Sunday, June 14, 2015

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|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

Just how  d  a m a g e d

- - - have I become?


Name (last, first): Cosmo, Bambi Iris

Meaning:  The name Bambi is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Bambi is: Little child; bambino. The name Iris means "rainbow" in Greek. Iris was the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow. This name can also be given in reference to the English word (which derives from the same Greek source) for the name of the iris flower or the colored part of the eye.The name Cosmo is of Greek origin. The meaning of Cosmo is "orderly, harmonious". It is also of Italian origin, where its meaning is "order, beauty".

Nickname(s): Flower child, bam, Bambina, and doe eyes.

Age: Sixteen - Eighteen. 

Species: Werewolf- Alpha. 

Gender: Female.

Martial Status: Single.

Financial status: 

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual .

Birthday: March 18th.

Life Story: 

Bambi Iris Cosmo was born as the middle child and only daughter to Marie and Alonzo Cosmo. Despite being the only female and middle child of the Cosmo family, a lot of expectations were placed on her. The Cosmo parents always seemed to have a knack for forcing their own expectations onto them and molding them into the children they wanted them to become in the near future. Naturally, this didn't sit well with either child but they weren't in any position to complain about this. After all, children in their household were expected to behave and follow all the rules. Of course the information concerning their own unique quirks and heritage was kept a secret until the three children would turn ten. 

On the eve of their twelfth, or in other-cases thirteenth, birthday the three children were told of their own unique abilities and the history behind them. Naturally, each child took in the news in a wide variety of ways. Most of those ways happened to be quite self destructive, though there was an obvious limit the children unknowingly had at the time. For Bambi's case, she'd constantly find herself either participating in fights or skipping classes with Beniamino and playing hooky for the rest of the day. The Cosmo parents defiantly struggled to regain their control over their children, but Alonzo, their father, managed to find a way. He would strike up a single deal with them- reveal more about the werewolf nature that they'd eventually learn about beforehand or he'd take them away from their current lifestyle.

Fortunately for their father, the children decided to choose the first choice that had been given to them. They wanted to know more about this supposed werewolf side they never knew they had beforehand. Out of all the three children, she was probably the one who had taken it the hardest during that given moment. This wasn't the life that she wanted much less one that she wanted to adapt to. Despite her attempts to ignore this animalistic side of her, she had no other option than to adapt to the life that would surely alter her future. Her father had also managed to introduce them to other individuals like them, a pack the children would soon join. 

Around Bambi's fourteenth birthday, various things had been to change for the female. Some were more noticeable than the others, of course. One change in particular was her somewhat rocky relationship with her future co- alpha, Maxwell. Meeting Max had been a significant change in the young Italian woman's life, a necessary one at that. Despite being a year younger than him in age, he helped her grow stronger both physically and mentally. It would be an improvement from her current self, a mere child that was quite reckless given her young age. 

Throughout an entire year, she spent a significant part of her youth with a pack along side her siblings and Max. It was sometime after her fifteenth birthday that she encountered some trouble, serious one, for the first time. An alpha had been dead set on killing her, after accidentally stumbling upon him in the woods one day. Before Bambi even realized it she was forced to fight for her life, an experience she never had before. With only a single stroke of luck to her name, Leon managed to get there in time to help her defeat the alpha with the use of their own abilities in battle. 

Because of that event, the two managed to share the position of the Alpha wolf for so long and manage the pack they had gained control of. It was fairly easy to manage despite the rough head start the two had, their views constantly clashing with one another's that is. Her twin brother, Beniamino, had been the one to give her more trouble than the eldest child of the Cosmo family, Luciano. The brunette did find it rather disheartening that her twin brother clearly didn't see her as an alpha wolf. Naturally, it was something he learned to accept due to the power her new position had. 

Within the course of a year, Bambi's struggles with control steadily began to diminish. Of course, it did help that Leon was willing to offer her some help- something he wouldn't have offered beforehand if their circumstances hadn't changed. Nonetheless, the Italian woman was grateful to receive all the help she could at the given moment. Besides, the more knowledgeable she became the quicker she could learn to control this new side of her and accept the responsibility that came with it completely. 

It would only be a little after a year and half that her family would relocate to Beacon Hills for the time being. By the time that streak of rebelliousness she had previously had already vanished by then, and her parents had officially divorced. Her mother's alcohol abuse had finally irritated her father enough to the point he decided to divorce his wife. With the three children remaining with their father, they were temporary free from the overbearing expectations their mother had. In a sense, it was a relief they were finally free from it. 

Before she knew it, the current year for Beacons Hills high school began and the twins were enrolled in the school. This was also the time her brother, Luciano, decided to move away to a different location with his son. Despite her alpha status, she still chose to maintain a distance from her pack members- deciding fellow alpha leader, Leon Bellomi's leadership would suffice.

|| A B O U T H I M O R H E R ||


Bambi can be quite the adventurous and highly imaginative spirit at times, though she'll often mask it behind a playful persona. For her, it's scary to reveal her thoughts so openly to other individuals. Therefore, her trust has to be earned before she'll fully gain the confidence to reveal that more vulnerable side she keeps quiet about. Of course, she does feel shy once she begins to open up to someone considering the act makes her feel rather flustered as well. Pushing that aside, she'll often find herself taking on someone else's problems and trying to solve them herself. A habit she's trying hard to kill. 

If Bambi was ever stuck in a situation where it was her life or someone else's, she wouldn't hesitate to save someone else's life before her own. In a sense, her own abilities has left her with the impression that's she's indestructible causing her to put herself in unnecessary harm and becoming reckless. This bad habit of her's often leads her to picking up fights and involving herself in a troublesome situations. Nonetheless, she doesn't see anything wrong with putting her line on the line for someone else. It's only natural, after all. In fact, she can be quite stubborn when it comes to helping others as well.

Truth be told, the Italian woman might distance herself purposefully due to her own insecurities concerning herself. Of course, she'll often lie and say there's nothing bothering her. Naturally, she does become vulnerable at times and her walls come crashing down. Whenever that occurs she can become quite emotional and try to create some distance between herself and anyone nearby, due to her desire to deal with it by herself and not be a bother to someone else. Regardless of her stubbornness, she's quick to open up about her feelings with an affectionate gesture or physical contact in general. 
When it comes to intimacy and love, Bambi can be quite eager to fall in love and enthusiastic about things. Nonetheless, that doesn't mean she won't be playful about the situation at hand. The brunette enjoys a more relaxed and easygoing nature when it comes to spending time with someone else. In fact, she prefers getting to know someone fully, flaws and all. After all, she likes having the opportunity to get to know someone in a more personal and intimate level. Despite her calm composure, she does have the tendency to get flustered fairly easy when it comes to intimacy. Although, she'll often lie and try to put up a calm or confident facade instead. 

Good Habit(s):  Adventurous, creative, playful, selfless towards others, intuitive, imaginative 

Bad Habit(s):  Insecure, easily flustered, distant, reckless, prioritizes others before herself, stubborn

Nationality: A mixture of Italian & Greek.

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy.

Current Residence: Beacon Hills. 

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. Greek.

Like(s): Swimming, mystery novels, blankets, warm weather, naps, small animals, ice cream, fantasy novels, sleeping in, long conversations, walks along the beach, road trips, bonfires, physical contact, mythology, dessert, running in her other form, excitement, superhero movies, thriller novels, television shows and legends. 

Dislike(s): Wolfsbane, mountain ash, lunar eclipse, mistletoe, hunters, getting caught in a thunderstorm, alcohol, drunk driving, crowded places, war movies, rude awakenings, pop quizzes, spicy food, confrontations, lewd stares, interruptions, not given a chance to explain herself, hunters and strict individuals. 

Hobbies: Swimming, reading, drawing, stargazing, daydreaming, writing, and taking walks at night.

Fear(s): Not being able to protect her loved ones, 

Strength(s):  Close combat, fighting in the dark, self control, determination and fighting with others.

Weakness(es): Wolfsbane, mountain ash, mistletoe, lunar eclipse, ambushes, and uneven terrain.

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆ Heighten senses 

☆ Accelerated healing 

☆ Enhanced agility 

☆ Enhanced strength 

☆ Pain transference 

☆ Memory transference 

☆ Limited telepathy and mental control


☆ Personally, Bambi didn't want to be a part of a pack nor the Alpha of one but it was far too late to change things now. 

☆ It's quite difficult for her to fall asleep if she's not warm or there's no one or something beside her when she sleeps. 

☆ Some of the scars on her body are the result of a few fights she had when she was younger, after the news had been revealed to her. 

☆  Bambi shares the Alpha position of her pack alongside Leon, a fellow pack member she occasionally has troubles with. 

☆  Initially, Bambi did plan on running off but she decided against that at the final moment. 

☆ Despite the alpha status she's gained, Bambi prefers keeping to herself unless she's forced to act or being cornered. 

☆ She'll often be caught dozing off occasionally during class, despite her stubborn desire to stay awake.

|| D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream:
☆ Staying away from any major drama- involving werewolves. 
☆ Traveling the world.

☆ Part time at a cafe.
☆ Student.


☆ Attachment: Bambi has a hard time establishing bonds with someone, though that's mainly her fault in the first place. After all, she'll purposely distance herself from others. Of course, it isn't easy since there times were the female becomes vulnerable and lets her walls come down. Nonetheless, if she does become involved with someone heavily, she'll stop at nothing just to keep that person content and out of harm's way. She'll often place their needs before her own. 

☆ Commitment: Bambi struggles to make commitments to others, though it isn't too surprising. For the Italian woman, it's either commit fully to something or nothing at all. She doesn't enjoy doing things half-heartedly. After all, she's the type of woman who prefers seeing things to the end instead of leaving it partially completed. 

|| F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ||


Alonzo Cosmo

Alonzo wasn't the best father in the world due to his stern and strict teachings, but he wasn't the worst either. In fact, he was less harsh than her mother, considering he wasn't too fond of stressing out their child. Nonetheless, he's often occupied with his job in the criminal justice field to give any of the Cosmo children much attention these days. After all, he's far too fond of his job at this point to focus on anything else for the time being. It explains why he's hardly at home often though there is a suspicion that he's currently seeing someone. A woman from his office it seems. 

Marie Cosmo
Marie had grown up on the life of the rich, though she didn't expect her life to come crashing down when she had been involved in a scandal. The former model can be a handful to deal with considering her strictness towards her children, mainly pressuring them to become the perfect children she wants them to be. In fact, she was the one attempting to mold them into the children she desired. Of course that plan backfired on her which led to her alcohol problems and eventual divorce with Alonzo Cosmo. 


 Beniamino Cosmo, beta wolf. 

Beniamino is the twin brother of Bambi, though he's considered the youngest due to the time difference between their births. Nonetheless, he can be a little socially awkward at times and rather distant. Unlike his siblings, he prefers maintaining little contact with others if he can help it. Personally, he finds it a bit of a bother to involve himself with other people, finding it to be troublesome to deal with in general. Of course, he's often forced to do so anyways despite his hesitance. Nonetheless, he will try to socialize some though he'll take any chance he can get to avoid involving himself in troublesome situations. 

Luciano Cosmo, beta wolf. 
Luciano is the oldest of the Cosmo siblings and the one who'll often seek out opportunities that benefit them. However, the birth of his son, Mortimer, has made the man much more of a parental figure. In a sense, he's grown quite protective and focuses most of his attention on his child now. After all, he is the only memory he has left of his late wife other than a few pictures the two had taken with one another. Nonetheless, he can still be the charismatic and teasing male he was before the birth of his child. In a sense, their mother did manage to mold him into the perfect little gentlemen she expected out of their children previously. 


Mortimer Cosmo

Mortimer is the son of Luciano and his late wife, Anabelle, who had died due to a heart attack she suffered. Despite that thought, the young child is quite the sweetheart and imaginative child. In fact, he'll often be caught drawing or simply lounging around the house as he reads a small children's chapter book. Mortimer can be awfully polite and timid around strangers, often having trouble speaking to those he knows little about. It's a habit his father is trying to make him grow out of. 


Best Friend(s):

Lydia Martin
Lydia was one of the first people Bambi had managed to met after she moved to Beacon Hills. Honestly, it was easy for the Italian woman to converse with the other female, finding her presence to be rather welcoming. Of course the facade that Lydia gave off was a little odd in the brunette's opinion, but she decided against voicing her thoughts on this. After all, that was Lydia's business not her's. Bambi does find it easy to open up and confess her thoughts around Lydia, considering the two are often conversing inside and outside of Beacon Hills high school. The brunette finds Lydia's presence rather calming and she enjoys being around her as well. 

Scott McCall

Initially, Bambi had been a bit apprehensive about interacting with Scott considering she could easily detect the werewolf scent he gave off. Against her better judgment, the brunette decided to keep quiet about it until she caught him in the act or they stumbled upon each other one night. Ironically, her own friendship with Derek had been the thing to reveal her own status as an alpha werewolf. With the reveal of that, it was easier to feel closer to Scott now that news of that had been revealed among the two finally. She has no problem communicating with him about things dealing with the supernatural or even about packs, though she draws a line any further than that unknowingly. 


Eos Alessa Bellomi

The brunette is someone that Bambi happens to be fairly close to despite her complicated relationship with Eos's older brother, Leon. Regardless of that, it isn't rare to see the two brunettes chatting happily among themselves or simply hanging out. 

Liam Dunbar


Derek Hale

Derek Hale wasn't someone Bambi originally intending on meeting though it happened nonetheless. Of course, that didn't mean the Italian woman doesn't argue with Derek from time to time due to a number of things. Naturally her status as an alpha wolf did make her hesitant  to be around him in the first place. After all, many werewolves had heard about the Hale family, especially the fire that consumed their home. Nonetheless, she pushed her own insecurities aside to continue interacting with him. After all, he did have plenty of things to teach her that no one else could at the given moment. 

Malia Tate 


Allison Argent 

Much of the hesitance Bambi has for Allison is due to the fact her family being hunters, that and the fact their personalities tend to clash with one another. Of course the former is the main reason Bambi can't bring herself to communicate more with her. She has made an effort in the past but it's quite difficult to accept the fact that eventually the two will be on opposing sides. Ironically, the two had managed to hit off within a few conversations during school hours. It wasn't long after that event, that Bambi's opinion of Allison had changed as the two gradually became friends with one another.


Stiles Stilinski

At first, Bamhi had been very reluctant to get close to anyone else, especially to Stiles, though that hadn't lasted long. It was easy for her to grow comfortable in Stiles's presence, considering she found him to be rather interesting and welcoming. Before she even realized it,  she had already grown attached and comfortable in the presence of Stiles. He always made her feel easy and more like herself when he was around.  That might have been the reason behind her reversing the fact she was an alpha wolf, something she had no intention of revealing previously. Nonetheless, Bambi has shown an obvious fondness for Stiles though she hasn't admitted it verbally just yet.

Issac Lahey



Jackson Whittemore

Despite the light hearted banter between the two, they hardly have a friendly relationship.



Jordan Parish 

The police officer is someone Bambi is extremely hesitant about, though it might be their clashing views that keeps her away. 
There's that and the fact that something about Jordan's personality doesn't clash well with her's.


Leon Ciro Bellomi, Alpha

Leon is someone who Bambi occasionally struggles to befriend and attempt a civil conversation. The constant frustration between the two may very well be the result of her own reluctance to open herself to him earlier. Of course, that didn't seem to be the case any more when Leon helped Bambi take down an alpha that was coming after them. Although, there might be more to the distance that she created between them. If she were being truthful, Leon is quite reliable even if she denies it at times. After some time, her thoughts concerning the male had changed significantly to the extent that she'll trust him to have her back and vice versa.

|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Eventually Scott's pack.

Anchor: N/A. 

Education: High school.

Role: Alpha, leader- Bambi manages the role with her fellow Alpha, Leon Bellomi.

How she gained this status?: An unfortunate encounter with an Alpha had forced Bambi into killing the Alpha with a pack member, Leon. The encounter hadn't been a pleasant one but without that event occurring then she wouldn't be where she was today. With the death of that Alpha, the two shared the status of the Alpha for their kill. 

Surprisingly, Bambi does have a way with words though she still needs to sharpen up her skills quite a bit. She prefers to motivate and encourage others whereas Leon prefers to lead through example.

Defense: With her status as alpha, Bambi does have a decent amount of experience when it comes to defense. After all, she's been involved in various fights where she had to relay on being in the offensive and defensive side. Naturally, it wouldn't be long before she began to take notice of numerous fighting styles and take them in as one of her own. It was helpful that Leon had taught her a decent amount of skills to use to her advantage. 

Intelligence: Bambi isn't the type to relay on plans, considering the fact she's prone to recklessness at times. It isn't surprising she'll often resort to acting first occasionally and moving in on the action quite quickly if the opportunity arises. 

Stamina: Due to her fondness for swimming and late night runs, Bambi's stamina isn't something to laugh about.

Strength: With her status as alpha, Bambi's strength is quite enhanced to the point of posing as a valid threat to others. Of course, it does help that she's taken up a few different fighting styles during the various fights she's participated in previously. 

Transformation: Almost similar to the others, her transformation makes her look more animalistic than human. Her eye color definitely gives off s clear sign as her status of an alpha wolf. 

Skills:  Heightened senses, accelerated healing, enhanced agility, enhanced strength, slow aging process, pain transference, and memory transference. 

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks: Bambi's body is fairly slim and petite due to the frequent training she goes through on a weekly basis. There's a light trace of muscles along her body, though it's hardly anything impressive. Her chest manages to fill up a b-cup almost in terms of size. Her complexion is fair though it can be a bit ruddy due to long exposure in the sun. There's a few freckles to be found along her cheeks, nose and some on her shoulders. Her eyes are rather large, often giving her an appearance of a doll- much to her displeasure. It's often said that her eyes are quite expressive despite the piercing twinkle dwelling with them. Her lips are often pursued in a smile or a small pout from time to time. Her nails are trimmed though they do pass the tip of her fingers, often being decorated by nail polish or simple nail accessories. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Bambi's outfit typically consists of either layers or warm and slightly loose clothing. Typically, she can be caught in graphic tees, crop tops, v-necks, long sleeved shirts and sweaters occasionally. Of course, she does have a habit of wearing her leather jacket or cardigan with her outfits. For bottoms, she'll often resort to fitted jeans, skinny jeans, shorts and occasionally skirts if she happens to be in a good mood. As far as shoes goes, Bambi will sport a pair of ankle length leather boots with high heels, flats, leather boots or sneakers occasionally. For formal events or social gatherings, she does make more of an effort with her appearance.

Accessories:  The only accessories Bambi seems to have on her persona constantly would be a simple necklace containing a black antique looking pocket watch. 

Makeup: Usually Bambi only uses eyeliner and lip gloss or Chapstick, though she does use concealer and mascara as well. However she does go the extra mile for formal events or social gatherings. 

Scent: A mixture of coconut and vanilla due to the lotion she uses.

Hairstyle(s):  Bambi's hair reaches mid-back and happens to be more than a bit wavy at times. Her hair is a mixture of light and dark brown hues, though the latter is the more dominant color in the girl's hair. Bambi's bangs is often swept to the side mainly to avoid falling in her line of sight. Typically the female's hair is let down though she does leave it in a braid or loose ponytail if she's at home or training. For formal events, she does try her best to leave her hair in a elegant style with curls and the like. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's quite a few scars to be found on Bambi's body though most are from childhood and fights she's been in. The more noticeable scar would have to be the claw like scars that are located on her back, stretching from below her shoulder blades to mid back. This scar was the end result of the fight with the Alpha she had taken down previously. Bambi does have one pair of piercings and those are on her earlobes. As far as tattoos goes, she has yet to actually get one. 

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

☆ Have faith in me - A day to remember. 

☆ Elastic heart - Sia. 

☆ Somebody to die for - Hurts. 

☆ Drumming song - Florence and the machine. 

☆  B team - Marianas Trench. 

- - - 

☆ "I'd really like to believe you right now, but even I know that's not true. It's just a load of bullshit and pretty words. I'm not falling for that." 

☆ "Please I need you to get away now before I end up hurting you too. I.. don't want that to happen." 

☆ "This doesn't mean anything.. -- Nothing has changed between us."




Favorite Food(s): Italian and American food.

Favorite Color(s): Red, lavender, and white.

Favorite Number(s): 18, 27 and 96. 

Favorite Season(s): Fall and winter. 

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas.

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn and Afternoon.  

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