her family safe is her first priority. Hence why it was no surprise she grew quite overprotective of her younger brother, Shintaro, after Ren's death. Ren was killed during an incident with another Ghoul, in other words he was eaten by a Ghoul. Despite her thoughts, she found herself rapidly becoming involved in the battle yet to occur.

- - T O K Y O  G H O U L : R E - - 

Things had rapidly changed with the fall of Anteiku and no one to fall back on, Hikari had gradually began to grow desperate to keep her brother, Shintaro safe. In a mere twist of irony, Shintaro had gotten involved with Aogiri- a group their deceased brother, Ren, sternly told the two not to join. There was very little she could do to convince him to otherwise. It was because of this that she became involved with Aogiri as well, though her relationship with the group is strained and extremely limited, due to her own desire not to become heavily involved. After all, she's only trying to lessen her brother's work load discretely.

For the next three years, she began to get more and more involved with Aogiri leading to her own conflicted views on humans to grow. Before she had even realized it, her hands had already became stained with the blood of others. This would later explain why she's grown more closed off than before especially when she's off checking out wards, hunting or simply doing the task they asked of her. 


|| A B O U T H I M O R H E R || 


On a daily basis, Hikari can come across as patient and understanding, though she can be rather sarcastic at times. However, that trait doesn't come out often unless she feels comfortable around someone. Nevertheless, she does have her moments of maturity where she'll become fairly passionate about a topic along with the fact she prefers to finish things to the end. Although her sense of responsibility could be seen as a negative thing, considering she'll often try to take on more than she can handle. This might be the reason why she'll often observe others in her own attempts to figure out certain things beforehand and try to go on that thought alone.

In regards to becoming upset or distressed, she's the type to go about it passive aggressively considering violence isn't something she resorts to. That might explain why she'll often bottle up her feelings and thoughts a majority of the time, just to hear someone else's first. She prefers hearing the entire story before jumping to conclusions. Hikari doesn't seem to rush others when it comes to this, preferring to let others do things at their own pace instead of her own. Despite her bad habit of keeping her emotions to herself, she does have her moments of vulnerability where she'll end up succumbing to her emotions through crying or even the occasional argument or two.

When it comes to romance and intimacy, she's more than a little uncertain about the subject considering her parents didn't have the best romance nor are they the best example of one. With that being said, Hikari is the type who can't devote to someone fully unless it's in a emotional and physical level. Her inexperience might explain why she'll often try to act as if affectionate acts don't bother her. Well, that wouldn't be a total lie considering she's completely alright with anything physical though it's the emotional connection that scares her. There's something about developing a close emotional bond that makes her feel weak and scared, especially when it comes to letting someone see that side of her. 

Around people she knows closely, the redhead is the type to become much more relaxed and playful at times though she does know when to reel back on the latter. Due to her closeness with certain individuals, Hikari is more than willing to whatever task they requested of her. Her loyalty can be quite faulty because of that. She'll often go the extra mile for those she cares for to the extent that she would lie and taint her own hands for them. However that's hardly the worst it could get- Hikari has an awful habit of remaining loyal to those she knows that isn't wise to continue following. 

Good Habit(s): Determined, understanding, intuitive, confident, passionate 

Bad habit(s): Guarded, loyal, vulnerable, sarcastic, tolerant, and responsible. 

Nationality: Japanese with a small mixture of something else. 

Place of Origin: Tokyo, Japan. 

Current Residence: Tokyo, Japan. 

Spoken Languages: Japanese & English. 

Right handed or left handed: Right handed. 

Like(s): Tea, coffee, horror films, rain, mystery novels, photography, astrology, the ocean, card games, word puzzles, small animals, familiarity, physical closeness, massages, warm drinks, blankets, sunlight, feeling the sunlight against her skin, sleeping in, soft melodies, and night walks.

Dislike(s): Extreme heat, rude awakenings, having information withheld, romance novels, sexist comments, insects, cannibalism, organic food, lewd comments, ghoul investigators to a certain extent, discouragement, cowardliness, the smell of blood, starving and being interrupted.

☆ Drawing.
☆ Reading.
☆ Training. 
☆  Swimming.
☆ Photography.
☆ Finishing word puzzles.

☆ Her siblings being caught by a Ghoul investigators.
☆ Capture.
☆ Cannibalistic Ghouls.

☆ Medium - distant attacks.
☆ Decent offense, defense and speed.
☆ Durability against brute force.

☆ Long range attacks.
☆ Fights against an experienced fighter.
☆ Surprise attacks.
☆ Ambushes.

Special Powers/Abilities:
 Easy to concentrate on one thing.
 Highly imaginative. 
☆ High pain tolerance. 
☆ Strategic. 
☆ Observant. 
☆ Great with distractions. 


 As much as Hikari dislikes it, she's heavily involved in the human world due to her good attendance in school and other things. After all, she doesn't need suspicion thrown her way. 

 Sometime after her father died, Hikari had a mask made by Uta and that was the starting point of her hunting days. 

 Eating organic food leaves her feeling rather nauseous and dizzy, but she easily lies and uses the excuse she has a rather weak appetite. It's a believable excuse fortunately. 

 At Kamii university, she's rather well known by her peers due to her studious nature and fiery red locks. 

☆ The moment Ren died, from one of the cannibalistic ghouls, Hikari felt like a part of her had died. In fact, any mentions of her deceased twin leaves her feeling completely vulnerable and defensive. 

☆ Hikari's rank only seemed to increase due to her frequent nightly hunts along with her encounters with the Ghoul investigators. 

☆ Hikari happens to dote a lot on her younger brother, Shintaro, which quite obvious due to her affectionate and motherly nature around the redhead. 

☆ With a good suspense or thriller novel in hand, Hikari can easily be entertained for awhile. 

☆ Hikari happens to have a sweet tooth, though she'll prefer a slice of cake and a cup of coffee a majority of the time. 

☆ Hikari usually tries to keep her hair hidden or opts to wear a wig while she's out hunting, merely to throw the Ghoul investigators off of her trail.

|| D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
○ Live peacefully with loved ones.
○ Have a family of her own.
○ To protect those she cares about. 

○ Student at Kamii University.
○ Part time at Anteiku.
○ Part time at a coffee shop. 

|| F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ||


Tsukiko, Kyoya. Forty one- forty two years old. Believed to be dead. 

Kyoya Tsukiko was a ghoul, who always had a bad habit of picking up interesting things. And it seemed like a certain human by the name of Miyako had captured his watchful eye. Despite wanting to eat his prey, something about her compelled him to keep her around for awhile longer. Unfortunately for her, Kyoya was more than a little dangerous for her. The redhead was never the type to treat others too kindly, finding it more entertaining to bend them to his will. In fact, he enjoyed constantly toying with Miyako's emotions- stringing her along until the night had lead to one thing. 

Yamimori, Miyako. Thirty eight years old. Deceased. 

Miyako was a perfectly ordinary student who had no connection to the world of the Ghouls. However, her cheery optimism had captured the attention of Kyoya Tsukiko, a ghoul. One way or another, she fell for the manipulative man- incidentally falling for his trap. Being strung along constantly led the somewhat healthy relationship to become more dependent and dangerous on her part. Hence why it was hardly surprising that she was gradually losing her mind the moment she found out about Kyoya's true nature and the fact she was pregnant. Despite the strong dislike of ghouls, she couldn't bring herself to let the developing beings in her body die. Perhaps that explained the reason for her staying with him for a few more years. 


Tsukiko, Ren. Sixteen-Nineteen years old. ( Deceased )

Ren is only a mere five minutes younger than his sister, Hikari, but that hardly stops him from assuming the role of the oldest. After all, he doesn't enjoy having Hikari out hunting while there's a constant threat of ghoul investigators around. He was rather mature for his age although he had an odd sense of humor, due to his love of making terrible puns. The redhead had a genuine love for his siblings, despite the occasional clash their personalities would make with one another. 

Tsukiko, Shintaro. Fifteen -Seventeen years old. 

Shintaro is a bit soft spoken and quite thoughtful for his age, despite his bad ways in expressing himself. He's quite tired of being protected constantly but he does very little in voicing this thought. After all, Ren's death only served as a reminder in remembering they only had each other now. It wasn't too long after that he started to train himself, wanting to be strong enough on his own to not need any support. He refused to be helpless if he was ever forced into a fight and couldn't seek a way out. 


Yamazaki, Shuuya. Thirty eight - Thirty nine years old. 

Shuuya was an old friend of the Tsukiko children's father, Kyoya. However, that didn't mean he was eager to watch over the three children on his own when Kyoya had gone missing and was seemingly presumed as dead. Pushing that aside, he's watched over the children for about five years until he relocated into another ward. However, he didn't leave them completely empty handed. In fact, he had left his own apartment and acted as their guardian to place them into school for the time being. 



Best Friend(s):

Touka Kirishima.

At first, the two's relationship wasn't quite as friendly until later on. Before Hikari even realized it, she was already fairly comfortable around the female to the point where she would be willing to share her thoughts with her. The redhead does enjoy having conversations with Touka, along with the occasional training session or two whenever she has a chance to do so. Occasionally the two do get into arguments due to conflicting views. However, that doesn't happen to often fortunately.

Hinami Fueguchi

The younger girl was someone that Hikari took an immediate liking to, which might have been the result of constantly doting on her younger brother. There was something about Hinami that made the redhead desire to protect her and shelter the female in the process. Her initial timid nature was charming in the girl's perspective. Hikari does go an extra mile and tries to make sure that Hinami is comfortable, though she does try to converse with her about various book authors. Frankly, it wouldn't be odd to spot the two conversing about novels.



Hikari's friendship with Uta is a bit odd in a sense, considering most of the conversations seems to be coming from her half of the time. Typically, the redhead would be the one coming to him for a quick repair on her mask or simply seeking advice. Nevertheless, she can have plenty of nice conversations with him during her occasional visits with him. Hikari does admire his skills in crafting masks, always finding herself admiring said masks later on. 

Nishiki Nishio 

With Hikari's enrollment in Kamii University, it was relief to find another Ghoul in the same setting as her. Before she knew it, the redhead gradually began to seek him out for a conversation or guidance really. Of course, that could appear as an excuse due to her brother, Ren's, and the fact that she needed some sort of support. Any form of support would have been good for the female at the time being. Hikari finds him rather interesting and someone she'll go to first if something bad occurs. In a sense, it wouldn't be too far fetched to say she trusts him quite a great deal. 

Shuu Tsukiyama

Hikari's initial friendship with the Ghoul was rather odd, considering the fact it was known he was a cannibal in a sense. Nevertheless, the female always managed to elude him during those times- nearly scraping by with just a cut up limb or two, fortunately. It was probably around the time his interest in Kaneki grew and he began to assist said male, that she could finally have a proper conversation or two with the male. Of course, it isn't too surprising she can be a bit hesitant around the male still. Nonetheless, she's shown signs of trusting him recently. 

Hideyoshi Nagachika

The brunet was someone Hikari would later met through the campus at Kami university. She might not admit it but took an immediate liking to Hide, finding his personality to be rather admirable and charming. His optimistic nature was a nice change considering everything that she seemed to shoulder diminish when she was in his presence. Hikari enjoys her conversations with Hide, often finding herself seeking him out from time to time whenever a chance arises for her to do so.

Yoshimura Kuzen

The older ghoul is someone that Hikari has grown to respect and hold his words in high regard. This might explain why the redhead is quick to help out at Anteiku's if extra work is required the following day. She also enjoys hearing the pointers and advice he happens to give out from time to time. After all, she finds it rather useful to heed given their unique situation.


Ken Kaneki 

Kaneki was someone Hikari had only heard mentions of during their shared time at Kamii university. In fact, she officially meet him only after he had joined Anteiku and began working there. With the small conversations gradually growing to more in depth conversations between the two, there was a very subtle shift in their friendship. Before she had even realized, Hikari's feelings for Kaneki had shifted into ones dealing with romance. This had genuinely surprised the female at first, but she hardly allowed that to discourage her from continuing to interact with the male. She admires Kaneki's intellect and his protective nature.  

Sasaki Haise 


Ayato Kirishima 

Ironically, Hikari could hardly stand Ayato at first considering the obvious differences between the two individuals. After all, she doesn't see humans the same way as he does which can often cause conflict. Nevertheless, she does admit that she admires the male's fighting ability greatly. There's one thing she refuses to admit, his smile, though rare, is incredibly charming and admirable. Of course, it's fairly difficult to maintain her composure considering his rough personality. Regardless of that, she doesn't have the heart to stay away from Ayato. 


Rize Kamishiro 

Rize's nature to string along her next victim always made Hikari feel rather uncomfortable per say. It wasn't something she would ever do, knowing to a certain extent that it was wrong. Of course, the constant binge eating only furthered those thoughts of her's. Despite that dislike of the female, Hikari does enjoy the occasional conversation or two with the female. After all, Rize's experience in hunting does lead Hikari to often come to her for advice. 

Suzuya Juuzou


Seidou Takizawa

The former ghoul investigator is someone that Hikari is immensely cautious around, considering his more unstable nature. Frankly, she doesn't want anything to do with him to be honest. However, his connection to Aogiri might be the only reason why she's on the fence on even approaching the ghoul. After all, she doesn't want to risk bringing any attention to herself or her brother, Shintaro. 


Takatsuki Sen ( Eto )

Takatsuki is someone that Hikari tries to evade, wanting little to nothing to do with the female. It might be the redhead's previous relationship to Anteiku and Takatsuki's own father. Nonetheless, she's someone that the redhead will choose to evade willingly at that. It's better to limit any encounters with her to minimum, desperate to avoid making any mistakes with her like she had done in the past.

Arima Kishou

The ghoul investigator is someone that Hikari had the misfortune to see in action, right in the middle of a hunt.Frankly, it's a sight she doesn't want to see again especially if she has a chance to avoid it. Considering the male's abilities, she goes the extra mile to avoid him. Ironically she wasn't so lucky one day which explains the scars scattered across her body. She was fortunate enough to get away with that much damage, considering Arima could have done worse if he wanted to.

|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Anteiku, 20th ward. Anteiku ( former ) and Aogiri ( strained )

Alignment: Chaotic good. It may not be obvious but Hikari is more than willing to follow orders and do the unthinkable if there's a chance her loved ones can benefit from it. In fact, she doesn't her care if her hands are tainted in the aftermath as long as she can be of used. The redhead wouldn't refuse to kill someone for her loved ones though there might be small signs of hesitation lingering within her. 

Alias: The wolf.

Danger level: Fairly well known and quite deadly. Hikari won't hesitate to fight back if cornered, which happens to be one of the main reasons she's often involved in a skirmish with others. 

Rating: SS level. 

Reason behind rating: Honestly it was a mistake on Hikari's part during one night that had leaded her this role. She didn't try to be seen hunting down humans but it happened nonetheless. There was every little she could do that night when she noticed by the ghoul investigators. As much as she hated it, she refused to be captured which lead to the female fighting back against them. It wasn't her intention to kill some of the investigators, but it occurred nonetheless. After that, she began to get far more attention than she would have liked during that time frame. It wasn't long before that her time of hunting became known by the ghoul investigators and the fighting became much more frequent between them. This all occurred before she heard word of Anteiku. 

Views on humans: Despite socializing with them, Hikari is rather apprehensive about fully immersing herself within the crowd. After all, she's constantly on guard around them leading her to be rather conflicted in approaching them to begin with. Nonetheless, the redhead is currently on the fence in regards to humans. 

Rc type: Bikaku. 

Strength: Due to Hikari's kagune, her strength is rather decent in a sense. 

Defense: Due to Hikari's kagune, her defense is rather decent in a sense. 

Intelligence: Hikari relies on her own intelligence to come up with good strategies to get her out of troublesome situations. 

How she remains unidentified: Hikari's mask is specifically made to seem similar to a wolf, although the left side where the other fang is supposed to be it's broken off purposely. This only allows her nose, mouth and chin to be seem by others. The first thing she makes sure of is that her hair is kept hidden underneath a hood or a simply beanie. After all, that could be the one thing that makes it obvious who they're looking for. The aftermath of that event only brought on unnecessary encounters for the female, along with fights she could barely escape without being forced to fight. 

Attitude towards Ghoul investigators: Hikari doesn't necessarily hate all of the Ghoul Investigators. After all, she knows they each have something they're fighting for. Hence why she tries her best to limit any fighting against them. 

School: Kamii University

Grades: Typically, Hikari's grades are fairly high due to the constant time she spends studying. Of course, it also helps that she has plenty of time to study while also helping her siblings out in studying. 

|| L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks: Hikari's body is rather slender though there is a faint trace of muscle on the female'd body, due to the training she puts in. After all, she can't afford to let herself or her siblings be caught. Her complexion is rather fair, a trait her mother seemed to pass on to her. As far as her more womanly assets go, she's fairly decent having nothing to complain about. Her eyes appear a bit large, giving her an unwanted dainty and doll-like appearance. Her lips are often pursued in a brief smile or a small grin occasionally. 

Height: 160 cm. 

Weight: Around 43 kg. 

Everyday Outfit(s): Typically, Hikari will wear anything from shorts and pants to skirts. As far shirts go, she tends to go for the loose fitted shirts or somewhat frilly clothes. Of course, that might have been her father's influence on her when she was younger. After all, her father always seemed to bring her the frilly type of clothing during her childhood. Knowing that she has to blend in, she'll often wear more girly based clothing while she's out during the daytime. The moment night hits, it's a completely different story, considering her clothes and style change. At night, she'll prefer black fitted pants, dark colored shirts or vests, and a hoodie as well. 

Accessories: Hikari hardly wears any accessories, deeming them unnecessary. 

Makeup: Hikari rarely uses makeup and when she does it's only used in small amounts. After all, she'd only use to blend in a bit more as a human. 

Scent: A faint vanilla like scent is often clinging to her due to her fondness for vanilla scented items. 

Hairstyle(s): Hikari's fiery locks is about the length of her lower back and then a few more extra inches. However, her hair is typically kept in a ponytail usually unless she happens to feel rather tired. Whenever she is tired, she leaves her hair down without much care. For special events, she does try to do something extra with her hair. For example, Hikari keels her hair in a elegant up do for the time being. During hunting hours or fights, she makes sure she keeps her hair in a bun to prevent any hair getting in the way of her sight during a fight. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: As far as piercings go, Hikari only has one on each ear from her childhood. There's no tattoos or jewelry on the female'd body. However, there's quite a few scars on her body which happens to be faint one her lower stomach, upper back and a small one on her right upper thigh. 

|| E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song(s): 

  Moondust - James Young. 

  This is gospel - Panic! at the disco. 

 I'm so sorry - Imagine dragons. 

○ We might fall - Ryan Star. 
○ Hollow drum - Laura Welsh.
○ Serial killer - Lana del rey. 


○ "I'll distract them, alright? Go on ahead! I'll be fine."
○ "I-I can do this, trust me. Besides, I did.. say I would help however I could so this is.. my chance to prove it to you!"
○ "I know I shouldn't be dotting on you too much, but I can't.. refrain myself. After all, you're the only family I have left now and I can't bare the thought of possibly losing you."
○ "J-Just let me be selfish right now, please?"
○ "Is it alright if I skip out on training today?" 

Favorite Food(s): N/A. 

Favorite Color(s): Ruby red. 

Favorite Number(s): 18. 27. 50. 80. 96. 

Favorite Season(s): Winter. 

Favorite Holiday(s): New Year's Eve. 

Favorite Time of Day: Dusk. Midnight. 

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