Tuesday, May 5, 2015

{ ¢σηтяσℓ уσυя σωη ∂єѕтιηу σя ѕσмєσηє єℓѕє ωιℓℓ ; кнввѕ- кн∂∂∂ }

 ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

"συя ∂єѕтιηу ιѕ συя σωη."

Name (last, first): Nox.

Meaning: Darkness.

Nickname(s): Little red, cherry, puppet and red bird. 

Age: Fifteen- Seventeen.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Unknown.

Reputation: Unknown.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. 


Life story:

Nox had grown up on the tales of other worlds and heroes, already being quite impressionable at a young age. In a sense, that might have been the reason why she always desired to go out and explore their surrounding areas so much. Naturally, her father always seemed to deter her from doing just that- though it wasn't too surprising. After all, a majority of her life was spent indoors learning the basics of school teaching and a few defense tips. 

Despite her dad's stern lectures, everything seemed to fall on deaf ears the moment she encountered a battered blond resting against a tree one fateful afternoon. Before the redhead even realized it, she quickly found herself questioning the barely conscious man. Much to the man's displeasure, he soon found herself reluctantly answering the child's questions. It would be easier to keep her from badgering him to much if he decided to humor her a bit. 

It was only after much insistence that the battered blond reluctantly gave his name to the oddly curious redhead. Hajime- that was the stranger's name. Nox had been quick to dish out small orders of to stay here until she retrieved some medical supplies from back home. Much to her surprise, the blond hadn't moved in inch until she appeared once more with a few supplies almost slipping from her finger tips. Despite her initial surprise, she quickly found herself fretting over him and bandaging up all of his visible injuries. Even though she had already bandaged and taken care of his visible injuries, the redhead lingered behind to chat more with Hajime. 

Somehow their talk which started out as one sided slowly grew into longer and more drawn out conversations. Before she realized it was already getting closer and closer to mid-day during their talk. Hajime had been one to inform her of that. During a temporary lapse of judgement, the blond had foolishly agreed to appear in the forest the next night to converse with the young redhead. And sure enough, he was still there for the next following nights for their talks. In fact, he also taught her a few defensive and offensive moves. 

Even with the growing conversations and peaceful afternoons, those days would slowly to an end. In fact, Hajime had been the one to inform Nox that he needed to leave now that his wounds had healed. There was nothing keeping him from leaving now. However, he didn't leave without a small parting gift, one that would impact the girl later in life. A small oath had been made between the two, making her the next to wield the keyblade he had in his possession. 

For the next three years until her fifteen teen birthday, she discovered she had the ability to wield the keyblade. This fact alone made her change her fighting habits to adapt to a more useful fighting style now that she wielded the keyblade. It wasn't until the recent development in the worlds that she finally discovered what power she had obtained. With that knowledge came along with frightening details, ones that she didn't know beforehand. Her father, Ignis, had carefully kept the family isolated from others due to his notorious hand in helping out some of the studies that were occurring back in Radiant Garden in regards to the experiments. This might have been the reason that forced her to abandon her former home in search of clues although she still had no clue how to properly travel with the use of the keyblade. 

- - - - ƒяσм кιηg∂σм нєαятѕ тωσ αη∂ вєуση∂ verse - - -

Nox had grown up with a single father and her brother, Akio. The redhead had grown up relatively normal until the stars slowly began to diminish and before she knew it more and more were disappearing. There were talks of beings who could bring back the light from the vanishing stars, though the rumors only increased the paranoia some civilians felt.

Within a few weeks, more and more stars began to slowly vanish which prompted Nox to sneak out and watching her brother, Akio train. She deemed it necessary to learn proper ways to defend herself incase there was a chance of separating from her two family members. During one of these outings, Nox had encountered a blond haired man- someone who instantly struck her as enchanting. There was something about this man that called out to the younger female. Something compelled her to approach him that fateful day.

Sure enough.. there was an air of mysterious that seemingly surrounded the male, who she later found out was called Hajime. At first, the odd friendship was hardly anything but stern and extremely competitive. However that air of competitiveness was extremely good for the redhead who wanted nothing more than to learn some of the moves she witnessed the blond perform beforehand. Within a month, she found herself becoming more knowledgeable about fighting and to her mentor, Hajime. However those fun-filled days came to an abrupt end when creatures with glowing yellow eyes began to fill the streets of her home world. The thirteen year old was filled with panic and worry, which led Hajime to pass on the oath to the redhead he previously mentored.

To be truthful, the redhead doesn't remember much about that fateful day.. though she does recall the screams and the darkness that engulfed her world. The last thing she remembers about that night was her family and Hajime, considering the latter was the last person she saw before the darkness had engulfed her being and swallowed her whole into the unknown. Within the next few days, she woke up in the world of Radiant Garden where she met Leon and the others. After many conversations and explanations, she managed to find out there were others like her who had the ability to wield the keyblade. Of course, her style wasn't exactly perfect just yet.

Throughout most of the duration of Sora's journey, Nox had typically kept to herself besides offering some aid here and there. After all, she was still searching for answers for herself. Regardless, the redhead found time to help aid the friends she made during her journey. 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Nox is an adventurous and playful spirit which often explains why she'll often find herself being lectured by others. The fact that she's quite impressionable might be another reason why she'll often be lectured by her peers or those more experienced than her. Nevertheless, she's fierce about those she wishes to protect and stay by. Her loyalty can be rather questionable at times, considering she'll have no qualms in doing anything as long as it benefits her loved ones in the long run.

Despite her overall caring nature, she can be recklessly trusting towards over. She's the type who would save an enemy if she found them in distress, putting aside past conflicts. In a sense, one might say she's the kind of person to be gullible when it comes to a pretty face and tears. Of course, she's also the same way when it comes to loved ones. The redhead wouldn't hesitate to care for others especially if they already harmed her once, presently or beforehand.

The redhead is the type to become worrisome and a bit prone to over analyzing the details. In fact, it wouldn't be strange to find her fretting over minor details while making sure their strategies aren't ruined. After all, it would be terrible if things were to go wrong along the way and there wasn't a back up plan for them to fall back in. This might explain why she's so insistent on having another plan in mind, simply to help aid them if they ever need it.

When it comes to intimacy or physical contact, she can be fairly adaptable- often conforming to the needs of her loved ones. The redhead has no qualms in putting aside her own needs to make some else feel needed and loved. In a sense, Nox expresses her thoughts physically than she does verbally. She finds it easier to express herself this way to properly make sure her feelings are known. She's more of a giver in a relationship though she does have her moments where she can be a bit selfish occasionally. 

Good Habit(s): Adventurous, playful, adaptable, caring, brave, and affectionate.

Bad Habit(s): Impressionable, loyal, trusting, reckless, worrisome, curious, and forgiving.

Nationality: Japanese. 

Place of Origin: Unknown.

Current Residence: Temporarily Traverse town- presently, none.

Spoken Languages: Japanese.

Like(s): Beaches, the sound of rain, small animals, legends, long stories, long conversations, physical contact, blankets, hot food, warm drinks, soft melodies, small accessories, struggle tournaments, pats on the head, warmth, and ice cream.

Dislike(s): The smell of blood, heartless, fallen heroes, winged beasts, large animals, betrayals, confrontations, being rendered useless, scrapped knees, heartless swarms, unversed, uncomfortable situations and being rushed into things.

Hobbies: Exploring, swimming, reading, star gazing, napping, sketching and learning new moves.

Fear(s): Betrayals, blood shed, being outnumbered, not discovering the truth, and losing those she cares for.

Strength(s): Sync attacks, close combats, healing magic, and uneven terrain. 

Weakness(es): Hand to hand combat, lightening magic, wind magic, and closed off surroundings.


; Nox has an odd fondness for small accessories and warm food, almost making the redhead eager to agree to most things.

; Once her trust is earned, the redhead has no qualms in following orders or helping out with most things. In a sense, she'll be eager to make herself helpful.

; Her home world hasn't returned- in a sense, you could say it's lost to the darkness now. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: To discover the truth and to find more worlds.

Occupation/Job: N/A.


Betrayal: Nox can be quite loyal to someone to the extent she will disregard her own morals simply to remain loyal to someone else. In a sense this could be a double edged sword that can cause her or ,the one she wishes to protect, harm as well.

Losing a loved one: There doesn't seem to be any hesitance when it comes to her resolve to save her loved ones or simply putting them first. With that being said, she fears the day she'll be rendered helpless and useless to them. To be exact, Nox would be devastated if she couldn't prevent them from coming into harm's way especially if there was a chance she could prevent it. The thought of losing a loved one isn't a thought that she wants to acknowledge as a possibility.  

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll



The redhead is rough around the edges to be exact, considering he's caring though you can't deny the fact that his caring side only appears around his children. He's a little brash and sarcastic though his sarcasm has a way of making it into his daily speech. Despite that, he can be rather stern and insistent when it comes to rules- wanting to make sure everyone follows them to the point. This might explain his uneasiness when the rules aren't being followed, especially in his presence. Nonetheless, this trait is easily ignored if the redhead happens to be praised for his intelligence or charm.



Lux is an energetic youth though he does have an arrogant view about himself and the people around him. He doesn't hold a high view of high ranking officials nor those that are supposedly the heroes in the story. That explain why he's constantly found rebelling against the simplest of rules. Nevertheless, he can be rather uncomfortable when it comes to comforting others or simply offering them words of praise. It's out of his comfort zone honestly. 







Best Friend(s):


The brunet was someone that Nox got along almost instantly when the two first met in Radiant Garden. The redhead often found herself growing comfortable and more lively in the brunet's presence. Of course, that's also a bad thing considering she'd often go at his pace and be swept along to his antics from time to time. There's little she wouldn't do for Sora given their friendship, which explains the loyalty she shows for him. Although that doesn't stop her from teasing him whenever she gets the chance to do so.


The fellow redhead had been someone that Nox was curious to met due to Sora's words concerning the female. It was no surprise that she took an interest in her once the chance finally arrived to meet Kairi. Nox admires the female especially the kindness and sternness she expresses in the presence of her friends. Despite their growing bond, Nox can't shake off the desire to protect Kairi even though she knows very well that the girl can defend herself properly. Some habits are hard to kill.  


The blonde had been surprisingly easy to get along with, though Nox often found herself being swept along at his pace. Of course that came with it's troubles considering how Ventus had a knack for getting himself in trouble from time to time. Nonetheless, Nox finds herself comfortable in Ven's presence. His positive nature and bright smile are certainly something to admire, along with his desire to fight alongside his friends. 



The blonde was someone who originally made Nox hesitant to be around considering her connection to Sora and Kairi. However, all was forgotten once the circumstances had been told to the female. After all, it was understandable in a sense. There was something about Namine that made Nox converse with her during their abrupt first meeting in Twilight Town. She finds it quite easy to converse with Namine about things, considering she no qualms informing someone of somewhat hurtful truths. 


The bluenetteis someone that Nox admires and strives to be like, though it might be the lack of a mother figure that influences her thoughts. There's something about Aqua's caring side that reminds her of the figure she lacks at home. With that being said, Nox becomes much vulnerable and obedient in Aqua's presence, simply wanting to impress her and remain in her presence. Nonetheless, she's someone that she's glad to meet.

Zack Fair 

Zack was one of the easiest people for Nox to get along with, considering their personalities were a bit similar. Of course that didn't stop her from often making teasing remarks in regards to the male. Although those remarks didn't work to her favor knowing Zack's personality. Despite that, she admires the way he strives to achieve his goals while knowing it could become a big hurdle. He's someone that strikes her as a strong individual, almost resembling a hero in a sense. 



Nox had only heard about Riku through Sora's and Kairi's words, slowly forming a mental image of their best friend. Of course, nothing could prepare her for the moment she truly met him- face to face. There was something about this insecure older boy that made her look at him truly. After all, she wanted to know more about the best friend the two had previously mentioned in their travels. Nox instantly found herself conversing with him more, with or without Sora or Kairi's presence. Riku made her feel open and comfortable despite knowing him for a short period of time. 


At first, Nox didn't seem to have a proper opinion about the blond until later on when she spotted him with Axel once. There was something about him that spoke to her. That thought alone led her to converse with him, the boy with the strikingly blue hues. Roxas had slowly become someone that the redhead was interested in knowing more about. He had this.. charm about him that simply lured her in further. That might have explained her growing fondness for the nobody, a feeling she had yet to explore fully at the time. Nox soon found herself willingly to go the extra mile to aid them whenever they had trouble or simply offer him company when his friends weren't around.


In a twist of irony, Nox instantly found herself growing interested in the masked boy. There was something about him that simply screamed at her to pay attention to him. Much to her friends' insistence, the redhead didn't seem to heed their warnings about the male. In a sense, she was signing herself up for her impending demise which the boy might cause. Nonetheless, that didn't stop her from seeking him out and attempting to converse with him. Despite the warnings, she couldn't shake off her own desire to satisfy this feeling she felt. This might explain why she'll often grow hesitant and worrisome in his presence. After all, a part of her wants to heed her friends' advice while the other half simply wants to rebel.



Hajime is someone who Nox isn't sure on how to react around, considering the blond isn't the expressive type. However, he does have it's moments where he can be quite verbal and lively. His sense of humor was rather strange though that wasn't quite important. Nox's relationship with Hajime is strange considering the two can often appear close though their words say otherwise. Nevertheless, the redhead has a close bond with the blond though it's slowly losing it's hold on her due to his disappearance and lack of answers.


The ravenet was someone that Nox found remarkably easy to get along with during the small time she had to truly met the girl. There was something about Xion that reminded her of someone else though she couldn't pinpoint who it was. Due to that reasoning, Nox made an effort to speak more to the ravenet during that short time she got to met her. Before she knew it, her memories of the girl had slowly vanished before she realized it.



Axel gave off a strong feeling of reluctance from the female unknowingly. Of course, her views may be rather biased considering she's helping out Sora from time to time. With that being said, she's not quite sure on how she should think about the redhead. After all, Nox knows there's more to person than what meets the eye. This might explain why she'll often find herself speaking to him if the occasion ever arises between the two. Although she stills find herself becoming defensive occasionally during their spontaneous conversations. 


The brunet 


The brunet was probably someone Nox found as competition though it's entirely one sided. Despite that thought, the redhead had grown to respect Leon though that wasn't surprising in the least bit. After all, Leon had been the one to find her when she arrived in Radiant Garden unknowingly. That respect might have been the reason why she's so insistent on helping him out or simply persuading him, or trying to at least, to spar with her. 




Affiliation: Unaffiliated but occasionally helps out Sora & the gang.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral. In a sense, Nox isn't the type to fight for no reason but she will fight if a loved one is doing so. The redhead can be quite persistent when it comes to defending and fighting against those she trusts. Therefore, she will resort to any methods she can be useful to those individuals, to the extent that she'll put her own morals aside to help reach their goals.

Was a keyblade inherited?: Yes, a keyblade was passed on to Nox though she was younger than she was now.

Agility: Nox is quite flexible and a fast mover, which is heightened due to the constant training from childhood until now. Although she can't do anything impressive like a handstand or a back flip. However, she can evade attacks fairly well at this point.

Charisma: Nox is weak when it comes to verbally influencing someone, considering she's the type to express herself through her actions instead. With that being said, she does attempt to convince others though she'll often fail. 

Fighting abilities: While her moves can be sloppy at times, especially when it comes to being on the offense, Nox manages to put up a fight. Nevertheless, she can put up a good defensive style when she's in swarms of heartless. Despite her lack of strength, Nox places enough force in her attacks to render her opponent disoriented for a few seconds.  

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Nox's body is slender and has a small amount of muscle on her upper arms and legs. Her waist is a bit on the small side while her chest is noticeable though it's merely a decent sized b-cup. Along her shoulders and back, there's a few faint freckles dusting her pale skin. Her eyes are rather childlike and often shining with curiosity to the point where she almost resembles a newborn child.  

Height: 156 cm.

Weight:  41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s):  Nox's outfits mainly consists of a simple light blue colored shorts and a black v-neck shirt thrown on top, along with a pair of black ankle length boots. She does switch outfits from time to time. Her other outfit consists of grey tank-top with a black vest thrown over it with a simple pair of dark blue shorts. The shoes are the same as her previous outfit. Nox does wear a pair of black finger-less gloves with both outfits along with a belt which has a few trinkets hidden inside to help her with battles.

Accessories: Other than a few trinkets to prevent lighting and wind magic from attacking her, she doesn't wear much accessories.

Makeup: N/A.

Scent: After rain.

Hairstyle(s): Nox's hair is a vibrant red shade and it's quite long, reaching about mid-back. The ends of her hair curl outward slightly due to her wavy locks. Her bangs frame her face rather well though there is a part that falls between her eyes. Typically, her red locks are pulled into a high ponytail but she does let it loose occasionally. However, she mainly puts her down whenever she's free from battles or simply going to relax somewhere. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: With Nox's desire to explore, it's no surprise to find faded scars scattered across her limbs. Although a majority of those scars are on her upper back and some on her forearm. However, there is a dark scar on her right thigh due to an incident she had previously with fire magic. There's no tattoos or jewelries on the redhead's body, though she does have two piercings on her ears. 

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

; War - Former Vandal.

; Crazy in love - Beyonce.

; Give me love - Uncle Jed.



Favorite Food(s): 

Favorite Color(s): Red, lavender, pale blue, black and white.

Favorite Number(s): 18, 27, and 96.

Favorite Season(s): Spring and Fall.

Favorite Holiday(s): 

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn.

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