Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

good luck to you in heaven 

though I may never see you there

Name (last, first):  Iris. 

Meaning: Iris was the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow. This name can also be given in reference to the English word (which derives from the same Greek source) for the name of the iris flower or the colored part of the eye.

Nickname(s):  The Crimson flower, a name she happens to hate immensely at that. 

Age: P E N D I N G.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: April 18th.

Zodiac sign: Aries.

Life Story: 

There's not much that Iris remembers about her childhood, besides having to fend for herself. After all, there was only so much the adults could do for the children left without homes to return to and families to welcome them back. As fate would have it, the redhead happened to be one of these children left for the church to attend to. However, the church already had it's hand full with other children and three more would only add more to their problems. The three children were kept there for the time being until the church had to be abandoned, due to a small raid that occurred in the two. It was later discovered that a band of bandits had taken control of the town, which explained the raid and the fire.

With no home and no one to follow, the three siblings had to learn how to fend for themselves. Of course, that was easier said than done unfortunately. Before the worst could pass, the children had stumbled upon another child left behind due to war. A child by the name of Elias, who happened to be only a year or two older than the children. Somehow Elias had managed to join the small group of children, providing them with a few ideas to get them moving towards the right path. Within a year or two of small schemes here and there, the children were quickly maturing towards adulthood though the maturity had appeared sooner than the physical changes. 

None of the growing individuals could get jobs due to their own lack of experience and age, which lead them to their next decision. With the constant traveling, they assumed it would be beneficial to play small shows at the towns and kingdoms they visited. More income could be provided easily that way and they wouldn't have to starve another night. Much to Iris's displeasure, the redhead had been chosen to be the one to dance alongside her younger brother, Axel. The two would be the ones to bring attention over to them as Elias and Jasper would divide the roles of playing the music and collecting the money during the shows.

Somehow down the way, they found themselves in the hands of bandits- providing them with plenty of pent up negative emotions and memories. Despite their refusal, the group of growing children were forced to work for the bandits. Each individual had to reach a certain quota in their shows along with a few extra things, specifically in stolen goods. The job left each one with a sour taste in their mouths but the they couldn't complain about it. And with that the four's fate were left in the hands of bandits, until they had reached the outskirts of Ferox. 

However, the four had come up with a plan to escape from the bandits- but it definitely had it's risks if their plan failed. With the bandits planning their next raid at the town nearby, the four devised a quick scheme leading to the remaining two to create a distraction. Iris and Axel were the two chosen to escape first, considering the two were the quickest on their feet. Besides, they needed to make sure someone warned the town's inhabitants or else they'd be witnessing a massacre before their very eyes. 

The two redheads managed to sneak out of the bandit's current base while their companions distracted them. Iris managed to warn the villagers to head out before the bandits reached them, while Axel chose to alert some of the guards nearby about them. By the time the had gone back to retrieve their missing companions, the bandits were gone and their friends were nowhere to be found. Despite the negativity that surrounded them at the time, the two siblings refused to believe their former companions were killed. 

Iris and Axel have spent the next few months performing and attempting to figure out the whereabouts of their missing companions. However with the war approaching, the two's journey has been severely limited. It was due to this that she found herself going off in a journey by herself to find the whereabouts of the two missing makes. Of course, she made sure to inform Axel of this and come up with a plan to meet once again with information they had learned. 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


    Iris had grown accustomed to being independent and striving for the best, no matter the consequences. In a sense, you could say she'll take the chance if it's beneficial to her or her companions. In a way, this does make her cut out to be a bit reckless in the eyes of others.  However, the female doesn't seem to mind if she gets herself in a difficult situation as long as she accomplishes the goal or cuts down the enemies before her. For her, she makes it a priority to protect others before herself first though that may because of her past experiences.  Of course, Iris may come across as reckless due to her desire to protect others before herself.

When it comes to intimacy or caring for others, Iris is the type to and balance out her needs with everyone else's. However, she'll often find herself placing others before herself . In a sense, she places their needs before her own while trying to keep herself a priority as well. With that being said, she's quite loyal- to the point of following someone even if she questions their morality and actions. Nonetheless, she can also be quite curious and playful towards other often giving them the same treatment as old friends.

The redhead has an awful habit of admitting her thoughts to others, often making her come across as open and vulnerable. Despite her caution, it's practically nonexistent when it comes to her friends and loved ones. Iris sees no reason to keep quiet about her own emotions and thoughts when it comes to them. However, she will keep quiet about feelings of intimacy. She sees no reason to bring up anything during the war though she will occasionally give signs of her affection to those who hold it. 

Due to her upbringing, she's quite stern and merciless when it comes to risen or bandits. Iris sees no reason to let them harm anyone else, though her views have changed recently due to her friends. Her compassion can easily be seen through her eagerness to help those in need or villages if she possibly can. She can be quite a caring soul at times. Despite that, she can have a sharp tongue when she's angry but she usually keeps quiet during those times.

Good Habit(s): Observant, independent, compassionate, loyal, resilient, playful and curious.

Bad Habit(s):  Cautious,  reckless, sternness, morality, open, vulnerable, impartial and mercilessness 

Nationality: P E N D I N G.

Place of Origin: Valm.

Current Residence: Unknown due to the constant traveling. 

Spoken Languages: P E N D I N G. 

Like(s): Relaxation, swimming, dancing, naps, warm weather, blankets, soft melodies, the sun, warmth, rain, reading, small animals, mythology, old legends, learning new things, physical comfort, physical contact, and family.

Dislike(s): Abandonment, bandits, alcohol, rude awakenings, cold weather, sickness, cold, war, poverty, massacres, risen, smell of blood, disembodied limbs, being cornered, perverse comments, Grima, and Plegia.

Hobbies: Dancing, exploring, reading, relaxing, stargazing, swimming and training.

Fear(s): Being defenseless, familiarity, commitment, not finding her brother,


☆  Close combat.

☆  Pick-pocketing.

☆  Moderately high pain tolerance.

☆  Quick on her feet.


☆  Confrontations.

Special Powers/Abilities:

☆  Highly imaginative. 

☆  Quick on her feet.


☆  Iris has a bad habit of getting distracted easily when she's traveling.

☆   The redhead has nothing against flirting if it helps ease the tension in a situation or works in their or her favor. 

☆  Bunnies happen to be a huge weakness for the female, which explains her own desires to constantly be around Panne and Yarne. 

☆  Iris refuses to admit it but on her left shoulder blades you can see the tattoo that are used to label criminals there. This tattoo was placed on her due to her affiliation and involvement with the bandits. 

☆   Iris has an awful habit of not being able to fall asleep without feeling someone else beside her. 

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆  To find her brother, Jasper.
☆ Have a place to call home.
☆ Dancer.  
☆  Scouter.
☆ Thief (former)  

Fears:  Attachment is something that scares Iris immensely though it isn't surprising given the circumstances the world is in. The redhead doesn't want to grow attached to someone and suddenly lose them. 

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


P E N D I N G 



Jasper, undetermined.

Jasper was the more calm and relatively outspoken one out of the siblings, though he'd often hide under the guise of being sarcastic. In a sense, you might say he had some trouble expressing his thoughts and emotions verbally. However, he had no difficulties in expressing himself through his actions instead. The redhead had a somewhat chaotic view of justice, considering he felt that criminals should be dealt with and eliminated from the world. 


Axel, alive and in Ferox. 

Axel is a mischievous young man, who enjoys a good joke or two despise the harsh times everyone is in.  However, he does have a bad tendency to lash out if he feels cornered or anxious about something. This might be the reason why he always seems a bit on edge, though he seems to be full of cheerfulness recently. His stay in Ferox has made him a much brighter person, though he's still striving to find his older brother, Jasper.




Best Friend(s):

Elias, undetermined.

Elias was more or less the brains of the operations, though he hardly seemed to take credit for his excellent plans. With that being said, his social skills were rather poor but he did show his concern for others through his actions. He was much more of the type to speak through his actions than his words. The raven haired male can be a bit demanding at times due to his desire to finish things fairly perfectly. Of course, this will often lead to a small bicker between the redheads frequently. 


The redhead instantly took a liking to Yarne, much to her initial surprise. She finds it extremely easy to be herself in his presence. Although she does have a bad habit of teasing him or simply doting on him from time to time. Sometime about Yarne is simply endearing to the female almost making the redhead want to protect him. Despite the latter thought, she'll often find herself doting on him occasionally or simply petting his ears.


Iris was immediately smitten with Lissa in a completely platonic manner. In fact, the redhead will often try to subtly protect Lissa throughout numerous fights. Of course that often leads to a small lecture from said blonde from time to time when she's caught on to her little act. Iris enjoys spending time with Lissa, even if they're just lounging about in the afternoons or simply trying to sew a few things together.



Iris finds the tactician to be excellent company, which is hardly surprising. After all, Robin's personality is quite endearing as well as the sharp intellect for strategies and plans. There's no doubt that Iris will follow through with any plan that Robin provides to the group. Of course, there's that and the simple fact she has a great deal of trust placed on Robin.


Despite Panne's initial refusal, Iris tried hard to build a bond with the female though it was quite difficult. Nonetheless, she effectively managed to do so one fateful day. The redhead finds Panne's company to be quite enjoyable, besides she finds her transformation to be rather endearing. Of course, that's not what drew Iris's attention to Panne in the first place. Regardless of their first impressions, Iris places a great deal of trust on the female and she enjoys hearing about her people.


Ironically, Iris's personality does clash with Severa's from time to time but that hardly prevented her from conversing with the fellow redhead. In fact, she enjoys being able to talk about different topics with the girl especially about make up from time to time. With Severa's sharp tongue, Iris is often at the receiving in due to her habit of following Owain's and Cynthia's antics from time to time. Of course, she's genuinely interested in the girl despite Cordelia being her mother.


It may have been Gerome's demeanor the made Iris try hard to converse with him and get closer to him. Naturally, it was quite a difficult task but she managed to get past the rough edges and inch her way closer. She might not admit it but she finds it rather endearing the way Gerome treats Minerva. Iris does trust Gerome to have her back and fight, where she'll also do the same for him. 


Iris was definitively surprised when she first saw Noire's other side, though it didn't deter the girl from befriending the archer. In fact, it only made the redhead try harder to befriend her instead. She finds Noire's personality to be rather endearing which makes her want to protect her whenever the opportunity arises. Of course, this will often leave her surprised when Noire is the one who manages to take out an enemy before it can get to her. In the end, she places a great deal of trust in Noire and she wouldn't hesitate to take an attack for her. 


At first, Iris found it a bit difficult to keep up with Cynthia's pace but she managed to do so. After all, she often found herself getting along with Owain and Cynthia's antics. In the hero's presence, Iris finds it way too easy to adapt to Cynthia's pacing and will often find herself going along with her antics. This means the redhead will often find herself falling into Cynthia's and Owain's antics, which is often seen due to her playful demeanor at times.


Ricken was one of the individuals Iris easily found herself befriending once she had joined the Shepherds. The two had fairly close bond almost reaching the point where the redhead saw him as a younger brother. This could explain her loyalty and desire to protect the male whenever a chance arrived. She enjoys spending time with him and will often take some time off to train with Ricken occasionally as well. Iris finds his motivation to try harder quite admirable.

Initially, Iris was hesitant to be around the princess due to the difference in their status. However the more they talked, the redhead gradually found herself growing interested in the girl. Lucina's sense of justice and strong desire to fight drew Iris's attention to the point of wanting to help her out with her ambition. She does place a decent amount of trust on Lucina, not being one to question her motives or ambitions. 



Iris admires Brady's personality and happens to take a liking to his blunt words. This might explain why she's often seen talking with him during the time the group sets up camp. Of course, she'll often end up playing the straight man card due to Owain antics when the trio are in the company of one another. Nonetheless, Iris admits that it's fun occasionally teasing the male whenever their's an opportunity.


Iris was hesitant to be around Nah but she quickly found herself taking a liking to Nah. It was almost like she had younger sister- not literally, of course. Despite that thought, the redhead would occasionally hang out with Nah and Owain whenever the chance arouse. After all, Nah's presence offers her a bit of relief in a sense.


Ironically, Iris and Tharja didn't get along too well at first, but things changed after fighting with one another more often. Gradually, the redhead found herself adapting to the caster's personality and dark quirks. Of course, she knows better than to give up her hair willingly to her or speak about Robin. After all, Tharja's infatuation with the fellow caster hasn't gone unnoticed by the redhead. 


Initially, Iris couldn't be more confused when she first met Gaius almost to the point of being apprehensive around him. However, that seemed to vanish the second she accidentally managed to catch a glimpse of a certain tattoo he also kept hidden. That was the single break through that was needed. Almost immediately, the redhead began to seek out Gaius company and typically brought some sort of sweet with her. She won't admit it but she'll often ask Gaius to teach her some new techniques to use in a fight.


Due to their similar natures, Iris often finds herself seeking out Olivia to simply talk about new dancing routines or talking about older ones. This explains why she's gone for an hour or two throughout the day. The redhead can easily let loose when she's in Olivia's presence, there's that and the fact she does trust her. She finds Olivia to be quite enjoyable and her personality is fairly admirable.



Intially,  Iris had no intention to grow closer to the male but it seemed fate had something else planned. The redhead intended to maintain a somewhat friendly friendship with Inigo.  Of course with his constant attempts to woo other females, her feelings had been completely dormant for the time being. With the increase of conversations being shared between them, Iris had quickly found herself growing eager to know more about him- but that didn't stop her from feeling uneasy as well. After all, she had learned how far her feelings for Inigo had developed and that thought scared her. Iris didn't want to tell him about her feelings and possibly be the one to ruin their friendship.


Initially, Iris didn't interact much with Lon'qu until the two began to be paired much more frequently in battle. From there, the redhead slowly began to find herself growing more and more interested in the fighter. Of course, it was difficult to communicate with Lon'qu due to his own fear of women. Despite Lon'qu's  desire to have no communication, she found herself being drawn to him the more she was told to stay away. Naturally being paired to gather in a few fights made that pointless, though it did give Iris some time to converse and interact with him. Somehow it became obvious to Iris that she had grown attracted to Lon'qu to the point of developing deeper feelings towards him.


Despite the difference in their status, Iris immediately took a liking to Chrom, finding his integrity and honor to be quite admirable. With that thought in mind, she enjoys spending some time either talking to him or simply being able to train with him. Despite that thought, Iris finds it extremely hard not to get flustered around Chrom due to his own bad habit of entering tents in the wrong moment or simply misinterpreting some things.


The tactican was someone Iris immediately took a liking to, finding herself quite comfortable and herself around him. In fact one might say she had grown smitten with Morgan, based on her actions and demeanor around him. Of course, she'll often deny that yet it's quite plausible due to her somewhat flustered nature and her keeping him company quite often. Nonetheless, Iris enjoys spending time with Morgan which often leads her to seeking him out simply to train or spend some more time together. 



Cordelia might have been one of the first Iris came to admire, due to hearing about the fellow redhead early on. She was one of the reasons why Iris was so determined to learn how to fight and hold her own. Despite that thought, the redhead hardly comes out and admits that due to her own desire to keep her admiration and respect for the female a secret.


Kjelle is someone Iris often seeks out to train, mainly out of competition and the chance to learn new techniques. Despite this, she enjoys having the time to converse with the girl during their occasional training sessions. With that being said, she'll often strive to met Kjelle's standards, which is a good thing since it helps her improve herself when it comes to fighting.


Iris may not admit it anytime soon, but she respects Frederick immensely. After all, he puts countless hours to use for training while trying to get the others to train as well. That definitively made her respect him and try to keep up with his training regimen. Of course, she often lingers behind and tries to convince Frederick she can't possibly do one of the training sessions occasionally.   


Due to Cherche's loyal nature and incredible fighting skills, it's no surprise that Iris took a liking to her quite quickly. This often lead her to ask the fellow redhead for advice from time to time. Of course, this often ended up in disastrously situation due to her lack of experience in that particular field. Nonetheless, she still tries her best to match up with Cherche's skill.


Libra happens to be someone Iris took an immediate liking to, though it isn't surprising why. In a sense, he almost seemed to resemble a parental figure to the female. That might explain why she's always so eager to help him out in fights or in daily chores around the camp. To put things bluntly, she admires his personality and artistic skills. With that being said, she'll often seek him out whenever there's an opportunity. 



For some reason, Iris can't get along well with the fellow redhead due to a few differences between the two. Perhaps the reason for this is due to the way Anna can easily convince her to purchase more goods from her fellow sisters or spend money on the female. This might be the reason why she's so insistent on staying away from Anna as long as she can. After all, she don't want to be convinced to purchase more questionable goods from her or her sister. 


Despite their differences, Iris managed to find herself in the company of Henry from time to time. The redhead does have to admit, Henry has a great deal of power. The female does enjoy pairing up with the dark magician occasionally, being able to reach greater lengths with him there. Of course, that doesn't mean they don't clash from time to time due to his sense of humor and her lack of interest in bodies and blood. Nonetheless, she doesn't mind conversing with him as long as he isn't  in possession of any deceased hands.


Initially, Iris wasn't quite sure on what to make of Owain but it didn't take long for the girl to adapt to his pace. Of course, that doesn't mean it was easy. After all, the redhead has an awful habit of becoming absorb with their conversations and will often get carried away at times. Naturally, this can be seen when she'll end up joining in on his conversations of heroes and the like. Nonetheless, she does enjoy having him as companion as well as their conversations.


Nowi is someone Iris manages to get along with fairly well, but the competitiveness occasionally appears when the smaller girl convinces her to join in on a game. Naturally, the redhead does have an awful habit of doting on Nowi at times due to her youthful appearance which often leads her to becoming distracted from other tasks. Nonetheless, she does admit to liking the occasional games Nowi convinces her of playing. After all, it does provide a stress relief for the female in a sense. 




Affiliation:  Undetermined. 

Class: Assassin. 

Class level: One.

Class skills: Lethality and Pass.

Weapons used normally: Either a sword or bow.

Strength: Iris may not be as strong as the opposite gender, but she can hold her own in a fight.  This is mainly due to her higher pain tolerance and agility, though the latter is more helpful. Nonetheless, she can manage to hoard a few enemies here and there with the proper tool.

Defense:  Iris can be lacking on defense occasionally but her agility and high pain tolerance makes up for it fairly well. Although she can't manage a good defense strategy if she's surrounded by many enemies.  

Intelligence: Iris isn't lacking in intelligence but she's more of the type to act first and think later, but she doesn't mind listening to Robin's plans and following through with her assigned role. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Iris's body is fairly slender and petite due to the frequent traveling and training she puts effort into. She does have a bit of noticeable muscle on her body. With that being said, she's a moderate b-cup while her waist is a bit small. On her upper back and shoulders, she has quite a few light colored freckles to be found. Her complexion is fair and ruddy due to her long exposures in the sun. Her eyes are round and quite bright, along with a playful or curious twinkle in her eyes. Her lips can usually be found in a nervous smile or a tired smile. Her nails are trimmed and decorated from time to time.

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Despite the dancer- like attire she wears, Sora does have a spare set of clothing she wears strictly for fighting. After all, the redhead doesn't feel inclined to wear such attire in public, especially when she's fighting. Her clothing typically consists of loose fitted pants and a fitted shirt, mainly to avoid any hassles during a fit. She also wears an overcoat over her clothing, especially in the winter time. To be specific, her dancer attire consists of  a light pink colored bikini-like top and a pink skirt that has ruffled edges. Along the bottom of the seams there are a few beads hanging from the ends of it. She does wear a white headdress mainly to keep out the sun. As far as shoes goes, she either sticks to sticks to dancer type shoes or a simple pair of brown boots.

Accessories:  Iris doesn't carry much besides a small pouch where she places her belongings that she finds along the way. Although she does wear a few bracelets and anklets  when she wears her dancer attire.

Makeup: Considering the era they're in, Iris doesn't use an ounce of make-up unless it's for a disguise of some sort.

Scent: The redhead happens to have a somewhat sweet scent though it's very light.

Hairstyle(s): Iris's fiery red locks are usually kept in a ponytail, mainly to avoid her hair getting in her way during her performances. However, she occasionally leaves her hair down though it's a bit wavy during those times. Her hair happens to reach mid-back if it's left down.

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings:  Due to her upbringing, Iris has quite a few scars scattered across her body though some are more noticeable than the others one. However, most of her scars happen to be on her upper back and there's one dark scar on her upper right thigh. The latter was from an accident she had gotten involved in when there was a small scuffle. There's is a birth mark on her upper right shoulder that is light colored and resembles an oddly shaped crescent moon.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

☆  Entropy (SimGretina Remix)

☆  Give you want you like - Avril Lavigne 

☆  Forever more- Broken Iris.

☆  Maps - Maroon five.

☆  Darling - Max.

☆  Be mine - Ellie Goulding

- - - x

☆  "-- Excuse us for intruding, but we're mere travelers- performers if you please." 

☆  "Please, just leave us be. We don't need any help, we're perfectly capable on our own."

☆  "I... I only wanted to help..! That's all I've been trying to do but you never let me in! Why? Why are you the only one allowed to force my walls down and make me reveal my personal thoughts to you alone?" 

Favorite Food(s): Anything that isn't spicy. 

Favorite Color(s): Red. White. Purple.

Favorite Number(s): 27. 96.

Favorite Season(s):Winter. Fall.  

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas. White Day. 

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn and Afternoon.  

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