Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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 || I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

and I may not be a criminal

but I am yet a prisoner

locked up in the worst place imaginable;

the depths of my own mind

[ and there is no escape ]

Name (last, first): Sun-Hi

Meaning: Good and Joyful

Nickname(s): Sun.  

Age:  Eighteen.

Species: Human.

Gender:  Female.

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Almost average.


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: December 21st.

Life Story: 

Sun-Hi doesn't recall much of her childhood besides the lack of parental figures and her brother, Yong-Sun. The two were orphans and left to fend for themselves and the help that the villagers offered occasionally. In other-words, the duo were often left to their own devices which led them to a number of bad situations. From the age of five and up, the two were often getting caught stealing or constantly being forced into the nearest school in their village. Despite the lack of guardians, one of the local villagers, who happened to teach at the school, would often teach the two raven haired children how to read and write properly. It was a necessary skill for the two to have or so she said.

By the time Sun-Hi reached the age of thirteen, she was getting better at causing distractions and pick pocketing from the local travelers. It was so easy to steal the money they needed to survive from the pockets of someone else. Their sense of right and wrong was nonexistent at this point. After all, they didn't have a proper guardian since the early years of their childhood which explains the nonexistent sense of right and wrong. Nonetheless, she does try her best to maintain a good sense of justice when it comes to cruelty that others preform on a group of people or weak individuals. 

Over the next year, it was a struggle for the two especially with each child maturing into young adults. Naturally, Sun-Hi had the misfortune of catching the bad kind of attention due to her sudden growth spurt.  Despite the danger they could get into, the duo proceed with their occasional acts of stealing from other travelers. It was because of this that the two ended up in a terrible predicament. They managed to steal quite a bit of money from one of the travelers, though neither child expected for the traveler to find them a night. To put it bluntly, the traveler had injured her brother, Yong-Sun, before moving his sights over to Sun-Hi. She could easily feel the air leaving her body as he was choking her, cutting off her supply for oxygen. 

It was only out of pure chance that Yong-Sun managed to ignore his own injuries and effectively knock the man away from Sun-Hi, stabbing their offender in the back with his own sword. Despite the relief that came, there was a strong urge to vomit and cry due to the heavy smell of blood and the crimson staining their now tainted hands. With no one else to relay on, the fourteens year olds hurried into the night to bury the body someone where. Despite the knowledge it was either them or the traveler, there was still a sense of uneasiness and guilt violently stirring within their still maturing bodies. Once the body was buried, Sun-Hi quickly moved into action to bandage up and tend to Yong-Sun's wound. To this day, the stab wound is still noticeable though it's a rather large and dark scar on the male's lower torso.

Over the course of four years, the now eighteen year olds continued to steal from travelers or even soldiers if there was an opportunity. It was probably around this time the duo encountered Yona and her group. Initially neither of the two planned on leaving Senri village yet the topic of doing so had popped up. Wouldn't it be better to see if they could find something better beyond the village they had grown up in..? With this thought in mind, they took what little they had and took off to explore other places. It was because of this that the duo had encountered Yona and her group once more in the forest. 

|| A B O U T H I M O R H E R ||


Sun-Hi can come across as curious and enthusiastic towards anything new in general, though she doesn't have that same view when it comes to cooking or anything in that nature. Due to her curious nature, she'll often come across as too-trusting though it's quite ironic. After all, the ravenette can be quite cautious when it comes to befriending or conversing with strangers. She always puts up an innocent facade, mainly to determine if the individual is worth the effort or not first. However that isn't the only reason she keeps the little act of her's. In a sense, she's hesitant to grow closer to another being and open up to them. Nonetheless, if she does grow close to someone she'll place her trust in them and do everything she can for them, often putting her own needs last.

The raven haired girl is the type to throw all caution to the wind if a loved one is in danger.  She'll easy give in to the reckless side of her and act first, leaving the thinking aspect to Yong-Sun. The thought of waiting by idly without doing anything isn't something she can do. With her loyalty towards her loved ones and friends, Sun-Hi will undoubtedly follow them until the end. Of course, that can be a bad thing as well especially if their motives are wrong. She might feel hesitant in following them at first, but the guilt she feels for even considering to leave them will force her to stay with them regardless.  Also, Sun-Hi would have no problem in tainting her hands for them regardless of her view on the issue.

When it comes to love or praises in general, Sun-Hi has an awful habit of praising everyone else and giving them the affection they desire. However if the roles were reversed, she has a tendency to simply believe she's not fitting for the praises that might come her way. The ravenette's self-esteem isn't bad per say but she doesn't have a higher opinion about herself.  With that being said, she's the type to do her best for others even if she doesn't agree with their perspective although this only occurs she people she trusts. If love is thrown into the situation, things can be a bit chaotic for the female. She won't know how to act around the object of  her affection- one might say she's prone to getting flustered fairly quickly, as well as being nervous. In a sense, her feelings for them might be seen through her actions and words.

Sun-Hi doesn't get upset often but when she does she'll often try keeping it to herself, mainly to avoid bothering someone else. In fact, she doesn't enjoy  inconveniencing others in anyway though she'll talk if prompted. The ravenette is more of the type to ask others about their problems and listen to them instead. She prefers making sure everyone else if fine before taking herself into consideration. In a way, she isn't a high priority in her list instead it's her loved ones and friends, especially Yong-Sun since he's the only family she still has left.

Good Habit(s): Loyal, enthusiastic, curious, compassion, daring, empathy, resilient, and self-reliance. 

Bad Habit(s):  Reckless,  hastiness,  falseness, thieving, vulnerable, morality, and tenacity. 

Nationality:  Japanese and Chinese. 

Place of Origin: Senri Village.

Current Residence: P E N D I N G.

Spoken Languages: Japanese and Chinese.

Like(s):  Blankets, warmth, legends, small animals, physical contact, swimming, rain, sleeping in, reading, exploring, blankets, and warm drinks.

Dislike(s):  Poverty, crowded places, sickness, war, fire village, bandits, massacres, taxes, greedy individuals, the cold, cold food and crowded places.

Hobbies:  Swimming, writing, exploring, reciting old legends, day dreaming and reaching high places.

Fear(s): Being separated from her brother, fires, suffocation, sickness, being caught by the fire nation and 

Strength(s): Observational skills, Intuitive,  Charismatic, High pain tolerance, and intuitive.

Weakness(es):  Reckless, loyal to a fault, crowded places, her hair, and strategies.


☆  Much to Sun-Hi's denial, she has resorted to stealing more than one occasion.  In fact, she has quite the exceptional skills when it comes to stealing, though she'll often reject that idea whenever it comes up in conversations.

☆  Sun-Hi is loyal to a fault- in fact, she has no qualms against following a loved one despite their motive being wrong.

☆  Despite her enthusiasm for most things, Sun-Hi would never pass up the chance to swim or sleep in. Although, she does have a bad habit of clinging to the closest person beside her when she's sleeping.

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  Having a peaceful life.
☆  Escaping poverty.

☆  Scouter.
☆  Distraction.

Fears: Look below.

☆  Claustrophobia: Despite Sun-Hi's stubbornness, she does have a bad tendency to clam up whenever she's in a crowded place. She can be in midst of a crowd but there's a strong feeling of nausea that usually follows. Nonetheless, she can manage her way through a crowd if she goes about it quickly.

☆  Suffocation: Due to an accident a few years ago, she has a terrible fear of  being suffocated to death. It reached the point where she'll often be prone to small panic attacks when she's in the dark or in midst of a nightmare. Sun-Hi can't shake off the feeling that she's losing air and will occasionally hyperventilate as well.


ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll




Yong-Sun, nineteen years old- alive.

Yong-Sun is Sun-Hi's older brother, the only family figure she's ever known in her life. It's because of this that she strongly believes family should stay together, regardless of any obstacles thrown their way. The raven haired child can come across as too-forward and out-spoken due to his tendency to state the truth, regardless of someone else's emotions. With that  being said, he's extremely protective of those he cares about and Sun-Hi, almost to the point of appearing  overbearing at times. Despite his easygoing nature at times, Yong-Sun can be a bit territorial at times and critical of strangers and those he doesn't trust. Nonetheless, he's easier to get long with once he trusts someone. 





Best Friend(s):


Somehow Sun-Hi gets along fairly well with Kija, finding him to be very likable and enjoyable to be around. Of course, she might not admit it but she finds it fairly amusing when the dragon warrior becomes rather sarcastic.She does admire Kija's strong sense of loyalty and the desire to be helpful. After all, she has quite a few similarities to the male and that happens to be one of them. This might be the reason why she'll often praise Kija frequently throughout their conversations. Sun-Hi finds it quite enjoyable to be around Kija, which explains why she finds it easy to get along with him to the point where she'll confess her thoughts. It's quite obvious that she places a great deal of trust on the male. 



Sun-Hi wasn't sure of what to make of Yona when she first met her, but a first impression had been made quite quickly. She finds the redhead to be quite sweet and caring, despite the awkward beginning they had when the group had first arrived to Senri Village. Nonetheless, all was quickly forgot as she got to know Yona a bit more. Sun-Hi does enjoy conversing with Yona whenever she gets the chance to do so, finding their conversations quite entertaining. Of course, she still hasn't realized the fact that Yona is the princess and heir of Kouka Kingdom.  


Sun-Hi admires Yoon's resourcefulness and his vast knowledge of  medicine and herbs. In a sense, you could say she's a bit envious of his abilities considering she does have a similar upbringing. Nonetheless, she does see Yoon as a reliable individual- someone to go to if there's any trouble she has in mind. With that being said, Sun-Hi will often try to offer some help to Yoon though she won't get anywhere near him while he's making food. After all, she's not too confident she can help him if food is involved. That being said, she has admitted to admiring his cooking abilities.


Contrary to what others may believe, Sun-Hi found it relatively easy to converse with Zeno and grow accustomed to his pace. After all, she does have an awful lot of enthusiasm. Nonetheless, she finds it easy to forget about the harshness of life around the male's presence due to his  energetic and cheerful nature. This might be the reason why she'll often converse with Zeno or seek him out in general. For her, it's easier to be herself in the other's presence. With that being said, she enjoys spending time and conversing with him. This explains why she's generally in his company when an opportunity arises.



At the beginning,  Sun-Hi wasn't quite sure of how to think nor act around Hak. In a sense, he did make her feel rather uneasy at times due to his personality but she did manage to grow comfortable around the male. Of course that didn't mean she always enjoyed being the object of teasing. In fact, she would often go out of her way to make sure she wasn't the focus of it. Although she won't admit it, Sun-Hi admires his loyalty and fighting abilities. With her conversations generally increasing with Hak, she found herself being drawn to him- which explains her occasional flustered and nervous nature around the male.


Initially, Sun-Hi found Sin-Ah to be rather strange, but the thought was quickly gone as soon as it appeared. After all, the ravenette could be considered strange as well due to her own background and personality. Nonetheless, she grew to admire Sin-Ah noticing the way he treated Ao, his squirrel. That might have been the reason that led her to try and interact with him more, due to her own curiosity and interest in him. Sun-Hi admires the way he's caring and kind towards others, which explains her unspoken interest in Sin-Ah.



Despite Sun-Hi's own views on the current king, she isn't sure on what to make of Soo-Won. After all, she hardly met the man before in her life leaving her uncertain on what to make of him. Due to this, she has no impression of Soo-Won beyond what she heard or what Yona and her gang have mentioned. Nonetheless, she expresses no desire to meet the male anytime soon considering the fact she finds it pointless to do so.



Sun-Hi finds a little difficult to get along with Jae-Ha due to his masochistic nature and playboy attitude. It's because of this that she's often uncertain on how to interact with the male properly. Naturally, she'll often end up questioning his actions which would led to a debate that she wanted little involvement in. Nonetheless, she does admit that Jae-Ha is a great fighter and she admires his skills. Of course, that doesn't mean she admires his slightly unusual personality.




Affiliation: P E N D I N G 

Alignment: Chaotic good, 

Agility:  Due to Sun-Hi's childhood and enthusiasm to learn, she has a decent amount of stamina and flexibility especially when it comes to agility. It's a good thing she isn't clumsy, since that would lead to plenty of troublesome situations in the distant future.

Fighting ability: With no one to protect her or Yong-Sun, she desperately needed to learn how to fight properly and defend herself.  Naturally, she did struggle quite a lot in the beginning to learn how to fight especially with knives and a sword, they managed to steal, but it gradually grew easier. Before she knew it, she could easily control how to move the blade to the position she wanted and the force that needed to be used. Of course, she isn't as strong as her Yong-Sun when it comes to fighting she swords. That being said, she prefers to use a knife she keeps on her frequently for fighting.

Influence: Sun-Hi is hardly influential nor charismatic but she does try her best to make others see her way. In fact, she'll often explain her reasoning to others and offer them help to see things her way. Also, Sun-Hi has no qualms against listening to someone else's perspective on things. 

Intelligence: Sun-Hi isn't like her brother, Yong-Sun, when it comes to intelligence and making up plans. In fact, she leaves most of the planning and strategies  to her brother to come up with. She isn't lacking intelligence but she's hardly the type to come up with plans. After all, her plan of action is to listen to orders and follow them through to the best of her ability.  

Skills: Due to Sun-Hi's life in the streets, she's managed to know numerous skills to help her survive each day. Of course, some skills weren't the best to speak about in public. Nonetheless, the ravenette does have various skills dealing ranging from swordplay, pick-pocketing, stealing and observational skills.

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks:  Sun-Hi's body has already grown through puberty and matured quite a bit. Her body is slender and rather petite but there are a bit noticeable muscles on her arms. Due to her family's genes, her chest is a moderate b-cup and she has a rather small waist. On her upper back and shoulder blades, there are a few light colored freckles scattered along her skin. Her skin has a fair and ruddy complexion due to how easily she happens to tan. There's a few faint freckles scattered along her cheeks and shoulders. Her eyes are slightly large and often give off an expressive look despite the piercing twinkle that occasionally appears. Her lips are often pursued in a small grin or troubled smile from time to time. 

Height: 163 cm.


Everyday Outfit(s):  With the lack of proper money, it was a miracle the duo managed to find enough money to buy themselves proper clothing at the time. In fact, Sun-Hi's outfits consists of  a simple black gown that reaches her knees and a red sash tied around her waist  along with a brown cape to offer her more coverage and comfort. As far as footwear go, she wears a simple pair of light brown boots.

Accessories:  Sun-Hi doesn't carry much accessories besides a small pouch she uses to store things she finds or the occasional item  she steals from other individuals.

Makeup: Considering their current unemployment, Sun-Hi doesn't see the point in using make-up unless it's used in a scheme to earn them more money. If the latter is used then, she's more than willing to use a bit of make up to enhance her appearance. 


Hairstyle(s): Sun-Hi's hair reaches the middle of her back and it's quite black, almost resembling a raven's feathers. Her bangs happen to reach her eyes though they don't fall past it and are often swept to the side.  It was quite fortunate for the girl to get her hands on a new hair brush, one that she often uses to brush her hair. Typically, her hair is left down unless she's bathing or the heat is getting to be too much for the female.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:  Due to the scuffles she got herself into throughout her childhood, Sun-Hi happens to have numerous scars scattered across her body. To be more specific, most of these scars happen to be on her back- lower and upper back, though there is one dark scar on her upper right thigh due to a small robbery gone bad. On her right shoulder, there's a small birth mark that resembles a crescent moon. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

☆  Elastic Heart ;  Sia.
☆  Lost along the way ; John Nordstrom. 
☆  Retrograde ; James Blake. 


☆  "-- No.. I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept this."
☆  "Look, it's better for me to sneak in there instead of you."
☆  "I can handle this, don't you trust me?"
☆  "N-No..! I never said that."

Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't spicy.

Favorite Color(s): Silver, pale blue, purple and light green.

Favorite Number(s): 18, 27, and 96.

Favorite Season(s):  Spring and Winter.

Favorite Holiday(s): 

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn.

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