Monday, July 6, 2015

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 || I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

I don't want to hurt you.

you can't 'cause I'm already dead.

Name (last, first): Heron, Alastor Alf. 

Meaning:  Greek name meaning avenging spirit. In mythology, this was the name of the daimon spirit of family blood feuds, the afflicter of vengeance upon children for the crimes of their fathers. Alf is a low German pet form of Adolf, meaning noble wolf.   Heron is derived from the Greek word heros meaning hero. This was the first name of the 1st century Greek inventor (also known as Hero ) from Alexandria. 

Nickname(s):  Al. 

Age:  Seventeen - Nineteen.

Species:  Human.

Gender:  Male.

Martial status:  Single.

Reputation:  Due to his imprisonment earlier on, Alastor hasn't built up a reputation just yet. 

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. 

Birthday: May 27th.

Life Story: 

Alastor's childhood was rather vague considering many of the memories pertaining to his past weren't remembered. He could only remember details pertaining to his father and a young brunette that would scarcely accompany him home from time to time. Nonetheless, he does remember his father, Deimos, raising him with some help from a woman named, Aurore Roux. A woman who would later be known as his mother.  It was around this time that he became partially blind in his right eye due to a small accident when he was wandering around the ark. Despite that incident, he quickly became friends with Finn and later his girlfriend, Raven.

The male lived a relatively normal life until he reached the age of fifteen where a small incident involving purchases of illegal goods bought him a one way ticket to the prison cells. He would remain there for two years until he was grouped with the hundred teenage criminals to descend Earth. At first, he was overjoyed by the news- that was before the reality of the situation hit him. Why were they suddenly being floated out the Ark? There had to be a logical reason to that, right? 

Unfortunately, he couldn't figure out the answer before they were forced on the ship and crash landed on Earth. Alastor couldn't help but be rather cautious of the whole situation, though he was secretly elated at the new surroundings. Nonetheless, he pushed that aside to enjoy the new environment that had been provided to them. It was around this time that his friendship with Clarke and Finn had grown tremendously. Of course, this was the time period he had noticed the younger Blake sibling, Octavia. It wasn't easy enough to say she had captured his attention almost immediately.

The moment Jasper had disappeared from Clarke's group, Alastor couldn't help but blame himself for this. After all, he had a chance to join them and possibly change the outcome of the outing yet he had chosen to linger behind instead. Because of this guilt, he was insistent on going with each search group that was trying to locate Jasper's location. Unfortunately for them, it wouldn't be easy to be found until later on when Bellamy and Clarke's group located him hung on a tree, barely fighting for consciousness. It was also around this time that Octavia began to treat the Grounder, who would later be known as Lincoln, kindly which only served to stir his interest in the male. Perhaps.. this was something to look into.

However, his mind was rather occupied at the moment. After all, he didn't expect Aurore, the woman whom he assumed was just his father's friend, to inform him that he was actually her son- and Katarina's brother. This was news to him. Well to the both of them honestly. Despite the shocking revelation, they ultimately decided to keep quiet about this- silently fearing that this could be used against them in the long run. After all, the threat of Mountain men, Grounders and others from the Ark still lingered in the air.

When the Grounder war occurred, Alastor had the misfortune of being outside during the time of the explosion. His upper back promptly developed an almost second degree burn due to the fire attempting to consume his very being. The male had the fortune of having Katarina Roux near him to help put out the fire on him before it got worse, naturally he offered her the same help. He fought tremendously though he couldn't help but shudder at the fact his hands were slowly but surely becoming stained by crimson. The blood of those he killed.

- - -  S  E  A  S  O  N    T  W  O - - -

After the Grounder war,  he couldn't shake off the hopeful thought that his father and mother could be on the ship that landed on Earth. However, he was proven wrong when news of his father's death reached his ears. Apparently his father, Deimos, had given up his own spot to an older woman, preferring she went to Earth instead of himself. Of course, it didn't help that his mother, Aurore, was no where to be found other. It was a good thing Alastor had Katarina and his friends to confide in- otherwise, he was almost on the brink of experiencing another meltdown. Despite the negative news, he kept himself on alert to help locate those that were still missing from the Grounder war. Despite his silence, he's not too fond of camp Jaha which explains he's reluctance to be there in the first place.

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R H E R ||


Alastor can be described as an honest soul though his temper resembles a storm- calm before the fury begins to kick in. However this is where some problems occurs considering his good nature. If his loved one were to do something questionable, Alastor would ultimately refuse to leave their side or he'll find himself taking the fall for their actions.  Unfortunately for him, his loyalty can be a terrible thing at times. The brunet is the type to remain immensely loyal to someone, to the extent of ignoring their wrongdoings. He'll often turn a blind eye and act as if  he can't the obvious faults in those he trusts. An example of this would be his own strained loyalty to Finn, during the period where Clarke's whereabouts where unknown to them.

Nonetheless, Alastor can also come across as rash and proud at times, especially when it comes to fighting and protecting some by his own power. The man doesn't enjoy relaying on someone else's power to help himself or others. He prefers doing things out of his own will power and strength. However, he will recognize his own weaknesses and ask for help if it's desperately needed. Of course, Alastor might end up beating himself up if he has to relay on others' help. After all, his immense desire to surpass the expectations placed on him is what strives him to achieve his goals.  If he does become stressed the workload, he's inclined to take his time and simply do things at his own pace.

In regards to intimacy, Alastor can be quite eager to give and receive affection. One might say, he's practically shameless when it comes to affection. He sees nothing wrong in expressing his emotions though he'll refuse to act on any impulses in public, preferring to do it discreetly in those cases. 

Despite his honest personality, his temper can easily be provoked by being pestered constantly or being woken up early. However, he'll often try to reel it back if he's around someone who he cares for. Otherwise, Alastor can be a sarcastic bundle of irritation at the given moment.  Also, he isn't the most wisest when he's angered though he does make an attempt to shut himself up before he could shout things he doesn't feel. 

Good Habit(s):  Honest, dependable, assertive, mischievous, observant, and patient.

Bad Habit(s): Responsible, short-tempered, loyal, rash, proud, and sarcastic.

Nationality:  French and German with a quarter Greek.

Place of Origin: Alpha station, the Ark.

Current Residence: Earth.

Spoken Languages: English and a small amount of Greek and German.

Like(s):  Explaining his views, helping others, surpassing expectations, winning challenges, high places, discovering new information, thrillers, mystery novels, large animals, warm drinks, being dependable, being able to protect someone, and physical intimacy. 

Dislike(s): Arguments, loudmouths, snitching, early mornings,  cowardliness, low expectations, running from responsibilities, sun burns, cowards, alcohol, lecherous people, face paint, disobeying orders, elitist, and becoming someone's tool.  

Hobbies:  Reading, daydreaming, planning things, word puzzles, 

Fear(s): Being confined again, being second best, not being strong enough, and killing. 

Strength(s): Long ranged combat, sneak attacks, hand-to-hand combat, hunting, loved ones, and determination.

Weakness(es): Ambushes, fire, rough terrain, long distance running, recklessness, loved ones, and defensive skills.


☆  As far as the factions go in camp, Alastor finds himself conflicted- unable to completely chose Bellamy or Clarke's side. 

☆  He's currently learning to improve his aim with fire arms. 

☆   Due to his father, he has a tendency to overwork himself to the point where he's stressing himself out.

☆  A small accident in the past left him partially blind in his right eye.

☆  He's the type to be more susceptible to whip lash related accidents  due to two of his bones being fused with one another at birth. 

☆  When he overexerts himself, the male is prone to disorientation and awful migraines. 

☆  Alastor is a bit of a night owl, which explains all of the night shifts he handles.

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  To find his parents.
☆  To survive this ordeal. 
☆  To become stronger- both emotionally and physically. 

☆  Hunter.
☆  Part of the hundred.
☆ Guard watch. 

☆  Not being able to protect those he cares for.
☆  Losing a loved one.
☆  Being a replacement. 


☆ His birth: The circumstances adding to his crime hadn't been known until recently, which distressed him immensely at first.  

☆  Not being strong enough: With the Grounder war, Alastor can't help but stress over this little fact. He doesn't want to be considered weak when he knows he can do a lot better.

☆  Becoming a monster: Alastor has grown to loathe killing other individuals, silently knowing this is wrong. However, he's already countless Grounders, which results in his own breakdown early on. 

☆  He's the type who prefers to calculate the risks first before deciding on anything. 

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Deimos Wolf, status unknown. 

The male was someone Alastor had grown up with prior to his confinement, though his father had ultimately raised him single handedly. The male is rather stern and honest, not being one to hide the truth from someone especially if he feels like it's necessary for someone to know about. However, he does have a bad habit of hiding the truth if he feels like it will harm someone. 

Aurore Wolf,  presumed alive. 

There had been a few scarce times in his life where Alastor had met his mom previously, but the reason behind her visits were never known to him. Nonetheless, he always found her presence to be fairly comforting which explained his habit of spilling his secrets and troubles when ever she was around. Truth be told, he had already began to see as a mother beforehand-when he knew nothing of the secret that alluded him.


Katarina Roux

Truth be told, Alastor hadn't heard of Katarina prior to his confinement until the two finally encountered each other during their descent to Earth. It was through a conversation with their parents on the radio that the two finally realized the fact that they were related. Despite this knowledge being known to the two Roux children, they ultimately decided to keep their familial bond a secret from others- out of fear that this could be used against them in some way. Despite that negative thought, the two are fairly close to one another though they do bicker from time to time. 





Best Friend(s):

Finn Collins

Finn was someone that Alastor had met before he was charged for his crimes, which explains their deep friendship at the given moment. Of course, their shared morals is another reason why the two got along fairly well. It was quite easy for Alastor to move along at the pace of Finn's though he did make sure to avoid any situations that would turn out negatively. Nonetheless, he does have the male's back if a situation were to turn negative or against them in anyway. 

Clarke Griffin

Clarke had always been someone that Alastor heard about previously but never talked to. However things would change the moment the 100 descended to Earth for the first time. Due to this event, he found himself beginning to interact with the female more so as time went on. It was fairly easy for Alastor to feel at ease and quite comfortable around Clarke, though he did create some distance around the two initially. Nonetheless, the distance would later be shortened once the two had arrived to Earth and began continued their days there.



The grounder was someone Alastor wasn't close to until Finn's and Octavia's words convinced him to see Lincoln in another light. And sure enough, he was quickly proven wrong considering how the male's morals were. With the increase of conversations between the two, Alastor had reached the point where he wouldn't hesitate to defend the male if need be. This explains why he trusts Lincoln's intuition and admires his skills in the battlefield. 

John Murphy 

John  was someone that left Alastor constantly questioning his own actions considering the group was quick to go about things the wrong way, especially if they were riled up. This might explain why the raven haired male was quick to object hanging John though everyone else had been so adamant on hanging him regardless of any other evidence. It was no surprise that he was visibly frustrated around everyone else. After all, John was his friend despite all of the things he might have committed in bad judgement.  With John's return, Alastor had been fairly quick to jump to his defense if anyone was tempted to give him any shit.

Monty Green

Monty had always been someone that Alastor has interacted with frequently, before and after arriving to Earth. In fact, he was part of the reason why the male would later befriend Jasper, despite their rocky friendship. Alastor admires Monty's intellect when it comes to his knowledge on herbs and other things. He appreciates the male's company, which is quite apparent through their frequent conversations around the camp.

Bellamy Blake

It might have been Alastor's recklessness and Bellamy's own desire for a little chaos that made the younger male a quick friend of the older male. However, he still has conflicting views from time to time which will often put a small strain on the friendship. Nonetheless, Alastor does trust Bellamy's judgement and isn't one to second guess him usually. This can be seen by the way he'll abide by the other's judgement and views, often following them to certain extent.


Raven Reyes

The mechanic was someone that Alastor had heard about previously by Finn, though he hadn't met her officially just yet. It wouldn't be long that he'd establish a few scarce encounters with her in the near future, most being done through Finn, who happened to be the main reason for the male's visits back then. Nonetheless, it might have been her strong determination that first drew him to the female. Nevertheless, he kept his own feelings at bay only to converse with her from time to time, knowing her relationship with Finn. Whether he admits it or not, Alastor knows he no longer sees her the same- though he'll refuse to admit it verbally, already suspecting the outcome of this.

Octavia Blake 

Alastor had first caught sight of Octavia during their first step on Earth, though no words had been exchanged at the time. Nevertheless, her adventurous spirit is lovely in the male's opinion. That might have been the reason why he was so drawn to her and her fearless spirit. He doesn't see any reason to hold her back, knowing she would still do as she pleased- though he would offer some advice from time to time instead. Her fierce spirit only served to draw him in closer to her, almost making him move along at her pace. Before Alastor even noticed it, his feelings for her had gradually began to shift into something completely different. Yes, he did acknowledge the fact he was attracted to her previously- but he wasn't aware of how quickly his feelings had caught up to him.



The Grounder is someone who leaves Alastor rather confused, considering her views on battles and protecting her own people. However, he can't blame her considering his views are practically the same honestly. With that being said, he's still forming an opinion on the female at the given moment. However, he does acknowledge the fact she's a fierce warrior on the battlefield- someone to admire. Alastor can't completely ignore Lexa, knowing her views had developed due to reasons she won't allow him the privilege to know yet. He won't admit it but he is fascinated by her abilities and leadership skills.



Alastor managed to develop a friendly relationship with Jasper, though there is an obvious rivalry going on between the two. It's perfectly natural to see the two going from a simple conversation to a sudden challenge. Despite all things said, Alastor would allow anyone to insult him regardless of what Jasper may or may not have done. Of course, it did help that Monty managed to smoothed out any arguments between the two.



The chancellor  is someone whom Alastor loathes though that isn't entirely correct, considering the hatred doesn't involve Jaha himself. One might say he merely hates the position Jaha is in- the position that could easily stop the fate of someone. Despite that thought, he still makes it obvious that he doesn't enjoy following Jaha's orders though he won't openly insult him. Any negative comments he has pertaining to the older man is kept to himself. Of course news of his son's death is the reason why Alastor is insistent on making sure no one else brings up the deceased in front of the older man. 


|| S P E CI A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: The 100 and Lincoln. 

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Alastor will go to any extremes if he deems it helpful for the group, though he's reluctant to engage in dirty work. However, if it's up to him or someone else to dirty their hands, Alastor might end up volunteering himself instead for the task. It isn't in his nature to let others adapt the role of the monster if he has a chance to stop it. 

Crime: His birth and buying illegal goods. Alastor's situation was fairly unique considering his mother, Aurore, had been involved with another man who wasn't her husband. This made things rather problematic considering the Chancellor's rules in regards to families having more than one child. However, that wasn't his crime- instead it was the purchase of illegal goods that had gotten him sent to one of the prison cells immediately.

Education: Basic hunting skills, minor hand-to-hand combat tutoring and others. 

Charisma: Alastor always had a knack for drawing people in though he failed when it came to keeping them involved in the planning. After all, he always had a bad habit of keeping certain details to himself instead of sharing them with the group. 

Defense: He won't admit it but he's absolutely terrible when it comes to defensive moves. Alastor spends far too much time checking that his friends are safe to even concern himself about his own well-being. 

Intelligence: Due to his fondness for planning, Alastor is quite knowledgeable when it comes to strategics for things especially ones that involve hunting or simple battle tactics. 

Stamina:  He isn't too great when it comes to running in rough terrain due to a few complications that his father's lineage had given him. 

Strength: Alastor always has a knack for using his own strength to take others down by surprise. However, he wouldn't hesitate to run into battle immediately if someone he cared for was seconds away from being harmed. In fact, he wouldn't even give it a second thought.

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks:  Alastor's body can be described as lean and there's a faint trace of muscles to be found, if his body is being observed. His face is chiseled though his cheeks still give off  a small roundness to it. There's a few blemishes on his face along with some freckles scarcely scattered along his shoulders and upper back.  He has a pale and a bit ruddy complexion, due to how fast he happens to tan.  His eyes are described as round and are quite expressive despite the haunted look that often appears in them. His lips are often pursed in a dimpled smile a majority of the time. 

Height: 5'10.

Weight:  150 lbs.

Everyday Outfit(s):  Alastor's outfits is kept to cool colors and dark tones, hardly straying from that color scheme. His outfit consists of a grey v-neck, a black jacket with a pair of dark blue denim jeans. As far as shoes goes, he prefers sticking to his dark brown hiking boots.  He prefers to dress in clothing that's appropriate for the given situation, which would explain his occasional change of clothes if their surroundings happen to change.  His appearance can be described as casual and relaxed.

Accessories:  He only carries one small memento which happens to be a single leather bracelet that belonged to one of his parents. 

Makeup: None.

Scent:  A faint earthly scent.

Hairstyle(s): Alastor's hair is a reddish brown hue though it looks far more darker with little lighting. His hair can often be described as wispy and unruly, due to his habit of running his fingers through his hair when he's stressed.  Despite that habit, he does make a bit of an effort to make sure he looks presentable at least when he's interacting with other individuals.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:  Alastor's body has quite a few scars scattered across his body, or to be more precise on his upper back and torso. A majority of these were from various fights he had been involved in previously. After the grounder war, there's a burn mark on his back due to being outside during the time of the explosion. There's no tattoos or piercings to be found on his body. As far piercings goes, there's only a single piercings that can be found on his right eyebrow. 

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Songs: 

☆  It has begun - Starset.
☆  Harder to breathe - Maroon 5.
☆  Leave it at the door - White rabbits. 
☆  A decade under the influence - Taking back Sunday.
☆  I'll be good - Jaymes Young.
☆ We might fall - Ryan Star.


☆  "Look just.. let me take care of you, okay? Just let me do this, please." 
☆  "I can't do this. I can't- I just can't.." 
☆  "Promise me. I said promise me we'll meet again, even if it's not immediately- just promise me that we will."
☆  "You don't understand. I can't hate someone whom I never met."
☆  "Don't be so cocky, asshole." 
☆  "What a load of bullshit. You honestly believe this crap?"

Favorite Food(s): Anything that's not spicy, preferably soups.

Favorite Color(s): Cool tones.

Favorite Number(s): Twenty- seven.

Favorite Season(s):  Summer and Fall.

Favorite Holiday(s):  Undecided.

Favorite Time of Day: Night.

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