Sunday, September 28, 2014

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|| I N T R O D U C T I O N || 

and I am not immune

I only want to be loved 

but I feel safe behind the


Name (last, first): Giorgio, Bambi Iris. 

Meaning: Bambi is short for 'Bambina' { baby girl or young girl }, Bambi is also bestowed as an independent given name. Iris was the name of the Greek Goddess of the rainbow. This name can also be given in reference to the English word ( which derives from the same Greek source ) for the name of the iris flower or the colored part of the eye. This notable surname is of Ancient Greek origins, although for very obscure reasons, the patron saint of England.. Deriving from the Greek name 'Georgios' meaning farmer, the name was used in Europe throughout the early Christian period, being associated with a martyr of the 3rd century, supposedly killed at Nicomedia in the year 303.

Nickname(s): Bambina. Bam. 

Age: Sixteen - Eighteen years old. 

Species: Human.

Blood status: Half blood. 

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: January 16th, 1979. 

Life Story: 

With her father being a wizard and her mother a non-magical, the Giorgio were raised in the Muggle world during their childhood years. Of course, they had been living in Italy briefly before they moved to Great Britain- Scotland to be specific. It wasn't until her parents divorced eight years after their births that they were brought back to the Wizard world. Everything was completely new to the children, including the fact that they themselves held power within them. Despite those words of encouragement, it was rough for the children during their years there among other magical individuals. After all, her mother's race and her father's sudden desire to live in the Muggle world exactly anything a magical being would choose for themselves. Therefore, it wasn't too surprising that the Giorgio children were treated differently from other children at the time. Having their mother being a Squib caused quite a lot of ruckus among other children of their age group. Naturally, this new treatment almost seemed to make the children much more closed off than they originally intended to by. It was far too late to even think about getting out from under the spotlight now, especially when everyone knew her mother was a Squib. 

By the time the letter from Hogwarts arrived to the Giorgio household, Bambi was more than a little unforgiving towards other individuals at that time. Despite that, the female was fairly brave more so than she was selfish. However, the sorting hat had placed her in Gryfindor, the same as her brothers. The first two years at Hogwarts were relatively normal for the female until her third year at Hogwarts. It was around the time of the Triwizard tournament. Bambi seemed to be much more eager to watch the Triwizard tournament than she was earlier in the year. In a way, you could say Cedric Diggory's and Viktor Krum's participation in the tournament aroused her interest during that time period. 

With Cedric's death, it pained Bambi to lose a friend in that manner. Dolores Umbridge's presence in Hogwarts hardly helped the female in properly grieving over the deceased student. The constant calls into her office and the cruel punishment had finally made Bambi reach her breaking point. It was around this time she decided to join the others in the room of requirement and becoming a member of Dumbledore's army. Of course, being there and learning new spells could only do so much for the female, while Dolores's after class meetings still occurred. However, she used those feelings to strive for the best during her time there. After all, they needed to find a way to restore order like it was before and Dolores's presence was one they didn't need there at Hogwarts. Bambi was quite the active participant until their group was forced to be disband, after being found out. 

By the time her sixth year came around, Bambi was almost forced to stay home until she could convince her father otherwise. Her siblings were in the same state as their sister. With the constant threats of Death Eater's everywhere and Voldemort reappearance in the world, she hardly wasted much time doing anything else besides learning spells. There was a strong desire to read various spell books and to memorize them. The chance of a family member dying was quite high during that time period, and the last thing she wanted was to witness that. Her goal was the one thing she was focusing on constantly, not wanting to miss any opportunity to make herself stronger. Nevertheless, she took a much needed break to visit home only to witness something terrible.

Her father's death was rude wake up call for the young female that she didn't have the power to protect her loved ones. It was hardly surprising that she isolated herself to mourn his death by herself, though she was always there to support her younger siblings during their grieving process. Dumbledore's death shook her out of this quiet facade she had put on. For her, this was another reason to force her to participate in the Second Wizarding war. After all, there were still remaining family members in her life that she wanted to keep safe at all costs. Knowing this, she refused to back down and let someone be the reason she was missing another family member in her life. Of course, there was still some negativity stirring inside of her quietly creeping into her mind. Did she have enough power to protect those she loved..? It was something that bothered her countless times only to rear it's head once more as the final battle was approaching. 

By the time the final battle had occurred in Hogwarts, Bambi was present through it all due to remaining there for the remainder of the year. She was an active participant in the final war at Hogwarts, refusing to allow the death eaters to take the last place where she made countless happy memories with her friends. Of course, by the time it was over she felt a mixture of hurt, sorrow and relief when they had finally fought back for the school that made a significant impact in their lives beforehand. Fred's death had definitively taken it's toll on the female. 

|| A B O U T H I M  O R  H E R ||


Bambi can be quite defensive and quick to bit at times, but she's loyal nonetheless. Her defensive nature only comes out when she happens to feel threatened by something or someone. In a way, you could say she developed this trait because of her childhood. For Bambi it's scary getting close to someone else and then being hurt by them- purposely at that. Of course, it's quite difficult to force the female to let her guard drop so easily, but she pushes herself forward. It would be foolish to remain scared when she has a chance to find something new.. and discover things she knew very little about. This trait often leads the female to the occasional trouble or two. 

Even under pressure, she's hardly the type to spell secrets to others especially if it's a crucial piece of information. Then again, that may be her eagerness to keep secrets a secret from others. However, if the secret happens to be something that's harming someone in a personal level.. then she won't hesitate to find or offer her assistance discreetly. After all, she wouldn't want anyone to be suffering when she can offer her help, to take away some of their quiet suffering. However when it comes to her own suffering and troubles, she's inclined to keep her mouth shut and deal with her troubles herself. During those times, Bambi is the type to act like nothing is bothering her. 

Once trust is established with the female, Bambi is hardly the type to doubt her friends though that's hardly surprising. She prefers to give them the benefit of doubt, before allowing a misunderstanding to occur between them. Of course, it helps that she's quite observant which helps the female out in making sure there isn't a detail she missed. Pushing that aside, Bambi can be quite affectionate and playful towards those she treasures dearly. In fact, she wouldn't hesitate to act affectionate with them, excluding any acts of intimacy. That may take a bit more time until she's partially comfortable with someone to act on those emotions. 

Whenever the female happens to feel threatened, she's quick to act a bit.. territorial per say. After all, she doesn't enjoy the thought that she'll lose someone because of someone else's actions. Of course, she knows this is a bad thing to feel but she can act rather impulsively in that state and do things she'll probably regret in the near future. If she's pushed any further, she can also be quick to shout or bite back if someone is speaking about her in a cruel manner or a loved one of her's. In those moments, she wouldn't hesitate to go forward and attack without another biting comment from her side. 

Feelings of love have the awful tendency of making the girl feel extremely hesitant and lost. After all, she's only experienced the emotion through family love and ones for friends- hardly anything romantic. However, she's more than willing to give the intimate type of a love a chance. In a sense, you could say she's a bit of a fool when she happens to fall for someone. It's everything or nothing at all for the young female. Therefore, it's a risky move on her part if she happens to fall for the wrong type of person. 

However things change the moment she's faced with a life or death situation. Her attention is in the middle of the fight and trying to search for loved ones in midst of it all. Bambi can't bare the thought of losing someone else again. 

Good Habit(s): Loyal. Brave. Fearless. Determined. Understanding. Patient. Trusting. Intuitive.

Bad Habit(s): Defensive. Sharp tongue. Impulsive. Guarded. Territorial. Impulsive. 

Nationality: A mixture of British & Italian.  

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy. 

Current Residence: Scotland, Great Britain. 

Spoken Languages: Italian. English. 

Like(s): Tea. Music. Horror films. Dragons. Heat. Coffee. Charms. Dragons. Mythical & Rare creatures. Rain. Snow. Daydreaming. Blankets. Naps. Exploring new areas. Sweets. Warmth. Standing in the rain. Star gazing. Muggle world. Alchemy. Muggle music. 

Dislike(s): Being referred to as half breed. Dolores Umbridge. Voldemort. Extreme heat. Rude awakenings. Blood status. The ministry of magic. Transfiguration. Death Eaters. Curses. Wars. Failure. The smell of blood. Silly laws. 

Hobbies: Swimming. Reading spell books. Sketching. Exploring. Searching for things or people to photograph. Training. 

Fear(s): The Ministry of magic. Death Eaters. A death of a loved one. Feeling alone.

Strength(s): Divination. Defensive & Healing spells. Animagus. 

Weakness(es): Flying. Transfiguration. Pronouncing certain spells incorrectly. Ambushes. 

Special Powers/Abilities:

; Studious.

; Highly imaginative. 

; Resourceful

; Fast reflexes. 

; Bambi is a bit of a geek when it comes to topics concerning Dragons. She's more than eager to grew her knowledge about those wonderful creatures, despite their dangerous reputation. 

; Photography is something she happens to enjoy immensely, similar to her interests in Dragons. 

; Bambi feels quite guilty for not contacting her mother sometime before her death. After all, she had plenty of time to do so but.. something always held her back from doing so.

; It isn't surprising to hear Bambi has detention or two due to dilly dallying during class. Her attention does tend to stray from to time, after all.

; Bambi's siblings always seem to be the first thing she worries about whenever there's trouble at Hogwarts. It's hardly in her nature to worry about herself first, when her loved ones might be harmed. 

; Whenever she has a free period, Bambi can often be found near the lake simply resting by it with her sketch book laying beside her. 

; At times, someone can easily catch the female dozing off during Potions class or during lunch. Sleep hardly comes easy to her after her father's death, in a way you could say it impacted her greatly. 

; Her father, Luciano, is the first death she has ever witnessed.

; Brushing Bambi's hair or toying with it is the only way to effectively calm down the female if she's ever upset or in the middle of a nightmare. It's also a good way to get her to stop speaking if you're in the middle of an argument with the female. 

; Despite being in a crowd, Bambi still feels alone almost as if she's only dreaming up the people crowding around her. This isn't something she mentions to others though, preferring to keep it to herself instead. 

; Due to spending most of her early childhood years in the Muggle world, Bambi is more knowledgeable about the Muggle world more so than the Wizard world.

; It was around her sixth year that Bambi became an orphan along with her two younger siblings, serving as guardian for the two. Most of her contact with her uncle, Alfonso, and his two children, Dante and Ernesto, was gone after the war. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: Bambi's dream is to become a dragon keeper, due to her interest in the creatures. Of course, her wish gradually developed into something else entirely. She wishes she could protect the dragons from becoming harmed by other wizards, knowing the reasons they're often hunted down. Along the way, another dream soon came into the blonde's mind- children. Bambi wanted to have a family of her own to cherish and raise, preferably with a spouse, but nonetheless, she desired to have children of her own. 

Occupation/Job: Student at Hogwarts, future dragon keeper. However with the obvious danger still at bay, she eventually became an Auror to help even out the threat of the Death Eaters. 

Phobias: Monophobia { Fear of being alone }. Somehow this fear had quietly developed within the female during her childhood years only to reach a dangerous point. Despite being in a crowd filled with people, she couldn't help but feel truly alone among them. 

Nightmares: After the war, Bambi's dreams gradually began to be plagued by events of the past leading up to the war. Her dreams were no longer warm and bright as they were before. Everything about the war scared her senseless and it was  bad that her loneliness affected her dreams quite frequently. Nothing can stir her from her restless sleep unless someone brushes her hair and pulls her close, in a embrace of sorts. Of course, that doesn't guarantee that she'll stop calling out bit it will stop her from thrashing around in her sleep. 

|| F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


Luciano  Alexander Giorgio, forty one - forty three years old. 

Luciano was a part of the Ministry of Magic temporarily, during the time his children were in Hogwarts. With the sudden danger rising, he didn't waste much time in finding some other job that wouldn't bring too much attention towards his family. After all, there was no way he'd allow himself to work with people who seemingly refused to notice the fact there were traitors in their group. Perhaps that explained why he began to grew a bit more over protective towards his children and family in general.  

However, it seemed like fate had other intentions for the male. With the death eaters attacks towards other wizards, Luciano had gotten in the middle of the crossfire but he didn't did for no reason. He died protecting his younger brother, Alfonso, and his two children. Of course, it didn't help that his children also witnessed his death that day. 

Ruby Marie Williams, deceased. 

Ruby Willimas was a non-magical, hardly being passed the trait needed for magic causing her to be an ordinary individual. In other words, her mother is a Squib containing not a single ounce of magic within her. With this being known, she took up a normal nonmagic requiring career until she met Luciano Giorgio during her job as an accountant for a small shop. Of course, she hadn't met this men just anywhere. The two met in the Muggle world, where they raised their children with one another, after getting married to one another. It wasn't until a few later that the two divorced one another, which was sometime before her untimely death. She happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, it was later discovered it was a Death Eater that had killed the woman.


{ Benjamin } Beniamino Antony Giorgio. Fifteen - Seventeen years old. 

Beniamino is the younger sibling of Bambi despite his more mature behavior and tall stature. The male can be rather laidback at times, often finding himself wanting to take various naps throughout the day. Nevertheless, he's quite friendly and eager to communicate with more individuals. In fact one might say he may be a bit bold at times which shouldn't be too surprising considering his family members. Typically, it isn't too odd to find him hanging out with a few students from the Ravenclaw house. 

During the Second Wizarding war, he was an active participant in the final battle at Hogwarts. He kept a close eye on his sibling as he fought back alongside other students. Fortunately, he managed to get away with a few minor injuries. 

Alonzo Jay Giorgio. Thirteen - Fifteen years old. 

Despite being the youngest, Alonzo is fairly rebellious and always eager to find shortcuts to things. Despite his intial rebelliousness, Alonzo can be quite bold with his words and actions if there's something or someone he wants. With his eagerness to find shortcuts and his boldness, it's surprising that he happens to his stumble over his own words. In a sense, you could say that he's not used to voicing out his thoughts aloud unless prompted or something caught his interest. Typically, he keeps to himself or hangs out with those in the Quidditch team. After all, it seemed like a good idea to get to know his own teammates, since he ended up joining the team. 

During the Second Wizarding war, Alonzo was carefully watched over by Bambi and Beniamino. After all, the two knew he would have found his way to them in midst of the battle. Nevertheless, he joined the battle at Hogwarts only managing to receive a semi large scar on his upper back to about mid back from the battle. 


Alfonso Giorgio, thirty five - thirty seven years old. 

Alfonso happens to be a wand maker, an excellent one at that, due to the teacher he had teaching him back in the day. He's quite talented with his words and knows how to express himself quite effectively. Around the time danger appeared in their world, he hardly wasted any time in retrieving his own children and keeping them close to him. Of course, this also applied to his brother and his children as well. It wasn't his intention to have them together during the time death eaters were in search of him and his brother. Hence why those feelings of guilt often plague him, constantly consuming all of his time. Of course, the reason they were pursued was the result of their decision to refuse to join the death eaters. It was never his intention to allow for his brother to die because of him- to this day it's something that causes him heavy guilt. 

Dante Giorgio, sixteen - eighteen years old. 

Dante is the Giorgio siblings cousin as well as a student at Hogwarts, unlike his relatives he got placed in Ravenclaw. He's a fairly decent student, excluding his high interest in Quidditch. In fact, he even got a part in the Ravenclaw's Quidditch team as the seeker. Typically, he can be spotted with Alonzo from time to time unless he's off practicing for a match. Dante is a fairly laid back and friendly individual, but he does have the tendency to be short tempered if provoked. 

During the last battle at Hogwarts, he was absent from the fight due to his father pulling him out of the school. 

Ernesto Giorgio, seven - nine years old. 

Ernesto is Alfonso's youngest son, who happens to be quite an adventurous and outgoing kid. Of course, this trait often lands him a day stuck indoors due to his habit of wandering about. This little kid is quite affectionate and optimistic, so it's hardly surprising to see him so open with his own emotions unlike others in his family. For example, his cousins who are more inclined to keep to themselves. 


Aries and Auora. 

The two husky pups are gifts from her mother she received sometime during her second year at Hogwarts. Of course, the pups stay at home with her father since pets like these were hardly acceptable to own in Hogwarts. Nevertheless, both pups are energetic and eager to play. However, Aries is more inclined to act annoyed if he's being disturbed from napping. Auora, on the otherhand, is rather friendly and eager to meet another creatures. By the time,Bambi was back officially, the two pups had grown up quite a lot in her absence. Of course, they still recognized her despite the long time she had been away at Hogwarts. 

Best Friend(s):

Hermione Granger 

Hermione is someone Bambi adores greatly to the point of wanting to protect her if harm came her way. Of course, she does admire the Gryffindor student as well. She's the one she goes to if she needs help on certain topics. Pushing that aside, Bambi has quite a lot of trust placed on the female, always eager to help her if she's troubled. That being said, she hardly questions anything if Hermione is the one to suggest it. The difference in blood status between them hardly matters to the female. After all, she finds Hermione to be rather unique and interesting. It isn't odd to find the two students reading in the company of the other in the library, considering Bambi does spend a significant amount of time studying various subjects. 

George Weasely 

George Weasely was one of the first individuals Bambi befriended on her first year in Hogwarts. His jokes and pranks were a little dramatic but she finds them to be pretty entertaining. After all, she does happen to enjoy her own fair share of jokes and pranks from time to time. From time to time, she often ends up participating in these little pranks and getting set to detention along with the two. Of course, she hardly let's that bother her much considering the twins are there with her. Despite the age gap between them, Bambi feels comfortable enough to admit her thoughts and emotions to George. And that isn't something she can easily do with just anyone, after all. Bambi often seeks the male out, simply to chat or spend time with him. The blonde does enjoy spending time with in between classes or during the small breaks their given throughout the school year. 


Ron Weasley 

At first, the two didn't get along too well until Bambi began to converse more with the trio in general. Of course, that didn't mean the occasional snide comment between the two doesn't occur from time to time. Pushing that aside, she does trust the male but it's hardly anything remotely personal. 

Luna Lovegood

Despite what other people may think of Luna, Bambi finds her to be rather.. fascinating. After all, it isn't often that she gets to find someone who's unique, not to mention rare as well. Bambi enjoys conversing with Luna about a lot of things in general, especially if it concerns mythical creatures. Pushing that aside, the female is quite protective of Luna and is always willing to offer her assistance if it's ever needed. In a way, you could say Bambi feels extremely comfortable around Luna, easily admitting her thoughts and emotions to the female. It wouldn't be too odd to see her hanging out with Luna in between classes or during lunch. 

Viktor Krum

Viktor Krum is someone that Bambi admired at first, until she had the chance to communicate with him during the Triwizard tournament. Bambi found him rather interesting and was always eager to hear what he had to say, genuinely showing an interest in his words. Despite the distance between them, she does communicate with him via letters weekly. 

Neville Longbottom. 

Neville happens to be someone Bambi enjoys talking to quite a lot on a daily basis. After all, it isn't often that she gets to chat with someone about things such as potions and etcetera. Of course, it also helps that Neville knows plenty about Herbalogy which tends to help her out if she's struggling with something concerning that subject. Something that occurs quite often surprisingly. With their friendship, it isn't too surprising to find her chatting with him often.  The female does have plenty of things in common with the male, which she found out later on throughout various conversations.

Cedric Diggory

During the start of their friendship, Bambi had developed some sort of crush on the older male. Of course, it didn't necessarily take her long during their friendship to figure out that she didn't like him in that manner. With that being known to the female, she decided to continue talking to the male finding him to be a rather good friend of her's. They had a few things in common, after all. However, she only developed this relationship after getting over that small crush phase she had on the older male. 


Minerva McGonagall

Professor Minerva is one of the teachers at Hogwarts that Bambi happens to enjoy conversing with, throughout her time there. In fact, it wouldn't be seen as a surprise if Bambi were to often linger behind in class simply to chat to the professor, or show up early from time to time. 


Ginny Weasley

Despite being close to the twins and Ron, Bambi hardly became close to Ginny but she does greet her occasionally or have a small conversation or two with her.  Of course, she does think the female can be a bit too brash at times, but she doesn't let that affect her opinion on the redhead. Personally, Bambi does enjoy having conversations with Ginny whenever the two aren't busy. 

Cho Chang 

Similar to Ginny, Bambi hasn't had any proper conversations with Cho to honestly form an opinion on the Ravenclaw student just yet. However, that doesn't mean she'll refuse to greet her or start a small conversation with the female. Of course, there was some irritation flickering inside of Bambi because of Cho's presence, but she tried her best to ignore that. After all, she didn't want to admit she was jealous of the girl's relationship with Harry. In simpler terms, the blonde was envious of Cho's luck to getting Harry to admire her. However, she didn't a word of this to anyone else. 


Draco Malfoy

Bambi never expected to harbor any type of feelings for the pureblood, especially with the rude remarks that were often exchanged through out their first years. Somehow down the line, her feelings for him gradually began to change into something else entirely. The moment Bambi herself realized this, the blonde was more than a little discouraged to know this. After all, she knew better than anyone that this relationship would not end in good terms. At first, Bambi tried her best to avoid any further run ins with Draco- but fate didn't seem to be on her side. It seemed like she ran into him more than she usually would on a day to day basis, much to her dismay. Bambi did try to have a few civil conversations with the fellow blond, but that seemed to provide more trouble than necessary to the female. Her feelings for Draco frustrated her to no end, almost making her wish there was a spell to get rid of this desire to be closer to the male. Of course, that was a foolish thing to wish for honestly. Recently, Bambi simply decided to acknowledge those romantic feelings for Draco but she hasn't spoken a word of this to anyone just yet. After all, it's clear that there's a strong dislike towards those who happen to hang out with a certain trio in the Gryfindor household. 

Harry Potter 

At first, Bambi simply saw Harry as an interesting fellow during their first two years at Hogwarts. With the occasional conversation going on, it wouldn't be long until the conversations gradually grew more frequent and longer than expected. After that, Bambi grew fairly comfortable around the male, seeing him as a close friend. Harry is someone the blonde feels extremely comfortable around, to the point where she wouldn't mind telling him her thoughts or her emotions. From time to time, she often find her thoughts flickering over to him before she'd realize what her thoughts were focused on. Of course, that would often leave the girl feeling a bit flustered and nervous at times. She didn't seem to realize her own feelings for him until Cho had suddenly became the object of Harry's affection and she found herself slowly spending less and less time with the brunet. It did cause her some grief to see him admiring Cho from afar, before she decided to simply push her feelings aside. She'd simply act as if there wasn't a single emotion coursing inside of her that desired to be more than friends with the male. After all, who was she to intervene with what Harry truly desired? Despite her attempts, nothing seemed to get rid of her feelings for Harry, much to her dismay. 

Fred Weasley 

Similar to George, Fred was someone Bambi immediately hit it off with during her first two years at Hogwarts. He always seemed to have the ability to make the female smile without much effort in his part. The pranks and jokes were a little eccentric from time to time, but she enjoyed them nonetheless. Gradually, she found herself occasionally joining in with their little pranks and jokes from time to time. Of course, it was only a spur of the moment type of thing for the female. Being around Fred always leaves the girl feeling rather happy and somewhat hesitant, of course the former emotion shouldn't be considered odd. After all, it's known fact the twins enjoy pranking others. Pushing that aside, Bambi confides in Fred without a single doubt plaguing her thoughts. He's someone she knows she can trust in, no matter what. Somehow down the line, the blonde's feelings for Fred gradually began to grow from friendship into something more.. romantic in a sense. She'd often catch herself trying to catch his eye or simply finding herself trying to find him. At first, she didn't seem to realize her own feelings until much later- when they grew into something a little bigger than a crush. Despite her attempts to return to friendship, she found herself desiring to be much more than just friendships with the ginger. 




Umbridge Dolores 

The moment Umbridge came to Hogwarts was the moment Bambi began to act out more in class than usual. It seemed like every little thing she did annoyed the pink suited woman more and more, each day. With the constant troubles popping up during class, Bambi's frequent tardiness to lunch was hardly that surprising anymore. Umbridge would make sure she was distracted with the punishment she placed other students under. That blasted quill of her's would often have Bambi wishing she was somewhere else entirely. The scratches and cuts on her hand often left her clenching her teeth through the pain, while she continued to write down the absurd sentence Umbridge came up with to classify her behavior. Bambi was more than happy to know that Umbridge was gone from Hogwarts. 

Bellatrex Lestrange 

Bel later is hardly someone Bambi ever enjoyed meeting, in fact the woman is someone she happens to be disgusted by. Of course, that doesn't exclude the fear this woman makes Bambi feel. After all, death eaters isn't something that Bambi wants to get invoked with much less have one's attention focused on her. During the duration of the second wizard war, Bambi has stumbled upon the female and those moments left her feeling more than a little ill afterwards. However, she didn't mention these feelings of intimidation to anyone. 

|| E D U C A T I O N || 

Best core classes: Charms & Divination. 

House: Gryffindor.  

School: Hogwarts. 

Quidditch: Prefers to watch than participate. 

Worst core classes: Transfiguration. 

|| M A G I C || 

Affiliation: Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore. Harry potter. 

Amortenia: Rainwater, Vanilla bean, & freshly cut grass. 


Mastering this ability had taken Bambi a great amount of time and concentration, since it wasn't an easy task to do. Most of this training went on during her first year up until her fifth year, right around the time she barely began to master it. The most obvious way to be able to distinguish the fox from any other would be the trail of dark fur on it's back and the small noticeable scar near her torso. There's a small patch of fur there that seems to be missing. Due to regulations, she was planning on registering until something had came up and delayed the event.

Boggart: Losing everyone she loves. Of course, that slowly changes after her sixth year to an image of her two brothers dying. 

Mirror of Erised: During the first few years, an image of her mother appears in the mirror smiling down at her. However the image soon changed after her sixth year, an image of happy family appears but the features are still.. blurry to her in a sense. 

Patronus: Doe. 



Wand: Phoenix feather, Ash wood & 12 1/2 inches. Flexible. 

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body type/looks: Bambi's body does have rather noticeable curves and it's quite slender as well, mainly due to the effort she puts in. Her chest is a moderate size, nothing to complain about really. Her complexion happens to be fair but she doesn't tan too easily without using any lotion or so to help. Bambi's eyesight is rather good, making her free of requiring glasses to see. Her hands are a few inches smaller, while her fingers happen to be rather slender and a few inches short as well. Although, it's hardly anything drastic or noticeable unless someone were to observe the feature up close. 

Height: 156 cm. 

Weight: 41 kg. 

Everyday outfit(s): Typically, Bambi is often seen her uniform though she dons the cardigan more so than the robes they're given- although that's due to her tendency to forget it. She wears the uniform properly, despite forgetting the robe from time to time. If uniforms aren't required, she can be seen in sweaters and fitted jeans more so than skirts and ruffled tops. After all, she prefers a simple pair of shorts over skirts but she doesn't complain if she happens to wear that particular clothing item one day. As far as tops goes, Bambi enjoys wearing v-necks, vests and some Victorian styled clothing than the modern clothing they have now. If there's a special occasion, Bambi has no qualms against dresses nor will she reject any offered to her. However, she prefers wearing shoulder less or slightly ruffled dresses, nothing that ends at knees though. 

Accessories: Hanging around Bambi's neck is two necklaces, one is a silver anchor that's hung by a simple chain while the second one is a Victorian styled pocket watch that happens to hold a photo of her family. Of course, the picture was taken when the family of five were a lot younger. 

Makeup: Bambi isn't rarely the type to use makeup unless it's Chapstick, though she does out more effort in if there's a special event coming up. 

Scent: There's a sweet scent that closely resembles vanilla that lingers on the young adult. 

Hairstyle(s):  Bambi's golden tresses happens to reach her mid back and her bangs are often swept off to the side, mainly to avoid getting in the way of her eye sight. Typically, her hair is let down unless she's in potions class then she'll feel inclined to put it in either a bun or a ponytail. However in the chance there's a special event, Bambi will normally curl her hair and leave it in a elegant up do with a strand or two down to frame her face. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/ or piercings: From her childhood, Bambi has gained quite a few scars on her upper back and legs. After the battle at Hogwarts, she gained a few more on her arms and mid-back. As far as piercings and tattoos go, Bambi doesn't have any tattoos but she does have a pair of single piercings on each ear. 

|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N || 

Animals: Wolves. Foxes. Hummingbirds. 

Color: Lavender. Teal. Emerald green. 

Drink: Butterbeer, Pumpkin juice & Tea. 

Flower: Chrysanthemum, Forget me not & Rose. 

Food: Biscuit, Jacket potato & Yorkshire pudding. 

Season: Winters. 


"I.. I can't stay here. I need to look for them first, they're important to me. I can't fail them now..! I can't."

"This whole blood status issue is just.. stupid. It shouldn't even exist in the first place, but that's just my opinion on this."

"Honestly? You expect me to believe that lie? I know you two are up to something mischievous again." 

"This.. is kind of scary and exiting, isn't it..? Hah.. It feels so surreal in a way- almost like we're dreaming this whole thing up.." 

"I won't leave you..! As much as you refuse, I know you don't want me to truly leave. You need someone, and I'm more than willing to be that person to help you- but you need to let me. Make me understand what's going on with you. I want to help you." 

Theme song: 

; Best thing I never had- Beyoncé. 

; Beautiful girl- Trading yesterday. 

; Shattered- Trading yesterday.  

; Somebody I used to know- The Killers. 

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