Sunday, May 31, 2015

{ ι’ℓℓ ηєνєя яєℓινє му ραѕт αgαιη ; мαgι σ¢ }

|| I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

"I’ll never,

                I’ll n e v e r relive my past again. 

So don’t ever,

               don’t e v e r come at me like that again."

Name (last, first): Cosmos, Iris.

Meaning: Iris was the name of the Greek Goddess of the rainbow. This name can also be given in reference to the English word ( which derives from the same Greek source ) for the name of the iris flower or the colored part of the eye. The word 'Cosmos' derives from the Greek term kosmos, literally meaning 'order' or 'ornament' and metaphorically 'world', and is antithetical to the concept of chaos. 

Nickname(s): Little flower.

Age: Sixteen-Nineteen years old. 

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

Birthday: January 30th. 

Life Story: 

Iris's life would have been vastly different but fate had something else in store for her. Instead of a happy childhood, she was taken from her own home under the facade of leaving for a small visit to a family friend. It turns out that someone had planned on  selling the noble, simply to gain profit and get rid of her. Of course, the sudden lack of sight and transportation via boat gave that away almost immediately to the girl. From the age of five to ten, she was often used to steal from others just to provide extra money to her masters at the time. The young girl was forced to become some individual's slave, who later became known as Achaz Callas, obeying his every order. It was an awful habit they practically drilled into her, one that she has trouble getting out of now. 

Nevertheless, she remained by the older male's side until the sudden gentle treatment took a drastic turn for the worst. He no longer treated her like a daughter, instead it seemed she was much more of a burden. In fact, he stated how profitable it would be to sell her to a whore house and earn money from that. Of course, that didn't occur but the threat still hung in the air. Nevertheless, she quickly learned her place within the confines of a broken and battered household. There would be no escape from this terrible place. Dreams of fairy tale endings would be the only thing that would help her strive to stay alive. Hence why she gave up on those foolish thoughts and focused on reality, no longer containing any ounce of child like innocence in the presence of Noctis. 

Things continued to be like that until an uproar had occurred in midst of their country, promptly catching the attention of the female. Before she knew it, they were in the middle of a planned attack and this happened around the age of thirteen. One thing led to another and the next thing she knew they were forced onto a ship for their safety, only catching brief mentions of traveling elsewhere. It was around that moment that the crazy idea of sneaking away appealed to her. No one knew where they were going and there was no way Noctis would be able to find her so easily if she ran off. From that moment, her plan was already beginning to hatch for the young female. 

Fortunately for her, she managed to escape with little to no problems from Achaz's tainted hands but there was another problem she'd face. A home - or better yet a lack of one. She didn't have any place to call her own and constantly stealing from people wasn't a good source of income. It was around that time period and that she caught wind of dungeons, paying close attention to the explanation of what they held within them. Yes it was dangerous, but so was stealing and she refused to waste another day in fear of when her next meal would be caught. With a lack of income, she could only go into a dungeon with a minimum amount of supplies and only a single weapon to help her. Nevertheless, Iris refused to let that stop her from accomplishing her current goal. The first dungeon Iris conquered wasn't an easy task but it did make the female feel an immense sense of pride from accomplishing that goal. Of course, she didn't expect to meet Aladdin and the gang while she was in midst of finishing up her second dungeon conquering task. 

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Iris can often be described as adventurous and active, though she can be rather lazy at times. However, those times vary and they happen rarely. That doesn't stop the ravenette from continuing her training or sharpening her sword skills. She's very eager to learn new things, never passing up a new opportunity. Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spill secrets to others especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others. However, if the secret happens to be something that harming someone in a personal level.. then she won't hesitate to find or offer her assistance discreetly. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their troubles. However when it comes to her own suffering and troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with those troubles herself. During those times, Iris is the type to act like nothing is bothering her. 

Iris can be quite defensive and quick to bite at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she's developed this trait because of her childhood. For Iris it's scary getting close to someone else and then being hurt by them- purposely at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force the female to let her guard drop so easily, but she pushes herself forward. It would be foolish to remain scared when she has a chance to find something new.. and discover things she knew very little about. This trait often leads the female into the occasional troublesome situation or two. 

Once trust is established with the female, Iris is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surprising. She's prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing a misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps that she's quite observant which helps the female out in making sure there isn't a detail she missed. Pushing that aside, Iris can be quite affectionate and playful towards those she treasures dearly. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionate with them, excluding any acts of intimacy. That may take a bit more time until she's partially comfortable with someone to act on those emotions. 

Whenever the female happens to feel threatened, she's quick to act a bit.. territorial per say. After all, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can act rather impulsively in that state and do things she'll probably regret in the near future. If she's pushed any further, she can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking to her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's. In those moments, she wouldn't hesitate to go forward and attack without another biting comment from her side. 

Feelings of love have the awful tendency to making the female feel extremely hesitant and lost. After all, she's hardly had any experience with that emotion- in fact she may have only felt it once. However, she's more than willing to give the intimate type of love a chance. In a sense, you could say she's a bit of a fool when she happens to fall someone. It's everything nor nothing at all for the young female. Hence why it's dangerous for her to fall for someone who's bad for her. 

Good Habit(s): Loyal. Brave. Fearless. Determined. Understanding. Patient. Trusting. Intuitive. 

Bad Habit(s): Defensive. Sharp tongue. Impulsive. Guarded. Territorial. Easily distracted. Obedient to a fault. 

Nationality:  A mixture of Greek and - something else. 

Place of Origin: N/A. 

Current Residence: N/A - traveling at the moment. 

Spoken Languages: Greek. English. 

Like(s): Swords. Rain. Magic. Folk lore. Warmth. Sword play. Blankets. Relaxing. Daydreaming. Traveling. Exploring new areas. Star gazing. Festivals. Long stories. Children. Adventures. Animals. 

Dislike(s): Decay. Complete darkness. The smell of alcohol. Smell of blood. Rude awakenings. Extreme heat. Wars. Failure. Traps. Slave owners. Betrayal. Staying in one place for too long. Traveling by sea. 

Hobbies: Sword play. Singing. Swimming. Napping. Training. Exploring. Daydreaming. 

Fear(s): Loneliness.

Strength(s): Close combat. Surprise attacks. One on one fights. 

Weakness(es): Ambushes. Planned attacks. Two on one fights. Fights on water. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

; Highly imaginative.
; Strategic. 

; Resourceful.  

; Quick on her feet. 


; Iris can't seem to recall her real name, which explains why she took on an aliases and to avoid being captured once again. After all, she refuses to be obey someone's orders once again- the first time being more than enough for her. 

; As much as she hates to admit it, she often stole as a child but that is only one of the horrible jobs she had to preform during her adolescence. It was that or other jobs that were far worse than that. 

; At the moment, the ravenette has conquered over two dungeons so far and currently seeking another one to conquer.  

; In the past, she was sold as a slave to Achaz Callas. An individual she gradually grew to hate after learning about the truth, considering she was stolen as a child and later sold to him. Her memories from her childhood are rather blurry to a certain extent. 

; It's no lie that she's quite crafty with her hands, to be specific she pick pockets people from time to time. Odd habits die hard. 

; Sea travel happens to make the female feel highly nauseous, which often leads the female to isolate herself until they reach port. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: The young woman only dreams of discovering who her parents were and to see the world, of course. Her view has been limited for far too long, after all. 

Occupation/Job: As of right now, she's traveling to numerous destinations in her attempts to learn more magic and increase her knowledge. Of course, she's also conquering dungeons at the given moment. 

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Achaz Callas 

By no means was Achaz an ideal family man, especially with his selfish ways. He was a man who preferred gambling and having others do his dirty work of him, in a sense he was someone you didn't want to cross. Of course, he wasn't too harsh on females having a soft spot for them in a way. It was a good thing she managed to escape his clutches when she did or else there was more trouble awaiting her in the future. And that wasn't something she wanted to experience for a second time in her life. 




Angelos Castellanos, twenty two years old. Deceased. 

Angelos would be the only person Iris knows she's related to in a way, through her mother's side of the family apparently.  He was someone she had met during her journey but could hardly ask much about her family. Apparently, Iris had shown up in a bad moment considering his health was rather weak and was bound to fail him any moment now. Unfortunately, his health happened to drop and there was little information provided to the female in the aftermath. 


Best Friend(s):


Despite the obvious age gap between the two, they get along fairly well with one another. Of course, this was only after the awkward fondling of her breasts. That event certainly surprised and startled the ravenette. One way or another, she grew after fond of the small Magi to the point where she saw him as a dear friend and younger sibling she never had. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean she'll indulge his perverted tendencies whenever he happens to be in the presence of unfamiliar women. Iris does enjoy spending her time with the Magi  though, wanting nothing more than to see him smiling. She thinks he's rather strong for a child of his age, though she keeps that comment to herself. 


Jafar is someone Iris gets along with fairly well, constantly being seen chatting with the older male. With the lack of adult guidance, Iris seems to look up at him as a parent figure. Of course, that doesn't mean she'll tell that to the male himself considering it's rather embarrassing to admit. Nevertheless, she'll often find herself spending her afternoons with the male. After all, she enjoys spending quality time with him whenever he's not busy doing tasks for Sinbad. Naturally, that's not some thing easy to do as much as she dislikes the lack of quality time between the two. Iris happens to feel very comfortable around the male, enjoying his presence immensely. 



Masrur is someone Iris greatly admires for his strength and loyalty, having a strong desire to be like him in the near future. Of course, she knows she will never have an equal power as him- but she may have a opportunity to stand beside him and fight. That would be the preferred end result, after all. Iris will find herself trying to find him if she's seeking some training on strength- naturally it's hardly anything she won't be able to handle. She finds him to be rather remarkable and admires his strength. 

Sharrkan { possible crush }

Of course, this friendship did take some nurturing before becoming a friendly one. Nevertheless, Iris enjoys sparring with Sharrkan or learn new moves from the male. It's always a fun experience to share with the banished royal. It wasn't too odd that Iris had developed a small crush on Sharrkan at one point during their friendship. Iris can often be spotted with Sharrkan more if she's not with Jafar or Aladdin, but she's spends her dash with him either training or simply cracking jokes from time to time. She admires his skill with the sword, as well as his personality and companionship in general. 


With their love of magic, Iris hardly found it difficult to bond with the older woman. It was fairly simple and it was done within a few minutes really. Occasionally, Iris can be seen asking questions and gaining a lesson or two on magic. Yamraiha is someone she happens to enjoy being around, with or without advice being the main topic of their conversations. 


Morgiana is someone that Iris considers a very close friend, and someone she'd protect fiercely. Former slave or not, she's still a dear friend to the ravenette. Of course, it was a little odd at the start of their friendship but it wouldn't take long before they'd managed to hit it off. Personally, Iris finds Morgiana to be a rather remarkable and beautiful woman, despite what the redhead may believe about herself. 


Hakuryuu Ren 

Hakuryuu had captured Iris's attention the moment he appeared in Sindria{?}. From that moment, she gradually began to grow curious about the royal, wondering more and more about him. Slowly she began to converse with him, after the awkward first introductions, which didn't seem to go too well between the two groups at the time. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from pursuing a friendship with him despite the uneasiness that the group felt. Iris is genuinely curious about him and eager to spend some more time with Hakuryuu, as long as he's fine with that of course. 

Alibaba Saluja

Alibaba was someone Iris had heard of during the Balldad{?} incident, which means the scandal was also something she knows about. However, his ways of going after various women does bother her to a certain extent - though that isn't something she's willingly to voice aloud. Despite those fleeting feelings of jealously, she's more inclined to ignore them and continue to converse with him in a  friendly manner. After all, there's no way she's planning on acting out those feelings until she has some clue that he feels the same way at least. Of course, it doesn't help that she feels rather nervous or flustered around him from time to time. 



Despite Sinbad's charm, Iris can't help but feel a nit uncomfortable around the older man still. Nevertheless, that hasn't stopped her from accomplishing whatever tasks Sinband has given her. After all, there's an obvious amount of respect she happens to hold for the older male. Naturally, she doesn't have any plans on admitting that to said male anytime soon. Iris does try to have more conversations with the male, eager to learn more about dungeon conquering and all of the adventures he's had so far in his life. Sinbad happens to be someone she's genuinely curious about, not to mention respects. 



It wasn't too odd that Iris is more than uncomfortable and on alert whenever Judal happens to be on the area. Based on her previous encounters with the Magi, she wants nothing more than to avoid him. There were numerous encounters in the past with the make that has left her highly irritated and uncomfortable around him. After all, his constant taunts and spontaneous attacks from time to time rub her the wrong way. Therefore, it's hardly any surprise that Iris tries to sneak off while Judal is distracted by someone else. Of course, things don't always go her way when he's around despite her obvious attempts. 


Al - Thamen

|| S P E C I A L  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation: Sindria and Aladdin's group.

Role: Iris has the tendency to volunteer for tasks that either invoke sneaking around or gathering information, considering those happens to be her strongest fields to work in. Naturally, she doesn't mind doing these tasks as long as she's helping a friend by doing so. 

Fighting ability: Contrary to Iris's somewhat frail appearance, she can take a harsh beating and still manage to stand up. After all, years of beatings definitely gave her an upper hand in certain areas - especially in stamina. Although, her defense is lacking  a bit but it's a good thing she has fast reflexes. Of course, that doesn't mean she won't get distracted from time to time and end up getting harmed because of it. Fortunately, Iris is fairly quick on her feet especially if she happens to be bare foot at that. It's something that comes in handy especially if she happens to be in midst of a fight and she's outnumbered by the enemy. 

Influence: Now this isn't something that comes easy to Iris, considering she's much more gifted expressing herself through her actions and instead of words. Nevertheless, she can't properly express herself nor can she try to influence someone else's opinion towards something else. 

Quality of Magoi: Iris happens to be well - liked by Magoi, which is an advantage since she's still learning to wield magic correctly. However, this can easily be a burden if she happens to stumble across the wrong person in midst of her travels. 

Intelligence: Now Iris may not be the smartest person in the world, but she isn't an idiot either. In fact, she's more of a strategic planner only agreeing to do so something if it benefits her or her loved ones in the end. If not, then there's no point in going through with it unless she's given a good reason for doing so. 

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body type/Looks: With years spent stealing and doing other illegal activities, Iris's body is quite slender and agile. She hardly has any difficulty moving around nor lifting things. However, that's mainly due to the slight advantage of her previous training, which gave her some muscles. Somewhat at least. As far as womanly assets go, Iris doesn't have anything to complain about due to being bestowed a decent set of assets. Her hands are a bit small whole her fingers happened to be an inch or two from medium length and are quite slender. Meanwhile her complexion happens to be rather fair but with all the traveling she's been doing she's getting a small tan in the process. 

Height: Approximately 5'4.

Weight: 56 kg. 

Everyday outfit(s): A simple light colored dress with a light brown colored sash tied around her waist, keeping it together. After being in Sindria for awhile, she began wearing more traditional feminine robes. Of course, it didn't last too long since Iris preferred wearing something much more lightweight and easy to move around in. It wasn't long before she wore an all too familiar light colored dress and a white tunic over it. Her footwear consists of a simple pair of golden colored sandals, although sometimes she can be caught walking around bare foot from time to time. 


Makeup: Iris hardly uses any makeup at all, and if she does it's probably for a special event or someone happened to convince her to do so.  

Scent: Iris gives off a rather sweet scent almost like Vanilla, in a way. 

Hairstyle(s): Iris's raven tresses reaches about mid back and is brushed daily to avoid any possible tangles. Typically, her hair is often left down unless she's invited to a special event of some sort. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's quite a few faint scars on her legs and lower back, which seemed to find it's way onto the family during her childhood. Of course, there are a few more located on her hands but they're very faint. If one were to look at the back of  her heels, you would see very faint scars still in the process of healing. With all of the battling and conquering she's been trying to accomplish, it isn't too surprising to see a new set of scars on her body in the near future. As far as tattoos and piercings go, she doesn't have any that can be found on her body. 

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||
Theme song/Quote(s):

; Never be the same- Red. 

; Mighty fall- Fall out boy. 

"I don't care what you're going to do- I came here for a reason and I plan on doing just that, with or without your help..!"

"Hah.. So you of all people are telling me I'm foolish..? I always believed you would be one of the last people to ever say that.."

"I.. I don't even know who am I.. How would you even know me if I don't know myself yet?"

Favorite food(s): N/A.

Favorite color(s): Lavender. Turquoise.

Favorite number(s): 18. 27. 50. 80. 96.

Favorite season(s): Summer and Fall. 

Favorite holiday(s): N/A.

Favorite time of day: Morning.

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