Wednesday, April 8, 2015

{ уσυ α¢¢єρт ∂αякηєѕѕ ; ησяαgαмι σ¢ }

 ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

 You accept darkness,
                                 yet choose to live in the light
                                So why is it that you loathe us
                             who teeter on the edge of ɴoтнιɴɢ;
            who were turned away by both light and darkness,
                                                                             never given a choice?

Name (last, first):  Ōmikami, Amaterasu. { 天照 }

Meaning: The great August kami (God) who shines in the heaven. 

Nickname(s):  Ōkami, Amaterasu, Ammy, 

Age: Unknown. 

Species: God.

Gender: Female. 

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Unknown. 

Reputation: Major deity of the Shinto religion. 

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. 

Birthday: Possibly 720 AD

Life Story: 

Amaterasu was born when Izanagi, her father, washed out his left eye, Tsukiyomi was born from the washing of the right eye, and Susanoo from the washing of the nose. She became ruler of the sun and heavens along with her brother, Tsukiyomi, the God of the moon and the ruler of the night. Originally, Amaterasu shared the sky with Tsukiyomi, her husband and brother until, out of disgust, he killed the goddess of food Uke Mochi, when she pulled food from her rectum, nose and mouth. This killing upset Amaterasu causing her to label Tsukiyomi an evil God and split away from him; separating night from day. 

There has been a long standing rivalry between Amaterasu and her other brother, Susanoo. When he was to leave Heaven by orders of Izanagi, he went to bid his sister goodbye. Amaterasu was suspicious, but when Susanoo proposed a challenge to prove his sincerity, she accepted. Each of them took an object of the other's and from it birthed gods and goddesses. Amaterasu birthed three woman from Susanoo's sword while he birthed five men from her necklace. Claiming the gods were hers because of they were born of her necklace, and the goddesses were his, she decided she had won the challenge, as his item produced women. The two were content for a time, but her brother became restless and went on a rampage, destroying Amaterasu's rice fields, hurling a flayed pony at her loom, and killing one of her attendants in a fit of rage. Amaterasu, who was in fury and grief, hid inside the Ama no Iwato ( heavenly rock cave ), thus effectively hiding the sun for a long period of time. Though she was persuaded to leave the cave, Susanoo was punished by being banished from heaven. Both later amended their conflict when Susanoo gave her the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi sword as a reconciliation gift. 

According to legend, Amaterasu bequeathed to her descendant Ninigi: the mirror, Yata no Kagami: the jewel, Yasakani no Magatama; and the sword, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi. This sacred mirror, jewel, and sword collectively became the three Imperial Regalia of Japan. 

||    C U R R E N T   V E R S E   ||

Amaterasu doesn't hold much memories of her past due to her rebirth, but she doesn't find it awful to be like this. After all, her memories is hardly something that's troubling her at the given moment. In a sense, she prefers to be free of her previous chains and finally be cut loose from things that tied her to her family. Amaterasu isn't too keen on being in the company of either one of her siblings, for various reasons. However with their statues as gods, there's little choice in that matter unfortunately.

Despite her desire to remain far away from her family, Amaterasu continues to keep to herself and maintain order over her own responsibilities. Even with the chance of encountering her siblings once more, the goddess prefers finishing up her own tasks before choosing to relax and sit back. With that being said, it might explain why the goddess seems so insistent on participating on the various ongoing activities at the given moment. 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Amaterasu can be quite blunt about her opinion, due to her tendency to be express her thoughts and emotions. Naturally, she may come across as rude because of her bluntness. After all, it has gotten her into some troublesome situations from time to time. Despite her bluntness, the god can easily become defensive if someone offends her.  If that's the case, she'll often resort to looking elsewhere and simply keeping to herself. It's because of this that she might come across as childish at times. Of course her low attention span hardly helps her come across as mature.

The goddess does have a more quiet and mature side to her. However, that side seems more transparent when the situation is serious or a difficult decision needs to be made. For the god, she doesn't enjoy being half-hearted about things especially about decisions that could impact others. She prefers making difficult decisions with a calm attitude and clear head. Despite her calm nature, she can easily lose her composure if she feels threatened or offended. The goddess might end up resorting to childish come backs or simply closing herself off around others.

Around people she cares for, Amaterasu can be very kind and gentle towards them. She has no qualms in showing strangers kindness as well, deciding to give them the benefit of doubt as well. Because of this, the goddess is extremely loyal to those she treasures- to the point where she'll go to extreme lengths just to keep them safe and out of harm's way. In fact she has no qualms in doing the best that she can just to keep them safe. At times her desire to protect others might led her to become rather reckless despite her intentions being good.

When it comes to intimacy or her own family, Amaterasu may come off as playful and confident. However, she can be fairly vulnerable in either of the two fields due to her own insecurities when it comes to it. After all, the goddess finds it extremely unsettling to trust someone completely to the point of becoming personal with them. Even with that being said, once she does trust someone enough to become intimate she has no qualms in opening herself to them and allowing her thoughts to be shared and expressed.

Good Habit(s): Expressive, adaptable, calm, gentle, kind, sincere, loyal, determined, and playful.

Bad Habit(s): Blunt, defensive, sensitive, childish, persistent, low attention span, and reckless.

Nationality: Japanese. 

Place of Origin: Japan. 

Current Residence: Japan. 

Spoken Languages: Japanese. 

Like(s): Warmth, blankets, sleeping in, smell of coffee, small animals, vacations, the ocean, soft melodies, rain, physical contact, sunset, paintings, high places, puns, morals, legends, thriller novels, and easy riddles.

Dislike(s): Susanoo, chaos, long meetings, rude awakenings, family meetings, being forced into things, arguments, confrontations, being tricked, massacres, the smell of  burning rubber, alcohol, crosswords puzzles and being caught in the middle of an argument.

Hobbies: Swimming, reading, relaxing in the sun, sleeping in, exploring and going to the beach if possible.

Fear(s): Encountering Susanoo, being reborn, the thought of dying and betrayal.


; Intutive. 

; Observant.

; High pain tolerance.

; Swordsmanship.


; Reluctance to confront others.

; Encounters with her brother, Susanoo.

; Distracted easily.


; Amaterasu has been reborn various times due to the frequent strife with her brother, Susanoo. 

; Before being reborn several times, for a brief time Amaterasu was married to Tsukiyomi. However that isn't something she considers valid now that she has been reborn again.

; The goddess has an awful habit of sleeping in until it's late in the morning. In fact, she's usually awake around ten a.m.

; She might not admit it but Amaterasu has a fondness for wolves and foxes. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 

Occupation/Job: Goddess of the sun. 

Fears: Listed above.

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Truthfully, it's unknown what relationship the two have with one another. However, Amaterasu hasn't expressed any desire to reunite or see her father-- deeming it highly unnecessary. After all, there's nothing to gain from seeing him other than unwanted tension and apprehensiveness. 



It's no secret that Susanoo has a long standing rivalry with Amaterasu, his sister. What created this long standing rivalry isn't known, but it's better to leave those stones un-turned. The god does get along with him from time to time, but it's hard to ignore the fact that Susanoo irritates her. Naturally their long rivalry may be the reason why she's so persistent on avoiding him-- often going to extremes to avoid him. Of course, that's quite obvious due to one big fight the two had in the past. 

Much to her own reluctance, Amaterasu hardly sees Tsukiyomi as anything beyond her brother. Any mentions of marriage are topics that she avoids in her brother's presence. After all, the fact that he might have been husband in the past isn't something she wants to be remind of.





Best Friend(s):


Despite the bad luck that seems to follow Kofuku, and any beings who get close to her, Amaterasu finds her company to be fairly enjoyable. It's easy for the goddess to be herself in the presence of the fellow goddess. Of course that doesn't imply that Kofuku's disregard towards others, when it comes to protecting someone, doesn't bother her slightly. In fact, it does bother her a bit to see her so dedicated towards keeping someone safe from harm. Nevertheless, she enjoys Kofuku's presence despite the bad luck that gathers around the pinkette. 



The Shinki wasn't someone Amaterasu expected to befriend at first, but it was relatively easy. The diligence that Yukine seemed to show towards his responsibilities as a Shinki might have been the reason why she decided to approach him. His new attitude was fairly admirable especially with the way he seemed to take his work more seriously now. 


Amaterasu finds it relatively easy to converse with the shinki, finding Kazuma's calm and sensible nature to be admirable. This might explain why she finds it so easy to come to him for advice, a majority of those matters concerned ways on how to avoid her brothers. Despite that thought, Amaterasu does admit to enjoying his company and his opinion, in general.


At first, Amaterasu had been rather hesitant to approach the reborn god almost wonder if it would be good. Despite her thoughts, she found herself taking a liking to the young god. She might not have admitted it sooner but she admires the way he silently tries to help others and understand the world even more so than others. Pushing that aside, she wants to make sure Ebisu can grow older without the chance of someone harming him once again.



Contrary to popular belief, Amaterasu's interest in the god had slowly been growing after hearing Yato's name through conversations with other gods and goddesses. Her curiosity had been rather difficult to ignore-- in fact, it had almost became a bother to the female. Of course, the goddess had been pleasantly surprised when she finally managed to stumble upon the god one day. The playful attitude he seemed to carry was oddly reassuring, considering most gods and goddesses were quite serious these days. Despite that thought, the goddess found herself growing more curious and intrigued by the male. This might explain why she often sought him out whenever she was in the area.


Hiyori Iki

Despite the kindness Hiyori shows, Amaterasu finds it extremely difficult to form an opinion on the female. After all, the goddess's views on humans happens to be a bit biased. She can't help but think it would be better for Hiyori if she was left ignorant of the world of the gods and goddesses. It would save her plenty of trouble. In a sense, one could say she was merely looking out for the girl's safety.


The god happens to be someone Amaterasu still hasn't formed a proper opinion of just yet. It may have been his tendency to forget his tasks when women are around that often leave her wondering what to make of him. Despite that, the goddess has no qualms in conversing with the fellow god from time to time. 



Despite the air of friendliness Amaterasu shows in the company of Bishamonten, she considers her a rival of some sorts. Somehow the presence of the fellow goddess stirs a friendly rivalry with Amaterasu. With the friendly rivalry aside, Amaterasu does admire Bishamonten's caring personality though she can't help but think she takes on far too much. 




Affiliation: Shinto gods, 

Alignment: Chaotic good. 


Name: Kiyoshi {  }
Name as a weapon: Naoki { 直樹 }
Name as a vessel: Nao {  }
Age: Seventeen years old.
Brief description: Kiyoshi seems to dress in a more punk-rock type of style, though a majority of his clothing consists of a simple pair of dark blue jeans and a black long sleeved or white button down shirt. Of course his various ear piercings, raven locks and striking blue hair often make him pop out more in a crowd.
Brief background: Kiyoshi's life had been relatively boring and unchanging, excluding those brief moments where he'd be sent from one foster home to the next. He was a rather pessimistic child during those times, which explained his growing desire for a better life. Despite his good intentions, Kiyoshi slowly found himself beginning to steal from other families and fellow classmates. Because of this, he was often sought out and beaten-- this eventually lead to one unfortunate beating that had killed him.
Brief overview on personality: Kiyoshi happens to be a fairly enthusiastic about things concerning animals and sports in general. However bring him into a party and shove him in the middle, you'll be left with a nervous and timid male instead. Despite the confident facade he gives off, he's the type to get nervous around others he doesn't know. In fact, he may come across as strange due to his odd mannerisms and jaded perspective on life.
Weapon type: Defense.
Weapon form: Kiyoshi happens to take on the appearance of a rather large fan, though it's hardly frail. The fan happens to consist of cool colors, a majority of said colors being various shades of blue and white. The design on the fan is scattered clouds with a hint of water near the bottom, where the handle of the fan is located. 
Moves learned: Boundary line and Prison.

Name: Chiharu { 千春 }
Name as a weapon: Naomi { 直美 }
Name as a vessel: Nao { 尚 }
Age: Sixteen years old.
Brief description: Chiharu's style mainly consists of a black short sleeved skirt, a white button down shirt and either a light green colored or a blue colored jacket. Her eyes and hair happen to be the exact hue of pink, often coming across as bubble gum pink. 
Brief background: Chiharu's life consisted of a small but separated family of four, with the pinkette being the overzealous child of a divorced couple. Despite the bad circumstances, which happened to be the lack of employment and steady income. Chiharu tried to make the most of her life by helping out others around her, often putting her needs last. Ironically, she had been helping out at home with groceries when a car had hit her one late evening. 
Brief overview on personality: Chiharu can be fairly persistent when it comes to morals and wanting to bring justice for everyone. In a sense, she can't sit by idly while someone else is being treated unfairly. The pinkette can't shake off the impulse to help those in need which often leads her to be overly compassionate towards others, especially towards loved ones. In fact, she'll often go out of her way to make others feel more comfortable about things.
Weapon type: Tracking and locating.
Weapon form: Chiharu takes on the form of a necklace with a relatively simple design, though there is a single pink colored stone in the middle of the silver chain. It's usually kept around Amaterasu's neck so she's able to hear Chiharu's response.
Moves learned: Boundary line, prison and song.

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks:  Amaterasu's body happens to be slender and petite, often appearing as a young woman in her mid-teens to early twenties. Her complexion is rather fair though there's a few faint freckles scattered across her shoulders and cheeks. However, the later is hardly visible unless inspected closely. Concerning her more womanly assets, she's a b-cup and her waist is a bit on the small size. Her eyes are a slightly big, almost doll-like, while her eye color happens to be a bright crimson hue.

Height: 162 cm.

Weight:  46 kg. 

Everyday Outfit(s):  With the countless times she's been reborn, Amaterasu's style had changed significantly due to the new era she had been reborn in. Typically, her clothing consists of either a somewhat loose top and fitted jeans or a pair of black shorts with a pair of black ankle boots ,with a buckle around the upper portion of it, to top it off. However, she has no qualms in wearing a v-neck, long sleeved shirts or sweaters. Despite her reluctance, she will wear her more 'traditional' clothing if the situation calls for it.

Accessories: Amaterasu hardly cares much accessories around if there's no need to do so.

Makeup: Due to her age, makeup isn't something that Amaterasu deems necessary to use.

Scent: Amaterasu gives off a faint sweet-like scent yet there's another scent mixed in. The latter hasn't been pinpointed just yet, unfortunately.

Hairstyle(s): Amaterasu's hair is quite long and reaches about mid-back on the goddess, though her hair is often kept brushed and styled. Her bangs are often swept to the side though they occasionally happen to fall over her line of sight. Typically, her hair is often left down where it'll appear a bit ruffled due to the wind and her bad habit of running her fingers through her hair. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:  There's a few noticeable scars scattered across her back and a few faint ones on her torso. Those scars are a result of the frequent fights she had with her brother, Susanoo in the past. Other than that, there's hardly any other marking on her body. As far as jewelry and piercings go, she does a few that are noticeable on her persona. Amaterasu generally wears a simple pair of earrings which consists of a small pearl-like stone with silver wrapped around it. However, the silver was molded to appear like scales surroundings the pearl-like stone in the center of it.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

; Hold on to what you believe- Mumford & Sons. 

; Off I go- Greg Laswell. 

; Dream- Imagine Dragons.


"I'm sorry -- but I don't see any reason to visit my brothers. They won't provide any use to us."

"No, I rather stay ignorant of my past. It's not something I have a joy to reminisce about, after all." 

Favorite Food(s): Undecided.

Favorite Color(s): White, pale blue, red, and lavender.

Favorite Number(s): 18, 27, and 96.

Favorite Season(s): Summer and Spring.

Favorite Holiday(s): Undecided. 

Favorite Time of Day: Late morning.

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