Wednesday, June 26, 2013

{ ι’м ησт тнєιя нєяσ ; яєвσяη! мαℓє σ¢ }

||  I N T R O D U C T I O N ||

I'm not their hero

but that doesn't mean 

that I wasn't brave

Tags: Anime, Fanart, Pixiv, Puss In Boots, Inazuma Eleven

Name (last, first): Aldebrandi, Ciro.

Meaning: Ciro is the Italian form of Latin Cryrus, meaning 'like the sun'. Aldebrandi has two different meanings, the first being 'son of Aldebrando' or 'son of Altebrando', Germanic names, the first being composed of alda 'wise' and brand 'burning sword' and the latter of alt 'old' and brand. In fact, alt are related; someone old was often someone wise. 

Nickname(s): Cryrus, Fire manic , Aldebrandi's kid. 

Age: 16-17 > 26 - 27 TYL.

Species: Human.

Gender: Male.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Birthday: March 18th.

Life Story: 

Ciro Aldebrandi is the only and first son of Rei Nakamura and Dante Aldebrandi making him the rightful heir of the Kagi Familia. With that in mind, his childhood was constantly filled with mafia schooling, weapon and combat lessons- much to his dislike at the given moment. Of course, none of that occurred until after his fourth birthday where his father prepared him for the world he would soon be entering. His father, Dante, believed it would be better to show a child early on how the mafia worked instead of later. He didn't want to risk the chance of someone getting their hands on their defenseless child. He needed to prepare him about the possible dangers beforehand. And with that decision, most of Ciro's childhood was spent in a learning environment with teachers frequently visiting the Aldebrandi premises. 

However things had changed one night, his mother, Rei, had been sick for some time now although they barely figured out what it was affecting her. Cancer. From that moment on, Ciro would often visit the hospital with his father though the young boy would often go by himself as well. After all, his mother was important to him at the given moment. The redhead couldn't bare the thought of losing his mother so soon, especially to a sickness she was being treated for. Nonetheless, Rei Nakamura didn't have the strength to keep on fighting the inevitable. She died during just around the corner of spring. 

During that time period, something had changed within Ciro making him much more.. antisocial towards others. He had started to distant himself while his father, Dante drowned himself in his work. It was only until his uncle, Arnoldo, had shown up and suggested that Ciro should stay with a friend of his that things began to change. That friend of his uncle's later came to be known as Deimos Cosmos, Aika Cosmos's father. The name sounded familiar to him, to a certain extent at least. With his father's permission, Ciro had left to Italy to stay with the Saito household. After all, both Alebrandi men were still accepted by the death of Rei, which changed both of them significantly. The most evident change within them had been the loss of a social Ciro and a much more.. flirtatious Dante Aldebrandi. 

Over the next few months, Ciro had lived in the Saito household though he did notice the obvious problems there. Their daughter, Aika, seemed to be left on her own often while her parents were off doing a wide variety of missions. At first, he strived to stay away from the younger girl deeming it unnecessary to talk to her, considering she did seem rather bitter about him being there in her household. However his relationship with the younger girl would soon change during a thunderstorm that occurred and a thirteen year old Aika had accidentally got caught locked in a shed during this time. The fourteen year old never intended to be caught in midst of this thunderstorm while he was trying to search for a lost item. It had only been by mere chance that he heard the cries coming from the shed as he tried to make his way back to the Cosmos household. Once he managed the door, he encountered the scared girl who he wasted very little time in gathering her in his arms in his attempts to calm her down as he hurried and lead them back home. 

That incident had greatly improved their nonexistent relationship, though he wouldn't know until a few days later. Aika had become much more friendly and concerned about the redhead. This change of behavior did surprise Ciro but he wasted very little time in adjusting to this change. Eventually, the two preteens began to converse on a regular basis among each other's company. However things promptly changed for the two of them once Aika turned fourteen and Ciro had turned fifteen. Aika's parents decided that Aika should continue her with the Varia, due to the influence of her parent's higher ups. Without the option to voice his own disapproval, Ciro choose that moment to get heavily involved with some training of his own. After all, he would eventually become the head of his own familia, the Aldebrandi familia. 

- - - » From here everything can be found in Aika's history. 

|| A B O U T  H I M  O R  H E R ||


Ciro can be fairly blunt at times, though it's not because he wants to. The redhead hasn't learned to properly express himself due to his deceased mother's sudden death. Although, it's due to that trait that it makes it quite difficult to tell if he's joking or not. Typically, he's unconcerned about people who irritate him, wanting very little to do with them. If he's provoked any further than that, he'll feel inclined to ignore the individual and give them the cold shoulder instead until he decides to give them the time of day. Not even those closest to him get any special treatment, especially if they provoked him first. However, he does show some concern for a few select amount of people, despite the fact they provoked him. If a friend is in trouble, Ciro would willingly go and help them regardless of any prior fight. Loyalty is a big thing for the redhead after all. Therefore, it isn't wise to betray him and not face any sort of consequences. 

Oddly enough, he can be a bit playful at times but that's mainly due to the redhead's enjoyment of pranks and jokes in general. Although, his sense of humor is a bit odd at times. Despite making jokes occasionally, it's difficult to tell if he's being serious or only joking at times. Ironically, Ciro can be persuasive due to his own knowledge of how things generally work in the mafia world and how tragedy can affect someone in both a positive and negative light. At times, his reasoning may come off as a bit.. aggressive due to his own impatience and short temper. Hence why, it can be easy to provoke him with just the right words. Due to this aggressiveness, he becomes rather active and prone to taking out his stress through some activity. 

When it comes to terms of intimacy and relationships, Ciro can be a bit passionate and fiery just like his familia's name implies. He's more than eager to make his lover feel like the most important individual in his life. In a sense, one might say that's willing to go to any lengths to make sure that the person he cares for his always smiling. After all with his fiery temper, there's no telling what he would do if someone were to hurt a loved one of his, especially the most important individual for him. 

It's evident that Ciro has problems expressing himself properly, something he's currently working on improving. Try as he might, the redhead doesn't see much point in making himself appear more expressive through his facial features and tone of voice. Despite what he might say, he finds it easy to smile in the presence of those he holds close to him or simply fancies  in general. Of course, it is easier to see him open up more if he's exhausted and wants nothing more than to sleep. If done properly, one can catch the male rambling on about nonsense for awhile before finally nodding off. 

The redhead is the type to tease his treasured ones with his bad humor, often causing a collective amount of groans because of it. Despite his short temper and impatience, he refuses to speak or treat a female and child rudely. After all, he believes they should be treated with a decent amount of respect. As much as he hates to admit it, he accidentally picked up his father's habit of flirting with women. It's not a trait that he's proud of per say. However, it does make it significantly easier to make those he interrogates open up much more. Nonetheless, he doesn't see any shame in praising or complimenting someone regardless of the situation. Ciro figures it's best to compliment someone instead of hiding it to himself and not speaking of it. 

Good Habit(s): Polite. Courteous. Understanding. Loyal. Persuasive. Active. Passionate. 

Bad Habit(s): Blunt. Short tempered. Hesitant. Aggressive. Impatient. Flirtatious. Shameless. 

Nationality: Mixture of Italian and Japanese. 

Place of orgin: Venice, Italy . After he moved into the Cosmos's household.

Current residence: Namimori.

Spoken languages: English, Italian, Japanese.

Like(s): Warmth, blankets, beaches, naps, summer, fall, small animals, swimming, hiking, training, boxing, horror movies, action movies, card games, instrumental music, coffee, mythology, urban legends, and keychains. 

Dislike(s): Winter, spring, sunburns, crowds, pointless arguments, cigarettes, alcohol, unfaithful spouses or lovers, betrayal, cowards, traitors, being ordered around, harassment, bad treatment of animals or comrades, rude awakenings and destruction. 

Hobbies: Boxing, training, painting, swimming, climbing and hiking. 

Fear(s): Losing a loved one due to sickness, drowning, and injections. 

☆ High endurance.
☆ Stamina
☆ Observational skills.
☆ Long/Close range combat.

☆ Distractions.
☆ Water/Ice based attacks.
☆ Fire arms.
☆ Closed spaces.

Special Powers/Abilities: 
☆  He's grown immune to most poison, due to previous events.
☆ High level of endurance. 
☆ Good amount of stamina. 
☆ Sharp observational skills. 
☆ Pyromaniac. 

 Ciro's mainly seen with Aika, his supposed partner in crime, or Ryohei much to his distaste.

☆ There's always a lighter in his pocket, due to his fire obsession.

☆ At one time during their childhood, he had a minor crush on Aika before ignoring it as nothing. 

☆ Although Ciro doesn't show it, the scar from the death of his mother affected him deeply. After all, Shin was close to his mother, Rei . 

☆ Ciro is the current boss of the Aldebrandi familia, the tenth generation boss. Like any other mafia boss, he has his own set of guardians. 

☆ Ciro has been under Colonello's wings, for training sessions , similar to Reborn's training for Tsuna.

☆ Recently, it's been discovered he cheats at gambling- quite well at it too. 

☆ Ciro always had a fascination with fire and burning things in general. 

- - - »

 In the future Arc, it is revealed that Ciro hadn't been around as often as he usually was. His familia had been under attack by the Milliefore, the same time Varia had been attacked. Countless members of his familia was being captured, tortured and terminated every single day. By the time, the news had reached him, the tenth generation boss, he had been with Aika. The two had been under attacked and so were his guardians, several of them injured. The others? They were killed in the cross fire. Sometime after Aika had reached Vongola headquarters, Ciro had been the first one she attached herself to in midst of her hysteria. The redhead didn't mind watching over during said time, considering their closeness was still as strong as their past bond with one another. 

|| D R E A M S  A N D  T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: 
☆ Seeing the rest of the world/traveling.
 ☆  Protecting the family name.

☆ 10 generation boss of the Aldebrandi Familia.  
☆  Guardian of Aika Cosmos.

Best Class(es): English. Home Ec.

Worst Class(es): Chemistry.

||  F A M I L Y  A N D  F R I E N D S ||


   Father ; Dante Aldebrandi , 35 years old.

  Dante is a rather charming and attractive looking Japanese man, even at his mid thirties. He's a shaggy haired brunette with shiny emerald eyes. The male is taller than most males in his familia the Aldebrandi familia, which is something he seems to like. There's some type of confidence in his aura, no matter what he seems to be doing. He had been born into the Mafioso world, like other fellow Mafioso children of his generation. Hence why he sees nothing wrong in teaching his your child how to fight at a young age, similar to what his father had done to him. Nothing wrong in that, right? 

 It was that confident nature of his that seemed to grasp the attention of a certain woman. A woman who would eventually be the one he would marry. Her name was Rei. During the time they were dating the male had shrugged off his duties as a Hit-man, instead opted to live a normal life with his fiancee. Of course~ the two soon married, living quite the happy life. He couldn't have been happier when Rei gave birth to his bundle and joy, Ciro ; his first son. From the day his wife died, Dante had changed and soon became a man obsessed with hunting down that assassin. Although he wasn't just satisfied with killing him, he soon started sleeping around with various women, even bringing them home where Ciro was. Eventually his brother, Arnoldo, soon took Ciro away from him and sent him to a fellow friend of his. The Cosmos' knowing he'd be fine being raised with another fellow Mafioso child. Dante is currently working on sobbing up, although it's hard to change when you don't realize you have a problem.

  Mother ; Rei Nakamura , 30 years old. { Deceased.}

   Rei was quite the beautiful young woman in her time, you could see Kyoko resembled his mother. Almost. She was a young woman with auburn shade of red, her hair cascading to her shoulders with gentle curls. Rei was an average height woman, like others of her age. She was an American woman, although she was mixed with Italian, due to her father. There was always a friendly aura surrounding her daily, giving her a youthful appearance that seemed to capture your attention. Unlike her husband, she wasn't apart of the mafia world instead she was born to a normal life.Although that changed one day, when a older male had captured her attention. Eventually the two had married quite happily, soon she became pregnant. Rei was blissfully happy with her newborn child, Ciro, and her husband Dante. 

Sibling(s): None that he knows of, although he may have a few half siblings by now. 


Arnoldo Aldebrandi , 35 years old.

 Arnoldo is a man who could be described to look like a friendly looking mid aged man. Unlike his brother, Dante, he had shaggy curly brown hair. Although his was obviously a shade darker than Dante's. His eyes were emerald green as well, a trait they shared with their late mother. He was fairly tall individual, leaning a bit on the chubby side though. The male had a few stubble on his chin, giving him a Santa Claus type of look. He was a fellow Hit-man, just like Dante and his father. Although he would only accept jobs on fewer occasions, when he needed to make money to pay the bills.

Arnoldo was absolutely devastated when he heard the news of Dante's late wife , Rei. It pained him to know that his little nephew, Ciro, had witnessed the death of his mother. Why did that have to happen to them? Why ? His father and mother, and of course himself, were pained to see Dante turn to the worse . They would often see him constantly drinking alcohol and bringing woman to his house constantly , even with Ciro there with him. Eventually Arnoldo snapped , taking it upon himself, to send his nephew somewhere else. He had sent Ciro over to Italy with the Cosmos's, knowing they had a child that could befriend the poor boy.

Pet(s): A orange colored male cat with onyx eyes , called Kuro. Kuro is already a grown cat , no longer a kitten.

Best Friend(s):

 Aika Cosmos

The two hadn't been as close as they were today in the present time, until their first meeting occurred when Ciro moved in to the Saito household. Aika always seemed to be hesitant and easy to argue with him during those days. However, things began changing the moment he had turned fourteen and was out exploring the nearby forest. It was during a severe thunderstorm that he happened to come across the shed Aika had managed to lock herself into. The silverette was quick to launch herself at him, causing him to carry the terrified female back to the manor in midst of the thunderstorm. Ciro had been rather surprised when Aika attitude towards him had changed within the next few days. Oddly enough, Aika tried to make him feel more at home at the time and converse with him more. Eventually the two quickly grew closer during that time period, to the point that it was odd to see one without the other around. However, Aika had suddenly been sent over to the Varia to begin her training there while he stayed behind to continue his. The two did stay in contact with one another during that time period. Moving on to the present time, their friendship is quite strong especially in the future. 

The redhead's concern for her only grew stronger throughout the years they spent in the company of the other. In fact, it was the main reason why their relationship had grown stronger and much more closer than either party intended for it. One might say a special bond had been formed between the two. The two had reached the point of taking a bullet for the other, or simply doing anything that the other might need. It was because of that, their parents had set the two up to marry later on in the future. Of course, neither party involved knows this detail just yet. 


 Yamamoto Takeshi

Ciro, at first, didn't have any special thoughts about baseball lover. Although he did find his cluelessness rather odd, but oh well~! Eventually he had gotten over that thought. There was a time when he agreed to play a little baseball with Yamamoto.. only to regret later on. The redhead left with a black eye that evening and a apologizing baseball lover. Gokudera's and Aika's laughter didn't help, but the sight of the two falling prey to another stray baseball did. Yamamoto often hangs out with the male, after school as well. Due to the two having after school and before school training, due to their clubs. Ciro often walks with Yamamoto to school, while after school the two are seen with Ryohei from time to time. Ciro tags along with Tsuna and the gang, to Yamamoto's to go and try out their sushi. He finds his company rather refreshing, you could say ?

 Hibari Kyoya

 Unlike the other males, Ciro doesn't feel intimidated nor scared by the prefect much to his distaste. There were countless times the redhead had skipped classes or just showed up late. Countless smacks to the head didn't leave any sort of thought in the redhead's mind apparently. Hibari didn't know what to feel at Ciro's.. lack of emotions- which left the prefect to believe that the male was either a moron or.. fearless. Although.. he went with the earlier thought , Ciro Aldebrandi  was a absolute moron. Ciro, of course, didn't think much of the thought. Hibari often ran into the male, much to his dissatisfaction, until the redhead decided to fight back some. But hey! He didn't mean to fight back against Hibari those few times! In the redhead's defense, he was just trying to sleep until the prefect started smack his tonfas at him! From then on..  Hibari didn't exactly give him any choices about not fighting back anymore. The prefect also stopped letting him sleep as often as wanted, whenever he found the redhead passed out on Nami-chuu grounds. The duo have a very odd.. friendship, you could say. 

 Tsunayoshi Sawada

Although Ciro is close to Kyoko, his crush, the two often have conversations. After all, Tenth generation bosses must be acquainted with one another~. The two do share a few similar things, one being the fact neither wanted to be a boss in the first place. Ciro didn't necessarily judge Tsuna based on Nami Chuu's students opinion on him. The redhead has seen him fight against tough foes, which leads him to respect the male. Whenever Ciro isn't training, he's often seen walking with Tsuna and his gang or approaching him with Kyoko and Aika. Even though Tsuna may.. well actually fail at life, he considers him a great friend to have. It's fairly obvious to him that Tsuna likes Kyoko, so he often ditches the two, when he walks with them. So~ in a way he's trying to help Tsuna get closer to Kyoko, which of course doesn't work out as well. But hey at least he's trying to do some nice for a friend. Knowing how Aika feels about him now, he does feel somewhat guilty for invoking some of their interactions. 

 Kyoko Sasagawa

Ciro hadn't meant to get close to Kyoko, at first. Kyoko reminded him alot of.. someone precious to him from his past. She was like a mirror image of his mother, Rei Nakamura. That resemblance alone attracted the redhead to Kyoko. It made him want to grow closer to the female, something he was denied in the past. Ciro hadn't gotten the chance to know his mother well, someone he deemed a close friend. He does consider her to be quite attractive, although he's not interested in her in a romantic type of way. The redhead started having conversations with Kyoko, much to Tsuna's displeasure. He often accompanies her and Haru, whenever they want to get cake and whatnot, not bothered by the idea. Of course, he finds hanging with this Sasagawa sibling better than her.. older brother, Ryohei. From time to time, he's often seen walking her to one of her classes.

Gokudera Hayato

This is was a rather strained relationship at first until Ciro actually made an effort to talk to the silver haired bomber. Of course, most conversations weren't too civil at first until Tsuna and Aika seemed to intervene. It was probably some time after that, the two finally began to interact a bit more, deciding to settle whatever hostility they had for the other male. With that being established, they began to have more civil talks from time to time, nothing too daily. Gokudera is someone Ciro happens to admire, though he refuses to admit that anytime soon.

Enma Kozato 

The redhead in particular is some Ciro happens to get along with fairly well, often seeking him out. After all, Enma is someone he happens to find fairly interesting to interact with. It wouldn't be too odd to see the two talking on a daily basis to one another, considering they have a lot in common. Ciro does admit in admiring Enma's fighting abilities, especially when he gets serious about the fight. Despite his thoughts, Ciro sees Enma as a younger brother in a way, which explains his somewhat protective attitude whenever the fellow redhead happens to be in trouble.


Haru Miura

 Ciro would often be caught up in a one sided conversation with the girl, with her often having to be the one talking. Soon enough, he began to put in more to the conversation. Eventually the two had began a growing friendship, often leading the two to go out for some cake from time to time. Although he isn't reluctant to admit it, he finds the girl quite attractive and charming, even if Tsuna doesn't think the same of her. He finds her upbeat and enthusiastic personality quite charming. It often leads to the red head cracking a smile, which is quite uncharacteristic of him. He would of  told her a long time ago he had interest in her, but instead he decided to hold back. It was fairly obvious to him that Haru clearly had feelings for Tsuna, so he resisted against telling her. Ciro is more softer around her and more.. calmer around her, although he's a bit of a tease. Although it's clear that he shows more feelings for Chrome, since he's considering on forgetting about Haru this way. After all~ She does like Tsuna, right ?

 Chrome Dokuro

He had stumbled upon Chrome one day when she had been shopping for chocolates. The male couldn't help but be curious about her since she looked an awful lot like a certain pineapple head. Reluctantly the red head left the store, heading to Kokuyo land to pick Aika. Aika had been over there training with Mukuro, to further her abilities even more. He happened to stumble upon Chrome again, who arrived there before him, talking to Aika. Eventually the male had been gifted with the knowledge that Mukuro would use Chrome to shift his body over. It seemed to become a routine of the two to go shopping for sweets together, whenever he was about to pick up Aika from Mukuro's lair. Ciro has told Chrome on more than one occasion that he finds her to be quite beautiful and adorable~. This comment often leads to her quickly becoming flustered and blushing, while he only faintly smirks in response. He finds her timid nature to be quite adorable, so he was rather pained when he saw her cry for the first time. The first time he had seen her cry was when Mukuro had kicked her out and sent her over to Nami chuu. It lead to the male wanting to keep her safe for the entire time and not wanting her to cry again.


   Ryohei Sasagawa

There's a friendly rivalry going on between him and the boxer. Somehow.. that friendly started when the boxer asked Ciro to join the boxing club , after he had seen him fighting once. The offer was quickly rejected by the red head, only to leave Ryohei constantly asking him to join the boxing club. After a few months of constantly being asked, he reluctantly agreed. The two males are constantly seen together before and after school, although Ciro is often frowning. They have a rather odd relationship, one filled with arguments and grumbles here and there. As much as he wouldn't admit, the male doesn't mind the boxer's company. Like hell if he'd admit that to him! Although Ciro may not like Ryohei as much as Yamamoto, he does have a certain amount of respect for him. After all Ryohei is a pretty good opponent.



It was obvious from the first time Ciro saw Xanxus that things weren't going to go well. The older male reminded him of his drunken father, someone who he wasn't exactly glad to see. There was often one-sided arguments between the two due to.. the similarities to his father. Although whenever a argument starts happening, shot glasses will be torn. Half of the time Squalo or Ciro, unfortunately can't dodge it in time to avoid any damage. There's always consist death glares being thrown each other's way, leaving the room feeling tense. The redhead has his fair share of cuts due to the numerous amounts of shot glasses thrown his way. Ciro prefers to keep his familia separated from the Varia Assassination Squad, not wanting Xanxus anywhere near him. Xanxus, of course, does the same. Although he simply does it to stay away from any brats.

Mukuro Rokudo 

This relationship was hardly much of a surprise for the redhead, considering the two people he cares about are involved with him. After all everyone knows how well Mukuro manipulates individuals for his own cause and that's something that irks him. Greatly at that.


 Ciro felt an odd sense of dread the moment he spotted Byakuran, in the future. Something about the male caused the male to respond badly. Of course, hearing from his remaining guardians about the news of their familia didn't help him. He learned the news from the remaining guardians , that Byakuran had killed off his guardians and him. Although he didn't kill Ciro first, instead he killed off his guardians in front of his very eyes. Something that he didn't want to experience a second time. That simple explanation caused the male to react rather violently, he snapped seconds later. Aika and his Wind guardian, Ryuu, had to quickly take him away from the others. Why ? Ciro's sky flames began to spike up rather uncontrollably, which wouldn't be good for anyone in the area. 

||  M A F I A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Affiliation [ie. Vongola, etc.]: Aldebrandi Familia, Cosmos Familia, Shimon Familia and Vongola Familia.

Familia Information: The Aldebrandi Familia is as old as the Shimon and Vongola familia, although their roots are from different origins. Some state the origins might be Italian or European, who knows. The Aldebrandi's are greatly known for their observation teams, being able to infiltrate any base and leave no evidence whatsoever. Of course , they deal with other fields as well besides that. Their bosses are known for their fiery red hair and personality, that always seems to match their flames. The head boss is often allowed to pick their own guardians from those worthy of the attribute. That has already been completed for the redhead but that doesn't lead him astray from his wants and desires. Regardless of his status as a mafia boss, he still chooses to linger by Aika's side and watch over her like he did in their childhood. 

Weapons: He carries a pure black pair of handguns with him at all times, although they're pretty much hidden somewhere. Of course, he does  ditch them during school hours. However, Ciro's weapon of a choice is a katana which he has quite a lot of experience with.

Box weapon: Ciro's box weapon happens to be a orange haired fox with emerald hues, though it's quite small- almost appearing to be portable. Interesting enough, the fox can transform into a slightly bigger version, similar to Xanxus's box weapon. Ria, his fox, has the habit of cornering her enemies in a wall filled to the brim with flames. Ria is the type to use most of the flames around her to enhance her owner's flames as well as her own.

Special Attacks:

Muri di fiamme: A wall of fire surrounds him or anyone nearby him , leaving them trapped in a circle of flames. The fire wards off any enemies from coming closer to the group. The attack is often used as a Defensive one instead, to protect whoever he wishes it to. Although he needs to draw a small circle onto the ground where he wishes it appear, before murmuring the name of the attack. This attack barely uses much flames to summon it up.

Ira di volpi: Various nine tailed foxes with their tails on fire , surround the user. Although this attack gives the user a tremendous amount of power . . it does take a toll on the user. It sucks up the user's flames . .  a bit quickly, during the time it's there. The katana is given tremendous power , enough to cause serious damage on the enemy. But do keep in mind , if the user doesn't attack in less than thirty seconds , he will take the damage from the attack.

Ondata di calore: This isn't a special attack , instead it's a healing tool. With one light tap towards the user's person of choice , their wounds are healed. Although a considerable amount of the user's flames are used up , to do so. Ondata di calore , otherwise known as Heat Wave, heals person of choice's wounds. It can't necessarily heal anything beyond flesh or minor broken bone wounds. Anything beyond that . . it can't do.

Ira ardente: Flames of fire wrap around the user's blade , giving it a stronger boost of power , similar to the attack Ira di volpi. Although this flame will either increase or decrease with the pride of the user, depending if their pride strengthens or not. This attack wraps the user with flames of fire , which doesn't harm the user, instead harms the enemy. The flames surge into the blade , if their user's will to fight for their pride increases. It finishes off nicely with two finishing moves , one called Fiamme della tragedia and Furia dell'inferno.

Fiamme della tragedia: This move is required if the user wishes to use Ira ardente, although it has a slight difficulty to it. If the user does not nor witnessed any tragedy during their life . . it will refuse to work. The attack comes from within dealing in memories of the user's past and uses them to their advantage, to power up their flames. Any type of tragedy and any feelings left over from their memories will fuel up their flames.

Furia dell'inferno: This move is required if the user wishes to use Ira ardente, one of the two finishing moves. Once Fiamme della tragedia, has charged up the user's flames that when the magic really happens. The user's box weapon , or animal , will combine with their blade. The animal's flames mix in with their's users, giving them an unlimited amount of charged up flames. The attack is based on a large ' X ' being placed onto the enemy. If the ' X ' is made in front of the enemy , multiple amounts of flames , fire based ones , will blast out from the blade. The fire will quickly throw itself onto the enemy , temporarily leaving them open for any attacks.

Are you a guardian?: No, Ciro is the current boss of his family- the Aldebrandi.

If so, what ring and attribute do you possess? [ie. storm, sky, rain, mist, etc.]: Ciro owns the Sky ring although he has an obsession for involving fire in his attacks.

|| L O O K S  A N D  A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks:  Ciro's body is lean and has an athletic build to it, due to his rigorous training. A majority of his muscles can be spotted on his lower torso and upper arms, though there is a faint trace in his lower body. His complexion is fair though there is a faint rosy tinted tone that appears if he's exposed to sun for a long time.  His face is chiseled though there is a small hint of roundness to it. His eyes are a bit narrowed and quite expressive despite the exhaustion that dwells within them. His lips are often pursued in a small smirk or a simple distasteful frown.

Height: 169 cm.

Weight: 55 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Typically, Ciro wears fitted clothes though that's mainly an influence his father had on him. When he's not wearing suits or anything remotely similar, he'll feel inclined to wear a more casual and comfortable clothing instead. The redhead will usually wear long sleeved shirts, v-necks or button down shirts and jeans regularly. It's a known fact that the male enjoys donning a layer or two of clothing. However when he's at school, he does wear the uniform but the first top two buttons are unbuttoned. As far as shoes goes, he'll mainly wear a simple pair of sports shoes or his hiking boots. 

Accessories: The only real accessory he carries on him is his sky ring, to show his status in the Mafia world. Although the male often sports a pair of crimson headphones, since he's usually caught listening to music.

Makeup: None.

Scent: A light cinnamon scent with a hint of coffee. 

Hairstyle(s): Ciro's hair is a natural strong red hue, a common trait to be found in the Aldebrandi bloodlines. His hair passes his ears barely, keeping the total length at a medium length for a male. The male's hair is constantly appears to be ruffled due to his habit of running his fingers through his hair. For special occasions, he does try to clean up a bit and comb his hair in a more neater manner. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: Ciro has a few faint scars due to a fights he was involved in the past, the scars coming from knifes. There's only a single piercing on his right ear being a single black stud. From time to time, he wears a cuff on his ear. Sometime after high school, he gets a tattoo on his shoulder blade and upper back- mainly tribal tattoos. Ten years later, he gains a dark red marking on his eye stopping at his eyebrow. This could be seen as the clear sign of what his status is exactly in the mafia world. Eventually, his upper right arm dons a red single wing holding a decent amount of significance for the male. 


|| E X T R A  I N F O R M A T I O N ||

Theme Song/Quote(s):

» I know ; Tom Odell.

» Somebody to die for ; Hurts. 

» Hospital ; Lydia.

» I'll be good ; Jaymes Young.

» Mercy ; Hurts.

» Arsonist's lullaby ; Hoizer. 


» "So you.. really like him, then? I.. actually nevermind. What I have to say isn't that important after all, I'm sorry for wasting your time."

» "You dare to harm them again.. I'll have your head in a platter next time."

» "Whatever's going on with Aika isn't any of your business, got that? It's only between the two of us alone, not you."

» "They shouldn't have dared to do that to you. I promise you I'll.. make sure they can't touch you again. 

» "Next time you even dare to hurt her.. I'll make sure you'll regret it. Trust me." 

Favorite Food(s): Mainly pasta or spicy foods. 

Favorite Color(s): Red and Lavender.

Favorite Number(s): 96. 0.

Favorite Season(s): Summer and Fall.

Favorite Holiday(s): Fourth of July and New Year's Eve.

Favorite Time of Day: Early morning or Afternoon.

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