Sunday, April 5, 2015

{ нσω ∂σ уσυ ℓєανє тнє ραѕт вєнιη∂ ; ναмριяє кηιgнт σ¢ }


how do you leave the past behind
when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart?
                                                                it reaches way down deep
                                                               and tears you { inside out }
                                                                    ‘til you’re ᴛᴏʀɴ ᴀ ᴘ ᴀ ʀ ᴛ .

Name (last, first): Giorgio, Bambi Nex. 

Nickname(s): Typically, she goes by the nickname Bambina or Bam by her older brother, Lucinao. Demon child.  

Age: Early 16-17. 

Species: Bambi is a completely human born to a family of pure hunters, however the aura she carries makes people take a second glance at her. Her aura seems to resemble one of vampire, something she isn't obviously. Although, one of her relatives come from a family with a mixture of vampire and human blood in them, which passed on some vampire-like qualities to the children. Ironically, Bambi is one of those children who gained vampire like abilities. 

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: December twenty-first. 

Life Story: 

   Born on December 21st by Arthur Giorgio and Yasai Okita, Bambi Nex Giorgio was born around the same time as her twin brother, Luciano Nox Giorgio. This was the very beginning of the twins journey into the world. Of course, they were both called Demon children by various people and earned quite an ugly reputation upon the age of five. All of the rumors surrounding the Giorgio family was absolutely wrong. The duo was fairly weak during their childhood, constantly stumbling through their training together. Perhaps this was the very reason why their mother was so bent on being strict and enforcing training on the children constantly. 

  Their reputation as the demon children hardly left them as they grew up into young adults. They were often the guise of many rumors circulating the Giorgio family. Many of the rumors were downright foolish and just plain stupid. People believed they were tainted ones, a family who had slept with the enemy in favor of the benefits they would be guaranteed. This was the very reason why they were put under watch of the members in the Vampire Hunters Association, and the object of their scorn. 

  Something time during their early teen years, the vampire genes within them finally woke up. This was around the time their younger siblings began their training. The twins were beginning to adjust the vampiric genes within them, soon beginning to become what the Vampire Hunter Association loathed. Of course, eliminating the twins wouldn't be easy considering they were humans not a pair of level e's. There's also the fact that their parents are an excellent pair of vampire hunters, who would revolt if their children were taken away. And with that the Vampire Hunter Association simply waited in silence to eliminate their foes. 

  The Giorgio siblings continued to sharpen their skills as well as indirectly make their reputation as the tainted ones precede them. Something that would later bite them. Nevertheless, the twins continued to sharpen their skills as they grew into mature young adults. It wasn't until the death of their parents, which was later known to be the result of someone in the Vampire hunters association, that they fully awakened those powers. The Giorgio siblings were completely distraught, along with their two younger siblings. Their parents weren't supposed to die like this. 

  It was later known that their parents death only occurred because someone believed they had eliminated the threat the Giorgio siblings would give them. No one would be there to prevent any hunters from attacking them. However, these people were dead wrong. Yasai's older brother, Hikaru Okita and his wife, Hikari, arrived and took custody over the four children. Times were a bit hectic for them, considering all of the new problems that arrived. Despite the help that their relatives provided them, the Giorgio twins took it upon themselves to become the guardians of their younger siblings.

Throughout the duration until they attended Cross Academy, the two actively participated in various missions for the time being. They wouldn't go down without a fight and they needed to show just how much power they had within them. This was around the time that Bambi had her first encounter with Kaito Takamiya, a fellow hunter she would become close to in the distant future. 
Due to the invasion of Cross Academy, the Bambi and Luciano had been quick to fight and protect the rest of the students. However, they felt inclined to take their siblings away from the academy but they decided against it. After all, they still needed to get a clear grasp on themselves before they decided anything first. 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R ||


            Being raised from a young age to a hunter, means strict and harsh treatment. Well at least in her family that's how it was.  Every single day, she would be expected to wake up on her own and prepare herself for the day. Grudgingly, she would do just that with an argument or two sometimes. Mainly out of rebellion for the harsh rules she was trained under. Nevertheless, she always complied in the end out of pure and simple obedience for her parents. The girl might be harsh with her words or misleading but she always does as told in the end. After all, there's hardly an irresponsible bone in her body. 

   The russet haired teen is fairly playful, liking a good amount of teasing. After all, a little teasing and playfulness never hurt anyone. Instead, she seems to encourage it a bit in a relationship. It's a known fact that the young girl is quite affectionate, considering she was showered with constant affection from her late father. Hence why she doesn't find it odd to shower other individuals with affection and whatnot. However, she is far too competitive, meaning she refuses to back down from a challenge. Her determination is another thing that keeps her going. It definitively keeps her from initially giving up on anything. 

Even though she is a vampire hunter, the russet haired girl does get rather embarrassed easily at that. With only a few simple words here and there, she'll end up flushing immediately in response. A trait she happens to really hate. Nevertheless, she doesn't enjoy compliments being thrown at her nor being stated at for long periods of time. Upon noticing she's being stared at, the russet haired girl quickly flushes in embarrassment and utters out a hasty response. 

It's a rare thing to see the girl dissatisfied or disheartened, nevertheless it does happen. However when she's irritated by someone or something, she's more willing to become sarcastic and childish. Often resorting to ignoring the individual who angered her, by turning her head when they look at her or letting out a 'humph'. All thought, if one were to hug the girl, she would proceed to flush and immediately forget about her current anger.   

Due to her upbringing, she's more to be polite and friendly towards someone; though this is because of her mother's influence. Of course, she soon adapts to someone's personality easier once she knows them. Bambi can easily be determined if she has her eyes set on something she cannot give up no matter the cost. Also, the russet haired girl is rather creative due to her love of playing piano whenever she has free time. 

Good Habit(s): Self-efficient. Observant. Affectionate. Playful. Determined. Polite. 

Bad Habit(s): Rebellious to leave a friend behind. Easily embarrassed. Childish. Sarcastic. 

Like(s): Coffee. Talking a walk. Summer's heat + Ice cream. Affection. Unique eyes. Teasing. Warm showers. Winter time. Instrumental music. Guitar. Piano. Mythology. RPG based games. Horror movies.

Dislike(s): Children being raised as hunters. Uncontrolled individuals. Harsh, strict environments. Crowded locations. Too many vampires in one single place. Hormone filled teenagers. Vampire hunters association. 

Hobbies:  Bambi is usually seen drawing in one of her sketchbooks, reading, taking a stroll through the academy, swimming, sleeping in, attempting Parkour, and exploring new places. 

Habits: Whenever it's a particularly hot day, Bambi tends to expose her midriff and try to fan herself off with the bottom hem of her shirt. During the time the girl is sleeping and someone happens to wake her up two things will occur. She'll either ignore them and move away as a result or she'll cling to that individual for some time. It's quite obvious Bambi has a bad habit of averting her gaze if something is making her nervous or if she's lying about something.

Fear(s): Bambi doesn't have any severe fears beside the issues of abandonment, and darkness. Those two tend to leave her restless at night, not allowing her any chance to sleep.   

Strength(s): Bambi's basic combat abilities are slightly enhanced than that of a regular hunter. 

Weakness(es): Her siblings. Due to enhanced hearing, she's more than likely to have terrible migraines. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Aiming is one thing the girl has no trouble doing. Her aim is usually dead on, unless there's sudden change of movement or a fog is surrounding them. 

☆  Hearing is another thing that is fairly well, enough that she can just rely on that to uncover her enemy's movements. 

☆  Bambi's stamina and pain tolerance is fairly high, though that doesn't mean she won't tire easily. 

☆ The female's pain tolerance is fairly high but the sight and smell of blood practically make her nauseous and disoriented. 


☆  Bambi was trained from a young age to be hunter, sharpening her skills further. 

☆ Her parents died a year or so before the siblings arrived to Cross Academy. 

☆ Her heritage is a mixture of Italian and Japanese, both cultures being taught to her equally. 

☆ Dancing was taught to the girl at a young age, though she's still an amateur at it. 

☆  Bambi is the second oldest out of the four Giorgio siblings, which explains her habit of taking up responsibility for her younger siblings. 

☆ The other half of her blood line, a very, very distant one, consists solely of vampires. Of course, it isn't so distant as they originally thought it was. 

☆  Unlike the rest of their family, the Giorgio siblings were given both Italian and Latin names. This was the result of Arthur's mother persuading him to name them appropriately. 

☆  Out of all her siblings, Bambi is the closet to her twin brother, Luciano. Of course, that means they're each other's weakness if something were to occur in midst of a battle.

☆  Without another body beside her own or being medicated, Bambi can't seem to fall asleep easily without nightmares constantly plaguing her dreams. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: Currently, she's unsure of what she wants but the only thing she does know is that she wants to keep her family safe. 


Occupation/Job: Being raised from a family of hunters, it was only natural Bambi would be expected to take that occupation as well. However, she's not that fond of blood shed, but it's a part of the job. At the school, she's a part of the prefects but as of yet, she hasn't been showing up consistently. 


Nightmares: Somehow the nightmares started just around the time her more vampiric genes took place, the sole reason behind countless nights spent awake. 




Weapon: Bambi's weapon of choice would have to be her katana, one that she carries around during patrolling hours. It make less suspicious in the public's eye, she states that it's for her class at a dojo. 

Role: Personally, Bambi isn't one to side with the Hunter corporation or the Council consisting of vampires. However, once the power began to shift and secrets were revealed, Bambi kept close contact with her vampire comrades. Well the main one out of all them would be Aidou Hanabusa. 

Strength: Sure Bambi's strength might be stronger than an average human's but she's no match for the strength of a vampire. 

Defense: The russet haired teen does hold up her own fairly good, enough to keep herself safe from a pack of rogue vampires. Of course, it's a good thing that the female's endurance is fairly high. After all, if the girl would happen to get hurt, nothing would stop her from continuing to fight. 

Offense: She doesn't seem to pay much attention in this field, considering her older brother, Luciano handles it. 

Stamina: Bambi's stamina is fairly high, especially if she needs to escape a horde of level e's. However, she won't be able to keep running for long periods of time if she over exerts herself. 

Affiliation: Vampire hunters association, though this is a very stressed relationship. After all, she's considered a hazard to them along with her siblings. Their actions are being very closely watched by members of the association. Later on, she leaves the Hunters association but is being hunted down like a dog.

Blood description: Bambi's blood line is the very reason why her family isn't allowed to move freely without giving prior notice. Apparently, the Vampire Hunters Association believe they could possibly be a hazard in the future. This left them with two options; wait until they were no longer useful or eliminate them at once. However, they were sentenced a year of freedom until the time would come where they would ultimately be locked away. This includes all of them siblings.. or to be more specific the older ones out of the lot. 

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S


              Yasai Okita, deceased at the prime age of thirty six. 

   Yasai was raised a hunter, leaving nothing aside for too much motherly treatment from her. She is motherly at times, but she's more of the playful type of mother. The violet eyed mother was in for a surprise when she later found out she'd be having kids, some time after she married Hatsuharu Giorgio.  Normally, the woman wasn't as affectionate as other woman of her age, but after having children she changed slightly. She grew to smother her children with affection occasionally, never over doing it or doing too little of it. 

                     Arthur Giorgio, considered to be dead at the prime age of thirty seven. 

  Arthur was a prestigious young man, who was raised as a hunter. He was raised by a family of prestigious hunters, who disciplined him into growing up as a proper young gentlemen. Of course, he was under a fair amount of stress due to managing his parent's business and doing his assignments as a vampire hunter. Nevertheless, the raven haired man managed to prioritize both things without ignoring one in favor of the other. He was quite a well mannered man with a calming aura, who cared greatly about his four children. Unlike his wife, Yasai, he did shower his children with affection being the more friendly and approachable parent out of the two.


 Luciano Nox Giorgio, sixteen- seventeen years old. 

  Luciano is the older brother of Bambi, standing at a height of almost six feet. Her brother is quite the muscular man, believing it's better to stay in shape. His strength seems to be enhanced, like his stamina and defense. In other words, he gained some of that distinct vampire blood line in him. Something he found out about a few weeks later, after starting his first mission for the Hunter Association. Nevertheless, his movements are more fluid and fast, making his attacks more planned and calculated. This explains why he's labeled as a hazard in the Vampire Hunters Association, while also being quite a skilled hunter to have on their side. Out of the siblings, Luciano and Bambi are quite close relationship wise while Onyx is more like him fighting wise. 

Luciano is the closet one to Bambi, always searching for her in battle. Something that might become his downfall in the future. In a way, you could say their bond will be the death of both of them. After all, their gazes never cease to search for one another with the burning desire to keep the other living regardless of the consequences. 


Allen Onyx Giorgio, a fifteen- sixteen year old.

  Onyx is the third eldest out of all of the Giorgio siblings, being quite tall fortunately. He's more like Luciano, relying on strength and defense to kill a vampire. Of course, he's more prone to creating a bloody mess of a simple mission. Onyx happens to enjoy blood a little too much, like vampires would marvel at the sight of it. He considers his little lust for blood normal, since it's only typical to find some type of fun hunting, right? Out of all the siblings, he's more than a little blood thirsty causing him to be held under more stricter watch than the others. He's more that a little aloof and the type to avoid crowds and people all together. That's unless if you're his family member or someone who managed to break down his inner walls.


              Lucinda Lux Giorgio, a fourteen-fifteen year old.

  Lux is the youngest out of all of the Giorgio siblings, along with the shortest out of the whole lot. Typically, this ravenette is the easiest to get temperamental out of her siblings. Lux is the one who usually struggles with training, unlike her other siblings. She's a bit sloppy with the movements a hunter must have. Lux is often looked after by her older siblings, who believe she could end up getting herself killed by a bunch of rogue vampires one day. Nevertheless, the girl is fairly stubborn on the fact that she needs to train more if she wants to get any better at hunting. Currently, the Vampire hunters association doesn't consider her a hazard due to her weakness in most areas involving fights. She's very stubborn when her siblings are persistent in keeping her from harm or fighting, believing she could protect herself.


                Yami and Sora Okita, a pair of fifteen year olds. 

  Yami and Sora are Uncle Hikaru's children, both being younger than Bambi. The two could be described like Darkness and Light, due to their contrasting personalities. Yami is more of a rude, snarky individual who likes to poke at people's short fuses regardless of the consequence. His attack method is similar to Luciano's style, the cousin he seems to look up to in general. Despite their initial similar appearances, the two males were not twins nor are they the same age. Sora is the eldest out of the two yet he acts like the younger child and vice versa.

                Hikaru Okita, a thirty six year old man. 

  Hikaru Okita is a well-known name in the Hunter association, often striking admiration or disrespect for the male claimed to be as ruthless as those rogue vampires they heard so much about. He's the only family member that took the two siblings in after their parents death last year. Naturally, all four of his nieces and nephews came to live with him and his family. 

 Hikari Okita, a thirty six year old woman.  

  Hikari Okita is the mother of Yami and Sora, birthing the pair of twins. The ravenette has been kept in the dark about vampires, Hikaru refuses to tell her anything about them. After all, she is his little ball of sunshine. One that doesn't need to know about the existence of another species. However, she's kept safe in a community Hikaru guards daily for his lovely little wife. She's the type of mother who has plenty of motherly instinct to give out to children other than her own. This woman is quite motherly and feminine, often seen with a cheerful aura and a smile. It's not often that you see her worked up over something, especially with a serious aura around the young, enchanting woman.


Best Friend(s): 


Ichijo Takuma

  Bambi had been surprised by the friendly nature of Ichijo, unaware of the fact vampires could be that nice. The blond haired vampire had been one of the main reasons why her opinion on some vampires changed suddenly in the night class. His bright nature always put the girl's troubles at ease unknowingly. Somehow, Ichijo's actions had steadily began to change the female's opinion on him and other select vampires. He made it seem safe for Bambi to cross that barrier the two species had made unknowingly. The vampire led her to question everything she previously knew about herself.  Not to mention, he makes her feel oddly at ease which is something she's still trying to figure out the answer for. 


Ruka Souen

   At first the two hardly got along due to their differences, however they seemed to move past insulting each other every chance they got. Of course, now they're relationship greatly improved since the ravenette isn't the least bit attracted to Kaname Kuran. Bambi finds the girl to be quite charming, more than suitable to gain anyone's eyes. Although, she doesn't support her going after Kaname not Kain. After all, the ravenette has noticed the way Kain often looks at her. Nevertheless, she's quite close to her despite their initial differences between one another. 


  Yuuki Cross (Kuran)

    Due to the two females being prefects, Bambi met Yuuki in her first year of Cross Academy. Their relationship was going rather well until Bambi noticed the chemistry going on with Zero which made her a little iffy. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about the while ordeal. Nevertheless, that hardly halted their friendship. With Yuuki being revealed as Kaname's sibling, Bambi was more than a little hesitant around the female. However, she does try to maintain with her despite the current circumstances. 

Akatsuki Kain

  Bambi is fairly good friends with the fire user, befriending him due to Aidou's encouragement. Of course, she started to notice the little things about him.. Like the way he looked at Ruka. This made her heart ache for her dear friend. It might have been the reason why she'd often linger by his side, especially when Akatsuki is going on the occasional mission or two for Kaname. Bambi has made an effort to maintain contact with the vampire, having no desire to let their friendship be ruined due to a lack of proper up keeping from time to time. 


Rima Toya

  Rima was one of the few vampires Bambi met after befriending Aidou first, finding her to be an interesting person. The brunette might not say it often but she does admire Rima's natural beauty, finding the vampire to be an excellent example of a beautiful individual. Despite that thought, Bambi does find it entertaining to talk to Rima whenever she has the chance to do so that is. 

Sayori Wakaba

 Bambi has a high opinion about Sayori, being one of the few girls in the day class that doesn't overreact about the males in the night class. Yori is probably one of the few girls in the Day class, who's company she actually enjoys. After all, Yori is quite enjoyable to be around and her subtle caring nature only adds on to that thought further. Bambi does admit she felt guilty about the secrets she kept from the female earlier in their friendship, mainly about the things pertaining to vampires and vampire hunters alike. 


                               Kaito Takamiya { possible crush if you can't pick from any below}

 Kaito was someone Bambi met before her arrival at Cross Academy, several times before and after her parents deaths. It had taken some time before the female had grown used to the male, despite their bad first encounter. He may be older but BambI didn't seem to see Kaito as an older individual, instead one might say this was where her small crush on him began. Kaito always had a way of making her feel at ease somehow, not that she hated the feeling. Around him, she could easily act like her self without the constant thought of having to become strong for someone else's sake. 

Maria Kurenai 

  Bambi didn't befriend Maria until the whole ordeal with Shizuka had ended, and the sliverette had her body again. She finds the girl to be adorable~! After all, her politeness and the way she carries herself makes the vampire hunter want to protect her. Something about Maria makes want to protect her from any possible harm. Bambi does admit she'll often resort to anything reckless if it means keeping Maria say from any harm for the time being. 

Kaname Kuran 

  The two ravenettes aren't exactly friends per say, instead it's more of a say hello and that's it type of friendship. With his own Pureblood nature, she can't help but feel intimidated and easily threatened by him- a vast contrast from her twin brother. Nonetheless, she has made an effort to keep up a civil and friendly composure under the presence of Kaname. It seems easier to simply treat him with a bit of more respect than the others, considering he's the highest in ranking of vampires. 


Zero Kiryuu 

  Bambi does, indeed, have a crush on the fellow prefect that's other would give her odd looks for. The russet haired teen doesn't know when or how this infatuation with the teenager began. However, she merely learned to accept the fact her feelings for the brunette are taking a turn for the romantic side. Nevertheless, it happened and the brunette didn't know what to do or better yet how to react appropriately.  As much as Bambi hates to admit, she has complete trust and faith with Zero- to the point where she wouldn't mind dirtying her own hands for the male. 

At one point, her feelings for him had reached the point where it had become insufferable and frustrating for the female. Bambi would have admitted her feelings a long time ago if she hadn't been the one to notice the way Zero's and Yuuki's relationship is like. That might have the reason why she's so reluctant on admitting her feelings to Zero. A part of feels like she'll be rejected in favor of Yuuki. 

 Shiki Senri 

 Something about the aristocrat vampire seemed to lure the russet haired female towards him. Of course, it isn't for his model like status in the world. Naturally, Bambi keeps this information under a tight lip. Nonetheless, she had need up liking the vampire more than she initially intended. The russet haired female can often be seen trying to strike up a conversation with him. Along the way, there relationship had been established and she soon found herself spending time with him whenever it was possible. However, she didn't expect her feelings towards him to grow in the romantic direction. Regardless, she finds it quite to be comfortable around the vampire. There's that and the fact she has a bad tendency to dote on the male an awful lot. 

   Aidou Hanabusa 

 Bambi is in fairly good contact with the blond haired male, meeting him during her first year entrance ceremony. The two became friends in a short amount of time, during the first few weeks at Cross Academy. Usually, the ravenette would sneak off during patrol to hang out with the vampire. Of course, she does try to keep him in check, not wanting him to miss too much of his classes. Bambi knows Aidou can have his serious moments in life, where the ravenette would proceed to listen to him quietly. After all, he's there for her whenever she needs it and vice versa. She trusts him immensely prior to the destruction of Cross academy and even afterwards. Bambi might not admit it but the vampire is someone she wouldn't doubt. In a sense, she'd be fine putting her life in the line for him.



                 Beniamino Ricciolino

 Beniamino is a distant relative of Bambi's, coming from a similar family line like her own. Although his differs immensely from her own. His bloodline consists purely of vampires, making him an aristocrat vampire. Naturally, the two families have kept this under wraps, letting no human or vampire know about their blood connection. Just imagine everyone hearing how you're distinctly related to a whole family of vampire hunters and the best part is your family passed on some of their precious vampire like qualities to them. Of course, there are more siblings in his family, but their locations are unknown for the time being.   



          Sara Shirabuki 

  Sara Shirabuki. This self proclaimed queen is someone she could never accept. What exactly was she trying to gain by collecting so many.. humans slaves. This is the sole reason why Bambi can't stand to be around her. However, when the attack on Cross academy hit and certain individuals left, she couldn't possibly stay there with her siblings. This was their only chance to escape after all. Somehow, the Giorgio siblings had ran into Sara Shirabuki, becoming limited to having to resort to asking the woman for help. This was the idea of one of her younger siblings, which lead to Luciano and Bambi immediately reject the idea. They wouldn't resort to asking a pureblood for help, and with that the four continued to run from the Vampire Hunters Association. 


Kazehaya Hasagawa

  Kazehaya is one of the purebloods Bambi absolutely despises, turning into a reckless woman when he's around. This vampire and her hardly got along considering all their differences. Sure enough, the pureblood vampire enjoys irritating the young russet haired woman. In fact, he finds it rather amusing when she's all worked up and trying to control her anger. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: With the constant training sessions and time spent on swimming, it's no surprise that Bambi's body is fairly fit and rather curvaceous for someone of her age. As far as womanly assets go, there's very little for the female to complain about. As far as womanly assets go, she is well endowed though it's often hidden by her clothing. Her complexion is rather fair and free of blemishes, almost making her resemble a porcelain doll in a sense.  Her nails are trimmed though it does go slightly past the tips of her fingertips.

Height: Bambi stands at a good 5'3 inches, only being an inch or two taller than Yuuki Cross herself. 

Weight: Like other hunters of her age, Bambi is in fairly good shape for someone her age. The russet haired haired teen is quite slim and slender. 

Everyday Outfit(s): Usually on any school day, Bambi can be caught wearing Cross Academy's uniform along with the appropriate boots. When it's not a school day, she's wearing things from a crop top to a button up shirt, and for the bottom half of her body she's wearing either a pair of slim pants or shorts. Skirts aren't something she likes to wear unless it's required of her that is. For formal events, she could be spotted wearing a black strapless dress that hugs her body perfectly or a simple thin strapped dress with a light colored dress. During the winter, Bambi can be caught wearing a loose sweater, ones that are too big on her, and a pair of leggings or skinny legged jeans. As for sleepwear, she likes to wear a big button up shirt with black shorts or she simply wears a big button up shirt. 


Makeup: Normally, the russet haired teen only has a minimal amount of makeup on her, enough to be natural you could say. In formal events, she wears a bit more makeup to go with the formal event. 

Scent: Vanilla.

Hairstyle(s): Consisting of a color of russet, Bambi's hair often gives off the facade that it's ebony colored. Of course, her actually her hair color would be russet. Typically, her hair is left down with a few stray locks framing her porcelain like face. However, during formal events, she's willing to curl her russet colored locks and change it into an elegant up do, with a few curly strands framing her face. After the attack on Cross Academy, the russet haired female cut her shorter though it was still a bit passed her shoulder blades. Her bangs still frame her face nonetheless. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's a single tattoo on her upper back, directly below her neck which consists of a pair of wings and the quote ' Embrace your dreams'. The russet haired teen has plenty of scars on her body, some from the past and present. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

☆  All to myself; Mariannas Trench. 

☆ I'm yours; The Script.  

☆ Miss Jackson; Panic! At the disco.

☆  Mercy; Hurts

- - -

☆ "No- This.. is enough for me, I shouldn't be asking for anything else. I won't allow myself to.. sorry again."

☆ " Hah..? What is this about? Some type of investigation?" 

☆ " Luciano, these girls don't let up do they?" 

☆ "Stop it! Stop it! They have nothing to do with this...! What else do you people want? My family has given you everything ! Why can't you leave us alone now?" 

Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't spicy or seafood.

Favorite Color(s): Red. Black. White. Purple.

Favorite Number(s): 18. 96.

Favorite Season(s): Winter. Fall.

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas.

Favorite Time of Day: Twilight.

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