Saturday, June 6, 2015

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ll  I N T R O D U C T I O N ll 

{ ☠              People like us
                                                              don’t get happy endings             ☠ }

Name (last, first): Heron, Alastor Alf 

Meaning: Greek name meaning avenging spirit. In mythology, this the name of the daimon spirit of family blood feuds, the afflicter of vengence upon children for the crimes of their fathers. Alf is a low German pet form Adolf, meaning noble wolf. Heron is derived from the Greek word heros meaning hero. This was the first name of the 1st century Greek inventor (also known as Hero ) from Alexandria. 

Nickname(s): Lion heart, Al, Elf, Hero and wolf boy. 

Age:  Mid twenties to early thirties. 

Species: Mutant.

Gender: Male.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: December 31st. 

Life Story:
Alastor Alf Heron was born on late December 31st to the young couple, Deimos Heron and Katarina Alamanni, being the second son and middle child of the family. Despite his mother's insistence, Alastor constantly worked hard to be superior than his older brother, Eton Dachs Heron. In a sense, the young child didn't enjoy playing the role of second best to anyone. There was something inside of him that aimed to be number one- the very best anyone has seen. Because of that wish, he went through with his father's grueling military training daily.

In a mere twist of irony, his father, Deimos, had been the one to shoot down that dream of his. He wouldn't surpass his father's expectations with Eton there. Something had snapped within the male that following day. His attitude had grown more and more distant and the chaos that dwells within the male was quietly waiting to explode. It was around this age, eight, that his sister, Amynta was born to the Heron family.

Despite his father's words and his growing dislike in his brother, Alastor began to train himself more and more throughout the years. However, it had grown difficult with his parents constantly moving around due to his father's career.  It was during a small fight at school that his affinity for the extraordinary was discovered. To put it in simpler terms, his father, Deimos referred to him and his new found talents as a complete monstrosity. Alastor was a mutant- one with the power of telekinesis. He wasn't the only one in his family who had that gene within him. His younger sister, Amynta, was also a mutant who had powers dealing with Visual manipulation. 

By the time Alastor turned sixteen, he was kicked out of his home along with Amynta, who was only eight years old at the time. For awhile the two were alone until there had been news about a school for the gifted-- to be more precise, it was called Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. He did manage to befriend a few individuals here, one in particular happened to be Bambi Giorgio. Someone he happens to work with perfectly well. Alastor spent plenty of time here at the X-mansion, reaching the point where he had been called a temporary member of the X-Men.

During his early adult years, Alastor had met a young woman who captured his entire attention almost immediately. That woman was named Luciana Bello, an Italian woman he had met during his travels. A romance had quickly bloomed between the pair until it turned into a passionate storm of feelings. It wasn't long before the year was over that the two began to talk about marrying in the spring. And sure enough, they did just that-- though Alastor did go the extra mile to invite his mother, Katarina and his sister, Amynta to the wedding. The two woman were overjoyed to join the young couple at the small wedding. Naturally he did invite Bambi along with a few other close companions at the time.  

It would only be a year or two later that he learned his wife, Luciana, was pregnant with their child, Kallias. Almost immediately, Alastor was elated- completely taken to the idea they would have a child. There was no way he'd allow his child to face the same treatment he had went through as he had growing up. He promised himself this. It had only been a few months later when Luciana would finally give birth to their son, Kallias. Everything was going so smoothly in Alastor's life, almost blinding him from the possibility of his father's past demons coming after them.

It had been late December, almost four months after the birth of his son, Kallias, that it finally happened. Luciana had been out driving back from work when the incident occurred. Alastor had been the first one to be called, the only immediate family the blonde had, at the time. At first, he couldn't accept the words he heard on the other end until they finally sunk in. She was dead. Her car had crashed near one of the bridges on the way home, resulting in her car falling off of the bridge and sinking down to the bottom of the lake. Luciana's body hadn't been found.

Alastor was a complete wreck for the next three months, forcing his sister, Amynta, to appear and temporarily live in his home- aiding her brother during his moment of grief. Nothing could get through to the male. She was gone- he lost her. The one person he swore to protect was forever lost, never to return. He was devastated. 

He needed an escape and he found it within his father's orders, silently seeking solace there. It shouldn't have occurred in the first place but he desparately needed an escape, one that he found in following the orders of another. Wordlessly, Alastor continued to follow orders from his brother until he stumbled Clint during one of his missions. That had been the push he needed in the right direction. 


Six years had passed since Clint persuaded him into joining S.H.I.E.L.D., during that time Alastor had been in and out of missions while taking care of his six year old son in the process.  By this time, Luciana's death didn't affect him as greatly as it did in the past- instead it was an event he would remember during moments of solitude. After all, he had Kallias to think about now. His son needed him.  Nevertheless, he had quickly grown a name for himself during this time. Although, he mainly accepted missions thar dealt with Intel or hydra matters. 

During the attack on New York, Alastor had grown immensely recklessly with the immense desire to return home quickly for his son. He worked fast to get rid of the imminent threat in various areas of New York City as the Avengers began to take down the majority of the enemy in the major part of the city.  And sure enough, he got his wish afterwards. Alastor's face did appear briefly in television screens though it didn't reveal too much of his facial features.  

When S.H.I.E.L.D shut down and news of Hydra's involvement with the group, Alastor was practically enraged at the news. He had swore never to become some tool for someone else yet here he was falsely believing that S.H.I.E.L.D had been any different. No, it was far from his expectations. He was just another tool in their chess game. Much to his surprise there was no one to shout out or snap at due to the lack of Nick Fury's presence, he heard rumors that the male was deceased. Something he would later discover wasn't true.

For the next few months, he focused on training and helping his sister, Amynta, further her training as well. It was during this time that he realized his child had grown an affinity for illusions. Something he deemed it necessary to keep a secret, especially after knowing that some organizations would do anything just to mold someone into their perfect little warrior. Unfortunately for him, his son could be the very perfect candidate for that. With his son's safety in mind, he was quick to enroll him at Xavier's school for the gifted, knowing he could trust Charles and Logan with his son there.


Almost two years later, Alastor had rapidly grown a reputation for himself once again despite S.H.I.E.L.D's demise. It was around this time that he occasionally associated himself with the X-Men, though that alliance had been kept a secret. After all, he preferred to keep his association with the mutant group a secret from the others. With his son, Kallias, there at the school- he spent a significant amount of time with the X-Men until news of the rise of Ultron reached his ears. At first, Alastor wasn't hesitant on leaving but something compelled him to go. After all, what better way to put his powers to use, right? With that mentality, he forced himself to leave the confines of Xavier's school to head out and offer some help to the Avengers. He helped out locating some of the remaining Hydra buildings and effectively flushed them out with some help from his sister, Amytha.

ll  A B O U T  H I M  ll 


Alastor can come across as rash and proud at times, especially when it comes to fighting and protecting someone by his own power. The man doesn't enjoy relaying on someone else's power to help himself or others. He prefers doing things out his own will power and strength. However, he will recognize his own weaknesses and ask for help if it's desperately needed. Of course, Alastor might end up beating himself up if he has to relay on others help. After all, his immense desire to surpass his brother, Eton, and his father, Deimos's expectations, led him to try the very hardest to surpass any expectations thrown his way.

The man is fairly observant which can be quite useful, considering he can catch on to another's body language quicker. However he won't reveal anything unless it's crucial or it's harmful to the person involved. Instead of using this knowledge to his advantage, he prefers to keep a secret until he feels that it is necessary to speak up about the issue. If the situation were reversed, he wouldn't hesitate to confront the individual involve and inform them that some things are better left unsaid. 

Unfortunately for Alastor, his loyalty can be a terrible thing at times. The brunet is the type to remain immensely loyal to someone, to the extent of ignoring their wrongdoings. He'll often turn a blind eye and act as if he can't see the obvious faults in those he trusts. An example of this would be this strained loyalty to his father, Deimos, who he can't seem to say no to. This can often contribute to Alastor hurting himself more emotionally and drain him mentally. 

In regards to intimacy, Alastor can be quite eager to give and receive affection. One might say, he's practically shameless when it comes to affection. He sees nothing wrong in expressing his emotions though he'll refuse to act on any impulses in public, preferring to do it discreetly in those cases. Anything past a few subtle looks and touches are something he prefers to keep hidden. His mother did raise him to treat woman gently though his thoughts can be rather contradicting at times.

Good Habit(s):  Patient, dependable, assertive, mischievous, and intuitive.

Bad Habit(s): Rash, loyal, proud, short tempered, secretive and sarcastic. 

Nationality: Greek and German. 

Spoken languages: German, Greek, English and a bit of Italian. 

Origin: Florence, Italy. 

Current residence: America.

Like(s): Surpassing expectations, winning challenges, high places, discovering new information, thrillers, mystery novels, mythology, large animals, warm drinks, vacations, besting his brother, his family, being dependable, rock music, and being able to protect someone. 

Dislike(s): Cowardliness, low expectations, romantic comedies, running from responsibilities, hydra abandoning someone, sun burns, cowards, alcohol, lecherous people, the smell of nail polish, face paint, disobeying orders, elitist, and becoming a tool. 

Hobbies: Training, exploring, research, reading, checking out new movies, spending time with his son, and night walks.  

Fear(s): Being second best, not being strong enough to protect someone or his family and losing a loved one.  

○ Mental prowess. 
○ Mentally strong. 
○ Telekinetic abilities. 
○ His son. 
○ Determination. 
○ Hand to hand.
● His son. 
● His father.
● Tendency to overexert himself.
● Managing sufficient power for one abilities.
● His recklessness.
● Family ties.

Special Powers/Abilities:

○ Binding.
○ Telekinetic Pull/Push.
○ Object manipulation.
○ Telekinetic teleportation,
○ Spatial sense.
○ Telekinetic compression.
○ Telekinetic enhanced condition.
○ Telekinetic flight.


☆ Due to his parents, Alastor has the tendency to overwork himself regardless of the possibility of stressing himself out.  

☆ He's the current guardian of his younger sister, Amynta.

☆ Because of his father's previous ties to Hydra, Alastor is constantly on the look out for himself, his sister, and his son, Kallias. 

☆  A small accident that occurred during his days at the X-mansion has left Alastor's right eye partially blind. 

☆ He's the type to be more susceptible to whiplash related accidents due to two of his neck bones being fused with one another at birth.

☆ When he's overexerted himself, the male is prone to disorientation and migraines. An obvious sign he's using his powers far too much.

☆ His son, Kallias, is currently enrolled in Xavier's school for the gifted to help him manage his talents.  

ll  D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ll 

Ambition/Life-long Dream:
○ Surpassing his father's expectations. 
○ To raise Kallias properly. 
○ To take down Luciana's killers.

○ Traveler. 
○ ( Former ) S.H.I.E.L.D agent.
○ ( Temporary ) X-Men member.
○ ( Currently ) Avenger member.

ll  F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ll 


Deimos Heron ( fear o terror )

Deimos was a man who strove to desire only the very best for his life, which explained why his expectations are quite high. He always came off as stern and strict, a no nonsense type of person. Despite the air of confidence he seemed to ooze, the Greek man was never good at properly expressing his emotions to others. In fact, he had some difficulty doing so often coming across as closed off and distant to others especially his wife, Katarina, at that. Due to his previous military training and his previous ties to Hydra, Deimos has made many enemies quite early in his life. It's hardly surprising some of Hydra's higher ups are still hoping to sink their claws into the military man once again. 

Katarina Alamanni ( pure )

Katarina could be described as a motherly figure yet she retained the youthfulness of a young woman in her peak of youth. The Italian woman is fairly playful and quite a caring woman. She's the type of woman who wouldn't leave a single behind, preferring to find a solution to every single problem- even if it's not her own problem to begin with. This might be the reason why she's constantly arguing with her husband, Deimos, due to their clashing views that every life is worth a second chance. Despite this thought, Katarina has shown signs of sickness recently- though the origin behind this is still known at this point.  


Eton Dachs Heron ( swift as an eagle ), late twenties to mid thirties.

Eton always keeps up a strong and confident facade, though a storm hides behind those smiles of his. Despite the gentle air that surrounds them, he's known to become rather aggressive when angered. It's due to the expectations on his shoulders that he's become stubborn and completely unstable when things don't go the way he wants or imagines them to be. He's insistent on making things go perfectly, almost coming across as a control freak in a way. Despite that thought, Eton is quite vulnerable emotionally often falling prey to convincing white lies whether or not he believes them to be true. 

Amynta Klara Heron ( defender ) , late teens to early twenties.

Amynta had it a bit easier than her brothers though she still had expectations she had to achieve. The brunette can be rather optimistic and restless at times, though the latter causes her the most trouble. She's the type who prefers to see things through to the end, similar to Alastor, even if the situation doesn't appear to be in their favor. Despite her somewhat headstrong nature, Amynta falls prey to subtle touches and kind words. It isn't often that she founds time to actually establish a proper romance for someone, especially when she's preoccupied with running far away from her father's demons.



Luciana Bello ( light ), deceased. 

The young thirty one year old was a sarcastic yet playful soul, always one to defend herself and those she cherished. Luciana could be described as the type of female to simply capture an entire room by her mere presence, though she didn't seem to acknowledge that fact. Alastor found her smile to be quite captivating, honestly. Despite her sarcastic nature, she was quite the timid soul especially when it came to expressing her emotions verbally or physically. It was quite endearing in his opinion. 

Kallias Gunter Heron ( Beauty )  Late 8 through early preteens-

The brunet is the child of Luciana Bello and Alastor Heron, only being eight years old. Despite not being able to properly met his mother, Kallias has grown up to become a bit to similar to Luciana, adopting some of mannerisms. He's quite a gentle soul though he does have a playful streak as well, though he only seems to show that side of himself to people he trusts or is close to. Kallias doesn't have any fear in expressing his thoughts and emotions to others, often coming across as honest. It's still a mystery to him but he has an affinity for illusions, something he's still learning about at the moment.  


Best Friend(s):

Bambi Iris Giorgio 

Bambi happened to be someone Alastor stumbled upon during his time with the X-Men. Although the two happened to be on opposing sides at one point, it wasn't too long before they were fighting side by side. It would be often that the two would clash due to Alastor's prideful nature and Bambi's sarcastic nature. Nevertheless, the mixed man had developed a quick bond with the one due to throughout their previous encounters until she had finally enjoyed the X-Men. The two happened to work rather well with another due to their abilities mixing rather well. He won't admit but he finds her to be a valuable friend, one of the few people he will trust with his life and his son's.

Peter Quill

Peter and Alastor's personality happen to mix fairly well if their interactions have any say in the matter. His fun going persona is the main reason these two are often seen heading to various crowded places throughout the night. It's safe to say the male often gets swept up along the pace of the other's, often being the type to hardly refuse a challenge or even a chance to actually go out and have some fun occasionally. Peter happens to be one of the few people, Alastor wouldn't mind helping out from time to time. 


Clint Barton

In a twist of irony, the two men hadn't met in ideal terms but that only made Alastor's later encounter with Clint much more humorous. After all,  they had met in midst of one of Alastor's missions which happened to conflict with one another's. The man might not admit it but Clint honestly did him a favor when he convinced him to go with him and met with Nick Fury. To this day, he'll still refuse to own up that Clint's words were the thing that convinced him to join. Instead, he prefers to sarcastic make bird puns in regards to the male.  

James Buchanan Barnes

Unexpectedly, Alastor found himself developing a friendship with the previous ghost due to a few similarities. Truth be told, the mixed man initiated the friendship due to James's previous involvement with Hydra. After all, he was looking for any clues that could led him to his wife's killers. However, it wasn't long before Alastor find himself going back once more, deeming it necessary to chat up the other. There was this kinship that formed, that deemed it necessary for Alastor to occasionally seek him out. 


The thunder god captured Alastor's attention almost immediately, considering the male's fascination for mythology was. It was hardly surprising that the man would often strike up conversations about Thor's home, hoping to figure out more about the story behind the legend. He does show some fondness for the drinks that Thor brings back from his home, though it's no surprise that he can't handle the drinks well. If given the opportunity, Alastor will often try to train with the thunder god, curious as to what he has skills he happens to don.

Matt Murdock

Daredevil happened to be someone Alastor clashed with previously though they were on opposite sides at the time. After many encounters, the mixed man finally managed to put an end to the ongoing battles to strike up a deal. After all, he had given up following his father's orders. There was nothing else tying him to the side of crime any longer. Occasionally,  Alastor will lend Matt some help or simply stop by and chat with him. Although, he prefers to engage the male in an occasional fight or two instead. 

Pietro Maximoff

After Pietro's recruitment to the Avengers, Alastor's personality seemed to clash at times with the male initially though that may have been due to the similarities between the two. After all, both males showed an aura of confidence on a daily basis. Of course, this may be the reason why Alastor will often get side tracked when he's conversing with Pietro, often forgetting about his previous tasks until a latter note.


The genetically enhanced raccoon is someone Alastor finds amusing- not for his predicament but for his amusing remarks. Of course, he does sympathize with him when Rocket's past was revealed to him. Nonetheless, he chooses not to dwell too much on that subject instead he prefers to focus on other things. It's hardly surprising to find the male proposing a quick mission to the raccoon.

Logan Howlet 

Wolverine was someone Alastor had hit off with fairly quick though that didn't seem to stop the occasional outbursts from him. The mutant happens to be the excellent candidate for the male to train with, much to the displeasure of Logan surely. After all, Alastor has been known to be a little overbearing at times. However, he'll often make up for it by getting a drink or two for the other male- deeming it a necessary thing, especially after disturbing the other.

Charles Xavier 

At first, Alastor wasn't certain on how to consider Charles as. However, a few conversations with the older man quickly provided him with an answer. Those conversations with Alastor helped him immensely, especially in regards to his morals and sense of right and wrong. In a sense, it's safe to say that the man sees Charles as this savior, and father figure, which says a lot about the male. After all, his own view of fathers had been distorted by his birth father.  


Natasha Romanoff

Truth be told, there had always been this charm about Natasha that simply drew Alastor in, forcing his gaze to linger on her. Despite that allure she had to her, the man kept their interactions to a minimum unless there was a mission they needed to discuss. Otherwise, he wouldn't approach her first without it being necessary. Somehow the recent events that took place in New York forced him to change his mind and finally approach her. Before long, Alastor soon found himself occasionally responded back to her playful retorts. If he was being truthful, the man greatly admires her abilities- knowing that she's an excellent fighter.

Wanda Maximoff

Wanda's  immediately drew Alastor's attention, fascinating him greatly at that. It wasn't often that he found someone with abilities similar to his own. That had been the first thing that attracted his attention, but there were other things he soon noticed. He could easily understand her desire to keep her brother safe along with her bond to him. After all, he shared something similar to that though his bond dealt with his son, Kallias. The only family he had left, besides his missing mother and sister, Amynta. With Wanda's recent involvement with the Avengers, it isn't surprising to find Alastor striking up conversations with her or proposing a quick sparring match between the two.


Tony Stark

Truth be told, Alastor doesn't have a proper opinion formed in regards to the male. However, he can't help but occasionally argue with him due to Tony's constant impulses to do things without the agreement of the group. With that being excluded, the man does get along well with the male on any other occasion. Tony does have a great penmanship for technology, especially when it comes to creating more bots similar to his own suit.


The god of mischief had always been someone that left Alastor apprehensive when it came to determining if he was the enemy. He wouldn't admit it but some of the male's actions became far too understandable once he had a chance to question Thor about it a bit. Perhaps Loki's methods had been rather questionable but there was a sole reason behind them. A reason that Alastor feared he understood very well. After all, the man suffered from the same thoughts in the past- uncertain of various things, only knowing his father was the one behind those actions.


The shifter is another individual that leaves Alastor completely apprehensive to approach. Her skills might be the reason why he's so hesitant to approach her. After all, her abilities to shape-shift make him weak in a sense. There's always a possibility that she could change into the form of his deceased wife and from there, he's a goner. That's why he goes to extreme lengths just to avoid the mutant. 


Steve Rogers

Despite Steve's good nature, Alastor can't help but feel on edge around the former solider. It might be the fact that he reminds him far too much of his brother, Eton, that led to his dislike of him. Nevertheless, he'll follow Steve's judgement without letting his personal views compromise the missions at hand. After all, it wouldn't be professional on his part to initiate a fight over something foolish.


Gamora's straightforward nature and Alastor's knowledge of the modern world might be the reason why they often clash. Then again, the man's tendency to purposely tell her the wrong thing might be the sole reason why they'll often end up arguing. Truth be told, Alastor enjoys pissing off Gamora just to see what her reaction would be. When that occurs, the male has to admit that she's an excellent warrior and throws a mean punch.

Peter Parker

Peter and Alastor have constantly had an off and on rivalry, despite sharing quite a few decent side conversations. Despite that air of friendless from time to time, the man has a difficult time to see Peter seriously- which is a problem, considering their ages are only years a part. In Alastor's mentality, children shouldn't be involved in things such as this. This might be the reason why he happens to give Peter such a hard time occasionally.


Bruce Banner

The scientist's desire to stray away from fights is the main reason Alastor prefers to stick away from him. Of course, it may be Alastor's dislike of running away that leds him to judge Bruce quite a bit. He does understand the scientist's reasons for often running off but he doesn't approve of such methods. After all, what's the point of having such bonds and comrades when you're constantly running away from those trying to stay by your side and help? Nonetheless, he maintains a decent relationship in front of the male. 

Erik Lehnsherr

Magneto's ideology and desire to make the mutants the sole ruling power is one of the reasons why Alastor often goes against him. The older man's personality resembles his father's personality quite a bit, though there's an obvious difference between the two. This reason is the thing that makes Alastor most apprehensive, often stirring Chaotic emotions with the male's body. A part of him wants to fight against Erik while the other half simply wants to evade the male as long as he can. 

ll S P E C I A L   I N F O R M A T I O N ll 
Alliance: X-Men ( limited ), S.H.I.E.L.D ( former ), and Avengers. 

Alignment: Chaotic Evil - Chaotic good. Alastor's power tends to vary depending on the side he's on and who he's trying to protect. An example of this would be the destruction he causes if his father, Deimos, was the one ordering him around. He can become ruthless and completely void of emotion when he's following his father's orders. There's something about his father that he can't reject his orders. It might have been the desire he had inside to finally get his acknowledgment that led him to follow his orders without having the possibility of rejecting them. 

Agility: Although he may not be light in his feet, Alastor happens to have fast reflexes though his sight sense is a bit delayed. 

Charisma: Alastor always had a knack for drawing people in and getting to fall under his ideology. However, he'll often come across as rash to others which leads to them to believe he might not be the best leader in regards to leadership skills. Despite that, he makes up for it with talent and knack for seeing things through to the end.

Defense: His abilities are one of the reasons why he isn't actively using his defensive skills, preferring to relay on his powers instead. Naturally, this can led to a few complications on in the near future.

Fighting style: Due to Alastor's abilities, it's better for him to either be in the front or middle lines of the battlefield. For him, it's better to be close to his opponent besides the closer distance allows him to go crazy with his powers. 

Stamina: The daily jogs are one of the many reasons why Alastor has an excellent amount of stamina. 

Strength: Because of his rigorous training throughout his life, Alastor has an excellent amount of physical strength. He's nothing compared to the Hulk but he can definitely put up a great fight.

Weapon(s): Due to his telekinetic abilities, Alastor doesn't see much use in firearms or knives though he'll still use them on occasion. However, he prefers to stick to daggers or a simple hand gun in those cases- something portable and easy to hide.

ll M A R V E L   I N F O R M A T I O N ll 

Who brought him in?: Ironically, Clint Barton had been the one to accidentally bring the male in due to a small incident that occurred during one of the man's missions.

Dual Identity: Knight. Honestly, it wasn't Alastor's choice considering someone else had ended up catching the male in the middle of protecting a group of pedestrians during an attack- from there the name had somehow stuck. It's better than the other name they suggested, which happened to be Wolf boy. A simple pun due to the meaning of his name.

Education: High school graduate, private tutoring in hand-to-hand combat, military basic training, and others.

Missions he typically handles?: Considering Alastor's prior experience with fighting, he handles a wide range of missions though he prefers to choose ones that involves getting things done fairly quick. Undercover missions are ones he loathes with passion, considering it involves separating from his son for a long duration of time- something he prefers not to do. 

Loyalty: Undecided. 

ll  L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ll 

Body Type/Looks:  Alastor's body is lean and there's noticeable muscles on his body due to constant and rigorous training sessions. His upper arms are toned, along with his torso, though his legs aren't terribly toned. However, he does have some muscles in his legs as well. The male's skin has a slight tan to it because of his daily jogs outside- which the male often forget to place sunscreen on himself. There's a few freckles scattered across his cheeks and shoulders. His eyes have a small roundness to them and are often described as expressive despite the exhausted look contained within them. His lips are often pursued in a dimpled smile or smirk a majority of the time.

Height: 6'0 ( 183 cm )

Weight: 175 lbs.

Everyday Outfit(s): Alastor's outfits consists of various layers and a mixture of dark and warm hues or simple base colors. He prefers to keep his style casual and fitted, never being one to dress out of his comfort zone. The male is usually seen in v-necks, long sleeved, or button up shirts. As far as lower clothing goes, he sticks with pants or even sweats- never straying towards shorts. He doesn't see anything wrong in occasionally wearing a suit or two for formal event, though he'll usually stick to the typically suit and tie combo. On the rare occasion, Alastor does wear bomber jackets or even blazers. Otherwise, he'll just wear a simple denim jacket. For shoes, he's usually sporting a pair of sneakers or hiking boots.

Accessories: Alastor hardly carries much accessories besides his engagement ring on a simple leather chain and a pocket-watch. The latter happened to be gift from his mother which contains a picture of the family when opened along with a picture, he later placed, of his late wife and his son.

Scent: A faint smell of coffee and after-rain.

Hairstyle(s): Alastor's hair is a dark brown color that resembles more of a raven color than brown actually. His hair falls over his ears and reaches mid-neck while his bangs happen to reach just the tips of his eyebrows. Typically, Alastor's hair often appears unruly or messy due to his habit of constantly running his fingers through his dark locks. In case of a formal or public event, he'll often attempt to keep himself in a more presentable fashion- though his sister, Amynta, is usually the one forcing the male to properly style his hair in those occasions. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: A majority of Alastor's body does have a few scars scattered, though there's a few noticeable ones on his upper back and one darker scar on his upper torso- near his heart. There is a smaller bullet-like scar on his right shoulder, a result of one mission gone wrong. As far as piercings and jewelry goes, Alastor prefers to keep himself away from such things. However, he does have a simple tattoo with a these words, in Gothic script,  the light never truly leaves. It's a simple reminder to him that his wife will always remain there in spirit with him and his son. 

ll  E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ll 

Theme Song(s): 

• War ; Former Vandal. 
• Leave it at the door ; White rabbits. 
• It has begun ; Starset. 
• Headstrong ; Trapt. 
• We might fall ; Ryan Star. 
• I'm so sorry ; Imagine Dragons. 

Quote (s):

• "Don't be so cocky. You haven't seen anything yet."
• "No! You don't understand anything. I have to do this. There's no other choice for me." 
• "Orders are orders- and I'm in no position to disobey."
• "My son is on the line- there's no way you understand. He's my priority over everyone else." 
• "What a load of bullshit. You honestly believe this crap?"
• "You say I don't understand yet I don't see you trying to help me understand. I already told you I would be here for you and you keep shutting me out. What do you expect me to do? Beg?"
• "I'm sorry but this the end of the line for me. I have to resign- .. I can't disobey his orders."
• "Go to hell, old man! You tormented for so long already, just get the hell out of here before you force my hand."

Favorite Food(s): Mainly Italian dishes.

Favorite Color(s): Dark hues.

Favorite Number(s): Typically, eighteen and ninety-six.

Favorite Season(s): Winter and spring.

Favorite Holiday(s): Preferably New years eve. 

Favorite Time of Day: Early morning. 

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