Wednesday, June 26, 2013

{ ɴσ мαттєя ωнαт нαρρєηѕ ; яєвσяη! σ¢ }

ll  I N T R O D U C T I O N

No matter what happens 

{ I will be beside you }

Name (last, first): Cosmos, Aika. 

Aliases: Aika Saito.

Meaning: The Japanese meaning behind Aika is 'love song'. Meanwhile, her surname  has a longer meaning. The word 'Cosmos' derives from the Greek term kosmos, literally meaning 'order' or 'ornament' and metaphorically 'world', and is antithetical to the concept of chaos.

Nickname(s): Ai, 

Age: 15-16 > 25 TYL.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Martial status: Single. 

Financial status: Moderately high. 

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Birthday: October 29th.

Life Story: 

Aika Cosmos's childhood wasn't as peaceful as any other toddler of her age, due to her own connection to the mafia at that time. The redhead was shipped off to the same school, as Dino and Squalo, once it was possible. During that time period, school did nothing to help her moody behavior though it wasn't too big of a surprise. After all, the only way Aika would receive attention from her parents would be by doing something amazing at school. It was a fact that she didn't want to accept at first, but she couldn't deny the truth either. Eventually, she forced herself to adapt and converse with the maids and the butler, Watari, instead. Her parents were to busy with their involvement with the mafia to pay her any attention at the time. Although she did enjoy spending as much time as she could with her grandfather, Eton. 

Eventually Aika had grown up without much parent supervision, leading her to have every little respect towards those who try to order her around. Of course,it wouldn't be long after that, Aika would stumble upon another child under the name of  Ciro Aldebrandi, a red haired boy who would become someone important to her. Despite Ciro coming to live in their home temporarily, Aika couldn't help but still feel bitter towards her parents. They hardly seem to acknowledge her unless she did something to gain one of their higher up's attention, the two were heavily involved with their mafia familia after all. Despite that, she continued to train frequently hoping that she'd still be able to gain her parents attention. Although the manner she gained it wasn't one she approved of.  

It was only a few months after this an incident occurred, during a thunder storm Aika had got caught outside and she quickly took shelter in a run down shed. A barn shed that wasn't too far from their home, but it was rather close to the edge of the forest. Her home was too far away and if she decided to run there, she might not be able to make it considering the severity of the thunderstorms. Left with every little option, the thirteen year old girl remained in the shed completely unaware that the shed had locked behind her. It didn't take her long to realize that she had been locked in and the door didn't seem to budge, effectively scaring the young girl. Unknowingly, this situation quickly lead to the girl to hyperventilate throughout her time there. Fortunately for the scared female, Ciro had been out in the forest during that time in his attempts to search for something. It was his misfortune that he hadn't managed to get out of the forest before the thunderstorm hit. It was because of him that she managed to get out of the shed that day, completely forgetting about everything and hugging the surprised redhead. That moment greatly improved their almost nonexistent relationship. 

Aika was much more concerned and friendly with Ciro, no longer getting into one sided arguments with the redhead. Eventually, the two preteens began to converse more and more throughout the time they spent in the other's company. However things had changed for the two when Aika had turned fourteen, while Ciro was fifteen at the time. The highers ups in her parents familia decided it was necessary for the young female to be sent to the Varia temporarily. They believed it would help sharpen Aika's abilities, despite the familia's dislike of the Varia. Her parents all too eager to please sent the young girl over to the Varia's base for two years. During that time, Ciro would be heavily involved in some training of his own during that time period. There were a few details her parents left out purposefully though. 

During the first few weeks at the Varia, Aika hardly got along with anyone in the Varia though she was partially to blame as well. After all, she had avoided most of the members there unless it was necessary to communicate with them. Although, that was due to the bad first impressions she had on the assassination group. During this time, her relationship with her parents had become rather strained as well. The bad encounter with Belphegor and Xanxus left her with a extreme dislike of alcohol and blood. Of course, there was also the fact she came to dislike her parents for some time, as well as their higher ups. After those first two rocky months, she managed to befriend Mammon and manage to strike a deal with him. Mainly to get the others off of her back for the time being. By the time her fourth month rolled by, Aika was in a much better state at the Varia base. 

After a whole year, she was suddenly sent with a plane ticket heading to Namimori, money and a suitcase filled with her clothes. Despite her complaints, she soon boarded the plan to Namimori only to be surprised to see a rather familiar face, Ciro Aldebrandi. The reunion was happily welcomed by the female although she didn't enjoy how they were lead here with little to no explanation. Without much word from Aika's parents, the two decided to go ahead and find an apartment for the two. Of course, it wasn't until they had actually arrived to Namimori that they discovered there was already a house provided to them. The house was already furnished for the two, as well as the electricity and the plumbing already set for them. Financially, the two were well off already with or without the money they were given monthly by Aika's parents. After all, Ciro had taken by a wide variety of jobs, from a assassin to a bodyguard from time to time, while Ai mainly took up assassination jobs. 

It was quite an odd coincidence that both Aika and Ciro had been assigned to one of the Vongola's guardians class, each one with their respective year. Of course, Ciro wasn't too happy that he had Ryohei in class, the male already deciding to involve the redhead in the boxing club. Meanwhile, Aika had been placed in the same class as Tsuna and his friends. Before either of the two individuals knew it, they managed to become rather good friends with the Vongola group. Although, Aika still had a somewhat strained relationship with Gokudera despite their friendship. However it was only a few months after that, that the two teenagers were required to head back to Italy and take down a target for them over there. It was expected to be highly difficult. 

||  T Y L  A R C ||

The two were there for a longer period of time due to the injuries they each sustained individually, this was during the time the Vongola group had been in the future. They returned within the week only to end up being transported to the future, separately. However, Ciro had been the first one to go back to the past leaving Aika by herself with Ryohei running round searching for everyone. Once she was in the future, she was fairly exhausted and still injured at the time, which didn't help the shock she felt at the given moment. Of course, she hadn't been found so easily as the other's had been. Instead, she had been with some stranger who had her locked up with other individuals, she would befriend once they returned to the present time. 

The duration of her stay in that mysterious place quickly led her to figure out that she wasn't there for just any reason. She was there to be tortured for answers- to leak secrets about her alliances. Her time there had rendered her powerless, making her feel absolutely sick to her stomach. For the next few days she would be harassed for answers until she managed  to break herself, and the others, out before things had gotten severe. There were various wounds scattered cross her body, some were still bleeding and in the process of healing by the time she was rescued. However, Aika was beyond exhausted and terrified at the given moment. The only one who could calm her down completely from those panic attacks would have Ciro and a few select few.

They returned to Namimori five days later with memories they didn't have previously. These memories weren't welcomed by Aika, considering it made her feel utterly weak and incredibly pathetic to see herself rendered so powerless. All of the feelings seemed to increase only making her more self hateful towards herself as well as self critical. Those memories of her's, as well as her negative emotions, led her to become medicated and take prescribed pills. Of course, this wasn't something she liked but it helped her in forgetting about these emotions for the time being.  And that was something she desperately needed at the given moment.

ll  A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R


Aika  can be quite mischievous due to her rather playful nature towards those she cares about, though it's mainly a facade she puts up. After all, she didn't want to bring unwanted attention towards during her childhood. In a sense, one might say it's simply a way for her to cope with the lack of attention during childhood.  Despite the trouble she may cause at times, Aika's a kind soul who just happens to be merely acting out on loneliness. The redhead can be quite expressive and  eager to please those she cares for and wishes to impress. At times, it wouldn't be odd to catch her working hard on a project that only required a small amount of effort. As much as she hates to admit, she enjoys hearing praise and approval from those she cares about. Although, this isn't something she'd willingly admit to just about anyone. 

The female can be quite creative and highly imaginative, always eager to come up with something new. She's known to get quite irritated if there's an idea in mind, but she can't properly explain it. Nevertheless, Aika often lets out her frustration by going out or simply swimming off her frustration. Whenever  she's lacking in the entertainment field, she'll feel in kind to search for someone and look for inspiration there. Of course, this could be seen as an excuse as well since she gets bored quite easily at times. 

As far as intimacy and relationships goes, Aika can be quite vulnerable when it comes trusting someone on a personal level. For her, intimacy is a big step considering she's trusting someone completely- almost risking the chance that she'll become harmed in the process. Regardless of her own insecurities, she'll try her best to give it her all and stay loyal to those she'll come to love in the long run. After all, she's known to be quite caring and eager to please towards those she cares fore. Of course, it can be difficult  for the female if her and a loved one are in the middle of the fight. The only clear sign that she's wanting to either be forgiven or offering her forgiveness, the redhead will act affectionate towards them. Romantic gestures are something she feels hesitant in doing, but if coaxed properly then she'll be more than willingly to adapt. 

At times, Aika happens to be quite bold and shameless about certain things- mainly towards topics that concerns feelings. After all, she prefers to be straightforward about things instead of beating around the bush. Normally, the redhead can keep her composure even if she's upset or depressed, refusing to break down and make scene. On the rare occasion that she does break down, she'll be rather destructive and easily provoked. Naturally, that doesn't end just there with her break downs. The only way to calm her down is to show her affection or to simply surprise her in some shape or form. Moving on, the redhead is the type to do what she believes is right to the very end at the cost of her own happiness. In a sense, one might say she's willingly to take a bullet instead of letting it hit a loved one. 

Sadly, the growing girl can be quite cocky at times with her own flawless ability to gather information and remain hidden in the shadows. She's rather smug about her fighting abilities, often leading her to become distracted in midst of a fight and grow rather reckless. 

Good Habit(s):  Expressive, kind, hard working, creative, imaginative, observant, composed, calm and playful. 

Bad Habit(s):  Mischievous, easily bored, vulnerable, hesitant, shameless, bold, destructive if provoked, and cocky. 

Nationality: Japanese and a Italian with a dash of Greek.

Place of origin:  Venice, Italy.

Current residence: Japan.

Spoken languages: English, Italian and Japanese. 

Like(s): Lengthy novels, clouds, stargazing, summer heat, illusions, high places, sleeping, dreams, card games, small animals- mainly wolves and foxes, word games, action or horror movies, soft melodies, scarfs, blankets, warmth, physical contact, mythology, mythical creatures, paranormal, video games, exploring new places, and key-chains.  

Dislike(s): Boredom, screaming arguments, alcohol, stench of blood, massacres, confrontations, feeling incompetent, emotional breakdowns, betrayal, craving her parents attention, horrible movies with no plot, seeing loved ones hurt, interrogations, arrogance of some mafia families, children being trained to kill at a young age, orders, lectures, police, wasabi, nightmares and thunderstorms. 

Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, exploring, swimming, photography, training, stargazing, and watching films. 

Fear(s): Confinement, small rooms, thunderstorms, injections, interrogations and bleeding heavily. 

Strength(s): Scouting, observing people, close combat fighting, illusions and knowledgeable on firearms. 

Weakness(es): Long range fighting, fighting in unfamiliar territory, self critical and impulsive. 

Special Powers/Abilities:
☆ Highly imaginative. 

☆  Observational. 

☆  Scouting ahead. 

☆  High level of endurance. 

☆  Knowledge on firearms. 

☆ Able to disguise herself effectively. 


☆ Aika and Belphegor's relationship involve irritating Squalo quite frequently, during her stay at the Varia base. 

☆  Aika's master happens to be Mukuro Rokudo, who is currently training her and helping her sharpen her stills. However, she's still reluctant in calling Mukuro master at the given moment. 

☆ The future Aika had went missing for some time, dropping all contact with everyone at the given time. It was discovered she had been with Ciro during the attack on the Kagi famila. The only known fact of Aika was that she had been rendered unconscious and dragged away by some unknown individual. 

☆  Aika feels guilty for Yamamoto's incident, due to being with him before the attack had occurred. 

☆ After certain events Aika experienced in the future, nightmares and sleepless nights became a frequent companion for the female. It wasn't long before the female was medicated to sustain her mental and emotional health. 

☆ Aika's parents have already decided to marry off their daughter to Ciro Alebrandi unless another man of high status decides to pursue her. 

☆ Like many in the Cosmos familia, red fiery locks is the typical trait of the well-known familia. 

In the future arc, it's revealed that Aika had been missing in action for a few months, after the attack on the Aldebrandi familia. Yamamoto and Ciro hadn't been able to contact her for some time, especially after the attack on the Aldebrandi familia. Fran had claimed he saw a silver haired woman, back in Italy, although it was only a brief encounter. Around the time Tsuna and his gang began appearing, Aika had yet to be found but they managed to catch a faint trace of mist and storm flames on their radar. It was a risky move but Ciro decided to head out and try to locate her, much to everyone's disapproval. After all, there was always a possibility that it could be a trap but the redhead had gone anyway. It had almost been three or four days later that Ciro had finally returned with a heavily injured Aika. Although, the future Aika had vanished two days prior and the present Aika had been left in the future. The injured girl heavily relied on Ciro and Haru during that time period, far too unpredictable to be calm around anyone else. 

It was obvious something had gone on during the time she was missing but Aika hardly spoke a word of it to anyone. Instead, she isolated herself in her room with only Ciro being the one to bring her out of her darkened room. Of course, it wasn't often that she'd be able to functional normally without Ciro around her. Without the redhead around, Aika would be reduced to unpredictable mental and emotional breakdowns fairly often, along with painful migraines. It almost felt like her insides were on fire and her mind had been reduced to utter much. Nothing she took could prevent this feeling that she felt stirring inside of her violently. Aika would often use her illusions to try and numb herself, not wanting to feel anything anymore. 

|| F E A R S A N D Q U I R K S  || 

☆  Of being heavily tortured.
☆  Watching loved one killed before her eyes.
☆ Not being able to save her loved ones.

☆ Being seen as a murder.
☆ Being treated like the enemy of her loved ones.

Emotional flaws: 
☆  Bottling up emotions.
☆  Stress builds up easily.
☆ Terrible breakdowns.

☆  If she's nervous: She'll often bite her lip or toy with the hem of her shirt.
☆ If she's angry: She wouldn't hesitate to speak her mind- holding nothing back. 
☆  If she's hurt: She can be quite vulnerable and docile at the given moment.

||  D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S  ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆ Recognized for her abilities.
☆  Surpassing all expectations.

☆ Assassin.
☆ Bodyguard.

Best Class(es): Art. P.E. English.

Worst Class(es): History. Chemistry.

||  F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S  ||

Deimos Cosmos , 50 years old. Alive.

    Deimos was already a part of the mafia business at the mere age of his early twenties. His older brother and father had been a part of the mafia keeping it a secret from the male. Although ~ that soon changed when they discovered a few things. Deimos seemed to have a natural talent with Guns and could easily associate with the people. Not only that he was quite observant about people's characteristics , being able to tell if someone was good or purely bad for interest. Soon enough he was sent to mafia school , for various reasons. He was quite the joy to have back then , easily influencing other people to join in with his family. Eventually at the peak of his late twenties , he had met a fine woman one day. The two had eventually hit it off , rather well and they soon began a relationship.
 Deimos is a fairly tall Italian, with a mixture of Japanese , man. His hairstyle seems to mirror Giotto's almost although it's a silver shade  obviously showing where Aika gained her hair color from. His eyes are crimson , although they're covered by a pair of sunglasses he wears almost always. He's a fairly polite individual , constantly out at a ball. It's fairly easy for him to talk to others and influence them in his favor , although he hardly uses this trait of his. Eventually he started to care about his familia first instead of his real family , just like his wife. However, his wife came first for him every single time alongside work. Hence Aika's relationship with her parents are rather strained and filled with tension. 

     Chiyo Fujisaki , 45 years old. Alive.

  Chiyo had been trained under her parents in the life as a mafiaso, although it was a bit different. Instead of training to became one, she was trained on how to protect one. It turns out her parents worked for hire to protect any mafiaso, who paid and had a legitimate reason . Of course , she would end up working with them in the same business. When she was in her mid twenties  at a party, she had met with a charming man. The two had eventually hit it off  pretty well , the two soon began a relationship. A few years later, the two had a heir to their name.

 Chiyo is a rather petite Japanese woman, her thick  ebony tresses falls to her waist. Her eyes on the other hand are a unique shade of red shining with kindness or a teasing glint in them. She's a kind and observant woman, constantly worrying about other's before herself. She'd put her family before herself , obviously caring about family first and then herself. These were the traits that attracted Hiroshi to her , of course her charming nature also helped. Although somehow working with her familila started becoming more important than real family, it was the same thing with her husband actually. That didn't mean that she put her child first before her husband,herself, and her career as a mafiaso. Hence Aika's strained and tense relationship with her parents, who find out awkward to dote on her now. 

Sibling(s): None.


Tags: Anime, Pixiv Fantasia, Pixiv, Ooshi

Eton Cosmos, 80 years old. Alive.

  Eton is Deimos's and Alastor's father, a former assassin, well known in fact. It was surprising when people in the mafia discovered he was an assassin, he seemed to radiate an aura of happiness. No one expected him to be one of the former deadly assassins in the mafia world. He's was quite handsome during his golden years , not that he isn't now. He's very similar to the Ninth in appearance, although his hairstyle is a bit more shaggy than his. Once he had Deimos, he sent him to Mafia school for various reasons. After all, he didn't want his son to get hurt due to his job in mafia. Eton is often seen wearing button down shirts and blue jeans, during his daily life. If a event is insisting his appearance, he would appear in a formal suit for that occasion.

 Eton's ex-wife , Marie, divorced him once she had found out he was a part of the mafia. That wasn't all that could go wrong during his early thirties , Marie left him with their newborn. She no longer wanted the baby , due to Eton's background. Eventually Eton named the baby boy , Deimos, having to pick one himself. He had raised the young boy by himself until another fellow mafiaso decided to help out , he would find out why later. She went by the name of Katarina Alamanni, a mafia member ,who instead of killing was a mechanic. After a few months of raising a young Hatori , the two had fallen in love with one another. A year or two had passed , the two were soon dating which turned into a engagement. It didn't take the two long to want to be married, which led them to their first son together, Dante. Eton and Aika have a close relationship, since she spent some of her childhood days with her grandparents instead of her parents.

Dante Comos, 35 years old. Alive.

  Hatori, unlike his older brother Hiroshi, was given a choice of what to pick. A choice on the lifestyle he would live, Mafia or stay in the world of the normal people. Alas ~ like every choice there is a consequence for it. If he choose the life outside of the Mafia, he wouldn't be able to live a proper life. However, there was a certain appeal about the mafia world that kept him glued to it in the end. It wouldn't be long before many began to know him, fearing his abilities quite a bit.

Alf Cosmos, 14 year old. Alive.

Alf is one of the few relatives that Aika actually gets along with well in the Cosmos family. He's rather docile though he has an awful tendency to manipulate people, especially those that are seen as beneficial to him.

Pet(s): Kyo , A black cat with splotches of white fur and golden colored eyes. He's still a small kitten though.

Best Friend(s):

 Belphegor { Possible love interest } 

Aika's relationship with Belphegor is anything but peaceful, especially when she first met him. The redhead would either be arguing against him or attempting to get far, far away from him. Of course, running away never worked to her advantage considering Belphegor knew the layout more so than she did. The only way she got out of that mess was by convincing him it would be better to go after Squalo instead. Naturally, the older male wouldn't be happy to hear that answer. Nevertheless, Aika was relieved that she managed to stay away from becoming another one of his target practices, not that the blond doesn't continue to throw knives in her general direction. Before she knew it, the redhead had somehow gotten close to the prince- a thought she didn't seem to welcome at first. Then again, it was more convenient to be on relatively good terms with him considering it might help her avoid getting harmed in the near future. Also, it'll probably keep her safe from the male's irritation as well, since she has been taking  a familiar pair of striped shirts from him, though she doesn't do it too often. Moving on, her relationship is relatively odd due to a number of things. The redhead does admit that she admires Belphegor's abilities and fighting style, but she prefers not to be around when the male sees blood. That's always a scary sight to witness. 

 Fran { Possible Love Interest }

Although the two had met at a different ages, the duo eventually grew to understand one another. Somewhat at least. There had been a few one sided arguments here and there, though they had mainly been on Aika's part. Throughout the time Mukuro trained the two, Aika had come to develop a fondness for the boy. It had reached the point that she was quite eager to spoil the younger boy, regardless of what may be sad to her. Of course, this relationship occurred after they had all gained their future selves memories. Aika was much closer to the future Fran than she was with the current Fran, though that had been the very reason she chose to befriend this younger version of him instead. Despite what the green haired male may say Aika enjoys acting affectionate with the boy, given the fact his complaints are quite entertaining to hear.

 Ciro Alebrandi  

The two had met at a young age when the two had yet to become close with one another. During that time frame of their childhood, Aika was hardly close to him until the shed accident. It was only after that, that the two had finally began conversing with one another. Their friendship with one another had grown quite tremendously within those few weeks before Aika would be heading off to the Varia. Despite their time apart, the redhead had kept in contact during their time apart- which wasn't too surprising at the given moment. After a year had past, the two had reunited with one another once again. In a way,  Ciro is the only one Aika can fully trust and willingly comply with him, no matter the problem. Of course, that goes both ways considering Ciro is willing to do the same for Aika as well. The redhead certainly doesn't mind pushing aside her own needs to make sure Ciro has a chance to gain his own happiness. His happiness means the world to her, which isn't surprising considering he's the most important person to her after her grandfather. 

 At one point in the future, it was known that the two had attempted an intimate relationship for some time until complications soon arose. Of course, this relationship had only been been attempted because of their engagement. An engagement that their parents had set up without their consent. The two individuals simply decided it would be best for them to decide to go through with it or not. Nevertheless, with their engagement being known to the world- their feelings slowly began to spiral out of control.  What could they possibly do now at this point? Logically, they did try to pursue a minor serious relationship for quite some time during a part of the present and future verse. Something that came as a surprise to the others. After all, they did stress that nothing remotely intimate could possibly occur between the two growing adults countless times in the past.


Mukuro Rokudo

Aika had first met Mukuro sometime after she joined Varia to train, though their first meeting was hardly perfect. The mist user mentored her soon enough, alongside of another by the name of Fran. Over the course of a few weeks, the duo had somewhat grown closer to one another. The redhead does have a good amount of respect for the mist user, though she doesn't feel inclined to mention this to him. Despite leaving the Varia a year later, she would still finding herself heeding Mukuro's advice and lessons. It wasn't long after that, that she had been told that Mukuro was locked away. The news had surprised her until she heard mentions of Mukuro using a vessel, who she'd later come to know as Chrome Dokuro. A soon to be dear friend of her's. Her odd bond with Mukuro easily makes the female willing to help him, no matter the problem. Although, some would consider her loyalty rather foolish due to the individual she is loyal to.

 Takashi Yamamoto 

The swordsman and Aika hit it off pretty well, which wasn't too surprising given his bright nature and her playful attitude. The two would often share countless laughs no matter how tense the situation. Aika often attends his baseball games whenever she could, just to cheer him on from the sidelines. Although- she doesn't have romantic feelings for the male, she does admit that he's quite attractive. Personally, she loves his personality- finding it very difficult to even stay mad at him for a day. Aika finds it pretty easy to trust him due to his easygoing and friendly nature. Yamamoto always seems to have a way in making her smile despite the bad mood she may be in. It's interesting to her that he can easily lift up her attitude with his optimistic nature. The redhead isn't scared to act affectionately towards the baseball player, despite his following of female fans. When he ended up in the hospital, Aika stayed with him throughout his time there at the hospital- as much as she could at least. Of course, it had been tough the first night considering she was crying along side the others once she heard about Yamamoto's injuries. 

In the future, Aika has grown incredibly close to the swordsman to the point she'll trust him with her own life.

Chrome Dokuro 

Aika absolutely adores Chrome, despite only knowing her for a short amount of time. Their first meeting occurred sometime prior to the ring battle but the two hadn't been as close back then. Once it was learned Chrome was Mukuro's vessel, her interest had increased in the female even more than before. This had lead to the redhead to befriend the timid girl, which proved to be rather difficult at first. After a few more tries, the two had finally began to speak more and more frequently with one another. Of course, M.M's treatment of Chrome had made Aika fairly protective over her despite the short amount of time they've known each other. It irked the redhead to see M.M treat her that way, despite Chrome's insistence that it was fine at the given moment. Once she caught wind of Mukuro kicking Chrome out of their crew, Aika promptly took it upon herself to take care of the female. It wasn't as if she could simply waltz in Mukuro's lair and demand answers from it, considering it would only be futile to do so. The next best thing she could do was to take care of Chrome and offer her to stay at their home for however long she needed. 

Haru Miura 

Initially, the two's relationship was more one sided at the time, since the two girls clearly liked Tsuna. However, Aika couldn't help but feel more at ease around Haru. Before the redhead even realized it, the two had grown incredibly close to one another. In fact, it wouldn't be odd to find them hanging out during the weekdays and the weekends. After all, Aika enjoys treating Haru from time to time but it's more of a spontaneous type of thing. Despite her reluctance, the redhead has agreed to model a few of Haru's clothing for cosplay. Aika enjoys seeing the brunette with a smile, after all. Haru is a fun girl to be around, which explains why the redhead enjoys spending time with her. It isn't odd to find the two out shopping from time to time or simply heading to the local bakery shop. During the future, Aika felt extremely guilty when Haru had found out about the mafia. The redhead wanted to tell her but decided against it, not wanting the other female to have anything to do with that tainted world. This is the main reason why Aika fiercely defends Haru from any possible harm, especially in arguments involving the female. 


The two get along fairly well 

Fuuta de la Stella

The young brunet is someone that Aika is extremely protective of regardless of the situation. 

Dino Callvone

It wasn't very difficult for Aika to strike up a conversation with the mafiaso, considering his good nature. The blond haired man was someone she considered a close friend and an older brother figure. Of course, that was after Aika had gotten over her puppy crush on the older male. 


Tsunayoshi Sawada

Aika had first met Tsuna during the battle for the rings, this was a little after she had arrived in Namimori. Honestly, the redhead was curious about the male her former companions talked about. Upon seeing his intervention in Lambo's match, she couldn't help but be surprised by the concern he had shown the younger male. After all, she had been around Xanxus for a complete year that seeing a boss as caring as Tsuna was surprising to her. It wouldn't be long after that event, that she officially met the Vongola group through Reborn's suggestion. Aika couldn't help but feel content to finally be able to interact with the group, especially with Tsuna. However, those feelings of admiration had slowly transformed into something else entirely. At the time, she didn't seem aware of her own feelings until she noticed what Tsuna felt for a certain school idol by the name of Kyoko Sasagawa. This had made her all too aware that she didn't have a chance, considering who her opponent happened to be. It was around that time that Aika gradually stopped hanging around Tsuna, instead of acting affectionate like she usually would- the redhead would act more hesitant around him. 

These fears were the very reason why she fiercely refused to be alone with him or even met his warm gaze. Aika was afraid he'd be able figure out what exactly was bothering her right that second. 

 Hayato Gokudera

Intially, the two's relationship was quite rocky and often filled with countless arguments. Somewhere along the line, Aika's opinion of Gokudera gradually began to change into something much more.. unique. Crimson hues would often seek him out more than she usually would in midst of their group at Namimori. Gokudera was just.. so intriguing in her eyes. Everything about him seemed to scream out to her, luring her to approach him. Of course, she tried her best to ignore the thumping of her heart along with the occasional flush of her cheeks, including the slight stutter of her words. The redhead felt at a sudden loss, no longer being able to act like usually did around him.  

Enma Kozato

Aika had stumbled upon Enma only after his bullies had gotten to the redhead. The redhead quickly took him to her shared household to patch up his wounds, despite his protests that it wasn't necessary. Eventually this had started to become a routine between the two individuals. It wouldn't be long before Aika had decided to offer her help in stopping his problems with the bullies. She couldn't stand seeing him be treated this way by the redhead's bullies. Of course, it was a secret she dragged Shin into this situation to help them out indirectly. After Enma's betrayal was known, Aika wasn't sure what to think about the situation anymore. She felt loyalty for both parties involved, Tsuna and Enma. It was difficult to not care about Enma despite his betrayal being known, in fact this was probably the time she had discovered her own feelings for him. Much to her disappointment, Aika was ordered to stay behind while Tsuna and the others went to fight the Shimon Family. The female's faith in Enma didn't seem to diminish after this, she still believed there had to be a reason behind Enma's abrupt betrayal- similar to the situation in the future. 

Once the real traitor had been established, Aika hardly wasted much time in treating Enma the same as before. After all, the redhead is her dear friend and she can't help but feel concerned about him. 

Hibari Kyoya

Aika's relationship with Hibari was incredibly strained at first, which wouldn't be too surprising considering the circumstances involved. 


Kyoko Sasagawa

Despite Kyoko's good nature, it's difficult for Aika not to feel envious or jealous around the short haired female. Seeing her constantly reminded her of Tsuna's crush on the female, which didn't help Aika's self view at all. Everything about Kyoko was everything Aika clearly didn't have. It was a reality she didn't enjoy facing at all. Aika's rather distant around the female, not wanting to have much to do with her. She doesn't necessarily hate her but the fact Tsuna likes her.. leaves her feeling rather bitter. The girl doesn't hold much conversations with Kyoko, actually she tries to avoid being alone with her. Just the thought of Kyoko and Tsuna together makes her feel disheartened and extremely bitter, though those feelings are something she doesn't reveal to other individuals. Despite those thoughts, she can't bring herself to completely disregard the girl considering Kyoko hasn't treated the redhead any differently from the others nor has she refused to offer her friendship. This often leaves Aika feeling pained and immensely guilty by her pessimistic thoughts. 


Even though Rasiel is Belphegor's older brother, Aika finds him to be rather.. creepy. The man's smile just irks her even more often leaving her fuming with anger. Honestly, it's safe to say she dislikes him quite a lot to the point she'll actively avoid bumping into him. Also, it didn't help that she thought the older twin had killed off Belphegor and Fran in the future. It only seemed to irk even further than necessary at the given moment, something that she didn't voice to anyone. 

Squalo Superbi

Aika's relationship with Squalo was a disastrous one at first, until they managed to move past that. The redhead does admire the older man for a number of things, mainly his skill and his patience towards the foolish schemes every one happens to get into fairly often. Despite the occasional arguments they get into, which are mainly her fault due to her involvement with Belphegor and their bad habit of messing with Squalo. Although, her relationship with Squalo may be rather strained at times but she sees him as an older brother figure nonetheless.

Haku Ryuuga

Despite their rivalry, the brunet and the redhead are on relatively good terms with one another. Haku happens to be an old friend of Aika's from back in their academy days. The two happen to be quite competitive with one another, considering they're both in the same work field. Assassination. It always seems to be a race to get the most missions done before the other, often leading them to taking multiple jobs and possibly stressing themselves over the variety of missions they now have. 



Aika can't stand being in the same room as M.M, considering the two's personality often clash with one another. Something about the short haired female simply pisses her off, though she believes it's her treatment of Chrome that makes her feel this way in particular. After all, Aika is quite protective of Chrome to the point she'll willingly defend her in front of anyone. Therefore, she refuses to let M.M mistreat her in any way, which often leads to cat fights between the two girls. 

Hasai Shougo

Hasai is an underling who works directly for Byakuran in the future, the same man who was the reason for Aika's injuries in the past. He's utterly repulsed yet intrigued by the redhead, whom he shares a special connection with. Of course, he also had a hand in drugging the girl and making certain memories of her's unclear and blurry. After all, he wasn't helping her for free- instead the male decided to test a little experiment of his which explained the increase of his desire to capture more valuable candidates. Aika Saito had only been one of the more prominent test subjects at the given time, considering the amount of possible test subjects he had were extremely limited. 


During the future arc, Aika felt a mixture of fear and admiration for this man. Although, the fear was much more powerful than the admiration. All of the power he had only to be used in this manner.. In a sense you could say she craved to have this power for herself. The thought alone scared her immensely, which didn't seem to help at all considering her memories. She didn't want to accept the fact a member of his familia was sent separately to take her out of the field of danger and over to their base. Of course, it didn't help that she was heavily wounded and drugged during the time period she was drowsy. By the time Byakuran had appeared in the present time, she had noticed a change in the male- almost making her hesitant to be around him. However, she ignored the reluctance she initially felt and decided to approach him from there. Maybe he'd be able to fill in with the memories she had been missing during the future. 


Aika and Xaxnus hardly see eye to eye for a wide variety of reasons, though their first encounter is mainly to blame. Nevertheless, she didn't have much of a choice than to ignore her dislike of the man. After all, she had to serve under him for a complete year and it would be easier if she didn't end up on his bad side. Of course, that was easier said than done at the given moment. From there, their relationship hardly seemed to progress instead it only seemed to further the two's dislike of one another. However, Aika will admit to admiring Xanxus's skills and powers even if they don't see eye to eye frequently. Nevertheless, that admiration of skills doesn't stop the arguments between the two individuals. More often than not, Aika will usually have to avoid being hit by an empty bottle or plate. 

|| M A F I A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation [ie. Vongola, etc.]: Callvone Familia, Kagi Familia, Shimon Familia Varia assassination squad and Vongola familia. 

Weapons: Originally, she carried around a retractable staff until she managed to control her powers later on. From then on, she began to carry a twin pair of guns along with her as well as her staff. 

Special Attacks:

   Fiamme Disillusion; The user's flames are sucked in a good amount to give the enemy a change. The area surrounding the user and the enemy are quickly changed around. It creates of your world created of your every own nightmares, of both the user and the enemy. Everything surrounding the two area's are shifted into some mazes of some sorts with dead ends, giving you a feeling of dread and such.

  Terre Promesse; The ' Promised Lands. A semi-medium sized circle surrounds the user, using their flames as power. It guarantees the safety and protection of the people held inside. Although the user isn't guaranteed the same protection as the ones held inside of the circle. The user is offering their flames to protect the one's inside of it, the strength of their pride fuels their flames. Although the flames do tend to suck up a small amount of life force if a huge amount of these flames are required.

  Venti terribile; A surge of wind surrounds her body, giving it protection for a single moment. The winds in the surrounding area pick up speed, picking up anything and anyone in their path. It leaves the girl open to attack anyone of her opponents, due to the extra lift she gets with the wind. It can also be used as a small shield if the moment ever arises.

  Morire fiamma; Her flames diminish instantly at her beckon, leaving her in a state of zero. This gives her an opportunity to boost up her flames to their maxium capcity, during her semi-unconscious state. The flames can also be charged to her resolve to continue the fight, gaining more flames along the way. 

  Orrore del passato; A thick wall covers her and the enemy, leaving them trapped together, in a dark world. There's nothing but nightmares the two have dreamed up during their past. It could include any people, events, battles or a small thing that bothered them in the past. Nothing is safe here, not even the user. This ability leaves the User to be open to any attacks this move could do. The user's mind is also at stake, alongside the enemy's mind. It's similar to ' Fiamme Disillusion' , although this leaves you stuck until the exit is found.

  More attacks coming later ~.

Box weapon ;  Aika's box weapon is a pure white fox with a streak of black on his muzzle, along with a pair of emerald hues. The fox by itself is fairly cunning enough by itself and often comes out by himself, without approval from the female. 

Are you a guardian?: Yes.

If so, what ring and attribute do you possess? [ie. storm, sky, rain, mist, etc.]: Due to Aika's training with the Varia and Mukuro, she discovered she had the mist attribute. Her ring is similar to the other's although it hardly contains any images on it considering it's a plain silver ring. Her family figured it would he easier to hide the ring if one was planning on stealing it. The redhead also keeps Shin's sky ring from time to time, mainly to watch after it for him. It was only discovered recently that she developed the flame for the storm attribute, donning two elements at once. Of course, this was only after she gained her memories from the future. 

||  L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E || 

Body Type/Looks: Aika's body is fairly slender and her stomach is rather flat, due to the frequent amount of training she undergoes. There is some muscle to be found on her body though it isn't a significant amount of it. Also, there are a few noticeable curves to be found on the female. As far as womanly assets go, the redhead doesn't have much to complain about considering she has a moderate sized bust. Her hands are an inch or smaller than the norm while her fingers are slender. Her complexion is far with a rosy tinted hue which often occurs due to long exposure in the sun. Her eyes are rather round 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Aika is more inclined to wear frilly type of dresses: ranging from a variety of colors, mainly an angelic white to a devilish red. Of course, she does wear anything from v-necks and frilly shirts to long sleeved and sweaters. For the lower half of her body, she wears fitted jeans and shorts to the occasional skirts and leggings. Although, she only wears the last two if she feels like it. Half of the time, she can be spotted with a jacket either tied around her waist of lingering on her arm. As far as shoes go, she'll wear anything from a pair of flats to a pair of ankle boots. Although, she wears the regular Nami Chuu's female uniform during school hours. 

Accessories: There's a small heart locket engraved with the words ' La realtà è meglio dei sogni ' , it contained a message that would later help her out. With what  exactly ? Finding out her mist flames and that there were other users. 

Makeup: Normally, Aika only wears Chapstick or lipgloss on a day to day basis. Although, she'll feel more inclined to wear makeup during an outing or a formal even. After all, she was taught from a young age to always look her best at a formal event, considering everyone who made a name for themselves would be there. 

Scent: Aika happens to give off a vanilla like scent with a faint trace of coffee mixed in. 

Hairstyle(s): Aika's crimson tresses is usually down, which happens to be reach mid back- but it hard to tell due to the tips of her hair being slightly curled. Her bangs typically frame her face unless their swept to the side, from a habit of running her fingers through her hair. However if there is a special event, she'll feel more inclined to curl her hair and pin it in a elegant up do. Her hair is usually brushed daily to get rid of any possible tangles. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: Aika has a birthmark on the right side of her belly button, which almost resembles a crescent moon in a way. Her ears also happen to share one set of piercings though she doesn't have any tattoos of any sort. There's a few faint scars across her stomach, due to her Varia days- but Belphegor is to blame for those really. During the future, she gained a few scars on her hands from helping Fran pull out the knives Belphegor would throw at him. Of course, she also gained a scar on her right cheek due to an incident. During the present time, she mailed to gained a slightly noticeable scar that on her forehead, hidden underneath her bangs, from a mission that occurred months ago with Belphegor. 

||  E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song: 

; What if - Safteysuit. 
If it makes you sad
If it makes you sad at me
Then it's all my fault and let me fix it please 
Cause you know that I'm always all for you 
Cause you know that I'm always all for you 
; Never be the same - Red. 
And how can I pretend I've never known you?
Like it was all a dream, no.
I know I'll never forget 
The way I always felt with you beside me
And how you loved me then, yeah. 

; Lie to me- 12 Stones. 
So lie to me once again
And tell me everything will be alright
Lie to me once again 
And ask yourself before we say goodbye
Well goodbye
Was it worth it in the end...

; Rinse - Vanessa Carlton. 
She'd do anything to sparkle in his eye
She would suffer, she would fight, and compromise
She's been wishin' on stars that shine so bright 
For answers to the questions that will haunt her tonight 


"Just go..! I can handle these guys easily! Besides you guys are too important to lose. You have to go right now-" 

"I already know my feelings for him are pointless. After all, Tsuna likes Kyoko and that's.. pretty obvious to everyone but her. I can see why he likes her.. she has this innocence none of us have anymore. After all, even Reborn said she'd be a suitable wife for him, and that's saying something. I guess.. actually I know that I'll never catch his afternoon like she does. It's always been her, after all. She's the girl he's fighting for since the start of this whole mess. I just can't.. win. She's pure and I'm not. It's as simple as that- I'm not suitable for him. I never was." 

"Sorry for not being around much.. I've been busy with a few things. You know, trying to catch up on sleep and avoid having those dreadful nightmares again." 

"I won't join anyone else's familia right now, other than his.. Just give me some time to think about it- please?" 

Favorite Food(s): Anything really.

Favorite Color(s): Lavender and Ruby red. 

Favorite Number(s): 4, 18, 27, and 96. 

Favorite Season(s):  Winter and Fall. 

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas and New Year's Eve. 

Favorite Time of Day: Sometime around noon or evening.

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