Tuesday, May 5, 2015

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 ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

"I’m so sick of being sick of who I am." 
 I was supposed to be strong enough to a l w a y s protect you.

Name (last, first): Tatsuya, Nami. 

Meaning: The Japanese meaning of Nami is wave. Meanwhile Tatsuya is derived from Japanese origins meaning becoming a dragon. 

Nickname(s):  One of the Tatsuya's heirs, Dragon child,

Age: Fifteen- Seventeen years old. || Nineteen years old.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Moderately high.

Reputation: Nami's fairly well known in the village for being rather reckless when it comes to danger or the like.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: October 29th. 

Life Story: 

The birth of the twins, Koichi and Nami, had been kept a secret considering the circumstances surrounding their birth. Their parents were not involved in marriage only romantically, a manner in which their families didn't approve of. Nonetheless, they had tried their best to keep both young adults away from one another, and they believed they succeeded until it something had come to light. Emiko, their mother, was already a few weeks pregnant with the two children. It was no surprise that there was hostility between the two clans, who were unsure of the best decision to take. There was one choice that someone propose to have the two adults to marry and then there would be nothing to be ashamed of. After all, their only heir to the Yoshida clan had gone and gotten herself pregnant, illegitimate heirs at that.

The proposition had been accepted but it had yet to be announced to the public. However, the announcement never came due to Emiko's sudden change in heart at the given moment. She didn't want anything to do with her unborn children any longer, quickly rejecting the marriage proposal. Her father, Arata, didn't seem to accept the news so willingly until Emiko had made it quite clear to them. She didn't want anything to do with the twins nor their father, the new proposal has quickly been arranged. Months later, the twins were born and only nursed for a bit before being sent over to their father, Arata. Despite the lack of motherly presence, Arata cherished those two children immensely to the point he'd give an arm and a leg for them both. Nonetheless, news of the children was kept quiet and the two were quietly raised in the Tatsuya compounds. 

It was around the time the twins were barely around the age of two that their father had met their new mother, Ami. Surprisingly, the twins had quickly adapted to the older woman, seeing her as mother. Fortunately, Ami was a very kind and soft hearted woman, instantly taking on the mother role for the two children. The two young adults had quickly fallen in love with one another, leading to their marriage sometime within the next six months. Following their approved marriage, Ami and Arata were quickly married and in midst of their bliss, Ami had gotten pregnant with their first child, Akihiko. Despite the two years difference between the two, Nami was much more sisterly to the younger child. 

By the time the twins were five, Ami was pregnant yet again with another child, a boy who would be named Daichi. Things were relatively normal and peaceful in the Tatsuya family, but one problem seemed to appear frequently much to Arata's displeasure. The topic of the next Tatsuya clan heir. With his brother, Akashi, sickly and unable to produce his own heir to follow in his footsteps, the family had looked at Arata's children. It was common for the first born child to become head of the family, but the circumstances were different in this situation. The twins were born the same day and around the same time, being the same age as one another. A heir couldn't be chosen so easily in this case. 

The solution for the Tasuya clan would be having the two compete against one another to determine who would be the one to rule over the clan. It was obvious that there were small divisions within the Tatsuya clan, half of them didn't want the  heir to be one of Arata's children while the other half we're attempting to decide between Koichi and Nami. This produced countless arguments within the Tatsuya clan, and it continued throughout their adolescence period.

By the time, the Tatsuya children were old enough to enter the academy, their younger brother, Raiden, was born around that time period. A small brunet child with a cheerful view of the world. Each Tatsuya child seemed to take a liking to him quite quickly at that, though it was hardly surprising. The twins were taught by Iruka Umino during their days in the academy, though the two would occasionally skip classes from time to time. Of course, it didn't take long for their father to catch on to the fact they were skipping before he forced the two to attend classes like they were supposed to. By the time the Chūnin exams came, Nami had been fairly hesitant to actually participate in them.

Unfortunately for her, her teammates thought otherwise and coerced the raven haired child to not be afraid of an exam. Surprisingly the team managed to pass their exams successfully. During the time of the invasion in Konoha, the raven haired child had been in and out of the hospital, suffering from some injuries. She is seen attending the Third Hokage's funeral along with her family. After that, Nami began to train quite frequently to sharpen her skills even more so despite the obvious stress it had on her. 

Almost three years later, Nami's birth mother has made more of an effort to approach the twins by now. Of course, it's done through subtle methods but it does very little to convince the female to actively approach her mother.However, Nami ignored those efforts in favor of becoming stronger- not wanting to lose to her counterpart, Koichi. The decision for the next clan head was still up to debate and Akashi, their uncle, made no indication of revealing who he chose just yet.

- - - P O S T  W A R - - - -


During the fourth Shinobi war, Nami had grown to despise war and the destruction they bring. However, the ravenette had no qualms in fighting alongside her loved ones and friends. Nonetheless, the Tatsuya heir lingered by Koichi's side more so than anyone else. Despite the occasional disputes between them and the supposed bad blood between them, Nami didn't want to risk the chance of losing her brother to this war. In fact, she didn't want to lose any one of her brothers to this war or her friends. However, she pushed that naive thinking and forced herself to focus on the current goal at hand. They needed to win this war with little causalities on their part, if they could.

With the end of the war, the current head of the Tatsuya clan was in midst of dying and the twins were promptly forced to consider one another as opponents once and for all. And for the next few months, Koichi and Nami were competing for the role of the next Tatsuya head. The heiress took up countless tasks for the Tatsuya clan, mainly those that involved negotiations or political connections with other clans. Meanwhile, Koichi handled the disputes within and outside the clan along with a few other tasks. Typically, her day is filled with missions or negotiations regarding her family.

For the next few months, there was constant tension within the Tatusya compound but the meeting with their mother's clan, Yoshida, only added to that tension. 

- - - M O D E R N  V E R S E - - - -


The Tatsuya family seems to have a lot on their plate now that Nami and Koichi's birth mother, Emiko, wants a more important role in their lives. Despite that thought, Nami makes an effort to avoid her birth mother due to her own reluctance to meet the woman who abandoned her long ago. After all, she had grown accustomed to seeing Ami as their mother, but that did very little to stop her mother. 


ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Nami happens to be a relatively friendly and curious child, who finds challenges to be extremely entertaining. However, that doesn't mean she knows when to drop everything and take a rest if she's feeling stressed out or simply exhausted. It's because of this that she'll often put aside her own desires and needs to put someone else's first. The ravenette finds her own health to be of little importance when compared to someone else's, especially a loved ones. She has no qualms in putting herself aside for someone and helping them out before herself. That might explain why she happens to be so reckless when it comes to fights and protecting someone else. 

Generally, she's quite comfortable being herself among friends to the point of even expressing her playful side in front of them. In fact, she can be fairly open in front of her friends to the point where she'll speak her mind. For her friends, she has no problem to lend a helpful hand or simply offering to listen to their problems. It's an easy task for her to devote herself to them if it can make her useful in a sense. That explains her desire to help others.

When it comes to intimacy, she finds it easier to express herself physically instead of verbally. It'll often reach the point where she can't express herself properly with the use of words. That might explain the occasional misunderstanding that could occur because of this. Nonetheless, she'll often trying to form her thoughts into words even if it causes her face to flush with obvious embarrassment. Although most of the embarrassment is because of her actions in the first place. In relationships, she's more of a giver though she doesn't mind being selfish at times and being the receiver.

In regards to negative emotions and thoughts, she's surprisingly brave in the face of problems. Despite the occasional worrisome attitude she adapts, she has a tendency to look past her problems to find a quick solution. After all, she doesn't enjoy dwelling on problems longer than necessary. That might explain her desire to figure out the problem beforehand and solve it as soon as she can.

Good Habit(s): Friendly, loyal, protective, curious, determined, playful, and brave.

Bad Habit(s): No regard for her well-being, reckless, submissive at times, worrisome, open and easy to fluster.

Nationality: Japanese. 

Place of Origin: Konohagakure.

Current Residence: Konohagakure.

Spoken Languages: Japanese,

Like(s): Tea, relaxing, rain, animals, sleeping in, mystery novels, exploring new areas, blankets, physical contact, summer time, warmth, warm drinks, cold desserts, small animals, running in the rain, camping and relaxing.

Dislike(s): Being compared to others, toads, being woken up early, illusions, doing things halfheartedly, massacres, unnecessary bloodshed, snakes, insects, the smell of blood, dust, mice, and loud sounds.

Hobbies: Reading, swimming, exploring, stargazing, crafting, drawing and training. 

Fear(s): Betrayal, complete darkness and death of loved ones.

Strength(s): Strategies. Planning. Observation. Close combat. 

Weakness(es): Far combat. Swarms. Confrontations. Dust. Illusions.

Special Powers/Abilities:

; Highly imaginative. 

; Strategic. 

; High pain tolerance. 

; Observant. 


; Nami has an uncanny resemblance to her mother, Emiko, when she was younger. 

; Koichi is her twin brother, though the only difference between the two would be their gender, hair length and eye color. An example of this would be the heterochromia trait the two share.

; An easy way to figure out if Nami is lying about something is to observe her movements. The cerulean eyed girl has a bad habit of touching her chin or fiddling with her necklace if she's lying.

; She won't admit it but Nami is quite willingly to listen to anyone if it's an exchange for a massage or a paid drink. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 

Occupation/Job: P E N D I N G


Insecurities: Nami might not admit but the similarities between Emiko, her birth mother, and herself make her feel extremely self conscious about herself. After all, she shares an overwhelming amount of physical traits to the same woman who abandoned her and her brother, Koichi. Despite this, she seems to have great confidence in her eyes but that might be the result of the heterochromia she happens to share with Koichi. Although her left eye only seems to be a small shade lighter than while the right eye is a bit darker.

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Emiko Yoshida, forty three years old. 

Emiko is the current head of the Yoshida clan, who's proven to be a fairly strict and no-nonsense type of woman. Nami happens to have a very strained relationship with her mother, though it isn't too surprising. Most of this hesitance and fear comes from the fact her mother abandoned her for no reason- well the raven haired female is assuming her mother left her in favor  of the Yoshida clan. Regardless of their connection, Nami doesn't see any reason to seek out her mother.

Arata Tatsuya, forty five years old. 

Arata, despite being the most prominent and promising son, isn't the head of the Tatsuya clan. The swordsman was the second born son of the Tatsuya family. He's a bit strict when it comes to training and making sure his children have a promising future. This might explain why Nami has a difficult time expressing herself in her father's presence though she does try to keep up with his expectations of her. Nonetheless, she isn't afraid of her father.

Ami Tatsuya, forty one years old. 

Ami used to work at the hospital as one of the nurses, though the job was soon dropped sometime after Raiden was born into the Tatsuya family. The brunette is quite friendly and caring towards others, though she refuses to let herself be pushed around. It's quite easy for Nami to depend on Ami's advice or simply learn a few household tricks.



Koichi Tatsuya, seventeen years old. 

Koichi is a fairly serious individual, who prefers long conversations and books in favor of parties and women. He isn't too fond of their birth mother, Emiko, though he sees Ami more of a mother. He's more inclined to ignore someone unless he needs to associate himself with them, easily convincing him to become acquainted with them. The raven haired male can be a bit distant towards things concerning others, almost unsure of how to approach difficult topics. In a sense, you could say he isn't good at giving advice or comforting others.  

Akihiko Tatsuya, fifteen years old. 

Akihiko considers himself his siblings babysitter, much to his dislike. However, he can't complain much considering he's often out with some girl that he flirted with that following day. The brunet is fairly easygoing and the type to make people get flustered, mainly due to his shameless praising. Due to his charisma, he's the more well known out of his siblings to be the more influential and social butterfly of them all. Unlike his siblings, he's much more of a healer instead of a fighter.

Raiden ( on the left ) and Daichi ( on the right ) Tatsuya, seven and thirteen years old. 

Raiden is practically a little ball of energy, always eager to please and help out fellow family members or classmates. The brunet can be a handful at times, mainly due to his own naivety. He's fairly innocent, wanting to believe the honestly in other individuals instead of the bad. It's because of this trait alone that there's always someone else with him, whenever the child is in the mood to explore.  

Daichi is rather short tempered and easy to bite if provoked, though its mainly due to his own refusal to show he has a caring soul. The raven haired boy is a bit of worrywart though he'll often hide it through the use of sarcasm. 


Akashi Tatsuya 

Akashi is the older brother of Arata and the uncle of his five children, not to mention the head of the Tatsuya clan. The raven haired man is quick witted and always eager to search for details in most of his conversations and activities. The hazel eyed man can certainly be stern and quite firm when he's making a decision and others are disapproving it. Despite his position as the clan head, Akashi does enjoy jokes and reading novels, though he has limited action for such activities lately. After all, his abrupt bad health leaves him with very little choice but to remain in bed and attend the monthly Tatsuya clan meeting. 




Shin Kurosaki 

The thirty year old man never intended to become the instructor for a team, deciding his time could be spent doing something else. However, Shin soon found himself becoming heavily involved with three young individuals after seeing them a few times in the village. Shin can be a bit rough around the edges at first, but once those edges are looked past he's quite patient and concerned for others. In fact, he can be rather humorous and highly entertaining at times. Nonetheless, he does keep up a wall towards others due to his desire to isolate himself.

Jushiro Tsukino

Jushiro may look like the most obedient and diligent child around, but he's far from it actually. The blond can be quite cocky and argumentative at times, unless he happens to enjoy the presence of the individual he's arguing with. Despite what was said, Jushiro has proven himself to be an excellent healer, often being the one to heal his teammate's injuries more than once.

Kohaku Arisato

Kohaku is a relatively laid-back redhead who enjoys poking fun at others during inappropriate moments. The redhead also happens to be quite affectionate and touchy with people, despite several warnings that it wasn't wise. Nonetheless, he's easy to adapt to a serious aura if the situation calls upon it. Although, he'll occasionally slip up and make some offhand remark during missions from time to time.

Best Friend(s):


Tenten's personality might have been one of the reasons why Nami had gotten along so well with the brunette. It's easy to converse with her about most things along with some more personal topics as well. With that being said, it's no surprise she'll often find herself seeking out Tenten's presence or simply hanging out with said girl from time to time. Nami enjoys her presence in her life after all, along with her skill in the battlefield. 


Hinata Hyuuga 

Hinata's shy nature was what drew Nami into conversing with her initially, which proved to be a good thing. The time she spends conversing with Hinata is rather enjoyable considering the two have a few things in common. Besides, Nami finds it relaxing to spend time with the young heiress. After all, it's easy to forget about her problems in the presence of the female.

Naruto Uzumaki

The ravenette had little to no contact with Naruto beforehand until the teams had been assigned among the students. It was only after that she finally noticed Naruto for the first time. Nami was a bit apprehensive considering the treatment everyone gave him but her thoughts soon changed. After all, a majority of her friends slowly began to converse with him along with Hinata. That might have been the reason why Nami also found herself conversing with the blond more to the point of having long conversations with the male.

Sakura Haruno

At first, Nami wasn't sure of what to think of Sakura considering her strained friendship with Ino. Nonetheless, she prompted herself to speak to the green eyed girl and from there the conversations had slowly grown to drawn out conversations. Despite her occasional roughness, it's quite simple for her to be swept along at Sakura's pace- which might be a good thing from time to time.  After all, it's nice spending time with other girls her age considering how busy they are a majority of the time.

Neji Hyuga

Initially, this friendship had an awful start considering Nami's brother, Akihiko, happens to frustrate the male greatly which explained the apprehension when it came to the twins. Although she did manage to befriend more due to her friendship with Hinata. Wordlessly, she does admit that Neji is quite talented especially when it comes to fighting. Pushing that aside, Nami does enjoying the occasional sparing session that the two have.


Despite the blonde's blunt nature, Nami finds her presence to be quite enjoyable. It might explain why some of Temari's nature and fighting styles are rubbing off on the ravenette. With that being said, she finds the blonde to be a great companion and mentor occasionally. It's one of the reasons why she'll seek her advice for a few fresh training ideas whenever she's in the area.


Kiba Inuzuka

During Nami's childhood years, there wasn't much words being exchanged between the two until the Chūnin exam came around. By that time, the raven haired child found herself speaking to Kiba. Of course, their conversation was scarce at best at the moment. Nonetheless a small bump in with one another in the village had led to the two's first conversation. And with that, Nami found herself growing more and more curious about the Inuzuka male until she finally decided to approach him directly. There was something about him that drew her towards him- something she intended on finding out. It wasn't long that short conversations and occasional hellos grew into more meaningful conversations and invitations to hang out with the team. 


Sasuke Uchiha

There were a few times during their childhood years that Nami actually made an effort or two to communicate with the Uchiha survivor. Naturally, that was the difficult thing to do considering how most of the young females had clashing opinions on the ravenet. With that thought in mind, Nami quickly found herself reeling back and focusing on other things instead of speaking with the boy any longer than necessary.


At first, Nami was rather apprehensive towards Sai unsure of what to think of. Despite that apprehensiveness, she soon found herself speaking to him from time to time. Regardless of the odd responses she'd receive, it was easy to converse with him. He made good company from to time, after all.


Ino Yamanaka

Despite knowing Ino since childhood, Nami doesn't have the best relationship with the female. After all, their views and personalities often clash which can lead to a few arguments here and there. That might explain why Nami can be rather tense when she stumbles upon Ino from time to time in the village. Nonetheless, she'll often keep up a polite facade in the blonde's presence finding it easier to be friendly. 





Affiliation: Konohagakure, Allied Shinobi forces

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Team: Team Kurosaki.

Ninja rank: Chūnin.

Ninja registration: 012610

Academy grad. age: Twelve years old. 

Chūnin prom. age: Fourteen years old. 

Nature type: Lighting Release and Yin Release.

Jutsu: P E N D I N G 

Blood type: AB type. 

Summon: An owl.

Weapons used normally: Shuriken, Kunai and Tekagi. 

----- x

Clan status:

Hidden village: P E N D I N G 

Jutsu classification: Secret Technique.

Position in clan: A candidate to be the next head of the Tatsuya family. 

How does she handle this role?:  The fact that she might be the next clan head terrifies her a bit though it does leave her with a sense of pride. Of course, that's quickly forgotten when she realizes she'll be compared to by her counterpart, Koichi. The two had grown up relatively peaceful and to suddenly known they're the one you're being compared to distresses her.

Clan reputation: The Tatsuya clan is well known in Konohagakure but the Twins' reputation is a bit more messy that expected. After all, they were born out of wedlock much to their grandparents distaste and resentment. This might be the reason why they're often regarded with contempt or indifference. 

Clan history: The Tatsuya clan's history isn't a pretty one considering all of the bloodshed that had first occurred during their making.

Clan symbol: 

Clan markings: The Tatsuya family has two faint red clan markings that are given to those who possess a more prominent role in the clan. It's also given to the two potential candidates to symbolize this is someone with a high status in the family, having quite a lot of say and power alone there. There's only a rare amount of individuals in their clan who are given the clan markings, indicating with or without the head position in the family they are still powerful and has an incredible amount of authority. Nonetheless, there are two markings on both cheeks beneath the eyes, a smaller version of the horizontal shape can be found directly underneath it's bigger counterpart.

----- x

Ninjutsu: 2.5 || 4

Taijutsu: 2.5 || 3

Genjutsu: 0.5 || 2.5

Intelligence: 2.5 || 3

Strength: 3 || 3.5

Speed: 3.5 || 3.5

Stamina: 4 || 4.5

Hand seals: 1.5 || 2 

Number of completed missions: 18 D-rank missions, 15 C-rank, 5 B-rank, 1 A-rank, and 0 S-rank.

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Nami's body is rather slender though that's easily explained through her fondness for swimming and exploring, not being one to slack off too often. As far as womanly assets go, Nami doesn't have much to complain about due to being bestowed with a decent set of assets. Her hands are a bit small though it's only by an inch or two, while her fingers happen to be fairly slender. Meanwhile, her complexion happens to be fair but she tends to burn easily if she doesn't use protection. Her eyes are a bit big, giving her a doll-like look,  and the color in her eyes seemingly various. On her left eye, the blue hue is a shade lighter than the color on her right eye, which is a darker shade.  

Height: 156 cm || 160 cm.

Weight: 49 kg || 

Everyday Outfit(s):  Mainly all of Nami's lower clothing consist of a mix of either pants or shorts, though she'll usually wear some type of mesh covering to protect her legs. As far as tops go, she mainly wears a mesh top over a plain black tank top or a sleeveless red shirt. For shoes, she prefers to wear a pair of boots or calf-high boots at least. Nami does wear grey elbow protectors along with her forehead protector from time to time. During the events of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Nami had opted to wear the standard uniform of the village of Konohagakure. This uniform consisted of a flak jacket and pants along with a pair of boots. For missions that involve disguise or tackling an opponent, Nami prefers to stick to a simple short black kimino that ends halfway down her upper thigh with a single red sash around her waist. 

Accessories: The only accessories Nami seems to have on her persona would be necklace with a small red jewel, along with a silver coating around it to protect the jewel. It may not be anything remotely fancy but it happens to be a present from someone, a gift given to her sometime during her childhood. At the moment, Nami can't recall who the individual was but the necklace means a lot to her nonetheless.


Scent: A vanilla like scent with a faint trace of coffee. 

Hairstyle(s): Nami's dark chocolate tresses often come across as raven colored- similar to her brother, Daichi's, hair color. Her hair is usually kept down and it reaches mid back on the female, although some parts of her hair are in minor layers. The strands of hair framing her face are normally swept to the side and kept out of her line of sight. If there's a special event of some sort, she tries to make more of an effort with her hair than she usually would. Typically, she uses two red colored pins to keep her hair up in a ponytail especially when it's time for her to train or go on a mission.  After the fourth Shinobi war, Nami's hair had been cut short though it still reaches her shoulders and covers her neck. Her bangs are no longer side swept and show her left eye more so than it did before.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: On Nami's upper back, there's a few faint scars on her body due to a few incidents she was involved in throughout her childhood. There's also one noticeable 'x' shaped scar on her face, on her right cheek near her chin. As far as tattoos go, Nami doesn't have a single one located on her body. Although, she does have a single pair of piercings on her ears. It would be in her early teenage years that Sora had gotten the Tatsuya clans markings on her face, two light red marking residing beneath her eyes on her upper cheeks. Along with that came a somewhat faint scar underneath her left eye, lingering there horizontally. 


ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Songs: 

; Winter Sleep- Olivia Lufkin
Will you hold me now hold me now my frozen heart 
I'm gazing from the distance and I feel everything pass through me
I can't be alone right now 
Will you hold me now hold me now my frozen heart
I'm lost in deep winter sleep 
I can't seem to find my way out 

; Better than me- Hinder
I told myself I won't miss you 
But I remember what it feels like beside you
I really kiss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this 
You deserve much better than me 

; Hold on to what you believe- Mumford & Sons
I can't promise you that I won't let you down
And I, I can't promise you that I will be the only one around
When your hope falls down
But we're young open flowers in the windy fields of this war-torn world
And love this city breathes the plague of loving things more than their creators
I ran away I could not take the burden of both me and you
It was too fast casting love on me as if were a spell I could not break
When it was a promise I could not make 

; Starring role- Marina & The Diamonds
It almost feels like a joke to play out the part
When you are not the starring role in someone else's heart
You know I'd rather work alone, than play a supporting role 
If I can't the starring role. 
Sometimes I ignore you so I feel in control
Cause really, I adore you, and I can't leave you alone 

; Maps- Maroon 5
I hear your voice in my sleep at night 
Hard to resist temptation
'Cause something strange has come over me 
And now I can't get over you
No, I just can't get over you 


"I.. I don't want to know that, alright?! No matter what you say, she's not my mother. I will never accept that Yoshida woman as my mother, I.. already have one." 

"I'm not ... This wasn't supposed to happen! It can't be true!" 

"Honestly I don't know when I fall for him exactly but.. It's a drag. These butterflies I constantly get around him just makes me.. so nervous and anxious. I'm.. sorry really- I don't think I can talk about this anymore." 

Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't spicy.

Favorite Color(s): Lavender, Pastel colors and Ruby Red. 

Favorite Number(s): 4, 18, 27, 59, 80, and 96. 

Favorite Season(s): Fall and Winter. 

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas and New Year's eve. 

Favorite Time of Day: Noon. 

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