Saturday, November 24, 2012

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

I am not your pet.

I will not submit to you.

I will not serve you.

I will not be put under your control.

Name (last, first): Ricciolino , Bamhi.

Meaning: Coincidentally enough, both Bamhi's names suits her. Ricciolino is a variation for someone with curly hair, a genetic trait that the Ricciolino's seem to have mostly. Bamhi means little child, something people often call her.

Nickname(s): Bambino. Bambi. Little one, by her father and grandparents. Tenth Ricciolino. Bossu. Little boss.

Age: Ranges from 15-24 years old.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: December 15th.

Life Story: 

On December 15th, sometime around twelve o clock, the parents vowed to not mention anything related to mafia affairs until a year before her official ceremony. Since her childhood, Bamhi had been raised as a normal childhood under the impression that her father, Aroldo, was an important business man. Her mother, Alexandria, was often spoiling their daughter or simply chatting with others. Occasionally  the young blond haired child caught glimpses of worry gracing her mother's facial features whenever her father went on another business trip. During her childhood, she had gotten exceptionally close to two other children, Anjelo de Costa and Luciano Galloni. Those two are the ones who have her immense trust and faith. 

It was on her eve of her fifteenth birthday that her father had suddenly fallen ill, and the news of all the mafia affairs and the explanation as to why Colonello had been training her since she had been thirteen had to be explained. At first she had rejected the idea of ever being the successor of a large mafia familia, until her two closest friends, Anjelo and Luciano, later confirmed to be true. Not only that but the two were her guardians as well, of the Rain and Sun elements. The blond haired girl had quickly proceeded to mumble incoherant things before making a hasty exit out of the room. It was only a few days later, that she accepted the new information and position. Over the course of a month or two, the Kurosaki branch of the Ricciolino familia began to explain the various mafia familias out there, before the ceremony took place.

The next few days, she had the title of the tenth generation boss of the Ricciolino family. A title that came with many troubles, considering she had to maintain contact with the branch families as well as establishing her control over them. That task was more than a little difficult but she managed to show that she was fit for the role of the tenth generation boss of the Ricciolino familia. Naturally, she still had a few of her guardians worrying over her constantly. 

Somehow after hearing about an earthquake in Namimori, she couldn't help but feel confused. Countless memories of an older version of herself and her guardians appeared in her thoughts, along with other unknown individuals. It wasn't long before she decided to go to Namimori, after discovering that was where those individuals resided, the ones in her newly found memories. Of course, that doesn't mean she forgets about her duties as the Ricciolino's current boss. During the time of the battle against the Vendice, Bambi had plenty of troubles to worry about. 

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Bamhi is the type of female who tends to categorize and prioritize about missions, debating on what her next action should be. Therefore, nothing of consequences would pop up and surprise her. Although half of the time .. she's more worried about the others, considering their personalities. After all, the girl knows her guardians are... a bit reckless most of the time. Often it leads her to worry about them before dismissing it as nothing. Her guardians are fully capable of protecting themselves, not to mention fighting alongside each other. Easily molding their fighting capabilities to the other's fighting styles, in a way to benefit each other's.

 Due to her upbringing, she's more inclined to be polite and friendly towards someone. Of course, she quickly adapts to someone's personality easier once she knows them. Bambi can easily be determined if she has her eyes set on something she can't give up on no matter the cost. Also, the blonde is rather creative due to her love of playing piano and guitar, whenever she has free time. At times it's easy to catch her completely lost in one her favorite activities. 

It's a rare thing to see the girl dissatisfied or disheartened, nevertheless it does happen. However when she's irritated by someone or something, she's more willingly to become Sarcastic and childish. Often resorting to ignoring the individual who angered her, by turning her head when they look at her or letting a ' humph'. Although if one were to hug the girl, she would proceed to flush and immediately forget about her current anger. However, if there's something she wants to reveal concerning her thoughts and emotions.. she's inclined to keep quiet about it. Nothing will make the female speak. Somehow, Bambi's bothered by the thought of what speaking up means. For her it means revealing her inner most thoughts, which leaves her feeling quite uncomfortable and eager to leave the area. Confessing such things isn't her strong point, instead it leaves her acting awkward and hesitant. Of course, it only takes the right word and actions to make her crack and confess what's going on in her mind. 

Good Habit(s): Organized about work related things. Adaptable. Understanding. Calm. Determined. Level-headed most of the time. Adaptable. Creative. Forgiving. 

Bad Habit(s): Worry-wort. Panics when at great heights. Sarcastic. Childish. Forgetful at times. Secretive. 

Nationality:  Italian and British with a hint of French.

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy.

Current Residence: Venice, Italy. Occasionally resides in Namimori.

Spoken Languages: Italian, English, French, and lastly Japanese. 

Like(s): Espresso. Tea. Interesting people. Bright colors. Warm weather. Heat. High places. Sweets. Sleeping. Fire. Sweaters. Cats. Being on the rooftop. Exploring new places. Music. Ice cream. Bakeries. Small animals. Blankets. Video games. Paranormal things. Marshmallows. Hot chocolate. Reading. Fedoras. 

Dislike(s): Fights without reason. Stupidity. Rude awakenings. Awkward situations. The flu. Getting sick. Tests. Exams. Disciplinary committee. Being used as target practice. Xanxus, to a certain extent. Heights. Headlocks. The thought of aliens. Being trapped somewhere alone. Haunted houses, she hates things jumping out at her.

Hobbies: Sleeping during warm weather, Laughing among friends, Stargazing, Sharpening her piano and guitar skills, Drawing, and escaping from Belphegor knives. 

Fear(s): Massive bloodshed. Needles. Aroldo, her father, dying soon. Claustrophobia.

Strength(s):  Her comrades. High locations. Close combat. Swordsmanship. Agility. Dodging skills. Observational skills. Fast reflexes.

Weakness(es): Her comrades. Long ranged fighting. Claustrophobia, actually being enclosed in a small place. Surprise attacks. Falling down from great heights, she tends to panic first.

Special Powers/Abilities:

 ;  Being the sky flame, Bamhi can manage to absorb the other's flames to fuel her own.

;  Fluent in four different languages, also writing them out. 

; Agility.

;  Her dodging skills sharpened due to having to avoid becoming a target board for Belphegor.

;  She can easily remember a number of things; which typically included important facts dealing with the Mafia mainly.

; Hyper Intuition.  


;  The girl had meet the Acrobaleno when she was younger, although the memory is fuzzy.

 ; Bamhi had became the head of the Ricciolino familia, officially, on her fifteen birthday when her father, Aroldo, fell ill suddenly.
;  Her father, Aroldo, had an illegitimate child before he had met his wife.

;  Luciano and Beniamino are considered her right hand men, since they're typically seen with her. 

;  Bamhi had known Luciano and Anjelo prior to them becoming one of her guardians.  

;  Ironically, she scared of great heights yet she can fly at greater heights.

; The golden haired child is exceptionally close to Anjelo, Beniamino and Luciano. This is hardly surprising since the four teens have known each other from their childhood until now. 

; With Beniamino's sleeping problems, Bambi strives to make the blond comfortable enough to sleep during the day. Usually she demands the male to sit next to her on the couch, merely resting his head against her shoulder as she keeps him company. It's easier this way to maintain the guise that he's safe from any harm while he sleeps. 

; Typically, she can be found with either listening to music, daydreaming, or playing with a handheld gaming device. If not.. then it's obvious the blonde is troubled with something or just feeling tired. 

; If someone were to consider her familia weak due to her gender, Bamhi would be quick to bite back with harsh remarks and a bitter air surrounding her.

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream: Re-establish the Ricciolino familia, restoring it to it's former glory. 

Occupation/Job: Mafioso Boss, the sole heir to the Ricciolino familia.

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Aroldo Ricciolino (army leader.), 54 years old. ill:

" Sometimes.. I believe I don't deserve redemption nor any type of happiness after letting him die.. but I just can't seem to believe that by being surrounding by you three."

     Aroldo has proven himself worthy of being the ninth generation Ricciolino boss, at the mere age of twenty-two. The young blondette man had known of the life he would soon have as a the Ninth boss of the Ricciolino familia. Despite having a gentle aura, he was strict on keeping the familia out of nasty mafia affairs. He would not be tempted to get involved in something that would possibly endanger them. Harming is family because of something he did was something he desperately fought for. The blondette strived to protect his family again... not wanting to repeat the past once again. When he was younger, he refused to fight with another familia over something idiotic, only to discover the dreadful news one day. His younger brother had been taken hostage by the enemy familia... and beaten bloody and blue, nearly to the point of death. 

In a course of a few weeks, he had impregnated a young woman during his grief stricken time, unknown to him. Eventually he had soon met his beloved Alexandria, it was almost a year later full of dates that he finally proposed. It was only a year after that, when she had gotten pregnant on their anniversary date with Bamhi. Once Bamhi had turned fifteen, he had gotten bedridden and the succession to the Ricciolino had to be passed down to her earlier than expected. 

Alexandria Thompson, 45 years old. Alive and Healthy.

" Oh~? Hello, sorry I'm in a bit of a rush today."

         Alexandria is a young woman of British decent with a slight mixture of French mixed in her veins. Her parents had taken off to Italy at a young age, when they had her, soon opening up a Bakery there. It wasn't long before the brunette laid eyes upon her future husband, Aroldo. After a year of marriage with him, she was soon pregnant with her daughter, Bamhi. During the time Aroldo had gotten sick, she had stuck by him. Occasionally, one will see a glimpse of her going to the HQ from time to time to visit with her daughter before  returning to her sick husband. Alexandria has, indeed, known about Aroldo position in the mafia prior to their marriage. He had told her shortly before proposing to her, the brunette had taken it relatively well, having a suspicion of it in the past. Nevertheless, Alexandria has a good relationship established with her daughter, Bamhi, often doting on her as if she were still a child again.


Elmo Ricciolino, (Guardian.) 24 years old. Alive.

" Oi, hurry your ass up or I'm leaving you twerps behind!" 

       Elmo would've been the next boss for the Ricciolino familia if it wasn't for the fact that... he was an illegitimate child, not born from Aroldo's wife. Due to that, he was rejected the right to become the next head of the family. Knowing that he held ill feelings towards his half sister, Bamhi, not knowing her at the time. Over the course of a few weeks, he had soon met his half sibling with ill feelings in mind along with Aroldo; who did not know at the time he had a son. Nevertheless, he was welcomed into the familia even Alexandria sees him as her own child. Elmo is often seen around the Ricciolino HQ, often spotted with a certain Blond haired Prince and a Orellena boss, who sneaks in from time to time. Despite his quiet appearance, the auburn haired male is mischievous and cocky sometimes with his knowledge over guns. Once Bamhi is attending Nami Chuu for the time being, he's been seen to wait for her outside by the school gates, before walking them home. Students tend to think that the two aren't related due to their contrasting eye and hair color.


Anjelo de Costa. ( angel, messenger.) Rain flame. 15 to 24 years old.

" Pfft .. as if they could take us on! We're the golden group! Haha~" " Guys! Something's bad is happening over here! G-----...... !!"

    Anjelo tends to be the prankster in the group, being the one making the others laugh. The boy came from a fairly normal mafia raised environment, going to the school the other mafia kids attended. Officially, Rosanna, Beniamino and himself, are the only ones to come from mafia backgrounds. His grandfather was the previous Ricciolino's ninth boss, Aroldo's, rain guardian. He comes from a noble background in the mafia background, due to his grandfather being a guardian for Aroldo. Anjelo's father is deceased due to his demise from a fairly bad illness, leaving him in his grandfather's care. That event happened during his childhood. Out of the whole group, he has known Bamhi the longest since their childhood; also he had already been chosen for the Rain guardian position during that time. Anjelo tends to keep an eye out for the blond mafia boss, making sure no one tries to harm her during school hours. 

Affonso Romano. ( noble and ready.) Cloud flame. 15 to 25 years old.

     " Nani~? You guys should know by now I don't play fair with others."

    Affonso has always been a lone wolf, despite his tendency to be around people constantly. He doesn't seem to mind being around people, just not when fighting is involved. Despite his seemingly good natured self.. he can be quite dirty when it comes to fighting, preferring to fight by himself. Unleashing his fighting skills hardly lets him control the wave lengths of his attacks, often causing Rosanna and Anjelo having to duck; Coincidentally, those two always happen to be nearby during any fights, oddly enough. This often leads to Rosanna making remarks to his rash and careless behavior. It sometimes appears that Rosanna and Affonso have some close and much more personal relationship between each other. Of course, both individuals fiercely deny this fact. 

Fino Giordani. (burning one, serpent.) Lighting flame. 16 to 26 years old.

 " Give up ..? I don't recall ever asking for your honest opinion! Giving up is not an option for me." " Anjelo? I-I haven't heard of ..... since the last transmission he sent in."

   Despite his handsome features, Fino is very clumsy; hence why he constantly seen with injuries. Enough to constantly get Beniamino's and Bamhi's scoldings about his safety. It's amazing he hasn't broken a bone yet at the rate he's going! The white haired male is very headstrong, not willing to let anything stand in his way and take him away from his goal. Nothing will stop him from reaching his goal of finding out where his younger sister had been taken. 2 years prior from becoming Bamhi's guardian, his younger sister, Angelica, had been taken from their household in the night. No one knew where or when this happened until they called for her the next morning and she didn't show up. Then tragedy had struck the Giordani family, leaving them to trust the police to find their beloved Angelica. Months had passed, the police had yet to do any investigating. Instead they took on other cases, leaving the family distraught. What were they to do? They needed the money to gather materials and travel to other local towns to her about Angelica, but they lacked the money.

   Fino had happened to overhear one day about the Ricciolino familia, a rather large mafia familia. The mafia would be one of the easiest ways to find her! Although .. it soon proved harder than he believed it was, the entrance to the familia had been a tough one. Despite the harsh looks and inexperience, he soon began to train under Luciano Galloni, one of the current Ricciolino's guardians; The Sun guardian. It wasn't long after that he soon began emitting a green tinted flame, which gained the attention of the Ricciolino boss and her guardians. This soon lead to the succession of Fino Giordani's acceptance into the Ricciolino's familia as their Lighting guardian.

Rosanna Contiello. (Rose of grace.) Mist flame. 14 to 24 years old.

 " Heh .. must you really be this gullible Bamhi? You of all people should know what benefits you and what doesn't." " Tch, I should've known this shit was going to happen. Someone just had to betray us.."

   Rosanna can be cruel and merciless to anyone, who isn't a family member. Why should she be nice to enemies? To her .. messing with their minds is much more entertaining than sitting back and doing nothing. Hence why every coworker is on alert, whenever they see Rosanna strolling down the hallways of the base. The girl would often find men to court her only to mess with their minds, by showing them sights that were undesirable. Apparently that's her favorite past-time. Despite her need to constantly find some sort of mild entertainment, the ravenette can be wise. Rosanna has proven herself worthy countless times, signifying her loyalty to Ricciolino familia. Despite this other Mafioso still tend to question her alliance with them, seeing Rosanna as the one to go to if they desire to destroy the Ricciolino familia. This is only a cover-up, so she could determine the traitors from the group fairly easy. It has been shown that the raven haired girl cares for Affonso more so than the others, due to their closeness prior to joining the familia.

Beniamino Esposito. (son of the right hand.) Storm flame. 15 to 25 years old.

  " We came here to fight, didn't we? So why are you guys all mopey  There's nothing to it .. we just take these assholes down like usual. Plain and simple."

    Beniamino is quite the intelligent man, being the one who comes up with the plans and tactics. The blond seemingly likes to plan ahead and analyze his surroundings, before rushing into battle. Lacking emotions to care about others beings, he still risks his life for his other team mates. Especially around Bamhi, he's more over-protective with anything involving her. Not to mention the other guardians tend to disappear on missions leaving her on her own; which leads her to drowning in paperwork often. Despite hating paperwork, he helps the girl out and then hunts down the guardian for their boring tasks. Beniamino is often awake during the night, having trouble sleeping, due to various reasons. Despite being a level-headed name, he goes into a panic during the night; an easy subject to go to paranoia. All of the previous calm composure vanishes from him, leaving him to isolate himself in fear. 

   Throughout his child, Beniamino was subject to terrible nightmares. One that would not leave him even upon waking up and lingering in between both islands. A young Beniamino had witnessed the death of his mother, who had been shot to death by his own father. From that moment on-wards, he lived in fear of being killed in his sleep like his mother had been. Benaimino had kept himself awake throughout the night, shaking in pure fear as he kept ice blue hues trained on his bedroom door. Hence why he's constantly seen wandering about patrolling the headquarters, including his more than tired appearance throughout the day. Despite that hysteria he has during the night, only Bamhi and Anjeo can calm him down during this sudden shift in personality.

Luciano Galloni. (Light.) Sun flame. 16 to 26 years old.

"Haha. Chill, alright? We still have plenty of time to find him." 

  Luciano is determined to greatly improve his style of fighting, something he cherishes. He has a pretty upbeat personality, although he's constantly training to improve his fighting style even more. The raven haired man is usually the one training other subordinates and a fellow guardian, Fino. Typically, he accompanies Bamhi during any meeting with Benaimino, to ensure her safety during these meetings. Unlike the others, Luciano had, indeed, known Bamhi since their childhood, being the one of the guardians to establish a close relationship to her prior to becoming one. The raven haired male acts as an older brother for the younger girl, often watching over her; similar to what Anjelo does. 

The Walker familia. ( Left to right, Izumi, Jiro and Kazuhiko.)

Unlike the other branches of the Ricciolino familia, The Walker branch is run by three brothers. The oldest being  Izumi (Fountain), the next being Jiro (Second son), and lastly Kazuhiko (Peaceful boy). Each of them run the assassination squad within the Ricciolino familia, having three main assassination squads. Of course, the three of them each command one of the three assassination squads. These three are located in France, occasionally visiting the Ricciolino HQ, where Bamhi resides to inform her verbally of events happening in France. Ironically, they were given Japanese names due to their late mother's japanese heritage.

The Okimura familia. ( Left to right, Allen and Edward.)

The Okimura is one the smaller familias who're from Britain, the two being Allen and Edward. These two deal with the locating and finding of subordinates in their familia. Okimura's usually reside in Britain, occasionally visiting the Ricciolino HQ, where Bamhi is. Although they mainly go there along with a few new subordinates for them, ones they have tested thoroughly. They're the ones who bring in the new subordinates, after deeming which ones are trusted and fit for the Ricciolino.


Best Friends:

Chrome Dokuro.

Upon first spotting this girl, Bamhi couldn't help but approach her, much to curious about her. In a course of a few weeks, she had gotten Chrome to speak to her despite the struggle at first. After that, it hardly took much to becoming close to the young purplette. The blond haired girl was rather overjoyed once Chrome transfered to Nami Chuu, despite the irritation on Mukuro's behalf; due to the information she received on Mukuro leaving her note telling her to leave. There was a trace of irritation when she had heard that. Nevertheless, Chrome is one of her precious friends and one of the individuals she had gotten close to, once she came to Nami mori. Bamhi is protective over her and often spoils her with treats, similar to her treatment of Yuni. Also she thinks Chrome is absolutely adorable~!

It's not odd to see Bambi running off to fetch Chrome from her home to hang out with the mist guardian. 


After the Tsuna and his guardians returned from the future, Bamhi had soon noticed Byakuran around Yuni in Italy. Similar to Yamamoto, she felt something had changed about the white haired man. It wasn't long before she quickly established a friendship with the marshmallow eating man. After Yuni, she was one of the rare few to trust him first, upon meeting him again in the present time. However, they do have their differences from time to time, but that's ignored in favor of marshmallows. Due to Bamhi's adaptable personality, they can often be seen making comments towards Mukuro. Even after finding out about the future and the fact that Byakuran was the man who had made her into a puppet for his world domination plot, she held no ill feelings for him afterwards. Now he's one of the few she trusts wordlessly.

Of course, it's still odd to see the two boss interact knowing the events that occurred in the past. Nevertheless, Bambi doesn't allow that to stop their friendship from growing. It's quite rare to not see Bambi anywhere near Byakuran when he happens to be in the area. 


Haru Miura.

Stumbling upon Haru at a bakery store in Namimori, Bamhi easily recognized her as one of the young woman she had seen in those new memories of her's. Nevertheless, it wasn't long before the two quickly began chatting about various things. The two soon began to meet up at the Bakery or simply hang out with each other. After a few days, she had soon discovered Haru's love for cosplay, which lead to Bamhi often modeling for the girl; similar to what Mukuro did once for the brunette. Furthermore, the two can often be seen chatting along the streets of Namimori or inside of the local bakery shop there.

Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Tsuna was one of the main reasons why she had come to Namimori, to figure out who was the one who stopped Byakuran in the future. Eventually, she ran into him later on and began conversing with him; well first of all.. trying to ignore Gokudera's claims of her trying to kill him. Reborn and herself had eventually informed the Vongola group of who she was and why she had come here. Of course, once the games had began she hadn't stuck to any one group, instead they had remained neutral; due to not knowing any one Acrobaleno well enough to help out. Nevertheless, she can easily relate to Tsuna feelings to not wanting to be a mafia boss; since she had also experienced those feelings as well in the beginning. Any-who, the two are pretty good friends.


Their first meeting had been rather remarkable, considering the fact that Belphegor was throwing knives into Fran's hat, effortlessly surprising the blond haired girl. It was that first moment, she decided to befriend the green haired male. Actually... it was the fact the two were comrades against Belphegor and his ways of entertainment. However the two are in pretty friendly terms, despite the blunt comments often made by the green haired man. Although, the girl often goes along with his dramatic ways; similar to how he claimed Mukuro was a pineapple fairy upon first spotting him.

Fran is someone she happens to treat delicately, never wanting any harm to come the boy's way. In a way, it's isn't too far fetched to say she's quite protecting over the younger boy. 


Ever since returning back to the Present time, Bamhi had gotten exceptionally close to the young girl. The Ricciolino boss looks after the young girl as an older sister would to a younger sibling. Nevertheless, she can't help but spoil her like a mother would to it's child. Furthermore, the blond haired girl is more protective over her, similar to how Gamma is with the younger girl. The blondette will put herself in harm's way, just to keep Yuni out of it. After all, the small ravenette is like a younger sister to her and she isn't about to let her get injured. 

Occasionally when Bambi is visiting Byakuran, she won't hesitate to stop by and greet Yuni. The blonde does enjoy spoiling the younger girl with the spontaneous treats she'll bring for her. 


Technically, Bamhi is considered friends with the older Lambo more so than his younger self. Despite that thought, she has made an intention on befriended the younger version of the man. However, she has a decent relationship established with the present Lambo. Although, it's more of an effort on her part due to Lambo's... usual kid antics. Nevertheless, she brings the cow clad infant treats whenever she visits Tsuna and the gang at the Sawada household.

Enma Kozato.

Bamhi had meet Enma when they transferred to Namimori for the time being, along with her guardians. The blond had stumbled upon him during her first day at Nami chuu, after make a hasty exit to escape from Hibari's wrath. Typically, she's seen bandaging Enma's injuries whenever he happens to receive some. Though she has sent Luciano and Beniamino to.. ' talk ' to the guys dishing out punches to him. Nevertheless, she's typically seen hanging out with the redhead throughout the school day. Usually, the blondette does end up having to run alongside of him, when those rage filled dogs begin to chase after the duo. 


Initially, the two hadn't been on well enough terms at first. There were constant sarcastic comments thrown each other ways when they stumbled upon each other in the streets of Italy. That had only been their first meeting. Once the Vongola had been established with Giotto as the head, she had run into him again officially meeting him there. Their relationship shifted into one of acquaintances before finally into a rather friendly relationship established. Her opinion of G did change as well. He was known as a rather kind man, no longer being known as that damn chain smoker. 

Dino Callovone.

Dino was one of the first few bosses who didn't believe she was weakling because of her obvious disadvantages; the gender mainly. He was one of the first few she established a quick friendship with. Although she hardly noticed his clumsy nature until later on, in a course of a few days. Typically, they can often be seen chatting over something until Enzo ends up transforming by accident; The first time witnessing Enzo transformation she had quickly proceeded to panic and stammering out incoherent things. Well that... and the girl quickly ended up fainting at the first sight of it.

Pushing that aside, she respects Dino immensely despite his clumsiness. He was one of the few who didn't judge her based on gender alone. It wouldn't seem too far fetched to say Bambi developed a small crush for him when she first became a boss. Naturally, those feelings soon changed into ones of pure respect for the older male. 


Yamamoto Takeshi.

During a trip to Namimori, to discuss things with Dino who was there himself, Bamhi stumbled upon Yamamoto. The blond haired girl had been surprised as first at the sudden welcome he gave her, once she arrived to Nami Chuu, after being introduced by Chrome Dokuro and Tsunayoshi Sawada. Over time, she began having feelings for him, of course she dismissed this as nothing at first. Although.. she couldn't help but be more confused about the feelings until she mentioned this to Haru and Chrome, who told her it seemed like she was experiencing things in the romantic zone. Typically, she can be seen going to his baseball games and often cheering him on. However, the blondette still tends to get easily flustered around him, often averting her gaze away from him with apple red cheeks. 

The baseball player can easily get the blonde to blush and act like a bumbling idiot. This often leaves the young boss in a position to be teased if seen. Of course, she'll act quickly to deny any claims of her feelings for the baseball player. 

Gokudera Hayato.

Gokudera was one of the first few people Bamhi noticed out of Tsuna's guardians, catching her interest upon the first meeting. For some reason, she had more curiosity and attraction towards him, which she promptly shook off as nothing. Nevertheless, she mentioned this to Haru and Chrome, only to have the former to respond with the answer consisting of feeling something more for the sliverette. Furthermore, she's usually more prone to becoming embarrassed around him, as well as flustered. Something that happens unknowingly. Despite her initial politeness, the blond does end up making sarcastic comments to his rude comments.   

Around him, she can't help but feel.. different. Her feelings for him often leave her in a state of complete confusion, making the girl even more flustered. What should she say to him..? Everything seems to be carefully thought out before being stated to the bomber. 

Hibari Kyoya. 

Hibari happens to cause some sense of fear within the blonde yet she's intrigued by him, nonetheless. Sure.. Hibari's catchphrase did scare her more than once- but it wasn't enough to fully make her leave the male alone. Somehow, Bambi is starting to have her own doubts concerning her attraction for the male. After all, anyone who knows Bambi knows that her personality is vastly different from Hibari's. Knowing that, there was no way she would ever confessing to feeling something for the prefect. However, things hardly seemed to go her way considering the number of things she would end up encountering him in Namimori. 

Pushing all reason aside, Bambi ultimately decided to pursue her interest in the male. Despite her previous thoughts about him, she grew to admire the man himself and respect the way he handled things. Of course, it was to a certain extent considering his strict ways of maintaining order.


If Vongola Primo generation.

Catching a sight of him during town had made a young Bambi curious about the blond haired man. Of course any indication of mafia affairs had gone completely unnoticed, since she had no knowledge of his nor her own part in it. The blond haired girl seems to be more flustered around him, though she usually contains a cheerful attitude whenever she's seen conversing with him. Bamhi seems to have an inking suspicion that she likes the young man. That and the fact she's more inclined to become more embarrassed and nervous around his presence or at the simply mention of him. Nevertheless, the blondette can't help but feel like a smiling idiot whenever he's around her. 

Giotto was unlike anyone else Bambi had met before. In fact, he was a rather unique individual and quite important one at all. Being around the blond left her feeling like a love struck teenager once again. In many ways, Bambi can't help her feelings for him considering the way he treats her. 


If Acrobaleno roleplay.

Prior to their first official introduction, Bamhi had caught glimpses of the man during the days she was allowed out of the household. She had always thought the fedora wearing man was rather interesting. As she was growing older, she eventually began to like the male. Initially, she had no clue on what exactly the feelings was so she passed it off as nothing at first. Along came the feelings of wanting to know who exactly he was, though she kept those feeling to herself, not wanting anyone to know. Of course, his appearance was always kept secret to her, mainly from the lack of information and the other conflicting ones as well. 

This air of mysteriousness that Reborn gives off was another thing that attracted her to him. Of course, she made sure that she kept this fact a secret. After all, the blonde was still younger than him and her parents wouldn't be proud of this decision. In fact, the only one she mentioned this attraction to was Beniamino alone. 


Mukuro Rokudo.

Once Chrome had became someone Bamhi was attached to, it was only natural for her to meet her savior. The meeting wasn't exactly a great first impression. She wasn't sure if it was the laugh or the mysterious personality of his, but it was obvious she was freaked out by the man. That and the fact he liked to use his illusions on her more than once, making her feel like idiot for falling for them every once in awhile. Nevertheless, she just avoids any conflict with him for Chrome's sake, often going out of her way to ignore the man.

Of course, that doesn't save Bambi from the spontaneous visits Mukuro sometimes throws her way. After all, there's been countless times the mist guardian has scared the blonde into a startled fit. Naturally, there's not much she can do against the male considering the fact she tries hard to avoid bickering with him. However fate always has a way of messing things up. It's not surprising to see Bambi bickering at the male while he dismiss all of her remarks towards him. 


Bamhi had stumbled upon the Prince when she went to meet Xanxus over another meeting. The first meeting included various ' Ushishi~ ', protests, and various cuts on pale flesh. After that day, she avoided Belphegor like the plauge, no longer wanting to stumble upon him. Again. Sadly, a certain blond haired prince wouldn't like that hence why he proceeded to sneak into the Ricciolino's household and HQ. Eventually, Bamhi gave up on refusing the male entrance to her household, once she took notice he would hardly stop. Although that still doesn't mean she enjoys being used as a target practice by his knives. Typically the scared act she used to have upon suddenly noticing him in her household, soon vanished after he had been there more than one occasion.

However, that doesn't change the fact that he still scares her when a knife is suddenly thrown in her general area. After all, it's not like she can pay attention 24/7 for the prince's spontaneous attacks. Of course, it's quite obvious to here he's nearby when she feels an all too familiar sting and a bloody limb. 


Similar to Tsuna, someone needed to train the young girl. Bamhi figured this would be alright if Colonello was her mentor, little did she know it would be the complete opposite. The headband wearing male worked her to the point of exhaustion daily. Nevertheless, she continued to train under him while dealing with the exhaustion. The feelings of gratitude is often issued to the blond haired man, after all he is furthering her training. Something that he clearly could have refused earlier, which he didn't do. Despite that, Bamhi could often be seen blushing furiously as she struggles to get away from him, due to Colonello often getting her into a headlock. 

   Nikolai Orellena, ( Victorious nation.), 20 years old. 

         Nikolai is a raven haired male of Russian descent, coming from the familia Orellena from Russia. He's the current head of the familia since a year ago, when he underwent the official ceremony. The Orellena familia have been known to be ruthless in battle and also in matters dealing with interrogation. That could also be one of the reasons why Nikolai is rather arrogant and cocky sometimes. Enough that he believes he can just waltz inside of the Ricciolino HQ and household, despite the number of protest from Bamhi about keeping out. Nevertheless, he has proven that the Orellena familia does pledge complete loyalty to the Ricciolino familia alone, despite the number of chances they had to betray them.



The two have met prior to becoming boss for their own familia, due to the parties they had attending. Bamhi had been polite to Xanxus only to receive some rude response back from the male. From there on, the niceness was cut short for rude responses back to him. Hence why the alliance between them is rather strained, including the fact that they point their weapons at each other doing any meetings with other familias. Of course everyone else can only watch by, while the two boss continue to point weapons at each with their right hand men glaring daggers at each other. 

Pushing that aside, it might have been the rude remarks regarding her status as a boss while being a female that started the feud. To a certain extent, she does claim to admire his power just not the man himself. His rude personality is to blame for that. 

Daemon Spade.

If Primo Generation roleplay.

Something about Daemon left Bamhi... with terrible feelings for the bluenette. Although that could be blamed on his taunting personality, one she certainly didn't stand. These two often tend to clash when they're around each other, usually it's one-sided with Bamhi giving him uneasy looks and Daemon smirking to himself. It's usually do to his taunting personality that irks her more and not to mention the odd laugh of his. Nevertheless, she gets along well with Elena, Daemon's lover, more so than the mist guardian. 


Affiliation: Ricciolino familia. 

History on familia: The Ricciolino family had soon grown to become a fearsome name in the mafia world, despite the attacks they suffered in the beginning. Their beginning was simply tough, not to mention tragic. All of their fortune and wealth had been stripped clean and taken away by corrupted officers, much to their ancestors dismay. The months after that had been difficult for the family, leaving them with no option but to start from scratch. Despite all of their troubles, the Ricciolino family had began to slowly rebuild their fortune. Nothing would stop them from achieving this seemingly impossible goal of their's. The corrupted police would not take everything from their hand's again. With that mindset, the family had slowly begun expanding and somehow they had been tossed into the mafia world. The only way to follow be sure that the police would gain non corrupted police members were to take away all of the corrupted ones. Or become a force with power to do so. A vow had soon been made within the family, soon turning them into a mafia familia.

  The family is one of the oldest to the boot, being one of the few being created during the Vongola's beginning. They created a alliance with the Vongola and Shimon familia, helping the two familia's out if there was trouble around. Despite that, they will not accept help from anyone if it were needed. That dreadful stubbornness often gets inherited by the next heir of the family. 

Alliances: Vongola, Varia, Orellena, Shimon, and Callovone.

Familia branches: Okimura and Walker.

Familia trademark: A single Roman numerical of their position as the boss, for example Bamhi's is a X. That tattoo can be found on her right hip bone in black ink. 

Weapons: Her usual weapon is a single katana, although she does occasionally use a pair of handguns. 

X-Gear: Two pairs of bracelets that are located around her ankles.

Box weapon: A white fox with splotches of black on his paws, named Sora.

Special Attacks: 

The foolish king: This attack involves the user to receive a significant amount of damage to them. Only then do their flames can be enhanced a considerable amount. The flames then heighten at the amount of pain receiving before attacking. Why is it called the Foolish king? It had received it's name due to sticking to defensive and offensive attacks, despite receiving numerous attacks, before finally attacking.

Fallen kingdom: All of the flames concentrate on one area of the body, generating all of the flames to flow there. It will require to be in high ground, so the impact of the fall will certainly pack a punch. 

The knight: All of her sky flames are absorbed into her sword, transferring everything there. This attack requires a strong resolve to protect someone or else it will hardly have much effect. Her flames will be stored in her sword, causing her own body to be weakened physically at that time.  

Judgement: Her sword is engulfed by sky flames, enhancing the sword's abilities even more. This attack can cause a hefty amount of damage to the enemy if they happen to hit the target. 

Are you a guardian?: Bamhi is the guardian for the Sky element, the one who balances out the rest of the elements together.

If so, what ring and attribute do you possess? [ie. storm, sky, rain, mist, etc.]: Bamhi is the guardian of the Sky Element.

Ten year later appearance: 

Ten year later alliances: Vongola, Shimon, Varia, Callovone, Orellena and Millefore. After drinking the drug, the Millefore are her only alliances.. the others have been severed. 

Ten year later information: After Byakuran's attack on Vongola's allies, the Ricciolino's were one of the last few who managed to stay strong until the end. A confrontation with Byakuran had to be established, soon at that. The violet eyed man had requested a meeting with the Ricciolino boss, much to her guardians protest she had accepted it. Bamhi had refused to go and tell anyone, instead she met up with him on her own with two of her guardians outside. Nevertheless, a similar drug like the one he had gave Yuni was slipped into her drink, unnoticed by her. It was only a few moments later,  the girl was made to be another puppet of his to control. Hence why the girl had been rejecting to help anyone during this period, listening to Byakuran's orders intently.  The blonde even went to attack other families, under the guise they were a threat to the Ricciolino familia. Of course, that was what Byakuran told her to say. 

After fixing the issue TYL: The Ricciolino familia can be seen with their other branches from time to time, mainly the  Fujimoto branch. The familia has, indeed, expanding over the course of ten years with their branches extending as well. Of course, they have had a few clashes with rival familias over those few years.

TYL Alliances: Vongola, Shimon, Varia, Callovone, Orellena, and Millefore. Although, the Varia is rather strained.

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks: Bamhi's body happens to be petite and short, often giving her the impression of being younger than she looks. There are a few subtle curves on her body that would later mature once she grows older. Her chest is a moderate b-cup while her hips happen to be a bit on the small side. The blonde's eyes happens to be a bit large almost giving her doll-like appearance in a sense. There's a few faint freckles scattered across her upper shoulders and cheeks, though the latter is hardly noticeable. As far as complexions go, Bamhi's skin is rather fair though she does tan easily if she doesn't use the proper lotion or sunscreen.

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Typically, Bamhi can be seen wearing a modified version of the Nami Chuu's uniform. Her uniform consists of a white button up shirt, a black skirt that barely reaches mid-thigh, a peach colored pull over sweater, along with a black tie. The blonde prefers loose fitted shirts, sweaters, tank tops and cardigans. As far as bottoms are concerned, she prefers shorts, leggings, fitted jeans and occasionally a skirt. Although the latter might be something she wears simply to maintain the image that she isn't a brute who will resort to violence -- well it's more like she's trying to keep up with the look of a lady. For shoes, Bamhi wears ankle boots, flats and occasionally high heels.

Accessories: She hardly wears any accessories besides a few necklaces and earrings from time to time.
Makeup: Bamhi rarely uses any makeup unless there's an occasion for it, which is typically a party. Although she does wear lip-gloss mainly.
Scent: A rather sweet smelling scent.

Hairstyle(s): Due to having her short blond locks, hardly anything is done to her hair. Typically, her blond locks look ruffled by the wind mainly. Ten years later, her blond locks darkened slightly in color than her previous years. Not to mention the length of her hair has grown past her breasts, almost mid-back. Her family usual genetic trait of having curls is now clearly shown. Her hair is usually left alone and kept down, unless there's an occasion to fix it. 
Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: A single Roman numerical of the number ten is located on her right hipbone. There's a faint scar under her breast traveling to the flesh above her belly button, from a minor training accident. Of course, there's other faint scars on her lower back as well. Both of her ears are pierced with two piercings on each ear. A dragon like ear cuff rests on her right ear with a single necklace with a smell gemstone lingers.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N
Theme Song/Quote(s): (lmao this part will be long xD )

 Trade mistakes- Panic! at the Disco. I may never sleep tonight as long as you're still burning bright.

What can I say- Dead by April. Still I can see in your eyes not good enough.

Lost in you- Three days grace. I remember when I said I'm nothing without you. Somehow I found a way to get lost in you.

Whatever it takes- Lifehouse. But if you could find a reason to stay, I'll do whatever it takes.

Still breathing- Mayday parade. Give me any reason to believe, 'cause I swear I'm done here.
Promise me some diginity if I were to stand and die here, 'cause my heart is somewhere else. 

Never gonna leave this bed- Maroon 5. You make me so nervous. Calm me down. 
Take it, take it all, take all that I have.

When we stand together- Nickelback. They tell us everything's alright and we just go along.

Light up the sky- Yellowcard. Let me tell you why I would die for you, Let me light up the sky, Let me lit it up for you. 

Let it die- Three days grace. In the beginning I never felt so alive, in the beginning you blamed me but it's not fair when you say that I didn't try. I just don't want to hear it anymore! I swear I never meant to let it die. 

" Ngh... shut up. I'm tired and I don't care about your empty... threats." 

Favorite Food(s): Anything but spicy or seafood.
Favorite Color(s): Red, light blue, turquoise, white, and peach.
Favorite Number(s): 00, 18, 59, and 60.

Favorite Music: Alternative, Rock, Punk along with Indie.

Favorite Band(s): Trapt, Safetysuit, Dead by April, Cold play, Three days grace, Panic! at the disco, Mayday parade, Big bang, Mblaq, B2st, and Akira Yamaoka.

Favorite Movie(s): The grudge, The covenant, Shutter, Frequency, A better life, The secret window, Prom, X-men, A series of unfortunate events and Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift.

Favorite Actor(s): Toby Hemingway, Johnny Depp, Steven strait, Tom Felton, and Angelina Jolie.

Favorite Book(s): Harry Potter and the half blood prince, Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, The hobbit, Zombie survival guide, and Tantalize. 

Favorite Game(s): Uno, Mario kart, Devil survivor, Resident evil, Corpse party, Pokemon, The sims 2, The sims 3, Kingdom hearts 2, Kingdom hearts birth by sleep, Kingdom hearts 356/2, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, and Final Fantasy VII.

Favorite Season(s): Winter and Summer.
Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas, Halloween, and New years.
Favorite Time of Day: Mid-afternoon.

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