Sunday, March 1, 2015

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

'Goodbye'  for now

cause I know in another life
we'll be together
another chance to get to know you better

Tags: Anime, Axis Powers: Hetalia, Belarus, Studio Deen, Soviet Union

Name (last, first): Ricciolino , Bambi.

Meaning: Ricciolino is a variation for someone with curly hair, a genetic trait that the Ricciolino's seem to have. Bambi means little child, something people often call her.

Nickname(s): Bambino. Bambi. Little one. 

Age: Late 15's-16.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: Feb. 14.

Life Story: 

Ever since Bambi and Beniamino were born, their childhood had been nothing but lonely. They were often left to fend for themselves due to the lack of parental support or supervision. Something that had become the norm for the two children at the time.  

It had been sometime after their ninth birthday that the twins had been approached by a Varuga. The encounter was extremely horrid for the two. They were cornered in a alleyway when a Varuga began to approach them, the intent it had was clear as day. It was out for blood- their blood. 

Bambi's childhood wasn't a memorable one to the young girl. The only remote memory she recall clearly is one that heightens her fear and constantly fills her mind during battles. The fear... that feeling of nothing more but pure terror. Beniamino, her twin brother was also with her during that experience. Something... horrible was after them, setting off feelings of pure terror towards them. The sudden weight of desire to kill the two young children lead them to cower in fear, clinging to one another for dear life. One wouldn't not leave the other for their own survival, instead the two clung to one another despite their fear's. 

Unfortunately for the two children, the being that approached them had been a Varuga. It was quickly approaching the pair of pale blond children, wishing nothing more but to see their blood spilled across the floor. Seconds tickled on by as the Varuga began to close in on them, leaving the two to squeeze their eyes shut. Beniamino brought Bambi closer to him, not wanting her to suffer any of the worse attacks that would happen in the next few seconds. Despite not wanting to give in, Bambi was clinging to Beniamino while she tried to quiet down her sobbing. This would be a tragic end to their young lives.

 Fortunately, the door had burst open to the children's small home, causing quite a commotion. Upon hearing the door slam, the Varuga stop in it's tracks, towards the children, to glance over at them. Beniamino and Bambi hesitant opened their eyes and glanced over towards the door, only to blink in surprise. A pair of young blond haired male and female duo stood there. Within seconds, the male had quickly dashed towards the Varuga while the girl headed towards them. It was less than a few minutes, that the fight was soon over. A comforting hand had reached out for the two children, who were still in a state of shock and fear. 

The girl called 'Tsukumo' talked to them soothingly, successfully calming the two children down. The blond male, who they soon discovered to be Yogi, smiled at them warmly, also offering comfort to the two children. From that moment on, the children were soon sent to the school for those wanting to join Circus. That was at the mere age of thirteen. It didn't take more than two years for them to successfully complete their training courses and other classes. The duo were soon sent to the ship with Tsukumo and Yogi to greet them.

From then on, they have been taking duo based missions rarely taking any solo ones. Of course, this gradually changed when Bambi insisted on taking her own missions. To conquer her own demons. In a mere twist of irony, the blonde couldn't accomplish her goal with her brother, Benimaino, constantly hovering over her. This was the reason she began to seek out missions by herself more and more. Before long, she was steadily climbing the ranks of the organization and soon become one of the members of the circus act as well.

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Bambi is rather carefree individual, often resting when she gets the chance. Sleep is something she enjoys, when she has the time to do so~! On the occasion that she's fully awake, she's active and her playful nature comes alive. The blond likes to playfully tease others, leaving them flustered. For her seeing someone's flustered expression is quite entertaining~. Despite that, the young blond will often become flustered herself! Often sporting a rosy hue on her cheeks and becoming a flustered mess, to the point of stuttering out a word or two. That's only on the rare occasion someone can actually get her to that point. When that does happen, she'll be unresponsive and soon she would avoid meeting gazes with individuals.

 Another thing that's a difficult emotion to receive from the girl would be anger. She could only be angered upon trying to make her point reach someone and trying to keep someone safe, who was reckless. The blond is desperate to keep the people she treasures safe, not wanting any danger to come upon them. That's the last thing she would want for them, danger. It's one thing she couldn't stand to see, her friends in danger. She would, without any hesitation, throw herself in harm's way just to keep them safe. Despite that the good intention, that trait does have it's consequences. Recklessness tends to be linked to her desire to throw herself in harm's way for her loved ones.

 Bambi is willing to help a friend through a problem that's troubling them. The girl will drop everything just to lend a helping hand and an ear for them. Although, she holds in her own troubles, believing them to be insignificant. Surely, her friends seem to think otherwise. That isn't the case as to why she refuses to tell them her problems. Why would help be wanted for her problems? If she was the one who brought this problem upon herself, including battles. They're her own to finish until the end. Determination often appears when this trait shines through, that's explanatory though.

 There's a constant smile on her face, due to her optimistic nature. Her way of viewing things is usually in a positive light, instead of a dark one. Despite if things are taking a turn for the worse, she will continue to search for something good. It seems to be a little quirk of her's. The young blond is also quite affectionate towards there, whom she's close to. Although, she doesn't do it openly only does it where hardly anyone could see. After all, she's easy to fluster if you know how to do so.

Good Habit(s): Active. Determined. Affectionate. Optimistic. Loyal. Good listener. Difficult to anger. Playful. Easily flustered. 

Bad Habit(s): Clingy when feeling tired. Reckless, towards friend's being endangered. Headstrong. Will put herself in harm's way to safe someone.

Nationality: Italian mixed with slight Japanese.

Place of Origin: Unknown.

Current Residence: Circus, second ship with the others.

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. Japanese.

Like(s): Warm drinks, relaxing, soft melodies, small animals, high places, loose clothing, blankets, sleeping in, warmth, physical contact, the sound of rain, performances, mystery novels, bird-watching, long conversations, discovering new things, games, word puzzles, and warm showers.

Dislike(s): Varuga, kafka, confrontations, alcohol, cowardliness, being caught in the middle of a rain storm, showing weakness, not surpassing expectations, being seen as inferior, sickness, poverty, prideful people, cold food, sunburns, arguments, and being cornered. 

Hobbies: Sleeping in during days off. Training. Gun Training. Drawing. Skating.

Fear(s): Being stuck in a state of complete fear once again.

☆ Close combat.
☆ Fire arms knowledge.
☆ Enhanced abilities.
☆ Hand to hand combat. 
☆ Determination.

☆ Recklessness.
☆ Long ranged combat. 
☆ Air combat. 
☆ Recklessness.

Special Powers/Abilities: 
☆ Agility.
☆ Evasion.
☆ Flexibility.
☆ Disguises.
☆ Combat.
☆ Observational skills.


  Bambi greatly admires Yogi and Tsukumo for being the ones to save her, when she was younger.

  That fear she felt once before is the only why she continues to fight, to not be overpowered by fear.

 The father figure in her life has been unknown, due to her mother not wanting to speak about him. However, the children soon figure out who he is. 

 Rina, her mother, had soon fell gravely ill before a few weeks passed before the incident, and had died.

 Upon entering Circus they were given false names to use, during missions and etc.

 However, they decided that after being transferred to Hirato's air ship, to change their names from their former one. 

 Despite their father's lack of neglect, she still finds herself trying to search for him yet again. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆ Defeat the growing number Varagua.
☆ Prevent anymore casualties due to Varagua.
☆ To become stronger.

☆ Karneval worker- second ship division.
☆ Circus performer.
☆ Protector.

ll  F E A R S  A N D  N I G H T M A R E S ll 

☆ Losing her brother. 
☆ Not being good enough.  
☆  Being seen as inferior.
☆ Being protected.

☆ a Varuga hunting her down and rendering her powerless. 
☆ Failing to protect those she cares about.
☆  Her brother being killed.

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


   Rina [ last name is unknown.], mother.
    Rina wasn't known much for her caring ways, instead she was known for her flirtatious ways. The young woman would often be seen lingering throughout town with various males around her. It was a rather messy situation especially for her children, due to the whispers escaping out of the villager's mouths. The twins would often receiving glances filled with pity, something they didn't want. Despite that, the villagers would often resort to handing the children food or simply shunning them from their minds. It was something that kids were grateful for but... resented it at the same time.

Nevertheless, she continued to do the only thing she knew.. sleep with men for money. Money to survive. Money for the children. It was far too late for her to believe there was another way for her to earn money. A month or two after that, she was gravely ill and it was far too late for any treatments and medicine. 

  Anjelo [ last name unknown.], father.

    The only thing known about Anjelo is that he was a vile man, who was often seen with younger woman. Unfortunately, their mother had been one of his little toys he decided to invest some time in. One thing lead to another and Rina was pregnant with his child. Twins. The news didn't set well with the man, who was well known to be the type to tuck tail and head for the next one. Unfortunately, the two blondes had run into their father once feeling a mixture of feelings from their first encounter. Anger.. Confusion.. Betrayal.. Joy and lastly, sadness. It seemed despite this, the young girl often sought him out. Naturally her desire to see him gradually faded as she grew up.


 Beniamino Ricciolino. 

   Beniamino is protective over Bambi, although has been rather lenient ever since the argument a year ago. After all, Bambi had proven herself capable of handling herself against Varuga. Despite that protectiveness, he's a rather reserved individual but he usually has a smirk on his lips. Nevertheless, the male is often seen bickering with Gareki over the smallest of things half of the time. It's a known fact he's still protective over Bambi, despite her pleas to stop doing so.

Ben is quite flexible with most of his responsibilities and chores, though he won't go out of his way to help someone else if they were slacking off. He's fairly fickle about things involving his own diet and sleeping habits. The blond can be rather restless when it comes to insects due to his own dislike of the creatures.





Best Friend(s):




Similar to Bambi's treatment to Tsukumo, she greatly admires Yogi as well. She finds his attitude to be rather refreshing and a joy to be around. It's no surprise that Bambi will often find him simply to enjoy his bright presence. This might be the reason why she'll often go along with Yogi's antics, despite her better judgement in the matter. His kind nature is quite admirable in the female's opinion. She enjoys the fact that he's often the brightness in a darkened room.


Bambi sees Nai as a younger brother she never had, wanting nothing more than to keep him safe from any harm that awaits. This child was something special.. making the girl strive to keep him well protected. She often sees him as the younger sibling she never had. It's due to this that she'll often become protective of Nai at times, especially when there's danger. One might say, she sees herself within him- something she hadn't informed others of.


Tsukumo is someone Bambi trusts greatly on the Circus ship, being the one who had saved her life when she was younger. Of course, the blonde can't help but be a bit envious about her fellow comrade. After all, the female has numerous traits that Bambi desires. In a sense, Tsukumo is the reason why Bambi often goes out of her way to train and get more experience out in the field during missions.


The blue haired girl 



The older woman



The doctor is someone that Bambi occasionally argues with, ones side at best, though they still maintain a somewhat friendly relationship. Naturally, he's the one she usually seeks out for advice pertaining to medical knowledge and advice in general. Despite that friendliness, she's extremely hesitant to comply when it comes to coming in for check-ups.  Something that often ends up in arugements or scoldings from time to time.

 Your OC: ?



Bambi felt a strange the moment her sky blue irises spotted the raven haired man, who arrived with a young Nai. Despite her initial attraction to the male, she kept her distant at first. After all, it wasn't like she was around much during that time unlike the others. However, she finally decided to indulge her curiosity and approach Gareki for once. Of course, their initial meeting didn't end up being ideal but she pushed that out of her mind. It was rather nice being able to strike up conversations with the male now. He made her feel her comfortable in a sense, a feeling she has yet to comprehend. It startled her that her feelings for Gareki had abruptly changed into a more romantic aspect, rendering her to a state of confusion and embarrassment. 


At first, Bambi was almost hesitant to approach Karoku but somehow she had ended up doing so. He seemed rather.. different from what Nai initially told her yet..similar nonetheless. This compelled her to strike up a conversation with him. Small ones at first, before gradually making her way to basic conversations. He seemed rather.. kind as the conversations between the two steadily grew. Naturally her initial view concerning Karou steadily began to change over time. It was hardly surprising that her feelings began to change for the male, eventually leading her to fall for the male. 



Of course, this isn't a necessarily bad relationship between the two really. However, with the way Hirato enjoys teasing his employees.. well it certainly looks that way. She's often on the receiving end which leaves her fairly embarrassed or defensive at times. Nonetheless, Bambi does show respect and loyalty to the older man. Although, that doesn't mean she can fully trust him sometimes.


The male is someone Bambi had met during her first official year as a Karneval worker. Jiki's personality often conflicted with 




Affiliation: Circus, second ship.

Alignment: Chaotic good. Due to Bambi's disregard for herself, she'll often put herself into harm's way to protect others especially if there's no other option at the given moment. 

Weapons: A single pair of twin handguns or daggers that she keeps hidden on her. 

Agility: Bambi is fairly light on her feet, being able to move quietly and quickly.


Defense: What she lacks in strength, she makes up for it in defense.  Bambi's reflexes are fairly quickly which only increases her more defensive moves.  

Intelligence: Strategies aren't exactly her forte, considering she can often be prone to recklessness- obliterating the sole reason of coming up with a strategy.  

Strength: Although Bambi may lack brute force, she can put up a remarkable fight if prompted to do so. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Bambi's body is on the slender side due to her constant training. Due to her mother's genes, there's noticeable curves on her body while her chest happens to well endowed and her waist is a bit on the small side. Her complexion is a bit pale though she has the tendency to tan easily. There's a few light colored freckles scattered along her cheeks and shoulder blades. Her eyes are a bit on the big side, giving her a doll-like appearance. Her nails are trimmed on a daily basis and kept to small length, barely passing the tip of her fingers. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Bambi often sports a v-neck with black mid-thigh shorts, ignoring the standard uniform at times. For shoes, she wears a pair of black boots, something she usually wears. Although, she does tend to stray away from her usual outfit. The shirts she wears range from a white button up shirt to a simple black tank top. For pants and etc, she would wear shorts to pants that have a skinny leg. On the occasion that dressing up is required, she will wear a dress, something she doesn't usually wear. Sometimes, she will wear jackets or long sleeved button up that are a tad bit too big for her smaller frame.

Accessories: There's usually a single locket that can be found around the girl's neck.

Makeup: None invented during that time, so no.

Scent: Vanilla with a faint trace of vanilla.  

Hairstyle(s): Bambi's pale blonde locks happen to reach about mid-back while her bangs are usually parted to the side, effectively framing her face. Her hair is often left down on a daily basis, though she does have a tendency to style her hair differently if she's in the mood to do so. Bambi's hair is straight though it does turn wavy at the bottom, forming a ringlet of some sorts at the end tips. Her pale blonde tresses happen to be rather silky and soft to tbe touch. Typically there's a single white or black ribbon she uses to tie her hair with. On the occasion of a public event, she goes the extra mile to style her hair though she usually ends up curling her hair or leaving it in a up-do.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's a small faint ' x ' shaped scar on a cheek, beside her lips. It had appeared during a small scuffle she had on her very first mission for Circus, the mission had taken a turn for the worse. Countless Varuga had ganged up on her and began to attack, earning her another scar from the tip of her shoulder blade to mid-back. The blonde does have a single grey ear cuff that's on her right ear usually. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song: 

 Moondust - James Young.
☆ A decade under the influence - Taking back Sunday. 
☆ Drumming song - Florence and the machine. 
☆ Dream - Imagine dragons. 
☆ Born to die - Lana del rey. 
☆ Young and beautiful - Lana del rey. 


   "I won't back away now..! If I can help, then I will!"

  "If I'm truly being a pest then.. why haven't you brushed me off yet?" 

 ☆  "Let me do this. You know I'm capable of it- just let me do it, please!" 

☆  "I.. don't see anything wrong with it. After all, I don't want to see anyone hurt especially you. You're important to me, you know?"

Favorite Food(s): Anything but spicy-tasting food and seafood.

Favorite Color(s): Green. Red. White. Light orange. Purple.

Favorite Number(s): 19. 27. 96. 18. 50.

Favorite Season(s): Summer. Fall.

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas.

Favorite Time of Day: Twilight. Dusk.

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