Tuesday, June 23, 2015

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 ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

  I will   N E V E R

                    be (GOOD) enough
                    for                       you.

            i never WAS ☓ i never CAN be

          【so why am i still holding on?

Name (last, first):  Miyuki.

Meaning:  Japanese name meaning 1) "beautiful fortune/happiness," 2) "beautiful snow," or 3) "deep snow."

Nickname(s):  Yuki or Miyu. 

Age: 480, physically around seventeen-nineteen eighteen. 

Species:  Hanyo- a cross between a human and a wolf yokai. 

Gender:  Female. 

Martial status:  Single- no mate. 

Financial status: 

Reputation:  Due to her hair color and birth, it's no surprise that there's rumors of her being spread around through the villages throughout her travels. 

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. 

Birthday:  April 18th. 

Life Story: 

Miyuki was born on during spring to Eiji and Maiko, though the birth wasn't celebrated immediately. After all, her mother was a human while her father was a demon. They had created a taboo in a sense, considering a majority of the hanyo were shunned from both humans and demons- belonging to either world. Growing up had been rather difficult for the young child due to the vast numerous of slurs or insults she would receive from humans and demons alone. Although the nasty ones came from the humans while the demons threatened to physically harm her. 

Despite the rough start at life, Miyuki kept up a strong facade until a small incident occurred, instantly breaking down all of her walls. A small encounter in the woods had caused a group of humans to come after the smaller child. Unfortunately for Miyuki, one of the swords the men carried had swung down and sliced her leg, leaving behind a nasty scar along with blood quickly filling the area with its scent. It was around this time that she encountered another yokai, though this stranger was a tiger yokai. His name was Mamoru, a male almost similar in age to her, who would later become her first friend. 

It was roughly a year or two later, that her parents announced they were expecting another child. Miyuki was elated by the news, eager to have a sibling of her own. It was around winter time, late December, when her brother, Akira, was born into the family of three.  For awhile everything was fine until an encounter with a rival clan from her father's past had tracked down the family of four. There was no way for her father to prevent his family from being injured or possibly killed in the process.  It was only by a stroke of luck that Miyuki's friend, Mamoru, was in the area. Before the worst could occur, he practically demanded that Mamoru should take off with the two children and his wife, Maiko. 

Unfortunately, Maiko had other plans- she had no intention of leaving her husband behind, despite the probability of dying. With the wolf yokai surrounding them, Eiji didn't have much choice but to force the three child away while trying, but unsuccessfully, to get Maiko to go with them. In the end, the children were forced to leave though Akira was still a mere baby, hardly being able to determine what truly occurred that night. 

For the next five years, Miyuki would be the one to raise her brother, Akira, with some help from Mamoru from time to time. By the time Miyuki was approaching her early teen years, Mamoru had to leave them due to troubles within his tiger yokai tribe. With the redhead's departure, things were difficult for some time due to Miyuki's lack of knowledge in regards to raising child. Nevertheless, she managed to raise Akira properly though there were a few scares due to his weak and sickly health, often leaving her in state of worry. 

Once Akira had began to grow, and approach his two hundredth birthday, Miyuki  began to train him how to fight along with other helpful things. She couldn't stand the thought of her brother being helpless if she was out of the picture. For the next few years she would continue to travel with Akira while making sure nothing could possibly harm them. Unfortunately for the two, there was a brief encounter with Naraku which almost ended with the life of Akira- something that caused Miyuki to swear that'll she hunt him down for revenge. It would later be known that Naraku indirectly had a hand in her parents' death. 

This would lead to Miyuki's desires to hunting down Naraku and avenging her parents' death. That desire had only grown due to the stunt Naraku pulled that almost killed her brother. It would only be a few months later that she would encounter Inuyasha and the gang.

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Miyuki is the type of girl who can easily forget about her own needs and focus her attention on someone else completely. In fact, she'd often go the extra mile for those she cares about. It'll often reach the point where she will put aside her own health to worry about someone else. This trait is the reason why she's occasionally prone to recklessness, to the point where she'll throw aside her own safety for someone else. She doesn't see anything wrong in becoming a weapon for someone else's sake. In a sense, she's also foolishly brave considering she'll often run towards trouble if it's coming towards her brother or a loved one.  

Towards others, Miyuki wouldn't hesitate to vouch for them or even shamelessly praise them. However if the situation is reversed, she can't take a compliment well without first becoming flustered or lightly denying the statement. She prefers complimenting others before herself though she doesn't mind small acts of physical comfort or a simple pat on the back. In fact, those gestures will make her feel pretty elated and satisfied. Although, it's the completely opposite when she's angry or just upset. Miyuki might end up snapping at someone considering she is a bit short tempered at times. However that only happens when it comes to remarks from the villagers or yokai they might encounter throughout their journey. 

Due to the death of her parents and her current position as the guardian of her brother, Miyuki has been known to become protective towards those she cares about. The hayno is known to give away items she needs in favor of giving them to a loved one, considering she'll put herself at a lower position of need for them. Also, she's not the type to ask for anything in return if she gives something away. Her loyalty to others can be a downfall for the female considering how deep it goes for someone. 

In regards to intimacy and affection, she's known to be more assertive though that's a result of her curiosity. After all, her curiosity is one of the reasons why she'll often go the extra mile and do things she wouldn't normally do. An example of this would be Miyuki following a custom if she sees another individual doing it first. Truth be told, the hanyo can be rather submissive in a relationship, or in bed, though she'll often put up a small fight as she sees fit. She can be docile at times, but it would take some convincing for her to do so.

Good Habit(s):  Protective, generous, observant, brave, docile, and assertive.

Bad Habit(s): Loyal, self-critical, proud, reckless, short-tempered, and  curious.

Nationality: Japanese. 

Place of Origin: Feudal era. 

Current Residence: Feudal era. 

Spoken Languages: Japanese. 

Like(s): Warm drinks, blankets, companionship, sleeping in, small animals, warmth, the sound of rain, physical comfort, beds, lakes, high places, feeling the sunlight against her skin, praise, surprises, lakes, close comfort, long conversations, stars, small children, and her hair being toyed with.  

Dislike(s): Loud noises, other yokai, Naraku, ambushes, insults being directed to her brother, being helpless, humans, alcohol, being thrown, her thigh being touched, the treatment hanyo receive, lecherous states, lecherous comments, rowdy villagers, fires and encountering yokai. 

Hobbies: Exploring, training, doting on her brother, scouting, reading, and swimming. 

Fear(s): Being burned, losing Akira, being found during 

Strength(s): Close combat, distractions, basic demonic abilities, medicine, her determination speed and agility. 

Weakness(es): Her brother, Strength, fire, fighting in water, and ambushes. 


☆ Miyuki and her brother, Akira, don't belong to any wolf tribe. Her father's tribe shunned them due to his interaction with her mother.  

☆ To avoid being attacked, Miyuki makes sure her tail, along with Akira's,  is carefully concealed underneath their clothing. She also makes sure their pointed ears can't be seen either.  

☆ Her brother, Akira, is the only family member she has- to be more precise, he's the only one she's willing to risk everything for.   

☆  A warm meal and blankets can make the girl agree to almost anything.

☆   Miyuki makes her money by creating herbs and using those items to sell in villages, mainly to stabilize their financial situation.

☆   The hanyo is known for going out on nightly walks, simply to take in the scenery.

☆ On the night of the new moon, the hanyo loses her demonic power as well as her brother's power as well. During those nights, Miyuki strives to keep her brother out of sight or simply keep the two of them hidden from sight. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆ To protect her younger brother, Akira. 
☆ To become a full yokai. 
☆ To defeat or kill Naraku. 
☆ To be good enough to be considered a part of the yokai world, or more specifically by the wolf tribe her father originally belonged to. 

☆  Traveler. 
☆ Protector. 
☆ Merchant. 

☆ Losing Akira. 
☆ Drowning. 
☆ Being hunted down by humans again. 

☆ Not being strong enough to protect Akira.  
☆ Her birth.
☆ Being inferior to someone. 
☆ Being rendered helpless. 

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Eiji, a wolf yokai. 

Eiji was the pride of his father's wolf tribe, being one of the more seasoned and experienced fighters there. Although he was often seen as cautious and distant from others, due to his desire to stray away from others. He didn't see any need to establish a proper relationship with others at the time. Naturally, this all changed when he encountered a young woman by the name of Maiko, one who had captured his attention almost instantly. Despite falling for a human, Eiji was still weary about other humans- knowing they could pose a problem later on in their lives. 

Maiko, a human. 

Despite the villagers, and her parents, dislike of yokai, Maiko happened to have the complete opposite view. She saw no reason to hate them unless they happened to attack the villages. The female was a fairly timid and head strong type of girl, constantly settling for the very best. She was never one to settle for second best. In a sense you could say she was pretty stubborn and insisted on having it her way. It was surprising that Maiko had fallen for Eiji, a wolf yokai. 


Akira , hanyo  ( approximately 200 years old, physically thirteen- fourteen ) 

The hanyo is rather frail and sickly, due to his weak heart. This is one of the reasons why his sister, Miyuki, is so insistent on keeping him close to her at all times. Despite his weak health, he happens to be fairly enthusiastic and determined though he's shown signs of being doubtful at times- however those doubtful thoughts are typically aimed at himself. Typically, he's rather docile though he has his moments where he'll end up snapping- in the end, Akira will end up aplogozing for his former actions or words. 


Hisao, a wolf yokai. 

The hanyo is the younger brother of Eiji, holding his brother in low regard now. Despite the friendly smiles, he can be absolutely ruthless when it comes to achieving his goals. To this day, Miyuki nor Akira haven't made any contact with Hisao, though they have heard rumors that he's after them.  



Best Friend(s):


The demon slayer was someone Miyuki was initially afraid of approaching due to her first encounter with humans. It wasn't long before the hanyo's first impression on the girl changed significantly, though it did help that she mentioned a bit of her past to her- dealing with her younger brother, Kohaku. After all, Miyuki is in the same situation where she wants to make sure her younger brother remains protected. Moving past that, she finds the girl to be an excellent companion, often seeking out her guidance or company a majority of the time. 

Mamoru, a tiger yokai. ( approximately 500, physically nineteen - twenty.)

The redhead happened to be Miyuki's savior, at one point, during their childhood. That might be the reason why she holds Mamoru in such high regard. He's rather open-minded about various things and quite shameless, though the latter is probably the worst thing about the male. After all, he has no shame in saying things that would be deemed inappropriate in front of others. That might explain why he'll often come across as rash or rude occasionally. Mamoru also happens to be a full fledged tiger yokai, though he holds no prejudice against hanyos only humans. 



The small fox was someone Miyuki took a liking almost instantly. It might have been his young age and small stature that led the hanyo to become fond of him in little time. She enjoys seeing the small fox smile or simply come up with small acts of mischief. Occasionally she'll find herself playing along with his schemes simply to see him smile. It might have been the fact they both lacked parents that Miyuki is often making sure that he's doing alright or simply dotting on him. This might explain why she's so generous around Shippo. 


The small girl was someone Miyuki happened to encounter by mere chance, though it didn't take long for her to figure out that the child accompanied Sesshomaru. Honestly she was surprised to learn that Rin accompanied the yokai though she didn't let that affect her views on the girl. Instead, she simply treated her kindly, offering her help whenever she happened to stumble upon the girl throughout her journey.  



The wolf had a certain charm to him that simple captivated her at first glance, though she isn't willing to admit that.  Honestly, Miyuki was rather startled by her initial attraction to the wolf yokai, which explained her more docile and slightly flustered nature around Koga.  His straightforward personality might be the reason why she has trouble coming up with proper responses around the male.  Whether she admits it or not, there's an obvious attraction towards the male. 


Honestly, Miyuki isn't certain on what drew her to the mercenary in the first place, rendering her confused and highly curious. There was something about him that made her wonder. Of course, his obvious thrill towards murder made her extremely hesitant to even approach him further. After all, she had her younger brother to look after. She couldn't afford getting the two of them killed because of her curiosity. She can't deny the loyalty he has for the Band of seven is quite admirable.  Nonetheless, she keeps her encounters with Bankotsu scarce if possible.


It might be their drive that makes the two work fairly well, though that doesn't mean they don't butt heads from time to time because of that. Of course, his brutally honest nature might be another reason why they but heads. However, Miyuki does admire Inuyasha's abilities and his determination to fight.  She does admit that his personality makes it very difficult for anyone to dislike him.  Unfortunately for her, her feelings had changed for him rather abruptly- catching her completely by surprise. It was a little strange in her opinion, though she showed no signs of confessing in the near future. Ironically, her actions seemed to be the thing giving her away. 



The human is someone that leaves Miyuki feeling hesitant, considering the odd scents that would, occasionally, cling to the female. It's mainly the hanyo's cautiousness around humans that leaves her extremely hesitant to fully establish a friendship with the female. Recently her views towards Kagome have changed and she's slowly becoming more friendly with her. 


The dog demon happens to be someone Miyuki encountered in the past, though it was hardly something to be considered a good memory. After all, Sesshomaru isn't exactly known for his kindness towards others, especially hanyos. Even though Miyuki refuses to admit it, she greatly admires Sesshomaru's powers 



It isn't too surprising that Miroku tried, and successfully managed, to grope the hanyo,  though that first encounter definitely made Miyuki more than a little hesitant to be around him. Despite their recent conversations and encounters, the hanyo is still rather reluctant on standing near the monk. After all, one brief chance of being groped had been enough for her to learn it was better to create some distance between the two of them.


The woman is someone that leaves Miyuki extremely confused, considering her actions as of this moment. The hanyo knows Kagura isn't fully on board with Naraku's actions yet she still remains there serving him. This will often leave the girl with the strong desire of wanting to converse with her a bit more, simply to figure out what she's trying to do exactly. 



One dangerous encounter told her everything she needed to know about the man. Miyuki feels nothing but absolute hate and anger towards Naraku. Their one encounter had been enough to make the hanyo desire revenge against the vile man. That's the main reason why she's so stuck on the idea of getting stronger in a short period of time.


The priestess is someone that makes Miyuki feel rather anxious, completely uncertain about her intentions. Although that isn't the point entirely. It's due to the scent that Kikyo gives off that she tries to make sure they don't encounter the priestess by chance. She doesn't loathe her- instead it's far from that. Miyuki doesn't have any desires to get mixed in with Kikyo due to the rumors she's heard about the female.  



Affiliation: Independent, eventually Koga and Inuyasha's group. 

Alignment: Chaotic good. Miyuki would go to any lengths to keep her loved ones safe, especially her brother, Akira. She has the tendency to go beyond her own limitations, despite the painful aches, just to keep her brother alive. The hanyo has been known to separate from others if she has a suspicion they'll place Akira, or herself, in danger ' way. If her brother happens to be placed in danger, Miyuki will be absolutely ruthless just to have him back in her arms. There's no hesitation to be found within her when it comes to her brother, Akira. 

Weapon: Typically, Miyuki uses her body as a weapon in fights though she does carry a dagger and a sword on her at all times. An example of her body being a weapon, would be the strength she happens to don- something her father's gene managed to pass on to her. 

Agility: Miyuki is quite light on her feet to the point where she can move quickly without faltering. Of course, it does help that her endurance and stamina are exceptionally high. Due to her fast reflexes, she's often the one distracting her opponents while her brother has time to hide or get out of harm's way. 

Charisma: Due to her past Miyuki has resorted to using conversational skills to keep others at bay or to get her way. She's well known to be an excellent conversationalist, though a majority of her conversations had been taught to her by her mother. After all, her mother didn't want her to become harmed again, deeming it necessary to teach her a way to hide her hanyo features and keep up the facade of a human in the presence of others. 

Defense: Due to her observational skills, Miyuki's defense is fairly high-often being a force to be trifled with. 

Intelligence:  Miyuki happens to be fairly intelligent, though she mainly uses her intellect to come up with plans to keep her brother safe or find ways to keep the both of them alive. 

Strength: Unfortunately for Miyuki, she isn't as strong compared to a yokai though she can handle a group of humans. Against a yokai, she wouldn't be able to last long though it's a good thing her endurance and pain tolerance is exceptionally high. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks:  A majority of Miyuki's looks were passed on from her mother, Maiko, though she does have her father's eyes, which happen to be a dark chocolate hue. Her complexion is rather fair though she does happen to tan easily if she's exposed to the sun long enough. The hanyo's ears pointed while her canines resembled fangs more so than they do human teeth. Two traits her father happened to pass on. Due to her birth, she does have a tail- one that's bushy and similar to her hair color. She happens to be well endowed though her waist is rather average. Her body is rather slim and slender due to the constant training she goes through. Her lips are often pursued in a small smile, while her eyes happen to be quite expressive and bright, despite the tired look dwelling within them.

Height: 163 cm. ( 5'4 )

Weight:  115 lbs. ( 52.2 kg )

Everyday Outfit(s):  Miyuki's clothing happens to be a pale red traditional woman's kimono that reaches her ankles, limiting her movements a bit. It was only recently that she managed to locate her father's tribe, where her brother and her were given armor and the traditional clothing wolf yokai wear. Her armor happens to be a light brown shade along with a few arm and leg guards that she managed to get her hands on. Although if they going to pass through villages, she makes sure that they change into the traditional clothing for their specified gender.

Accessories: Esme doesn't carry much accessories besides a small bag that carries a few medical herbs and other necessities. 

Makeup: A pale pink eye-shadow is all that she wears as far as make up is concerned. 

Scent: A faint smell of after-rain. 

Hairstyle(s): Miyuki's vibrant hair color is one of the reasons why she happens to stick out like a sore thumb half of the time. Her hair reaches the middle of the back while her bangs are often swept to the side, causing her face to be framed by those locks of hair. Typically, Miyuki's hair is left down though she has a tendency to pick up her hair if it's getting in the way. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:  On Miyuki's upper back and thigh, there's various scars to be found though the most obvious one would be the one her thigh. That scar happens to be rather dark and extends from above her knee to inches before reaching her upper thigh. It's the result of a small incident when she was growing up. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

☆  Maps - Maroon 5. 

☆  On the way down - Dean Geyer. 
☆ Have faith in me ( acoustic ) - A day to remember. 
☆ Haven't had enough - Marianas Trench. 
☆ Heavy in your arms - Florence and the machine. 
☆ Be mine - Ellie Goulding. 


☆ "I can't leave him alone. It's my responsibilities to watch over him- I refuse to abandon him." 

☆ "You don't understand- I need to get stronger! If I can't be strong enough.. I won't be able to protect him..!" 
☆ "You're.. kidding right? There's no way you'd want us to travel with you."
☆ "No. I don't deserve any type of comfort right now. I've been a complete mess ever since my parents died. I- I need to get a hold of myself right now." 
☆ "Trust me. I will everything within my power to keep you save, I promise you this." 
☆ "I'm sorry.. it's just unbelievable that you'd actually accept me.. like this." 

Favorite Food(s): Anything warm and fresh. 

Favorite Color(s): Pale colors. 

Favorite Number(s): 18 and 96. 

Favorite Season(s): Spring and fall. 

Favorite Holiday(s): Unknown. 

Favorite Time of Day: Afternoon. 

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