Tuesday, June 23, 2015

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|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

She is a forest ---

& she burns herself so that she can rise from her ashes.

Name (last, first):  Cosmos, Bambi Iris. 

Meaning: Iris was the name of the Greek Goddess of the rainbow. This name can also be given in reference to the English word ( which derives from the same Greek source ) for the name of the Iris flower or the colored part of the eye. The word 'Cosmos' derives from the Greek term kosmos, literally meaning 'order' or 'ornament' and metaphorically 'world', and is antithetical to the concept of chaos. 

Nickname(s): Bambina. Golden child. Goldilocks. Giorgio's kid. 

Age: 23-27 years old.

Species: Human.

Martial status: Single. 

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: January 20th, 1983.

Life Story: 

Being born on January 20th to Rosalina Cosmos and Christopher Giorgio, Bambi was the first born and only female child to the Giorgio's. Growing up her life was fairly difficult though she had no clue what was going on at the given moment. Her father, Christopher, would only come home on the weekends but it seemed like his visits were very brief and spontaneous. This was around the time that her one of her younger brothers, Beniamino, was born. Bambi's mother did love her father but she was having an affair during his long absence. This man would later be known as Angelos Callas, her mother's future husband to be. It was probably around Bambi's third, and Ben's second, birthday that news of their mother being pregnant reached their ears. Rosalina was pregnant with her lover's child, which her father didn't take as well. 

Christopher threatened to take his children away from Rosalina, despite knowing it wouldn't be a good outcome of this argument. After all, a hunter couldn't go around killing those vile creatures with his children posing as possible targets. Somehow the argument had escalated and Christopher had left without any further notice, especially to his two children. His absence in their lives was missing throughout their adolescence, but Angelos seemed to fill in the role of their father quite nicely. Of course, it was a bonus that the make treated them like his own children, and their half brother, Luciano, was easy to get along with as well. The siblings had a very friendly and caring bond among each other throughout their adolescence.

It was around Bambi's twelfth birthday that her father had abruptly shown up once again in her life. Naturally, her mother had thrown a fit demanding that he left them alone especially with Bambi's birthday being that very day. Angelos was left in a tough position, unsure if his intrusion in the argument would be welcomed or not. Bambi was the only one who seemed to keep the peace between her two parents. Her father, Christopher, only wanted to spend one day with the female although he did want to spend more time with his other child as well. However, he figured it would be best if he waited until afterwards to propose this thought to his former lover. After all, he knew better than anyone that she would throw a fit if he suggested Bambi and Beniamino should spend some time with him during the holidays. 

The one who had accepted this abrupt idea had been Bambi, much to her mother's displeasure. Bambi was more than eager to spend time with her father, despite enjoying Angelos role as her father in her life. Throughout the years, Bambi and Beniamino would spend plenty of time with their father, Christopher. It was around her fourteenth birthday that the two children were suddenly involved in the hunting business, much to her father's displeasure. Christopher felt ashamed for not noticing that there was something stalking them throughout the day, and before he knew it they were being attacked by a pair of Rugarus. Her father should have known that something was bound to happen due to his last mission that involved destroying a nesting ground full of them.  

One thing had led to another and the kids were promptly forced into running for shelter while Chrsitopher attempted to burn them down. Before they knew it, their father was rendered useless and the two had to be the ones to burn down the Rugarus. Of course, there was a scuffle going on between the two races before Bambi had managed to burn them down. Nothing could fully calm down the two children, who were feeling more than a little startled and confused about what had just occurred. It had taken their father around an hour, at least, to get the two adolescents to understand what happened in the past hour. This wasn't easy for the two to take in at first. 

The thought that there were creatures out there hiding among them did very little to calm down the two's nerves at first. A month or two had gone by when the two children decided on what they wanted to do, after taking in this information finally. Despite their guilt, they decided to refrain from telling their younger brother, Lucinao, about this event. Naturally, her father did make them swear to not say a word of this to anyone. Over the course of the next few years, they began to know much more about the hunting business and general knowledge of exorcisms and firearms. However, their dad did try hard to make sure that he did general fun activities with his children. Of course, some of the events were limited since the trio had to keep out of prying eyes. There could have been an enemy anywhere around them, after all. 

By the time Bambi had graduated high school and started college, the brunette already own fair share of experience involving the supernatural and firearms. Naturally, it wasn't something that was publicly known due to the obvious danger that it would pose. Not to mention, it would be odd if a girl of her age was so knowledgeable about weapons and things dealing with the occult. She didn't want to bring unnecessary attention to her family. It was during this time that Beniamino and Bambi had gotten an anti demon possession tattoo, knowing what dangers demons posed for them. Despite her desire to help her father like she'd like to, Bambi headed into college deciding it was better for her to further her knowledge. However, that didn't last as long as she thought it would. 

Her father had stopped calling her all together and something left the female feeling anxious, to the point where she had considered withdrawing from college altogether. She wasn't the only one that had noticed something was going on at the time, Beniamino had also noticed the sudden disappearance from their father. This lead the two children to quickly  leave behind everything and remember what their father had last said to them, mainly things concerning his next job. The two had left with only a quick mention to their mother and stepfather before the two had promptly left their home town, driving off with a few backpacks filled with equipment. 

Their travels weren't too beneficial at first until much later, throughout the course of a few months to a year almost. Throughout those months the two had down a number of small jobs here and there as they tried to figure out where their father had gone to. Over time, the two had started to make a name for themselves throughout the hunters they had contact with. Of course, they made sure they were discreet from the public's eye not wanting their family to be involved in their affairs. This had to remain a secret, after all. 

It would almost be a year later that they figured out their father had been held hostage and tortured before he had been murdered at the hands of one of his vast enemies.

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Bambi can be quite defensive and quick to bite at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she developed this trait due to her childhood. For Bambi, it's scary getting close to someone and then getting hurt by them- purposely at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force the female to let her guard drop so easily, but she urges herself forward. It would be foolish to remain scared when she has a chance to find something new.. and discover things she knew very little about. This trait often leads the female to the occasional trouble or two. 

Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spill secrets to others, especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others. However, if the secret happens to be something that's harming someone in a personal level.. then she won't hesitate to offer her assistance discreetly. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their suffering. However when it comes to her own troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with her own problems herself. During those times, Bambi is the type to act like nothing is bothering her at all. 

Once trust is established with the female, Bambi is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surprising. She prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing a misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps the female a lot that she's quite observant, making sure she spots every single detail. Pushing that aside, Bambi can be quite affectionate and playful towards those she treasures dearly. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionate with them, excluding any acts of intimacy. That may require a bit more time until she's partially comfortable with someone to act on those emotions. 

Whenever the female happens to feel threatened, she's quick to act a bit.. territorial per day. After all, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can be rather impulsive in that state and do things she'll probably regret in the near future. Bambi can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking about her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's. If someone manages to get Bambi drunk, she's more than a little touchy in this state as she dislikes it. Not to mention, she's fairly obedient and too trusting in this state- which can easily pose as a problem. 

Good Habit(s): Loyal, brave, fearless, determined, understanding, patient, trusting, and intuitive. 

Bad Habit(s): Defensive, sharp tongue, territorial, impulsive, and guarded. 

Nationality: A mixture of Italian and Greek. 

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy. 

Current Residence: No permanent residence. 

Spoken Languages: Italian, Greek & American. 

Like(s):  Coffee, horror movies, blankets, warm weather, rain, sweaters, soft melodies, animated films, desserts, mythology, photography, massages, finishing up a job, card games, cars to an extent, trilogies, thriller novels, lord of the rings, television series, long car rides, meaningful conversations and sleeping late.

Dislike(s): Sour candy, smell of blood, reptiles, mud, severe injuries, heights, cheesy lines, betrayal, vampires, interrogations, police, being caught outside in the middle of a storm, lack of information, sirens, car troubles, being woken up early, distractions, being dragged into others' dilemmas, and being interrupted. 

Hobbies: Training. Drawing. Reading. Listening to music. Swimming. Relaxing. 

Fear(s):  Being ambushed. Loved one dying. Not being able to save someone. Failure. 

Strength(s): Tactics. Strategies. Close combat. Knowledgeable about firearms. 

Weakness(es): Anxiety problems. Long ranged combat. Fighting in the dark. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Fast reflexes. 

☆  Highly imaginative. 


☆  Studious. 

  ☆ Knows two other languages and a bit of Latin .

☆  Fire arms knowledge. 

☆  Gradually getting knowledgeable about Latin and chants. 


☆  Bambi only attended college for a about a year and a half until certain circumstances had forced her to withdraw all together. 

☆  Photography is something she happens to enjoy immensely, similar to her interests in myths and mythical creatures in general. 

☆  Brushing Bambi's hair or toying with it is the only way to effectively calm down the female if she's ever upset or in the middle of a nightmare. It's also a good way to get her to stop speaking if she's engaged in a heated argument with someone. 

☆  Despite her father's absence in her life, Bambi is more than willing to do anything if she can help him in anyway. Naturally, this had led her to become involved in the hunting business much to her father's dislike. 

☆  Bambi is inclined to use other hunters to find out where the next job is or she gives Bobby Singer a call. After his death, Bambi resorted to figuring out things through the use of other creatures she encountered throughout various jobs. 

☆  Most common used aliases by Bambi are Elizabeth Williams, Alexandria Martíenz and Courtney White. 

☆  The female is generally used to researching, stealing more money and getting information out from other hunters alike or witnesses to a job. 

☆  Whenever she's embarrassed or irritated, she's prone to speaking in Italian at the given moment. 

☆  Bambi does carry a pre-paid phone on her, incase she needs to make a call or be reached. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S || 

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆ Figure out where her father is. 
☆  To protect others from the world of supernatural.

☆  Hunter.
☆  Informant.

☆ Monophobia (fear of being alone): Despite this fear, she tries to avoid making a big deal about it.  

☆ Facing the supernatural in the form of her younger self. 
☆ Family members dying.  

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Christopher Giorgio, 44-48 years old. ( Deceased ) 

Christopher Giorgio knew it was unwise to get anyone else involved in things dealing with supernatural beings. The last thing he wanted was for his children to be involved in the hunting business. Nevertheless, things didn't seem to go his way due to the sudden involvement of his children in a job he didn't expect. Nevertheless, it seemed like there would be no way to keep them out of this as long as he wanted to remain a part of their lives. He's fairly talkative and quite the jokester at times, which isn't too surprising since there's a certain aura of seriousness hunters need to have after all. 

Rosalina Cosmos, 42-45 years  old.

Rosalina was a fairly optimistic and bright young woman, who was quite eager to get her degree in college. However something had suddenly changed for the female, throwing the brunette off of her path. The mixed woman didn't intend to fall for the Italian man named Christopher Giorgio. It didn't take long for the two to fall in love though they didn't officially marry during that time, the couple lived together with their two children. As much as she hated to admit it, the female eventually began to lose the feelings of intimacy she once felt for Christopher during his long absence away from the family. Over time, another man had earned the female's love- a man under the name of Angelos Callas. He made the female fall for him completely and fully.  Rosalina does have prior military training along with experience on the field, which is seen by the way her children have knowledge on self defense tactics. 


Beniamino Cosmos, 22-25 years old. 

Almost similar to Bambi's situation, Beniamino had found his way into the hunting business and it was far too late for him to find a way out. He was fresh out of high school and barely about to enter college, when news of his missing father had reached him. Out of the Cosmos siblings, Ben is much more outspoken and quite blunt about certain topics. He's the one who has plenty of experience prior to fighting, though it's mainly due to his passion for boxing. Over the course of their journey, he's grown fairly protective of his sister, which isn't too surprising  with all of the things the two faced have faced together. 

Luciano Callas, 20-24 years old. 

Lucinao might be the only one who was left out from anything dealing with hunting, out of the lot of children. Out of the three siblings, he's the more quiet spoken one though he can quite irritable quick if he feels like someone's hiding something from him. Due to that reason, his relationship with Bambi and Beniamino is rather strained at the given moment. As of right now, he's in college studying to get his masters degree in the medical field. Generally, he's quite the charmer despite his bad sense of humor concerning puns. 


Angelos Callas , 41-45 years old. 

Angelos is a man of Greek and American decent, who happens to be Bambi's stepfather. The Greek man is a very caring  and creative individual, which only seems to add on to his charms. With his passion for art and food, Angelos opened his very own restaurant which he owns with his wife, Rosalina. Similar to his child,  he knows very little about the hunting business. However his knowledge in the medical field is quite vast due to his previous career as a doctor. 

Alonso Giorgio, 70 years old. ( Alive )

Alonso is the father of Christopher, teaching him very single thing he knows about the supernatural along with some tricks he could use. The older gentleman is rather soft-hearted around his family and children, holding no cruel remarks towards adults. He's well-known to be rather stern in regards to other hunters due to his long time in the field. Truth be told, he hates the fact his grandchildren are working as hunters now. After all, he didn't wish this type of lifestyle for them.



Aries is a small husky pup Bambi received from her father, Christopher, right after her graduation in high school. The small male pup is one Bambi treasures dearly but due to their sudden decision to travel, she forced to leave the pup behind at home. It was the best decision, considering the dangers that was waiting for them up ahead. 

Best Friend(s):


Bambi had become quick friends with Charlie in little time, developing a friendship over things the two had in common. The mixed woman enjoys conversing with the other female whenever she gets a chance, which explains her enthusiasm to hang out with her.  It isn't rare to see Bambi being more at ease around Charlie's presence, considering the redhead has that effect on her. Because of their closeness, the brunette wouldn't hesitate to protect her in a heartbeat, seeing Charlie as a sister she never had.



This was quite the odd friendship at first, due to the lack of knowledge generally being shared among the two. Of course, Castiel's bluntness has never failed to surprise the female at times. Despite that, Bambi does enjoying having a small conversation with the angel, even if the conversation involves diving into other topics. However, that doesn't men's she's fully comfortable around the angel just yet- that'll take a bit longer to achieve for the female. Bambi still has a difficult time adjusting to the angel's abrupt visits from time to time. 

Bobby Singer 

It wasn't until her second year of hunting that Bambi had finally run into Bobby Singer, but a proper relationship wasn't established until a few weeks later. At first there would be a few scoldings here and there, due to their young age being involved in the hunting business. During the courses of a few exchanges of words, Bambi mad gradually began to feel more comfortable around the older man. In a way, there was a small resemblance Bobby seemed to share with her missing father. Over the course of the next few years, she'd seek out Bobby if there was some information she couldn't get her hands on or simply to find a job in the area. Naturally, she'd make time to drop by and visit with him if he happened to be at home. 


Dean Winchester 

Initially, Bambi didn't expect to meet the famous Winchesters, knowing their reputation prior to meeting them. In a way, Bambi might agree to admiring Dean's skills though she would never speak a word of it. After all, who would be proud of having excellent hunting skills. There's has been a few conversations exchanged between the two during those occasional run ins the two have. As much as she dislikes admitting it, something about the hunter attracts her and leaves her slightly startled. After all, she's made it a priority to keep her association with hunters strictly professional. Even with this rule being set, Bambi still finds herself chatting with him whenever there's a chance to do- something that used to appear as rare. Over the next few years, she'd appear a bit more frequently and check in every once in awhile to see how things were going. It wouldn't be odd to acknowledge the fact her own attraction, and feelings, involving the male had gradually grown during that time period. 

Sam Winchester 

It was only by chance that Bambi had met Sam Winchester earlier on, before his hunting days would begin. Of course, she knew every little of his connection to the hunting business much less his brother's reputation at that time. After all, it wasn't uncommon to find someone with a similar family name. It wasn't until a year or two later that she'd encounter Sam Winchester once again. However, it was different this time around considering Dean was with him this time. Nevertheless, Bambi did find herself chatting with the tall male from time to time throughout their spontaneous visits. The woman does admit to enjoying her conversations with Sam, always finding his presence to be rather comforting in a way. However, it seemed like she was late in realizing her own attraction and emotions concerning the hunter. 



The angel is another individual Bambi doesn't know how to treat considering his antics from time to time. Nonetheless, she does keep up a courteous attitude around him as well, deciding it's better to treat him politely until further notice. 



The demon is someone that Bambi is on the fence about, uncertain of how to view the male, considering how he acts. Nonetheless, Bambi does try to act courteous around Crowley due to his connection to the Winchester brothers. On any other occasional, she'd refuse to let her guard down around the male until it's confirmed he's not a threat to her or her brother.




|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Bobby and the Wincesters- later on with Castiel as well.

Education: High school graduate, Former college education, hand to hand combat, and some medical training.  

Fighting ability: Bambi had made it a priority to get knowledgeable about combat, not wanting to be caught by surprise suddenly. She can manage to evade attacks fairly well but her punches could still use some major work. Of course, it isn't too surprise since she lacks the physical strength her brother happens to have. Hence why, she's lacking strength wise but she does put up quite a fight despite that, due to her endurance. Bambi is more comfortable with knives than she is with guns in general, but if she has to use it then she won't complain about it. 

Financial status: Financially, Bambi was doing alright early on until late December of 2008, where a few complications had appeared. From that point on, the two adults would be forced to either steal and gamble to earn more money for themselves.  

Reputation: Bambi's managed to earn herself a strong reputation in the Hunter world, but it isn't something in the ranks of the Winchesters though. Although, Bambi had steadily began to make herself more well known throughout the hunter business- her brother, Beniamino also managing to earn for a name for himself as well. Of course, it's known that the two are than just another sibling duo, considering Beniamino provides the muscle while Bambi takes on the job of stealing and gathering information. 

Influence: Bambi's influence happens to be wide, though this was originally due to her father's connection in the Hunting business. However, it wouldn't be long before she made her own connections in the business and making it known that she wouldn't tolerate someone giving her misleading information. 

Intelligence: Considering Bambi's interests in supernatural beings and mythical creatures, she grew rather knowledgeable about the lore behind them. That and the first year of college did wonders for the female'd mind, especially at a young age. However, she's far more knowledgeable about the general aspect of psychology, criminal investigation and English. 

Role: Initially, Bambi didn't have a big connection with the Winchesters and Castiel until later on. Occasionally, she'd slip information about a job or two she's heard going around or I from them about the occasional stir of trouble in the world. 

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks:  Bambi's body does have noticeable curves and it's quite slender as well, mainly due to the constant training she undergoes. Her chest is a moderate size, nothing to complain about really. Her complexion happens to be fair but she doesn't tan too easily without the use of lotion or something to help. Bambi's eyesight is rather good, making her free from requiring glasses to see. Her hands are a few inches smaller, while her fingers happen to be rather slender and a few inches short as well. Although, it's hardly anything drastic that anyone would notice from afar unless they were looking closely. Her eyes are rather round and quite expressive, often shining with amusement. Her lips are often pursued in a small smirk or grin a majority of the time.

Height: 5'6. 

Weight: 144 pounds. 

Everyday Outfit(s):  Typically, Bambi can be seen in various outfits depending on the occasion and the time of day. She'll be wearing anything from a simple pair of shorts, skirts to fitted jeans while her shirts range from different things. Anything from a v-neck, tank top to a somewhat flowly dress will be used. During the early morning, when they actually have time to relax, she can be spotted in a simple band try and either a pair of shorts or leggings. Of course during winter, her clothing style involves more dresses, leggings and long sleeved sweaters with cardigans. However, she knows it better to dress moderately incase there's a chance they run into problems or a job opens up. As far as sleepwear goes, she's prone to sleeping in a simple v-neck and a pair of shorts. 

Accessories: Hanging around her neck is two necklaces, one is a silver anchor while the other is a simple medieval looking pocket watch that contains a picture of her family and one of her father. She also happens to wear a simple silver band on index finger that has an engraving inside of it. 

Makeup: Bambi's makeup is kept natural looking and very light, but she only uses it when she needs to find information or under cover for a job. She does wear Chapstick or lipgloss more often, despite not having much use for makeup. 

Scent: There's a sweet scent resembling vanilla that lingers on the young adult. 

Hairstyle(s): Bambi's hair is a light brown color, in a sense you could say it's the same color as chestnut. There's a few darker streaks in hair that are natural highlights for the female. Normally, her hair chestnut colored tresses are kept down to fall in light curls, residing on her shoulders. During jobs, she's prone to keeping her hair either in a ponytail or a bun for the duration of the meeting. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: From her childhood, Bambi has gained numerous scars though they're carefully hidden by her clothing. The most noticeable ones would be the ones on her back. On her upper right arm, her skin is a bit reddish there due to an accident involving a group of Rugarus. Over time she has gained a few scars on her hands and stomach due to a few problems they stumbled upon during jobs. As far as tattoos and piercings go, she only has a single pair of piercings on her ears and one tattoo. Said tattoo happens to be an anti demon possession tattoo, that her brother also got for himself as well. Jewelry isn't something that the female worries about hence the lack of it in general. 

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song(s):

☆  Beautiful girl- Trading yesterday. 

☆  Shattered- Trading yesterday. 

☆  Somebody I used to know- The killers. 

☆  Sacrifice- Zella Days. 



☆  "These kinds of jobs get boring after all. The constant danger doesn't really excite me- maybe I'm just losing my touch."

☆  "Really, mister? Does it look like I'm joking around? I need that information now, I'm not playing any games with you."

☆  "Cosmos. That's who we are..! It was a pleasure meeting you, guys." 

☆  "I can't concentrate with all that racket you're making..-" 


Favorite Food(s): Italian dishes.

Favorite Color(s): Lavender. Ruby red. 

Favorite Number(s): Eighteen.

Favorite Season(s): Fall and winter. 

Favorite Holiday(s): New Year's Eve. 

Favorite Time of Day: Late morning. 

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