Thursday, February 26, 2015

{ уσυя нαη∂ ƒιтѕ ιη м ι η є ; ƒяєє! & кηв σ¢ }

|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

Y o u  r 
           hand fits in 
                                m i n e
                                          like it’s made just for me.

Name (last, first): Hayato, Sora.

Meaning: Sky. 

Nickname(s): Knight, Sky and kiddo.

Age: Late 15-16's.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: April 12th.

Life Story:

  Unlike her siblings, Sora Hayato was born as a sickly and frail child new to this world. This caused her to be doted and worried upon. Hospitals visits grew more and more frequent, leaving her in a constant state of disappointment and sadness. Her weak health often kept her inside left to watch her older siblings play outside without her. Of course, it wasn't long before the effects of her weak health could be delayed by taking prescribed pills by the doctor. Despite her parents' attention and affection, she couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness that stirred inside of her quite violently.

  Upon her sixth birthday with Shin, the children's mother, Mayu, abruptly packed up her belongings and left the family behind for the unknown. Legally, her parents aren't separated nor divorced from one another. However, that doesn't stop the family's belief that their mother left them for other man. One that had pulled their mother away from them through secret meetings and hidden love letters meant for her eyes alone. Those very same letters were the ones her father had found days after her disappearance. 

  Around the age of nine, she gradually began to linger outside with her brothers. Her weak health was no longer such a big issue for the young female now. However, the medication doesn't always help in controlling her weak health. It was later learned that she has cardiomyopathy, which happens to be a disease of the heart muscle. This often leaves her feeling exhausted if she exercises too much or eats more than her own share of food. 

It wasn't long before those peaceful days abruptly ended and she was back in the hospital once again. This occurred on and off during her early teen years, to be specific around the age of ten to eleven. Due to the numerous hospital visits, no one seemed to notice their father's declining health. To be specific. He was having problems with his vision, which had lead to a car crash. The accident was abrupt and left the children parent-less, considering he had died upon impact. 

A funeral was held for their father while Ryuu tried to figure out what to do with his three siblings, and their cousin as well. What exactly could he do to cheer them up now? Things gradually become more complicated when it was his first year of high school, while his younger siblings were stuck in their last year of middle school. Of course, he did try his best to juggle a side job, kendo, school and them. There's only so much one individual alone can do on a part time job alone. 

Despite Ryuu's insistence that he could handle the financial troubles alone, Sora and her brothers had each taken a job to help support the family financially. There was no way they'd let their older brother handle the money problem all by himself. Naturally, this was around the time they had finally gotten into the same school as their older brother. Of course, that meant they each had a club or two they were affiliated with around this time. Sora still wanted to participate in a club or two, which explained her eagerness to join the basketball and swim club as a co-manager.

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Sora is the type of person who doesn't want to rely on others, instead she wants to be dependable. This might explain why she's often eager to help others with their problem or even offer some advice from time to time. The girl prefers placing the needs of others before her own- otherwise, she'll end up feeling troubled that she might be bothering someone else with one of her problems. Because of her distant nature, she'll often take on more than she can handle, even if there's possibility she'll become stressed because of it.  Around friends and loved ones, she can be rather easygoing and playful.

It's due to the treatment she received when she was younger that Sora was insistent on keeping her sickness a secret from friends. She didn't want to suffer from the feeling that she'd be treated as breakable glass- someone who could easily break at a mere touch. That's why she kept up a cheerful and approachable facade in the presence of others. She didn't want to cause any problems or be treated like a frail thing. This might be the reason why she's often taking on more responsibilities simply to keep herself occupied. 

Due to her patience, it's difficult to even get Sora upset due to her lack of temper. Although that stretching it a bit. It's more like she's too tired to even consider being upset over something. This might explain why she'll often keep calm or simply forgive and forget- anything to stop a possible conflict. In a sense, you could say she's rather docile in nature, not being one to create conflicts or simply making herself seem invisible. Her mother's abrupt departure did impact her greatly, after all. It's one of the reasons  why she often has trouble trusting people at first.

If she does happen to be pushed further than she likes, then there's a chance she'll actually snap at someone. Sora can become quite defensive if she's feeling threatened or forced to speak about a subject she prefers to avoid. Lashing out is the first thing that comes to mind, making it a natural defense mechanism. Revealing her thoughts is hardly something that she can do easily, especially if she's feeling forced to do so. 

In regards to love, Sora is the type who can become easily flustered with certain actions, almost making her become rather docile. However, she can easily come across as vulnerable considering the fact the female doesn't let others know her at an emotional level. For someone to do that, Sora wouldn't hesitate to provide them with whatever they asked from her- even going the extra mile with small acts of affection.  

Good Habit(s): Independent. Observant. Eager to cheer up others. Playful. Patient. Optimistic. Forgiving. 

Bad Habit(s): Trust issues. Puts up a cheerful facade. Bottles up emotions. Always puts others before herself. Defensive. 

Nationality: A mixture of Italian & Japanese.

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy.

Current Residence: -

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. Japanese.

Like(s): Sleeping. Relaxing. Cherry Blossoms. Small animals. Sketching. Naps. Training. Cats. Coffee. Warm blankets. Swimming. The ocean. Origami. Basketball. Rain. Sleeping in. Ice cream. Drawing. Mythology. Fairies. Norse gods. Dragonology. Fantasy books. Shogi.

Dislike(s): Drunken men. Sweets. Extremely cold weather. Weak health. Hospital visits. Awkward silences. Summer heat. Having a summer cold. Forgetting to take her medicine. Over exerting herself. Over eating. Confrontations. Tennis. Hockey. Looks of pity. 

☆ Sketching.
☆ Playing piano.
☆ Napping.
☆ Exploring.
☆ Swimming and basketball to a certain extent.
☆ Nightly walks.

Fear(s): Being weak once again. Bad health. Not taking her medicine. Losing someone else. Receiving different treatment from her friends because of her sickness. 

☆ Foreign languages.
☆ Translating.
☆ Persuasion.
☆ Tracking.
☆ Observational skills.
☆ Mimicking.


☆ Easily side tracked. 
☆ Directions.
☆ Strenuous activities.
☆ Confessions.
☆ Confrontations.

Special Powers/Abilities: 

☆ Sora is good at tracking down people.
☆ Despite the small figure, she does have pretty good stamina.
☆ Observational skills are fairly excellent. 
☆ Mimicking- based on what Sora sees she can mimic someone's actions. 


☆ Sora is the youngest twin, considering her brother, Shin, is older by a few minutes. 

☆ Despite her occasional kick of weak health, she enjoys the rush of swimming and other activities. Of course, it isn't something she does as often as she'd like. 

☆ Ren is Sora's half sibling, making his appearance sometime after her own mother left home. Even though she hardly knows him, she doesn't hesitate to show him kindness. 

☆ With her disease, Cardiomyopathy, the heart walls happen to thicken, particularly in the left ventricle, which is the main pumping chamber- as a result, the heart stops pumping blood effectively around the body. 

☆ Due to her sickness, she's taking the drug known as ace inhibitors quite often. Sora doesn't mind taking anything as long as it helps her health wise. 

☆ The ravenette doesn't eat too much food, not fond of experiencing chest pains yet she still exercises regardless of the chest pains it occasionally causes. Naturally, she often used the excuse she has a weak appetite in front of others, if she's questioned about it. 

☆ Typically, Sora can often be found napping throughout the day only needing a few hours of sleep in the night. Sleep is a past time that the female happens to enjoy, after all. 

☆ Despite what Ryuu says, Sora often strives to keep the house perfect, not wanting to give her brothers anymore unnecessary troubles. After all, her declining health makes her all the more hesitant to allow them to be the only ones to work. This eventually lead the female to get a part time job of her own. 

☆ Sora isn't the best when it comes to confessing her feeling verbally, considering she prefers expressing them physically instead. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 

☆ Cure herself of her sickness.
☆ Contribute to her family and cease the burden they carry.
☆  Have one last conversation with her mother-- simply to have closure on the past. 

☆ High school student.
☆ Part time at a sports shop.

|| F E A R S  A N D  N I G H T M A R E S ||

☆ Fish eyes.
☆ Insects.
☆ Her health deteriorating. 

☆ Her childhood memory where her mother walked out on them.
☆ Her health deteriorating. 

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Hayato Haru { Deceased }

 Haru Hayato was an inspiring sports trainer, having a keen eye in this field. Naturally, this may explain why his children have prior knowledge about training regimens and the like. Haru always had a habit of taking his children to work with, often informing of a few things to look out for if they were to ever join the sports department. Of course, it wouldn't be too long before he suffered a heart attack that eventually lead to his death. During his life, Haru happened to be a rather social and outgoing male, never being one to be spotted without a smile on his lips. 

Okimura Mayu { Unknown } 

 Mayu Okimura was a young chestnut haired woman with a strong passion about painting and photography. Of course, her passion carried on even after giving birth to her three beautiful children. Nothing could possibly take away her happiness or so it seemed at the time, anyway. By the time the twins were six and and Ryuu was seven, their mother had packed up her things and left the family behind. Apparently, their mother had found love with another man, deciding to leave behind her family and former love for someone else. An unknown man. 

After that day, there hasn't been any communication between the children and their mother. In fact, they haven't received any word from her family either. 


Hayato Ryuu, 17-18 years old. 

  Ryuu is the eldest Hayato child, though he's well known for his recklessness. Despite his brash and reckless behavior, he only has good intentions but people seem to think otherwise. At times, he often gets over his head. Nevertheless, his siblings do manage to knock some sense into him before he does something stupid. The brunet is currently a third year in high school, though he's often working and studying like a fourth year student. 

Occasionally the male can be seen lounging about at home, but that's rare and only occurs when he catches a break from either work or his kendo club. Regardless, he's often striving to do more to earn more money for the family. Of course, that's easier said than done. 

Hayato Shin, 15-16 years old. 

  Despite Shin being Sora's twin, he's extremely similar to her but there are a few key differences. He hardly seems to open up to many people, finding it rather.. disagreeable in his opinion. Similar to both siblings, Ren and Sora, he shares quite a lot with the toy. The raven haired male is fond of sports, particularly basketball and swimming. However, his health is a bit unpredictable at times, which is no surprise since he barely passed the chance of gaining the same disease Sora currently has.

Shin had gotten a job at the same sports shop Sora is hired not, though it wasn't too surprising in the first place. There was no way he'd allow his sister to work without having a watchful eye over her. There's no telling she a visit to the hospital in the near future would become necessary. 

 Hayato Ren, 15-16 years old. 

 Ren excells in most sports, particularly in basketball. However, he's not a team player per say.. the ravenet is fairly quiet and sarcastic. He doesn't love most things besides his treasured movie collections and moments spent with loved ones. One might say that he does like the sport, basketball, the best but that may be Sora's influence on him rubbing off. After all, his sister happens to enjoy the sport just as much as he does. 

Despite being a half sibling to the Hayato siblings, Ren manages to get along rather well with each of them. In fact, he's usually seen hanging out with Ryuu and the twins occasionally, whenever they're not involving him in another scheme. Somehow those two have a knack for getting trouble that made him try to solve the problem each time for them. It's a good thing that he's a quick thinker. 


 Hayato Akito, 18-19 years old. { Deceased. }

    Akito was a passionate young man with a love for swimming and the ocean. In a way, you could say he was the one who influenced Sora's love for the sport and the ocean. After all, Sora could often be found hanging out with her older cousin, eager to hear his stories. Despite being stuck in a broken home, Akito would often be seen going to the hospital after high school ending. He would mainly go there to tell her stories or simply recount his day at the swimming club. Sora always seemed to like his stories, after all.


Best Friend(s):

  Hazuki Nagisa ( possible crush )

    Out of everyone in the club, Sora gets along rather well with Nagisa. Being around him puts Sora in a rather peaceful state, almost as if all her worries have disappeared. Then again, it's difficult to forget that the male has a knack for creating schemes. Somehow Nagisa's presence lets her feel much more calm and at ease, almost as if her sickness had completely vanished. Nagisa is someone that Sora has no problem being herself around, though that's hardly surprising. After all, the teenager does have a knack for making people move along at his own pace. 

However, her feelings changed once she heard of Nagisa's own troubles regarding himself and his family. Once she heard what occurred, the female hardly wasted any time in offering to listen to his troubles. After all, he was a precious friend for Sora and she didn't want to see him stressed over something or harmed. This might  explain why Sora is insistent on going along with Nagisa's schemes from time to time, simply to see him relaxed and energetic. 

Matsuoka Gou 

  This close friendship was hardly much of a surprise, considering the interests the two have among each other. Sora finds Gou to be someone interesting and rather kind, over all a nice person to be around. Of course, the redhead's interest in muscles does make her hesitant at times. After all, it tends to make the ravenette sigh and idly wait by as Gou observes the muscles in front of her.  Then again, that might just be her way of ignoring the fact that there's attractive men with equally attractive bodies around them. Pushing that aside, Sora enjoys being around Gou considering the fact that her company is quite enjoyable to the female.  Occasionally, she'll find herself admiring muscles with the girl- not that she'll admit that fact to Gou.

 Taiga Kagami ( can be a love interest as well )

    Sora gets along more with Kagami than anyone else in the group. For some reason, she easily reveals her thoughts to him with or without prompting from him. It's easy for her to be herself around him, which makes her feel quite relieved and happy. There's no doubt that Sora trusts him immensely. Although she won't admit it verbally, she enjoys being around the male though she is jealous about his cooking skills. After all, Sora can barely manage cooking meals without misplacing one of the ingredients at one point or another. This might explain why she's often making her way over to Kagami's home, simply to find some techniques or recipes that he recommends. 

Himuro Tatsuya ( possible crush )

Himuro was someone Sora didn't expect to grow close to, but it happened nonetheless. In fact, the male makes her feel at ease, almost like she didn't have to worry about anything. A nice feeling really. Despite keeping quiet about it, Himuro makes her feel safe in his presence- a good feeling, in her opinion. He makes it easy for her to push herself without facing any repercussions of any sort. Of course, that doesn't mean she makes a fool of herself occasionally with him around. Nevertheless, Sora enjoys being around Himuro though she's quick to make sure he isn't irritated or the least bit upset when she's around. After all, she doesn't enjoy seeing him upset. Although Sora does show some hesitance in being around the male occasionally, considering how many girls he happens to attract.


Atsushi Murasakibara

  Maybe it was the general love for sweets that formed the friendship between these two. Nonetheless, Sora found it easy to talk with Murasakibara. Naturally, that didn't mean she enjoyed his sarcastic nature. That's one of the reasons why the two would occasionally butt heads back then, in their Teiko days. Although she does find his presence pretty entertaining, Sora can't stand being next to Murasakibara. His tall stature compared to her's makes her feel like a dwarf, leaving her to react in a more or less embarrassed nature. Of course, his attitude towards weak basketball players might be another reason why Sora is occasionally upset with the tall male. 

Midorama Shintarou 

It was surprising enough that Sora managed to create a friendship with the green haired male, considering he was fairly serious while Sora happened to be more playful about things. Nonetheless, she enjoys conversing with him which happens to be fairly easy due to their shared interest in zodiac and astrology. Although, she isn't deeply interested in astrology like Midorama is but that doesn't stop her from researching it a bit more. Sora enjoys hanging out with Midorama, especially if Takao is there as well that following day.

Matsuoka Rin 

  At first, this friendship wasn't an easy one to achieve considering Rin's personality. Then again, Sora's constant bright nature did tend to tire out the male plenty. Something she quickly noted, which caused the female to retire to a more easy going persona. Of course, that doesn't mean she isn't a handful for the male at times, which she tried not to be. Naturally, things don't always go as planned when the older Matsuoka is involved. He brings out the more realistic side of Sora, which often leaves her rather iffy to interact with him at times. 

 Ryugazaki Rei

  Despite some of their conflicting views, Sora is quite fond of chatting with Rei whenever there's a chance. Occasionally the two often get caught up in conversation involving forms in swimming or in another sport. It's quite easy for Sora to get off topic with a conversation once the toe end up conversing about something. Surprisingly, the female is quick to come to Rei whenever she needs advice on something. Of course, Rei's overly confident nature at times leaves her wondering if she should speak up more about certain interests of her's, especially swimming. After all, she knows very well how he has the tendency to calculate things beforehand.

Nanase Haruka

   Haru had captured Sora's attention almost immediately it seemed- something she's still trying to figure out at that. She wasn't sure what it was exactly that lured her attention over to him constantly. Of course, it didn't take her long to figure out she enjoyed watching the way he swam. Naturally, it didn't take her long to understand what Rei had meant when he said Haru had a beautiful form. However, the female is somewhat iffy in going places with Haru due to her own preferences of going to the beach often. That and places involving water in general.  Pushing that aside, he happens to be someone she generally feels calmer around. After all, he won't push her to say anything verbally which gives her some comfort. To a certain extent at least. 

Testsuya Kuroko

At first, Sora didn't expect to befriend though it occurred fairly quickly during their Teiko days. She admired the way he worked hard, hoping to reach the goals he had set for himself. It wasn't long before she found herself merely watching as he practiced, often expressing her praise to the male.  Although his gentlemanly side towards females did surprise at first, though she took it all in a single stride. After all, it's pretty admirable the way he treats females. Over the course of Teiko's matches, it was easy for Sora to see his determination to win along with his general passion for the game. Around Kuroko, she finds it easy for her to be open and relaxed, having no need to put up any fronts in his  presence. Despite their friendship, his habit of disappearing does catch her by surprise still. 

Nijimura Shuuzou ( possible crush )

The ex-captain was  someone Sora got along with almost immediately, though she'd often end up  being scolded by him for constantly refusing to speak up about her own problems. After all, she did spill a great deal about her life to the male. Naturally, his hotheadedness might be the reason why they'll occasionally but heads from time to time. Sora doesn't enjoy arguments though she is the type to become defensive if someone else happens to persist an issue. At one point during their friendship, she had incidentally developed feelings for the ex-captain.

Momoi Satsuki

Sora had developed a prior friendship to Momoi before their Teiko days. The girl's bubbly personality was the thing that lured her to establish a friendship with her in the first place. She gets along rather well with Momoi, often taking some time to communicate with her. It's during their Teiko days that the girls grew closer, spending some time with another with the boys. However with the separation of the team, they hadn't talked until recently- reestablishing their bond once more. 

Aiichiro Nitori

The swimmer is someone Sora can talk to easily, though she'll often take on a more quieter approach- preferring to hear Aiichiro talk instead. It's because of his hard working nature that she strives to better herself as well. After all, she doesn't see any reason for her to sit back when Aiichiro is working hard to  achieve his goals. His determination is quite admirable, though it's the reason why she tries so hard as well.

Takao Kazunari 

Takao is someone that Sora got along with rather well, considering she had only met him a days prior to the Winter cup through Midorama. She can easily finding herself playing along to his antics, often being swept up to his beat. This might be the reason why they get along fairly well. Of course, Sora does admire the way he can joke about something and make a mood more light hearted in little to no time. It's hardly surprising to find the two hanging out from time to time with Midorama.


 Yamazaki Sosuke

Despite only meeting him through the Matsuoka siblings, Sora found herself growing interested in the male who befriended both siblings. Once the two began to interact, it didn't take long for the female to feel concerned about him along with the sudden desire to be open with Sosuke. Her feelings of friendship had gradually changed into ones of pending romance for the male. Due to her own faults, it wasn't long before she brought up her walls once more in her attempts to save herself from future heart ache. After all, she didn't want to risk their friendship becoming damaged due to her own feelings harming their friendship. 

Tachibana Makoto

    Being around Makoto leaves Sora somewhat at ease and more relaxed, melting away her troubles. Their small conversations gradually began to grow into longer conversations throughout the course of a few weeks. She finds his presence to be rather nice, considering his kind nature. Of course, that allowed the female to be rather open with him to a certain extent. It wasn't long in their friendship that she realized her feelings for him had changed shifted into a more romantic one. She  didn't want to stay just as friends with the swimmer, but risking their friendship on her feelings alone left her feeling terrible. Sora refused to ruin their friendship because of her feelings alone. 

 Mikoshiba Momotarou

Momotarou's personality was what caught Sora's attention upon their first meeting. After all, it wasn't often that she met someone with a personality like that. Somehow, she finds it easier to get along with the younger Mikoshiba. However, that doesn't mean she can move along at his pace considering he's quick to move and outgoing. It was only after the two had gone through a few conversations and the occasional hang out or two, that Sora had noticed a changed of feelings for the male. Despite that, she continued seeking out his company due to finding it rather enjoyable. 

 Ryouta Kise

Initially, Sora wasn't certain if communicating with Kise would be a grand idea considering his fanbase at the time. Nevertheless, she did share quite a few decent conversations with him during her time at Teiko. His carefree and outgoing personality made it fairly easy for her to develop a friendship with the male. Over the course of a few weeks, Sora had grown closer to the blond almost reaching the point where her feelings had slowly began to change in regards to the male. She couldn't see him as just a friend any longer. It was during this time that Sora worried Kise could figure out her feelings before she even thought of confessing. After all, she knew the male was rather perspective- something that instantly caused her to worry about her feelings. 

Unfortunately, she couldn't bring herself to confess her feelings to Kise, despite everyone going their separate ways. It would only be near the Winter Cup that she would encounter Kise again, through some help with Kuroko. Meeting the blond again made her feel self conscious and nervous once more. Sora wasn't certain if she wanted to approach him once more, yet she found herself approaching him once again- throwing all caution to the wind. 

 Daiki Aomine

Considering Sora's friendship with Momoi, it was hardly a surprise that the girl knew a decent amount about Aomine. In fact, she'd occasionally find herself in his company when she spent time with Momoi. Of course, he was much more friendly and outgoing- approachable you could say, during their time at Teiko. Sora enjoyed being around Aomine, often allowing herself to drop all pretenses and simply relax. It was easy for her to be open with the male, considering he wasn't the type to offer advice half of the time. After all, he was more or less the one who'd listen without asking much questions about the issue. It did take her by complete surprise when she found herself craving more than friendship with Aomine. 

However, things had quickly changed during their time at Teiko- or to be more precise something about Aomine had changed. He wasn't the same anymore. There was something about him that left her wondering what changed him, in the first place. Of course her questions landed her in the same position as Momoi. The two teenagers had ended up in a argument, effectively creating a distance between the former friends. She was deeply upset about this but she couldn't find herself to speak up about it any loner. However, Sora managed to force herself to speak up a few weeks before the group would separate, hoping to reestablish their friendship. It would be a few months later, when the Winter Cup is taking place, that she would encounter Aomine once more. Would it be worth it to pursue her feelings for Aomine once again?

Seijuro Akashi 

During her time at Teiko  middle school, Sora had always been interested in Akashi though she didn't have a proper conversation with him until she became the assistant manager- mainly helping out Momoi with a few tasks. There was this charm about him that simply attracted the girl. It might have been his considerate and caring nature towards his teammates that attracted her to him in the first place. She might not admit but his smile , though rare, was extremely admirable and lovely in her opinion. She wanted to see it more often. Of course, Sora was still a bit hesitant about overstepping her boundaries. However a small push from Momoi convinced her to go ahead and initiate a proper conversation with the redhead. She enjoyed her conversations with him, only deepening her feelings towards the male even further. Despite her friendship with him, Sora couldn't help but apprehensive about Akashi figuring out her feelings himself.

It would only be awhile after that, that Sora noticed the change in demeanor in the male. This abrupt change made her strive towards an answer. However that answer wouldn't arrive until everyone went their separate ways and met up during the Winter Cup.  It was here that Sora realized her feelings towards Akashi never diminished, instead it only seemed to deepen further than before when she watched his matches.  This left her in a difficult position of uncertainty- should she pursue her feelings or simply ignore them?


 Mikoshiba Seijuro

Sora does get along decently with Seijuro though that doesn't stop her from getting competitive in the presence of the male. His enthusiasm might be a reason why she feels the tendency to one up him, often getting caught up in the mood. Over all, she enjoys talking to him though she prefers swimming against the other from time to time. 

Mibuchi Reo 

Sora's encounter with Reo hadn't been intentionally, honestly. She had encountered him during a small attack that occurred, leaving him to be the one to call her brother for her. Truth be told, she believed the brief contact with Reo would be left at that. However, Sora had encountered the male once again during the Winter cup only to have her dismay over the fact that he knew something, though vague, about her sickness. After all, the girl was insistent on the idea that nobody should know about it, considering the treatment she received at home was enough. It was because of this that the two properly established an odd friendship, one where Reo seemed insistent on scolding her when she overexerted herself only to have Sora deny that nothing was wrong. The small clashes between their personalities might be one of the reasons why they occasionally argue over foolish things or her health, a majority of the time.

Kisumi Shigino

Kisumi's  tendency to insult others unknowing is the reason why Sora often shows signs of hesitation around the male. After all, she prefers straying away from those types of people but his overall friendly nature is another reason why she doesn't stray away. Despite their friendship, she'll occasionally find herself butting heads with the boy- though it's usually a one sided argument on her part.


Hanamiya Makoto

Truth be told, Hanamiya's sadistic personality is the main reason why Sora tries hard to stay out the male's line of sight. After all, it's well known that the male likes to use underhanded methods in basketball, along with a few others things. Nevertheless, their conflicting views and his attitude in general is a big part on why she's so insistent on straying far off of his path. It might be her own views on her sickness, and desire to keep it a secret, that influenced her to stray away in the first place. Nonetheless, Hanamiya is someone that Sora will go the extra mile to evade, simply to avoid the nagging thoughts aiming towards her own weak body. 

P E N D I N G 

|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Swim club and Basketball club, co-manager. 

Attendance record: Typically, Sora has good attendance unless her health starts failing her once more. If that happens, then it's no surprise that she's either in the hospital or at home for a few days. Of course, she has informed the school of her current condition. 

Grade level: Second year in high school. 

Grades: Typically B's with the occasional A's, making her a decent test taker. 

Agility: Sora happens to be quite light on her feet and quick to move, though she can get dizzy from time to time.

Charisma: Fortunately for the girl, conversational skills happen to be her specialty. She has no problem talking with someone or even starting a conversation out of nothing.

Defense: As far as defense goes, Sora is fairly observant though it doesn't do much for her honestly. The best she can do is evade someone or create a quick distraction.

Intelligence: Sora happens to relay  a lot on strategies and quick plans to get her out of tough situations. Despite that, she's fairly intelligent when it comes to school work though she has shown signs of slacking off. However, that's due to her sickness- considering she has a few days where she's absent which hinders her work.

Strength: It's due to her health that she's fairly weak, which is quite noticeable.  Her lack of strength is one of the reasons why she tries hard to keep disputes or encounters to a verbal level, choosing not to move it into a physical one.

School: Debatable. 

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks: Sora's body is somewhat slender though it still appears to be average- just like any teenager's body. However, she tends to come off more as the frail type due to the obvious cons her sickness has. She isn't too well endowed though she is a noticeable b-cup while her waist happens to be a bit on the small side.  Naturally, the lack of a heavy meal does contribute to her being quite a light weight. Pushing that aside, her complexion tends to be rather light but the ravenette does get sun burnt rather easily if she doesn't use sun screen. There's a few faint freckles located on her cheeks and shoulders. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 44 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Her wardrobe mainly consists of anything from cardigans and dresses to t-shirts and shorts. Of course, the female does wear skirts though it's only on rare occasions. Typically, Sora prefers wearing shorts, a simple v-neck, and perhaps a cardigan. The female does enjoying being comfortable and sporting clothes that easy to move around in. However once winter hits, Sora is more inclined to go parade around in anything from sweaters, leggings and cardigans. Whenever it's an occasion to wear formal-wear, Sora is more inclined to wear dresses. 

Accessories: The red scarf that always seems to be found wrapped around her neck is a memento from her late father.

Makeup: Typically, she only uses a small amount of eye makeup- only placing eye liner on the top lid. Other than that, the female uses Chapstick or light colored lip gloss.

Scent: Something similar to Cherry Blossoms.

Hairstyle(s): Sora's hair is rather wavy, ending in slight curls past her shoulders. It's around medium length you could say. Her bangs fall near her eyes, almost reaching her warm chocolate hues. Typically, her hair is often left down but during the afternoons she does place it in a bun; to keep it out of the way. Also the heat tends to bother her, after all. For formal occasions, she does try to go the extra mile and style her differently for said occasion. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: On the right side of her belly button she has a slightly dark colored crescent moon shaped birthmark. The young woman has one piercing on her left and right ear. There's a small faint scar on her cheek as well, also one on her a upper arms from an accident.

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song/Quote(s):

  ☆ Don't go- Bring me the horizon ft. Lights. 
  ☆ B team- Marianas Trench. 
☆ Elastic heart- Sia. 
☆ Why do you only call me when you're high? - Arctic monkeys. 
☆ Shades of cool - Lana Del Rey.
☆ Battle cry - Imagine dragons. 
☆ Sleeping at last - Mercury.
☆ Losing your memory - Ryan Star. 

- - - x

☆ "N-No..! It's fine really, besides it was my fault for not paying attention." 
☆ "No- I.. I should have told you sooner..! I wanted to but I just.. can't. I can't do it."
☆ "What? I-I don't recall ever saying that!"
☆ "Relax, alright? You won't be able to think properly if you're stressing over it."
☆ "If we're being honest here, I've liked you for awhile now but I couldn't find a way to tell you honestly."
☆ "H-Hey! Forget I said that!"

Favorite Food(s): Italian and American food.

Favorite Color(s): Red. White. Purple.

Favorite Number(s): 18. 27. 59. 80. 96.

Favorite Season(s): Winter and Spring.

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas and New Year's Eve. 

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn.

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