Saturday, June 20, 2015

{ σн му ℓσσк αт тнσѕє єуєѕ ; мαgι σ¢ }

 ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

  oh my LOOK at those eyes
                      look at the t r o u b l e that they hide inside
                                      i see the flicker of the pain on the rise
                                 oh my LOOK at those eyes

           maybe they’re like M I N E ;
                         things i [ wish ] i did not see
         i push away all the DIRT && DEBRIS
                                                    but what’ll be l e f t of me?

Name (last, first): Rhianon.

Meaning:Variant spelling of Welsh Rhiannon, meaning 'great queen.'

Nickname(s):  Ria, 

Age: 16 through 19.

Species: Fanalis.

Gender: Female.

Martial status: Single.

Financial status: 


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. 

Birthday: May 1st.

Life Story: 

Rhianon doesn't remember much past the age of eight, though she does recall that her childhood was mainly occupied by running from danger and sticking to her brother, Arwan. After all in the country they inhabited, slaves were a desired- though there was a special kind that they wanted, fanalis. For a brief time the two children had ended up being captured and sold to a family of three, who had a child only a year older than them by the name of Eilian. Fortunately for them, the child they were ordered to protect was anything but cruel. In fact, the two managed to form a close companionship over the years.

However, those times wouldn't last long due to the impending signs of war affecting the city they lived in. It was a quarter to midnight when the first revolt occurred, forcing the various individuals living in the city to either revolt or take action. Rhianon didn't seem to hesitate to bring her brother, Arwan, and her master and friend, Eilian out of harm's way. The three children were only around the ages of ten and eleven when this first occurred. With a revolt going on right outside, they couldn't fully avoid the riots going on. They were separated from one another, each one being drawn into the riots going on- being forced to participate in a fight they wanted no part of. Unlike her twin brother, Arwan, Rhianon wanted very little to do with fighting though fate had other plans in store for her. 

With the riots forcing her one way, Rhianon was shoved in midst of a breakout- resulting in a numerous injuries for the young fanalis. It had almost seemed like a miracle that she was dragged out of the riot. Arwan had managed to find her though he did suffer some minor injuries while he made his way over to her. The two managed to locate Eilian and the trio quickly made their way out of the riot. Without Eilian's parents around, the children quickly had to make due. Eilian had the fortune of having relatives in the air to take him in, though Rhianon and Arwan weren't allowed to stick around. Instead they were ordered to leave the household immediately, despite the argument Eilian initiated. 

It would only be a few weeks after that the two fanalis children were captured and forced into slavery once more. For the next two years they would be forced to work under cruel and distressing orders until Muu Alexius from the Reim Empire found them and freed them. Initially, the fanalis children were uncertain of what awaited them at Reim Empire but they accepted nonetheless. After all, this was the first time they managed to find someone else like them. It would be foolish of them to say no to that offer of his- Muu was their savior, in the end.  

After much training, the two children had finally ended up joining the Fanalis Corps of the Reim Empire, though they were still young at the time. They were only ten years old at the time when they joined. It wasn't long after that, that Rhianon began to train rigorously to catch up with her companions and fellow comrades- hoping to achieve the strength they all had. This was also around the time she had first met Masrur, who would later become King Sinbad's subordinate. 

For the next five years, the two fanalis children remained in the Fanalis Corps, steadily sharpening their skills and learning new moves. It would only be a year later that Arwan, her brother, decided to travel to Sindria- deeming it necessary to meet King Sinbad. Much to Rhianon's dismay, she quickly found herself rushing after him despite her desires to remain in the Reim Empire. However, she didn't have the heart to separate from her brother. He was the only family she had left- it would be foolish for her to let him go alone. With that reason in mind, Rhianon boarded the first ship with her brother to to the land of Sindria. It was there that they encountered two of the Kou Empire Imperial prince and princess, Hakuryuu Ren and Kougyoku Ren. This was also the time where she first encountered Morgiana, Alibaba Saluja, Aladdin and Kou Empire's Magi, Judal as well.

- - - S E C O N D  S I N D R I A  - A L M A   T O R A N  A R C - - -


ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Rhianon is the type of person who's proud and enjoys being dependable, due to her desire to help other individuals. It's quite distracting for her to receive praise, considering she'll often get too excited and taken into the situation. Nonetheless, she'll try her best best to offer advice to others and friends. However if the situation were reversed, it isn't likely that she'll go to others and ask for their advice unless she can't find an answer for herself. It's because of her prideful nature, that she'll try to find an answer for herself before considering to ask someone else for help. 

Due to her more docile nature, she's the type who will try to avoid conflicts or inconvenient situations if she can. However if she's forced to respond, she may act defensive though she's susceptible to becoming docile when it comes to arguments. The calm air she gives off can be extremely misleading because she'll often try to ignore a problem or simply turn a blind eye to it. She won't act unless the problem affects her loved ones or her immediately then she'll take action. In those cases, she can become quite determined to fix the problem quickly- hoping to achieve a solution in little time.

It's difficult to actually get the female upset considering how calm she is. Of course, there's that and the fact she'll generally let most things slide. However, if she does happen to be upset, Rhianon will act as if nothing's bothering her despite the obvious emotion stirring in her eyes. She prefers to keep her issues to herself though she will end up fessing up if it's someone she happens to trust fairly well. In those cases, she doesn't mind crying or even showing her emotions in front of them. After all, they earned her trust for a reason. 

Despite the composed air she gives off, Rhianon can easily become flustered and timid when it comes to praises or intimacy in general.The redhead is the type to be oddly curious so there isn't much she'll reject the first time around- being the type to explore new things. Although she may be willing to swallow her fears and go the extra mile. Rhianon is the playful type, often teasing others when she happens to be caught at a disadvantage or if she's embarrassed about something- hoping to turn the situation around.

Good Habit(s): Independent, reliable, adventurous, determined, brave and playful. 

Bad Habit(s): Proud, timid, docile, defensive, calm, curious and distant.

Nationality: Fanalis. 

Place of Origin: Dark Continent.

Current Residence: Traveling.

Spoken Languages: 

Like(s): Night walks, praise, celebrations, soft melodies, keeping busy, high places, warm drinks, physical contact, compliments, helping others, peace, calmness, relaxation, gatherings with friends, long conversations, the thrill of a fight, bonfires, seeing magic being used, and soft beds.

Dislike(s): Large animals, lecherous comments, cowardliness, alcohol, cruelty, chilly weather, sandstorms, bandits, the smell of blood, madness, arguments, arguing with Arwan, wars, riots, being used, insects, birds, and separating from her brother.

Hobbies: Night walks, training, humming, swimming, and taking naps.

Fear(s): Being captured once again, losing Arwan, fires, and not being to help her friends.

Strength(s): Enhanced senses, Enhanced strength, agility, pain tolerance, close combat, and rushing into battle.

Weakness(es): Low magoi, susceptible to migraines, fires, strategies and long range combat.


☆ Rhianon and her brother, Arwan, have been on the run constantly since they were children due to being fanalis. This might explain why they may come across as brash and hesitant towards other individuals.  

☆ For almost five years, Rhianon and Arwan remained in the Fanalis Corps though they ended up leaving a year later, near their fifteenth birthdays.

☆ When it comes to decisions, Rhianon has a difficult time coming up with a proper time. She's the type of person who needs some time to think things out first.

☆  As far as Rhianon's allegiance goes, she's undecided- preferring to side with the individuals she's loyal to instead. 

☆ She won't admit it but she loathes insects with a passion, which is quite evident through her shifty movements when they're around. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆ To find out what happened to the Fanalis.
☆ To visit the Dark Continent once.
☆ To be of use to her friends and loved ones. 

☆  Traveler. 
☆ Protector: Rhianon does take up some jobs as a mere guard, simply protecting those pay for her services.
☆ Gladiator ( former )

☆ Losing her brother, Arwan. 
☆ To lose one of her friends.
☆ A war breaking out. 
☆ Being caught in the middle of a riot.

☆ Her crimson locks: Due to the immense stares that occur.
☆ Decision making: Second questions herself.
☆ Loyalty: becoming unable to properly side with someone due to her loyalty to others.

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll




Arwan, 16 through 19 years.

The fellow fanalis is Rhianon's twin brother, who happens to be the more assertive type. He can often come across as brutally honest and rash, though he's the more of the type to simply speak his mind. Nonetheless, Arwan is the type who doesn't stop until he reaches his goal, preferring to accomplish his goals regardless of the consequences. Due to Rhianon's docile nature, she has a tendency to comply with a majority of his words and actions- seeing no reason to go against her brother. 




Best Friend(s):

Eilian, 17 through 20 years. ( deceased )

Eilian may be rough around the edges but he's far from just that. The young noble is quite charismatic, often sweeping people along at his own pace. Although he can often become sidetracked and has a tendency to forget things- only being able to recall things at a later date. However the male had bad luck due to an up-rise in the city he took refuge in.


The magi has grown to become someone that Rhianon is extremely fond of, almost reaching the point where she wouldn't hesitate to do anything for him. Her friendship had started with the male sometime after she had met Morgiana first and later Alibaba in the process. Of course, she does dismay slightly due to his more questionable actions but she hardly lets that disturb her. After all, His wise nature makes up for his occasional perverted actions. Naturally, Aladdin is the person that Rhianon will seek out for counsel as well or simply to seek comfort. 


The magician happened to be someone Rhianon was curious about due to the skills she possessed at first. Yamraiha's sweet and caring nature made it easier for the fanalis to grow attached to the female, seeing her as an older sister. This might be the reason why she seeks out the magician if she's in need of comfort, silently knowing she would be the best choice for that. Of course, she does make an effort not to interfere whenever Yamraiha is seen arguing with Sharkkan. 


The redhead took an immediate liking to Morgiana, considering she hadn't met another fanalis like herself previously- to be more precise, someone around her age group. It was no surprise that Rhianon had grown a fondness for Morgiana in very little time. Her quiet and determined nature made her admire the fellow fanalis even more so. Little time had passed before the two fanalis had grown close to one another, which was apparent through the frequent outings of the two young women. Rhianon enjoys conversing and sparring with Morgiana whenever there's free time.

Myron Alexius 

The fellow fanalis is someone Rhianon got along with fairly quickly in her time in the Fanalis Corps due to her calm personality. However, that didn't mean they were free from any occasional arguments. After all, the two often butted heads when it came to fighting along with showing compassion towards others. Myron wasn't the most compassionate towards, a fact that was blatantly obvious. Despite that thought, the two fanalis can get along relatively well to the point where the two spar for fun.

Muu Alexius

The older man is someone that Rhianon holds in very high regard, often doing as he wishes as long as it's in her power. After all, Muu was the one who saved them from slavery. Being around the male made her feel more at ease, allowing her to slip into a false sense of security. His determination was the main reason why Rhianon has such a persistent mentality when it comes to fighting, especially when it's for friends or loved ones. Muu had been the one that helped shape her morals and views on things such as wars and right and wrong.

Kougyoku Ren

The princess happens to be someone Rhianon gets along with exceptionally well, despite meeting recently in the land of Sindria. Her expressive nature is what drew the redhead to the girl almost immediately, finding her expressions to be rather remarkable. For Rhianon, Kougyoku is someone that she wants to get to know on a better note considering her interest in the female. With the fanalis's friendship with her relatives, she found herself spending some more time with the princess. 


The assistant was someone Rhianon was apprehensive about at first, though she quickly found herself finding solace in her conversations with Ja'far. Due to the lack of a proper parental figure, she can't help but see him as a parental figure. That might be the reason why she's often seen as more docile around him. She'll often seek out his counsel, preferring to hear his opinion about certain matters before seeking anyone else for counsel. Rhianon also finds his abilities to be rather remarkable, though she's wise enough to not speak about them aloud. 


Due to their prior meeting in the Reim empire, Rhianon had very little difficult in reestablishing their friendship once again.The redhead always had a fondness for the older man, which can easily be seen through her more docile nature around him. It wouldn't be surprising to see her simply watching him train from under the shade of a tree, or even sparring with him from time to time. His silent nature might be the reason why she'll often seek him out, simply seeking out company and things of that nature. 


The exiled prince was someone Rhianon got along with almost immediately as well, though she'd often get swept up in his pacing. His fun-loving persona often made her go along with most things the male suggested. Naturally, that often ended up with the two being scolded from time to time. It isn't rare to see Rhianon seeking out his company from time whenever she's lacking entertainment or simply needs to be cheered up. The fanalis's admires his personality, though she does feel conflicted when he's seen arguing with Yamraiha.


Alibaba Saluja

Rhianon had taken almost an immediate liking to Alibaba, after meeting him through Aladdin. The fanalis's docile nature was one of the main reasons why she's constantly seen moving along at his pacing. His helpful nature was another reason why her interest in the male was sparked. It wasn't often that she witnessed someone willingly helping someone out of their own free will. With Rhianon frequent visits with Aladdin, it wasn't too shocking that she gradually began to spend more with Alibaba as well. Of course, she still has some minor problems in regards to his desires to settle things himself. Despite that thought, Rhianon's feelings for Alibaba leaves her rather apprehensive- almost making her wonder when exactly did they began to appear. 

Hakuryuu Ren

It had been through Alibaba and Aladin that Rhianon first encountered one of the princes of Kou empire. At first, she was a bit apprehensive about Kakuryuu though her views concerning the male gradually began to change over time. It wasn't long after that, that they finally began to converse more as time passed. The fanalis enjoyed having conversations with him, though she did have a tendency to worry about the male. His serious personality was one of the many reasons why she constantly found herself worrying over him, often attempting to ease the load of stress he shouldered. Truth be told, Rhianon wouldn't hesitate to do anything for the male as long as it would benefit him. Gradually, she has noticed her change in feelings towards Hakuryuu but she's isn't certain if it's right to speak up about them.

Kouha Ren

Kouha was someone Rhianon never expected to encounter considering the differences in their personalities and social status. In a mere twist of irony she had encountered him during her journey, creating an odd first impression. One way or another, she found herself drawn to the male despite the sudden strike of madness he showed when taking down his opponents. The redhead has noticed his.. twisted personality due to their first encounter, though she tries to think nothing of it. After all, she has a habit of becoming the same way in regards to fighting. With that being said, Rhianon finds his presence to be more than welcomed. Her change in feelings towards Kouha came as a complete surprise for the female, though she refuses to admit such a thing.

Judar ( Judal )

The magi happens to be someone that leaves Rhianon rather cautious, uncertain of how to react around him to begin with. It surprised the fanalis immensely that she had been drawn by someone so cruel and arrogant. Truth be told, it didn't make any sense to her. After all, he was far from the ideal type she even considered herself drawn to. Besides, there was also the fact she was susceptible to his advances despite her prior knowledge about the male's cruel nature. This might be the reason why she's conflicted about her own emotions regarding the Magi. Despite that, she won't own up to her feelings in regards to Judar.


Hakuei Ren 

It was through Aladdin that Rhianon had encountered Hakuei, finding her morals to be rather unique. After all, her relatives led her to believe that the older female shared the same thoughts as Kouen. Fortunately for the fanalis, that turned out to be wrong. Despite the lack of proper communication, Rhianon finds Hakuei to be a rather powerful and admirable woman.



The king of Sindria leaves Rhianon feeling rather odd considering he knows how to flirt rather well. That's a big part of why she often tries to avoid him, often finding herself becoming prey to his flirtatious ways and becoming flustered herself. Despite that, Rhianon is still rather cautious around Sinbad- uncertain on how to think of him. A part of her is weary about him though she isn't sure what led her to this conclusion in the first place. After all, she's susceptible to falling for his advances only to notice later that she's played right into his hands. However, Rhianon has developed some obedience towards the king due to her brother, Arwan's, alliance with the male. 

Kouen Ren

Kouen happens to leave Rhianon hesitant considering his apparent desire to learn more about the secrets Aladdin keeps hidden. It's a little intimidating to say the least. Nonetheless, she does admire how he seems to inspire his people as well as command them efficiently. Naturally, this is a detail she won't willingly admit to the ruler anytime soon. Due to her brother's alliance to Sindria, Rhianon is uncertain about approaching the Kou empire, considering how fast the empire is expanding. 




Affiliation: Reim Empire ( Former ), Sindria ( Strained ), The Alexius family, Aladdin, and Hakuryuu Ren.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral. Rhianon prefers not to get involved in wars without having some involvement in them beforehand. However, if her friends or loved ones are involved in the battle, then she'll have no choice but to participate. After all, she sees no reason to sit back if her loved ones are out there fighting in a war while she has a chance to help them cut the causalities on their side. When it comes to this, Rhianon will do anything as long as it can prove to be useful or beneficial for her loved ones.

Has she fallen into depravity?: Her rukh is still light though there have a few scarce black rukh to be found confined within her. 

Is she a dijin user?: Pending.

Metal house vessel: Pending.

Agility: Rhianon is quite light on her feet and fairly fast as well, an added bonus due to her fast reflexes. It isn't difficult for her to move on her feet quickly, especially if she needs to sneak around somewhere. 

Charisma: Honestly, Rhianon isn't the ideal type to motivate a large mass of people. She isn't too talkative to those she hardly knows or deems unnecessary to communicate with.

Defense: Rhianon's defense is fairly great due to her fast reflexes and strength. It's safe to say that she can't be surprised that easily.

Intelligence: Due to her strength, Rhianon doesn't bother to come up with strategies- preferring to leave that up to someone else. For her, it's easier to do things without the use of strategies but she won't complain about it.

Strength: Due to the Fanalis blood within her, Rhianon has shown signs of being exceptionally strong when it comes to fighting. Her kicks and punches happen to be fairly strong. An example of this would be Rhianon being able to take down an enemy twice her size. It's also an advantage, for her, that she's fairly fast- being able to move quickly in little time. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Rhianon's body is slender and fit due to her consistent and rigorous training. She happens to be endowed though it isn't too noticeable due to the cloth she wears over her clothing. Her face has a small hint of roundness to it, giving her a more youthful look. Her complexion is fair though she's susceptible to becoming sunburned if she has long exposure in the sun. Her eyes are slightly large and often give off a expressive look despite the piercing twinkle that occasionally appears. Her lips are often drawn in a timid smile or even a troubled smile from time to time. Her nails are trimmed though they do pass the tips of her fingertips barely. Similar to other Fanalis, her eyes are amber along with the distinctive markings others share. 

Height: 163 cm. ( 5'4 )

Weight:  126 lbs.

Everyday Outfit(s):  Rhianon's outfits consists of a simple black tunic with a simple red sash around her waist or gold breast armor and a gold skirt over a white tunic. She does wear golden arm guards on both arms, though she opted not to wear shin guards. The redhead prefers to wear clothing that's either loose and comfortable or fitted, though she's often insistent on having some type of clothing to throw on over her clothing. A simple overcoat of some sorts if she can. 

Accessories: The redhead only carries a few things which happens to consist of a small brown pouch she purchased on her way to Sindria along with a simple pair of earrings.

Makeup: Rhianon prefers not to use makeup but if prompted she'll end up using only a minimum amount though it's only for special occasions. 

Scent: A faint sweet scent.

Hairstyle(s): It's no surprise that Rhianon has the typical thick red locks that all fanalis have, though her's reaches mid-back. Her hair often appears unruly and wind-swept, despite the redhead constantly brushing her hair. Her bangs happen to reach her eyes, though it's often swept to the side to avoiding becoming a problem for her. Typically, her hair is left down though she has been known to actually take some time to pick her up.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: Rhianon happens to have various scars on her lower back and some on her upper thighs due to a riot that occurred in her childhood. With her travels, she's been lucky enough to only have a few more scars to be found on her- to be more precise they're located on her upper arms and two are on her lower torso. As far as tattoos go, there's none to be found on her body. She does have a single pair of piercings on her earlobes.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

☆ Elastic heart - Sia.

☆  Think twice - Eve 6.
☆ Monster - Paramore.
☆ Cruel - The Veronicas.
☆  Lighting field - Sneaker Pimps. 
☆ It has begun - Starset.


☆ "If I'm useful to you this way, then.. please feel free to use me as you wish." 

☆ "I have to do this- I can't back down right now!"
☆ "N-No, I can't, I can't!"
☆ "No- I..I won't let you leave if I do who knows what you'll do."
☆ "Trust me. I can handle this."
☆ "I'm sorry but it's uncomfortable being around that man for long periods of time honestly." 

Favorite Food(s): Preferably soup or warm food. 

Favorite Color(s): Warm tones.

Favorite Number(s): Eighteen.

Favorite Season(s): Spring.

Favorite Holiday(s): Undecided.

Favorite Time of Day: Late evenings.

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