Sunday, April 5, 2015

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

Because what's worse than knowing you want something, 

besides knowing you can never have it?

Name (last, first):  Cosmos, Mia. 

Meaning: The name Mia is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Mia is wished for child, rebellion, and bitter. 

Nickname(s):  Mimi, Missy, and mi. 

Age: Nineteen - Twenty. 

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: December 28th. 

Life Story: 

Mia was born on December twenty-eighth, to Lucas Cosmos and Alice Angelo, around a quarter past midnight. Despite her birth, her parents were not together nor were they planning to be. Instead, the two adults decided that Lucas would be the one to raise her as his own despite having to raise her without a mother. Naturally, there would have been some trouble due to the lack of information concerning her mother but Lucas managed to avoid any problems. Of course, that came with it's own complications and guidelines- one her father's superior had arranged for him. It wasn't long before the story behind Mia's missing mother had been made, only containing lies that would be told to her later in life. The story had been fabricated for her to believe her mother died sometime during childbirth. An easy lie that could be bought. 

With that being said, Mia had long grown accustomed to only seeing her father occasionally due to the constant patrols that would occur on the ark. In a way, some might say she felt neglected by her father, Lucas. He was constantly out due to his own responsibilities, though that might be the reason why she had grown accustomed to fending for herself. From that moment on, she lived a relatively normal but quiet life for the time being. After all, her father was constantly out and shed often find herself allow while searching for something to entertain herself. For her, it seemed like a foolish idea to tell him that she felt neglected by her own father. 

It was around her sixteenth birthday that she finally began seeking out contact with another individuals near her age group. One of those individuals happened to be Jasper Jordan, someone she easily managed to feel quite comfortable and open with. With Mia gradually opening herself up to Jasper and later Monty, her previous feelings of loneliness slowly began to dwindle down to nothing. Of course, it didn't help that those feelings would return whenever she was alone or with her father around. 

The female had a relatively normal life until she began to steal supplies for an older couple, a pair who were in desperate need of more supplies. Despite her better judgment, Mia had gone ahead and stole a few supplies for them here and there. It was around her third time that she had finally been caught in mid-act. It was because of this and her own involvement with purchasing illegal goods that she was sent down with the hundred. Initially she put up a struggle while silently hoping her father would intervene. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case at all considering her father did little to stop them from sending her  to the ground. 

By the time they reached the ground, Mia had been panicking slightly from the rush though it seemed pointless. After all, they would come crashing down eventually. It was only a matter of time. Regardless of that thought, the brunette managed to come clean with only a small scrap or two on her hands. With the division between Bellamy and Clarke's group, Mia had trouble deciding what to do which explains her decision to keep her bracelet on. Nonetheless, she was quick to isolate herself from the chaotic individuals in the camp, wanting nothing to do with them.

During the time Jasper was taken, Mia was quick to grow fearful for the others and most importantly, Jasper. She was among one of the first people to quickly state that they needed to find him before something terrible could happen to him. With the chaotic situation, the brunette had finally decided it was better for to start sharpening her skills with a gun and other things as well. During the duration of Jasper's absence, she had been persistent on trying to go out and find him. Fortunately for everyone, Jasper was brought back to the village but knowledge of a new threat returned. The grounders.

By the time the war with the Grounders had occurred, Mia had spent a significant amount of time training by herself. Despite her own beliefs, she went ahead and helped the others in fighting against the enemy. The moment the explosion had occurred, Mia was lucky enough to be knocked unconscious a few meters away from the sight. Of course, there was a bit of a nasty burn on her leg which would later appear as a somewhat dark scar. 

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Mia is quite imaginative and playful, though she does have a more serious side to her. However that serious side of her is only shown when she's feeling vulnerable around someone or emotionally unstable. For her, showing that vulnerable side means showing weakness to someone else. It's a side of her that she doesn't want to reveal so easily, though that might be the result of neglect she felt as a child. Due to this reason, she finds it quite difficult to truly reveal that side of her. However if someone else were to feel troubled, she'd quickly offer to listen to them and provide whatever help she could to them. Sometimes Mia does let her walls crash down and she'll often become more open during the time period.

Unfortunately for Mia, she's the type of girl to give her all in a relationship though she'll still be quite hesitant about certain things. In her defense, she doesn't want to half ass things because the future is so uncertain on Earth and she doesn't want to do things half halfheartedly. One might call her reckless due to giving anything her complete concentration. Of course, it doesn't help that she's also quite curious about things and fairly playful. A trait that will often lead her to indulging her desires when it shouldn't be done.

Mia can be quite protective over someone or something, especially when she feels pushed into a corner. Despite her own desire to stay away from others, the girl wouldn't hesitate to stand up for someone else. If it was her life or someone else's, she'd hastily put herself in the other person's place instead. However if someone were to prioritize her before someone else, she'd feel a mixture of happiness and confusion. It's odd for her to accept the thought that she'll be the first priority in someone else's life. When it comes to love, she can be quite vulnerable and overly hesitant about most things. After all, she doesn't have much experience when it comes to love much less intimacy. 

Due to the neglect from her parents, Mia can across as a bit awkward especially when it comes to expressing her feelings or thoughts. Nonetheless, she will try her best to properly express herself whenever she can. On the other hand, it's extremely difficult to see Mia actually get upset over something unless someone managed to hit nerve. After all, she tries her best to stay away from others when she's upset due to her own defensive nature. The brunette doesn't want to unintentionally place her own foul mood towards someone else. It's the very last thing she could ever desire. 

Good Habit(s):  Imaginative, playful, understanding, loyal, protective, and enthusiastic. 

Bad Habit(s):  Insecure, too trusting, reckless in a sense, curious, defensive, and awkward.

Nationality: Italian and Greek. 

Place of Origin: Alpha station. 

Current Residence: Earth. 

Spoken Languages: English. 

Like(s): Blankets, warm weather, mystery novels, soft melodies, physical contact, exploring, late night talks,  exploring, rain, swimming, and high places.

Dislike(s):  Being hunted, loud noises, large animals, reptiles, being heavily injured, hot days, massacres, mountain men, crowded areas, the mist and chaos.

Hobbies: Drawing, reading, swimming, daydreaming, making up stories and walks. 

Fear(s): Getting lost in the forest, death of a loved one, encountering snakes and another death. 

Strength(s):  Close combat, sneaking around, observation, and scouting. 

Weakness(es): Long ranged combat, fishing, climbing, cleaning a fire arm and directions.  

Special Powers/Abilities:

; Fairly high pain tolerance. 

; Observational skills.

; Quick on her feet.


; Mia can only fall asleep peaceful if she's warm and there's someone or something beside her. If neither occurs, then she'll be quite restless and uneasy for the rest of the night. 

; As much as Mia hates to admit it, she'll often end up creating distance between herself and others. 

; It's quite easy to figure out if she'd upset since she has the tendency to avoid eye contact and shift her weight around. This could also be applied if she's feeling nervous as well. 

; Mia has a bad habit of isolating herself or going off exploring from time to time. It's a bad habit that's hard to correct.

||  D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: To find a place where she truly belongs. 

Occupation/Job: P E N D I N G


Attachments: Mia is the type to grow attached to another individual quite easily, which would explain her own hesitance to develop a deeper bond with someone. Nonetheless, she has no qualms if she does manage to grow close to someone else. Of course, it might cause her to think that they'll leave her if any mistakes are committed. This might be the reason there's always a distance between herself and others emotionally.

Commitments: Mia doesn't mind committing to an idea or an individual, but she doesn't do it half halfheartedly. After all the situation their in now means they won't get a second chance so easily anymore. In a sense, she either commits fully to something or nothing at all. 

Abandonment: Despite Mia's fears previously disappearing, she can't completely erase her own insecurities when it comes to being abandoned or being left alone. Ironically, she'll often push others away or keep herself at a distance to save herself from future problems. In a sense, this also works to protect her and cause emotional harm to the girl.

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Lucas Cosmos

Lucas had the fortune of being one of the more higher ranked guardsmen on the ark. This is often proving through his own hard-work and good performance.  Of course, it might be his workaholic nature that drove Mia into a wall unintentionally.  Despite that thought, he's the type of man who strives for the very best or somewhere near it. Her father might not have been as attentive to Mia like he was to his job, but that doesn't change the affection she has for her father. After all, he is the one who raised her after her mother had left them. She might not admit it often but Mia strives to have the same conviction her father has, along with his sense of good judgement.

Alice Angelo 

Alice wasn't the motherly type nor the housewife type of women that could be seen on the ark. It was only natural that her mother would stray away from the makeshift company and seek company elsewhere. Because of this, Mia's family life had grown rather chaotic and confusing at the given moment. Alice is a rather proud woman, one who refuses to admit any of her own wrongdoings but would gladly admit someone else's. The blonde is hardly the motherly type, which might explain the reason behind leaving the small family of two. She simply couldn't handle the commitment of raising a child. Despite her mother's absence, Mia has tried to go and see her occasionally.







Best Friend(s):

Jasper Jordan

Mia happens to get along fairly well with Jasper, knowing him sometime prior to their departure to Earth. Being around him makes her feel much more comfortable and easygoing, as if all her problems seemed to disappear for the time being. Despite her easygoing and close friendship with Jasper, she does find it rather difficult to accept the fact that Jasper has grown a bit distant from Monty, considering how close the two are. Regardless of that, she still enjoys her conversations with Jasper and being able to spend some time with him. Of course, she still misses the days when it was just the three of them before; Monty, him, and her.

Octavia Blake

The two females met for the first time when they landed on Earth, though they didn't hit it off immediately. Nonetheless it had only take a few conversations for Mia to approach Octavia with a friendly demeanor. Their ideas might have clashed from time to time, but it was easy to look past that. Octavia's eagerness to go out and learn more about Earth was quite contagious. It made an awful lot of sense considering Mia's own adventurous spirit. Due to her closeness with Octavia, Mia wouldn't hesitate to protect her- even going to the point of placing herself in harm's way to protect her.  


Monty Green

Monty  Green is someone that Mia admired, especially with the way he shows concern for everyone else. She also admires his intelligence and the way he uses it help others, constantly putting others first and himself last. That might explain why Mia is often the first to either back him up or simply make attempts to help Monty out. After all, she holds no qualms against her showing her concerns for the male. In a sense, she wouldn't hesitate to put herself in harm's way to keep him safe. Mia has a close friendship with Monty, which is often shown by the way she's often trying to protect him, agreeing with his ideas, or simply spending time with him and Jasper. 

Clarke Griffin 
Clarke is probably someone that Mia got along with relatively alright but she still has clashing views with the blonde. Despite that thought, she does admire the way she defends others though she has noticed the way she's easy to give in to the views of others occasionally. This might be the reason why she's not as close with Clarke and will often take some convincing to simply agree with her views. Nonetheless, Mia does enjoy conversing with the blonde from time to time. 

Raven Reyes

Raven Reyes was someone that Mia had met earlier on the Ark though she hadn't properly met until later on. Nonetheless, it was quite easy to develop a bond with the mechanic. In fact, Mia found it difficult not to seek out Raven or simply spend some time with her. She founds her companionship to be quite enjoyable, to the point she'll often grow comfortable enough around her to admit her own feelings and thoughts. 

Wells Jaha

Contrary to the others' views on Wells, Mia didn't see any reason to hold any contempt towards the male. After all, he had been sent down here by his own father as well- didn't that speak up for itself? Of course, it was rather difficult to converse with him at the time due to the clashing views in the camp and Mia's own views to stay away from it. Nonetheless, she did talk to him occasionally when the opportunity appeared.


Bellamy Blake 

If Mia was being honest, then her curiosity and future attraction to Bellamy occurred sometime on the ark. Of course, the brunette had kept to herself during those times only managing to see him occasionally while he was on guard duty. Nonetheless, she hardly seemed to act out on the curiosity she felt previously until they were sent down from the ark. There were no such thing as status to stop her from finally indulging her curiosity for once. However, she had quickly found herself growing more and  more hesitant to actually converse with him. After all, the issues with the grounders had caused her to keep quiet and mainly tend to others during that time period.  Ironically, Mia's desire to explore the unknown and her reckless behavior from time to time often leads her to get a small lecture from the male in question.


Finn Collins

Mia had gotten to know Finn sometime before they were sent down to Earth, though their friendship was anything but perfect and calm. After all,  the female constantly found herself questioning her actions when it came to joining Finn his troublesome antics. Of course, it doesn't help that she'll often end up getting far too curious about Finn's antics which leads her to either follow him or join along.



Naturally, Mia was rather apprehensive about Lincoln at first due to the mysteriousness of their initial meeting. It did take some convincing to get used to him, but somehow she managed to do so. Of course, Octavia's own friendliness with the male did prove to be reason alone to try and befriend the male. After all, if Octavia placed enough trust in the male - then that was enough for Mia. Over time, it had gradually seemed easier to converse with the male. All apprehensiveness had diminished once she noticed the way Lincoln was with Octavia. 

John Murphy

John Murphy is someone Mia is still apprehensive around due to the past situations, though she'll speak no word of it regardless. Despite their past encounters, she believes it might be better to avoid approaching him head on unless she changes her views surrounding the male. Over time, it had slowly grown easier to converse with the male though it was still uneasy at first. With Mia slowly beginning to converse with him more, it was quite easy to notice the subtle changes the male had grown through during the duration of their stay on Earth.




Lexa is someone that Mia feels uncomfortable around though that might be their clashing views. Of course, that's a majority of the reason why she'll often seem apprehensive around the female in general. Due to this, Mia seems to want little to nothing to do with Lexa in general if she has a choice that is. Nonetheless, the brunette sucks up her own views and simply keeps quiet about the matter.

P E N D I N G 

|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: One of the hundred. 

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. 

Crime: Theft and buying illegal items. 

Strength: Naturally, Mia is weaker against some of the males in their group but she does manage to hold her own. The brunette relays more on quick thinking to help her get a good hit or two, before she ends up in the losing position. Due to her reckless nature, Mia wouldn't hesitate throwing herself into a fight if she had the chance to help someone else and turn the tide.

Defense: As far as defense goes, Mia isn't the greatest at it though she does manage to put a decent defense when it's needed. After all, her reckless nature and desire to prioritize someone else's life before her own makes her weak when  it comes to staying on the defense. 

Intelligence: Due to her own imaginative mind, Mia can often be found thinking of new ideas for the group though most ideas aren't voiced due to her reluctant nature to speak up. Recently, she has tried to participate more actively among the hundred and voice her thoughts for once.


- Highly imaginative.

- Observational.

- Quick on her feet.

- Intuitive. 

- Cautious attitude.

- Determination.

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks: Mia's body was rather average at first until she began to train herself frequently, hoping to maintain a much more healthier and slim image. Of course, there was that and the fact that the Grounders were after them. With the training she went through, she has gotten fairly slim from the workouts. As far as bust size go, there's hardly much room to complain since Mia happens to be a B-cup. There's a few noticeable freckles located on her shoulder-blades and her cheeks. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Mia's outfit typically consists of a layer or two of clothing, though the layers seemed to have disappeared once they landed on Earth. Her outfit consists of a simple black tank top hidden underneath a grey long sleeved shirt. Typically, she'll often wear her jacket with her but the hot weather will often make her ditch her jacket and long sleeved shirt. For her lower clothing, she'll wear a simple pair of fitted dark grey jeans with a pair of black boots, below the knee, with a silver buckle across the side. Usually Mia incorporates grays, blacks, whites or reds in her clothing.

Accessories:  Mia doesn't carry much trinkets or accessories besides a simple silver ring that is kept on a necklace with a flower charm dangling from it and one simple pair of earrings.

Makeup: Mia isn't inclined to use any given their situation at the moment.

Scent: Oddly enough, Mia happens to smell rather sweet despite the slight musk from the forest.

Hairstyle(s): Mia's hair is a bit wavy though it often straightens out if she happens to brush it early in the morning. Her hair reaches mid-back on the female, though she'll often keep it in a high ponytail if she's busy working on something or if the hot weather affects her too much. Her hair is dark brown though some strands of her hair are a shade or two lighter, due to her mother's genes. Mia's bangs are often side-swept and frame her face fairly well.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's numerous markings that can be found on Mia's body but the more prominent ones would have to be her scars. These so called scars are located on her upper back and are rather fresh- looking. Due to Mia's insistence on exploring and getting to know the land, she'll often end up getting into small accidents as she's exploring. There is a somewhat dark scar on her a leg- a result of the explosion during the fight against the Grounders. As far as piercings and jewelry goes, she only has one pair of piercings which is on her ears. Mia carries little jewelry besides a necklace with a flower charm dangling from it. 

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

: Be mine - Ellie Goulding. 

: Thistle & Weeds- Mumford & Sons.

: Give you what you want - Avril Lavgine. 

: End of me - A day to remember.

- - - x

"I'm fine- besides I shouldn't be relying on someone else to keep me alive. I have to do that myself."

"I just want a chance to relax, you know? It's the only thing that comes to mind." 

"Lately, I can't even sleep without dreaming of something about the past. It's absolutely dreadful to think about."

"--.. How did we ever reach this point?"

Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't sour.

Favorite Color(s): Lavender, white and red. 

Favorite Number(s): 18 and 96.

Favorite Season(s):  Fall and winter. 

Favorite Holiday(s): Undecided.

Favorite Time of Day: Noon.

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