Sunday, November 11, 2012

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ll I N T R O D U C T I O N

Once you run away

From darkness

you can't stop

or else the shadows
will swallow you whole

It'll catch up &

you won't recognize yourself

when it's done with you.

Name (last, first): Heron, Eos Alessa.

Meaning:  Eos is a Greek name meaning "dawn." In mythology, this is the name of the goddess of dawn. Equated with Latin Aurora. Alessa is the pet form of Italian Alessandra, meaning "defender of mankind." Heron is derived from the Greek word heros meaning hero. This was the first name of the 1st century Greek inventor (also known as hero ) from Alexandria.

Nickname(s):  E or just her middle name, Alessa. 

Age: 16-19 years old.

Species: Human.

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: October 31st.

Life Story:

Eos Alessa Heron was born on October 31st on a rainy day near a quarter to ten pm. Despite her birth, her parents did not remain with one another though her mother, Anastasia, tried to raise her and her older brother, Leon properly. Naturally, they did struggle quite a bit in the process considering there wasn't much money coming in leading to their eventual descent to poverty. From there they suffered for quite awhile until she turned eight, unintentionally her mother it was better to leave their home country and head to England.  

Despite the initial move, they did struggle quite a bit at first but it didn't take long for them to stay afloat. For the next two years, they would live peacefully until Eos had turned ten and her potential as a accommodator was witnessed by members of the Black Order. There was little choice for her to decide for herself, instead she was forcibly taken to the Black Order despite the protest of her mother, Anastasia, and her brother, Leon. The one who had forcibly taken her in to the European Branch of the Black Order had been  Malcolm C. Lvellie, someone who she had slowly grown to despise. 

During her time there it was clear that there would be no more contact with her remaining family members and herself. Contact with family wasn't allowed once she had joined the Black Order. Despite the obvious dislike she had there, the small redhead child managed to befriend a young girl by the name of Lenalee Lee soon finding out they shared similar situations, considering they had both been forced to join the Black Order. This was around the time that she would later met Kanda Yu, though they didn't get along too well at the beginning of this. 

Because of their presence there, she managed to have an easier time adjusting to things. Of course, Eos's training only seemed to grow tenfold as the potential she showed was quite evident.  Despite the harsh training, she seemed much more lively with the presence of Lenalee and Kanda, though she still butted heads with the latter from time to time. That much hadn't changed from the past. Regardless of the conflicts, she had managed to grow up fairly well despite her own dislike of Malcolm C. Lvellie. Puberty had soon hit for her- causing the once quiet redhead to blossom into a expressive young red haired woman. 

At age sixteen, Eos had first encountered Lavi, who was new to the Black Order along with the Bookman. Nonetheless, she was quick to converse with the two males, though she seemed more expressive around Lavi at the time. It  had taken a few months before the redhead had finally been qualified to  go along with others in missions, though she had been strictly asked to only offer support in those instances. Nonetheless, she was satisfied to finally be allowed to join the fight occurring outside of the Black Order walls.

Before long, Allen Walker along with Miranda Lotto, Arystar Krory, and Timothy Hearst had joined the ranks of the Black Order. It wasn't long before she gradually began to join more missions with Allen and the group, where one of first encounters with the Millennium Earl and the Noah family would occur for the first time.

ll A B O U T H I M O R H E R


Eos can come across as playful and expressive towards others, though this shown more towards friends and those she's close to. She can also be rather caring at times to the extent that she'll look out for others or simply take the blame for a mistake that's been committed. Because of her honestly, she sees no pointing in lying to others, though that doesn't mean she'll fess up about her own thoughts and emotions so easily. It's a bit of coaxing to do that. Eos can come across as an understanding individual, often preferring to listen to the troubles of others and sympathizing with them. A majority of the time, she'll often try to help them overcome their issues or find a better solution.

When it comes to missions and the like, she's the type to become foolishly brave and reckless. This is where her determination comes to play, considering she'll often rush forward in hopes of destroying the enemy before her. Her bravery and reckless will often lead her to take the initiative and try to take charge of a bad situation. A majority of the time she'll try to relent and stick to the team, but she'll occasionally wandering off to take down opponents by herself. Because of her proud nature, she has a difficult time of asking for help especially if she's injured and in dire need of help at that precise moment. 

It isn't easy to upset Eos though it does occur nevertheless. For her, she'll often try to keep her emotions intact despite the backlash that awaits her. Because she bottles up her feelings, the stress eventually groups together and places her in a difficult position. A part of her simply wants to lash out at others, but she keeps her mouth shut. This will occasionally cause the female to become more vulnerable to others, to the extent that she'll erupt in small crying fits. It isn't surprising that the redhead will try to deny ever crying if asked. 

In regards to romance and intimacy, Eos has the tendency to try and act as if she's experienced in the topic though she's not- at all. This might explain why she'll often end up in troublesome situations due to her own words. She has the tendency to put her foot in her mouth and sign herself up for things that either embarrasses her or it's blatantly obvious she doesn't have the will to do it. Nonetheless, she has the tendency to try and be brave despite her own embarrassment. It's also well known that she's quite loyal to those that hold her heart, often giving them the benefit of doubt on more than one occasion. 

Good Habit(s): Playful, understanding, caring, determined and honest. 

Bad Habit(s): Reckless, brave, proud, easily embarrassed, vulnerable and loyal.

Nationality: Greek and Italian. 

Place of Origin: Venice, Italy.

Current Residence: In the European Branch of  The Black Order.

Spoken Languages: Greek and English- only knows some Italian. 

Like(s): Sleeping, relaxing, small animals, naps, painting, rain, storms, winter, calligraphy, sweet scents, warm drinks, soft melodies, meaningful conversations, physical contact, playfulness and friendships. 

Dislike(s): Sickness, drunken man, alcohol, akuma, the Millennium earl, noah, spring, parting ways, quick goodbyes, fires, large animals, being picked up, running, ambushes, and being caught in the middle of an argument. 

○ Napping. 
 Exploring new or old areas.
 Surveying her surroundings from high places. 

Fear(s): Being caught in the middle of a fire, losing a loved one, ambushes by akuma, not finding her relatives, and remaining in the Black Order.

○ Close range fighting.
 Knowledgeable in regards to swords.
 Fairly high pain tolerance. 
○ Distractions. 

○ Easily side tracked with physical contact.
 Prone to exhaustion if she over exerts herself. 

Special Powers/Abilities:
 Eos is good at tracking down people.
 Despite the small figure, she does have pretty good stamina.
 Observational skills are fairly excellent. 
 Highly imaginative. 
○ High pain tolerance.


○ Eos won't admit it but she's eager to see her family again, though she needs to figure out where they relocated to.

○ Due to her constant training,  it isn't rare to catch her sleeping outside of her room from time to time.

 Eos has a bad tendency to take up various missions if she happens to feel stressed.

 Eos's goal is to find her family, though she later finds out her older brother, Leon, had joined the Black Order though the higher ups have refused to tell her anymore than that. 

 Insects happen to be something that she's rather terrified of to the extent she'll often force herself out of the way if she sees any around.

 Eos, typically, handles missions that requires brute force, interrogation or simply protection.

ll D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S

Ambition/Life-long Dream:

○ To figure out her family's whereabouts.
 To fulfill her purpose at the Black Order.
 To locate her brother.
 To finally leave the Black Order for good. 

○ Exorcist. 
 Occasional medical helper. 


|| F E A R S A N D N I G H T M A R E S 

○ Being caught in the middle of a fire.
○ Not being good enough
○ Being a second choice. 
○ Not being strong enough to protect someone.

○ A loved one dying while she has a chance to save them.
○ Not being strong enough to protect herself.
○ Being confined somewhere dark.
○ Being burned alive. 

ll F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ll


Anastasia Heron ( presumed to be deceased. )

Anastasia is an ambitious and self-driven woman who has a terrible habit of being practically ruthless in her efforts to reach her goals. Nonetheless, her children were often put first in her goals. After all, the redhead wanted to keep them safe and comfortable in the life they were currently living. That might explain her own anguish when Eos had been forced to join the Black Order, despite her own protest. 


Leon Ciro Heron,  19-22 years old.

Leon is the older brother of Eos, often serving as the guardian from time to time. The redhead had always been rather laidback and easygoing, though he had a serious tendency to look after others- especially those that seemed helpless in a sense. This might explain why he can be rather reckless at times and seen as foolishly brave. It might have been his foolish bravery that rubbed off on Eos's desire to save others.



Pet(s):  N/A.

Best Friend(s):

Lenalee Lee

Because of their friendship starting during their childhood, when the two first met at the Black Order, they developed a closer bond growing up. This might explain why Eos will often keep an eye out for Lenalee on the battlefield. Of course, her kind and caring nature had been another reason why the redhead had been quick to befriend her. Ironically, it's also because of that, that Eos feels strongly against Lenalee being out in the battlefield. Nonetheless, it's clear that the redhead cares deeply for her to the extent she'll often go the extra mile for the dark haired girl. 

Arystar Krory III

Arystar and Eos had become fast friends after the male had became a part of the Black Order. Despite the extreme naivety due to his sheltered life, the redhead will often try to offer some support during those situations. His loyalty is quite admirable in her opinion, considering loyalty means a lot for the female. Moving on, it isn't strange to find her offering some help to Arystar from time to time, especially if it's something that's bothering him. Because of their friendship, she'll often go the extra mile for Arystar and try to help him the best she can whenever possible. 


Miranda Lotto

Miranda's kind and friendly nature had been one of the things to lure Eos to begin a friendship with her arrival to the Black Order. She finds her klutzy nature to be rather endearing, though she'll often try to give her hand. With everything that occurred recently in the Black Order, she can't help but admire Miranda's determination to do her best and help others. This might explain why Eos will go out of her way to offer the ravenette some help in the battlefield a majority of the time.

Yu Kanda

Considering Eos had met Kanda at a young during their time at the Black Order, it allowed her more time to figure out what not to do around the male. Of course, that didn't mean they didn't clash from time to time due to differences or conflicting views. Nonetheless, she had made it a habit when she was younger to watch Kanda practice, which would later explain her own abilities with her katana. Despite the arrogant and stoic attitude he shows, she's more comfortable fighting in the battlefield with Kanda around. Of course, their similar views concerning the Black Order might be one of the reasons why they get along somewhat decently.

Komui Lee

Komui's whimsical and goofy mannerisms might have been one of the reasons why Eos got along with him, though she did show her moments of reluctance around the male. After all, he had a tendency to become overbearing and maniacal about certain things. Nonetheless, she does admire his ability and position in the Black Order. After all, it wouldn't have been easy to be in that position and have to maintain so much control over a entire group of gifted individuals. 

Timothy Hearst 

Timothy was someone that appealed to Eos's caring side, who found it quite difficult to ignore the child. Despite his immature and perverted antics, she has a soft spot for Timothy. This might explain why she'll often go the extra mile to make him feel more at home in the Black Order, considering she knows how hard it can be to adjust to things.  Eos has a difficult time trying to be stern in the presence of the younger exorcist.  Nevertheless, she can't help but treat Timothy kindly, often taking him under her wing. In a sense, one might say she sees him as a younger brother to a certain extent.


Allen Walker

It might have been Allen's desire to save everyone, even the Akuma that first attracted Eos attention. Besides, he was rather caring male- something she had instantly taken a liking to. After all, his kind and caring nature was quite admirable in her opinion. Although, his self-sacrificing nature often kept her worried about the male uncertain of what would be the outcome of it. It often led Eos to keep an eye out for Allen, incase he had the sudden impulse to throw himself in harm's way for another. Gradually with more time spent with one another, the redhead didn't seem to notice the way her feelings of friendship towards him gradually began to change into something else entirely. The deeper her feelings towards him become, the quicker she was to deny such a thing. After all, accepting that meant something would undoubtedly change between them for the worst or good.


Considering Lavi had arrived at the Black Order around the age of sixteen, it was no surprise Eos was cautious and a bit apprehensive around him at first. Nonetheless, it had been easy for her to strike up an early friendship with him due to his personality considering they did share similar interests. It might have been the few years that they've known each other that explains why Eos is often more comfortable or at ease around him. Naturally, their close friendship also made it easier for her to fall back on her more playful ways as well. The redhead never seemed to notice the way that Lavi always seemed to catch her gaze, leading her to become rather naive about her feelings until recently. With her minimum knowledge about the Bookman, Eos had already fallen under the assumption that it was better to simply be quiet about her own feelings- nothing could possibly occur from this. 


Tyki Mikk

Tyki is one of the Noahs that Eos has the misfortune of encountering often through her missions, though her opinion of the Noah is nonexistent. Of course, she does seem as a threat considering his more sadistic side. After all, she had the bad luck to encounter him during one of these moments. Naturally, it contributed to the  scars she carries on her back as a result. It's safe Eos chooses to remain apprehensive and on guard while in the presence of the Noah, especially when his dark personality comes to light.



There was something about the Noah that aroused Eos's interests and curiosity, though she wasn't exactly sure on what that was. Of course, that was quickly thrown out of the window when she first clashed with the Noah and Jasdero. It's safe to say Eos had the misfortune of falling for Devit's antics more than one occasions. Naturally, this can explain why she chooses to avoid him like the plague as well. Of course, it might have been his cocky personality that makes the two butt heads more than often.


Jasdero is probably one of the Noahs that Eos has clashed with head on, though it's better for her not to be around Jasdero in particular. She's the type to often get sucked in to the childish antics of Jasdero  leading to various troublesome problems. This can explain her own hesitance to even remotely approach the Noah if she sees him. Because of this, she'll often try to avoid many encounters with the male. Naturally, that's quite difficultly considering she often falls for his childish antics on more than one occasion.

Road Kamelot

Road is someone that Eos is extremely apprehensive about considering how easily she can peer inside someone. Something that leaves her rather iffy to be in the presence of the other, especially when the mission of Revere town comes to mind. After all, it was difficult to fight her demons there, considering all of the things the redhead had kept bottled up to herself. Of course, the Noah's sadism is another one of the reasons why she'll try to keep away. After all, it had earned her a heavy injury during the time spent in Revere town. It's safe to  say that Eos is apprehensive around Road, uncertain even. 

Marshall Cross

Cross had always been someone that Eos is rather apprehensive around for obvious reasons. Nonetheless, she does admit that his skills are highly impressive and she wouldn't mind learning a pointer or two from him. Naturally, his flirtatious nature and ways with women are usually the reason why she'll often go out of her way to evade conversations with him that stray off topic. 


Millennium Earl

The Earl just gives her chills, due to that creepy way of talking. Not to mention all the things he had done to the Black Order in the past, during her time there. It simply leaves her in a slightly panicked state. Of course, this could be the direct result of the Black Order's teaching to a younger Eos. The Black Order did influence her thoughts quite a lot during her younger days, telling her countless things to change her mind set. Naturally, that included on making the Millennium Earl someone that she needed to take down no matter the cost. There's no point in changing her opinion on the Noah now with all of the things that was learned about that individual in particular. 

Malcolm C. Lvellie  

It was due to Malcolm's insistence that Eos had been forced to involve herself with the Black Order to begin with. Naturally, this is the reason why she wants little to do with the male. To be more precise, she'd be willingly to refuse his orders though she knows it would be unwise on her part to pull a stunt like that. Nevertheless, she tries her best to avoid the older man, choosing to evade him as best as she can. This later involvement with what occurred with Allen only created a deeper hatred for the male. Something that was slowly beginning to creep up on her.


Affiliation: Black Order ( European branch )

Alignment: Chaotic good. Eos would go to any lengths as long as her goals were accomplished especially if it could benefit someone else- preferably someone she happens to trust. She can be quite reckless when it comes to achieving her goals, implying she'll often go to various ends just to accomplish these goals.

Innocence type: Equipment type transitions to  Crystal type Anti-Akuma weapon.

Innocence info: Her innocence takes the form of two golden gauntlets with golden chains hanging from each side of them, along with a single red ruby in the middle with a small design of wings expending to each end of the gauntlets. An identical pair of these happen to be on her ankles as well. These gauntlets can also expanded allowing the chains to morph into a dual pairs of claws that expand from the bottom of the gauntlet to the very top, where her fingers happen to be. Usually she keeps the chains wrapped around her wrist to avoid any noise being heard. Later on, there would be four dark red stigmata formed on her inner wrists and ankles, though she keeps them covered up with the use of bandages.

Innocence Name: Masked Knight.

Innocence Attack(s):

Strike!: It's a simple attack involving the claws appearing on her hands and striking the enemy down. The dual pair of claws that appear slowly transitions to four allowing her to strength her attack and strike someone down in the process.

Serve!: The knight serves to protect their master, willing to bend to their will. Only people with the Queen or King Innocence have the right to posses her abilities for their use. They will have full control of her abilities and momentarily control over them.

Protection!: This attack involves the user throwing them themselves in front of someone, basically offering their life up to them. Of course, it can also be used to protect herself from harm. This allows  the chains to increase in size which then allows her to form a shield with them to help cover herself and others.

X-Wave!: Two attacks forming in x will appear on the person's body, leaving them temporarily numb. Which lead them to believe they can not feel any pain. From there, anymore attacks will only increase the pain they will feel, once the attack begins to wear off. She has the ability to choose the amount of pain they will feel, which gradually begins to increase. 

Treason!: The only way for this attack to activate is by being forced to attack it's own user and with that the golden chains of the gauntlets cloaks the user's body. Then the user's movements are temporarily suspend and the Innocence takes control of the user for the time being. Attacks are very swift and precise, but it stills fairly reckless to take down the opponent. This attack can lend to the user to sustain quite a lot of damage.

Removal!: A move she's still working on. 

Existence!: This attack is far different from all of the rest of her attacks. It relies heavily on defensive and offensive moves, though it's mainly used when the user is in critical condition. The chains would serve as a weapon for the time being, resulting in said metal extended and morphing it's form to suit her needs. 

ll L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E

Body Type/Looks:  Eos's body can be described as slender and fit, due to the constant training sessions she goes through. In regards to her more womanly assets, her chest is a moderate b-cup while her waist is average at best. Her complexion is rather fair and light, though she does happen to tan easily.  There's a few faint freckles on her cheeks and shoulder blades, though they're fairly faint- a light tan color one might say. She happens to be around Allen and Lavi's height, though she's quite a few inches shorter than the two males mentioned. Her eyes can be described as large and round giving her a more doll-like appearance, though they're also described as bright and expressive. However, there's a small look of exhaustion lingering within her amber hues. Her lips are often pursued in a soft smile or even a playful smirk occasionally. 

Height: 156 cm.

Weight: Currently 41 kg.

Everyday Outfit(s): Because of her innocence being gauntlets, her uniform top varies  from a sleeveless top to a short-sleeved version of the female uniform of the Black Order. This allows her to use her gauntlets freely without having to worry about her clothing getting in the way. Because of the ankle version of her gauntlets, she'll often opt to wear  a modified version of the Black Order uniform which happens to be a skirt or a pair of black shorts. Naturally, she does wear ankle length boots to avoid any problems she may have with the ankle bracelets she wears. As far as regular outfits goes, Eos prefers to wear things that are either fitted or comfortable to wear. 

Accessories: There's a single Katana usually attached to her side, along with her twin pistols: which are located in the holster on her thigh. She hardly uses the katana unless something forces her to as a last resort. 

Makeup: Eos hardly uses any unless she's going undercover, though she doesn't have any hesitance to use it.

Scent: A faint smell of vanilla fragrance. 

Hairstyle(s):  Eos's hair is straight though the ends to tend to curl inwards towards the end. Her hair reaches the her shoulder blades while her bangs happen to fall near eyes, though they're often brushed aside. Typically her hair is left down but she'll often end up tying it up from time to time if it becomes a bother.  Her hair color can be described as a mix between rich auburn blonde to a true red hue. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: Eos's back has a few scars scattered across her fair skin, though there is a few more lingering on her hands as well. There's also a small faint scar on her cheek as well. However the most noticeable scar that runs from her shoulder blade to her lower back, which was the result from  a fight years ago. As far as piercings go, she does happen to have a single pair on her earlobes.

ll E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N

Theme Song(s):

    Me and the devil - Soap&Skin.
   ○ You are a memory - Message to bears. 
   ○ Carnivore - Starset. 
○ Red lines - Sohn. 
○ Failure - Brand new.  
○ Afraid - The Neighborhood.
○ Feeling small - Marianas Trench,
○ Bloodsport - Raleigh Ritchie.


○ " Eos reporting in ! There's hasn't been any Innocence activity here besides the local crimes.."

○ "If need be I'll offer myself for this mission if everyone considers it to be dangerous."

○ "It would be great if we had the opportunity to take a break from all of this. We.. deserve that much, don't we?"

○ " Are we just a puppet in their eyes..? I.. I'm not sure if what we're doing is even right anymore. I mean.. how do we know we're not working for the wrong side? I can't help but feel like we all are indispensable to The Black Order." 

○ "I can't afford to disobey them.. I'm sorry, but I can't leave the Black Order. There's something that I need to do before I even consider leaving this place." 

Favorite Food(s): Italian and American food.

Favorite Color(s): Red. White. Purple.

Favorite Number(s): 18. 27. 50. 96.

Favorite Season(s): Winter.

Favorite Holiday(s): Doesn't have one.

Favorite Time of Day: Dawn.

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