Sunday, November 11, 2012

OC Multi-use.

Name ; Alice De Costa.

Nicknames ; Ali.

Age ; Barely in her 20's
Birthday ; March 18th.
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Nationality ; Quarter Italian, Japanese and French.
Place of origin ; Venice , Italy.

Current residence ; L.A. , California.
Languages spoken ; English. Italian. Japanese. French.
Job ; Part-time waitress.
Money situation ; Her parents had left her siblings, and herself, with a quite a large sum of money.
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Height ; 5'3.
Weight ; 130.
Skin color ; The girl is a slight bit paler than her siblings.

Hair ; Raven colored hair that tends to be waving with the tips often curling down. Alice's hair is usually kept down unless there's a special a event, she leaves it in a up do.
Eye ; Emerald hues.
Marks , Scars and Tattoo's ; Alice has a few scars here and there from her childhood, there's quite a few on her back. There's a faint x shaped mark on her right wrist that had just occurred, she barely has a clue on how she had that. A black x resides on her left wrist, while there's another on her hip bone containing the words ' Thus time continued onwards~ without the dreamer.'.
Dressing style & Usual outfit ; Typically, she wears a black leather jacket, a white v-neck, black or grey skinny jeans with black boots. Her shirts usually range crop tops, band t-shirts, long sleeved button up shirts, tank tops to frilly, girl shirts. For the bottom half of her outfit, she wears skinny jeans, black shorts to some mid-thigh shirts. Although... the skirts is usually something punkish looking.
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Personality ; 
Alice is pretty obedient , But that doesn't mean she doesn't slack off from time to time. After all, someone can only do so much work until they feel like being lazy. She tends to be playful and often taunts people , Mostly to see their flustered or nervous face. Although... she can become flustered by someone's affectionate actions or a simply compliment. Despite that, she can keep her composure for the longest time, even if she's pissed off. The ravenette is pretty curious, often leading her to wander around to discover new places to be in, or simply to find some inspiration to draw something wonderful. 

History ; Alice's parents were a rather wealthy couple, but her father's parents shunned them from their lives. After all, her parents were hardly married when they had their children. Nevertheless, the two parents had raised the two children alone, earning money from scratch themselves. It had only been five years ago, when they were shot late one night for an attempted robbery occurring that night, nearby the theatre they were in.
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Family ; Parents , Deceased.

Older Brother , Alive. Peter, 22 years old.

Younger Brother , Alive. Allen, 15 years old.
Hobbies ; Drawing. Dozing off. Completing another work of art. Gaming.
Habits ; She bits her bottom lip , If she's ever flustered or nervous. Fiddling with her clothing if she happens to become impatient.
Likes ; Sweets. Summer's heat. Winter. Snow. Sleeping. Small animals. Amusing people ~ . Mind games.
Dislikes ; Being forced into things. Pointless arguments,fights, and orders. Insects. Voicing her feelings.
Phobias ; Confined places. Intense darkness.
Name ; Nathan White.

Nicknames ; Nate.

Age ; 23.
Birthday ; May 5th.
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Nationality ; Italian with a mixture of French.

Place of orgin ; Paris, France.

Current residence ; L.A., California.
Job ; CEO for his father's company.
Money situation ; Fortunately, he's well off in life. Enough for quite alot of years too!
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Height ; 5'7.

Weight ; 56 kg.
Skin color ; He's rather tan, due to him often going outside to jog.

Hair ; Raven colored hair that ends to the bottom of his ears, although his bangs are usually facing an upwards direction for some reason.
Eye ; Chocolate colored hues.
Marks , Scars and Tattoo's ; There's quite a few of scars covering his body, due to his constant training. Nathan takes up kick boxing and often jogs around during the night.
Dressing style & Usual outfit ; Nathan usually dresses in long sleeved button down shirts due to his position as CEO, with a regular suit. Although, aside from work he wears v-necks and a pair of dark colored pants.
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Personality ; 
Nathan has a aura of friendliness inside of him, due to having to make friends with various people. Despite that, he's rather apathetic about most things, simply not giving a fuck about most people. Well... if he does care about certain people, they're treated differently than others ; Although it's only a slight difference. He's the type who claims something is his and will go after it, so it'll be so ~ . That and he's quite determined to make things, or people, his. His temper is not shown often, due to him keeping his anger in check, not wanting others to see that side of him. Although... he does show to be quite possessive towards any lovers he has, wanting to show everyone that they're his.
History ;
Nathan's parents were one of the rich families and still are, his parents passed away from a car accident, late one day. Nathan soon took over his Family's business, instantly becoming the head and of course, having complete control over the workers. The house and the wealth they had, they were both sent to him. His family business often keeps him busy, he's usually not home 'til late in the day. Nathan does have a interest for Alice, not like he's willing to show or tell anyone yet.
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Family ; Parents , Died.
Hobbies ; Resting. Fighting. Training. Jogging.
Habits ; He keeps his personal feelings in check and keeps them to himself. Whenever he's
Jealous , He'll wait until anyone in the room leaves , Before acting rather aggressive and forceful ~ .
Likes ; Peace. Quiet. Non-crowded places. Strong people. Fighting. Small animals. Challenges.
Dislikes ; Crowds. Crowded areas. Weaklings. Weak minded people. Being part of a crowd.

Phobias ; Being weaker.

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