Saturday, November 10, 2012

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Suddenly losing someone important to you

Not being able to trust anyone and not knowing what's going on...

It's scary. isn't it?


Name (last, first): Cosmos, Bambi Iris.

Name Meanings: The name Bambi is derived from Italian Bambina meaning young girl. Her middle name Iris means rainbow in Greek. Iris was the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow. This name can also be given reference to the English word ( which derives from the same Greek source ) for the name of the Iris flower or the colored part of the eye. 

Nickname(s): Bambina, doe eyes.

Age: 17-19

Species: Human.. ?

Gender: Female.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual .

Birthday: April 18th.

Life Story: 

Bambi was born to a fairly wealthy family, only female and third oldest child in the family. Naturally, this doesn't include her fraternal twin Dante considering they're the same age despite the time difference in their births. Her childhood was fairly normal if the divorce of her parents isn't taken into consideration. The divorce was one of the main reason why Bambi and Dante hadn't seen much of their father, Benjamin, was due to custody problems. Their mother, Katarina, held the custody over the twins and had been very stubborn on raising the twins without the help of Benjamin. It was around the time the two were ten years old that their mother was involved in a car accident that custody over the two had been granted to Benjamin finally. And with that, the twins were promptly relocated to their father's home. 

It was a little awkward living with their father, Benjamin, considering the fact he had gotten remarried and had two boys of his own now. Despite her own hesitance, Bambi did manage to get used to living with them and her father's wife, Marie. She was a.. rather nice woman, in her opinion. With the brunette growing older, she found herself growing interested in different topics than her siblings. In fact, one of these things happened to be her passion for swimming and theater. Of course, it was an added bonus that her siblings had a particular fondness for things in the creativity field as well. 

Around the time Bambi was thirteen, a relative came to live with the Turner family- a boy around the age of her half sibling, Samuel. Christian, her relative, was still in the process of finishing high school by the time his father had died. Her father, Benjamin, refused to let the adolescent leave alone. After all, he was the godfather of the boy and it didn't sit well with him to simply leave him there alone, after his situation had been properly considered. 

It was only a few weeks later when her other brother, Samuel, had been married to his fiancee, Emily White. There years later, the couple had been killed upon impact due to a late drive and a drunk driver accidentally crashing into them. Their child, Blake, was promptly left in their care, the only immediate family the young child had. It was difficult for Blake to adjust, considering the fact he couldn't find his parents anywhere.  

It would only be a few months later that she would enter Spencer Academy along with her twin, Dante. Her brothers preferred a more open, which explains why the two decided to attend a public school instead. Despite that, Bambi will often find herself coming home every once in awhile during the week to visit her family back home. 


|| A B O U T H I M O R H E R ||


Bambi tends to strategize first and organize her thoughts and emotions second before deciding anything. Of course, most of those plans are difficult to process since she's rather impatient at times. There's only so much waiting she can do before she ultimately gets fed up with the task of waiting. Naturally, this can lead to her being rather sarcastic if she happens to become bored or completely fed up with something. This might be the reason why she's often spotted countering whatever remarks come her way. The brunette can be rather emotional at times, when she's upset. 

The Italian woman is quite playful and can be awful teaser at times. She enjoys making others feel flustered, though it'll often back fire since she can be easy to fluster as well. After all, her fascination for challenges is the reason she's often signing herself up for things. This is usually the reason why she's often getting herself involved in troublesome situations or stressing herself out. Nonetheless, she does admit that she enjoys finishing up countless tasks and taking up others in the process. In a sense, she prefers to keep herself busy with people or tasks in general. 

It's no surprise that the brunette can be quite confident in herself, due to the way her late mother raised her. The woman had trained her to think highly of herself and act ladylike though the latter is a bit difficult due to her sarcastic nature at times. She's the type of person to finish whatever she starts, after all. She isn't one to let things linger go and father dust. Bambi prefers figuring things out before considering dropping the, the latter is the last option she would possibly choose. Nonetheless, she can be quite stubborn to do things that she prefers staying away from or feels nervous about. 

Whenever the woman happens to be distraught, she'll often stay quiet that day and keep to her own devices. However, a single affectionate gesture can be well received which would alter her mood significantly. Of course, this depends entirely on the person committing the act of affection. Sometimes she might end up retaliating as a way to relieve herself of such terrible emotions. Naturally, it's easier said than done more than half of the time. 

If she happens to fall in love, she's more than a little cautious about her own actions and thoughts. After all, she doesn't want to end up falling for the wrong person. Of course, it hardly helps that she has a bad habit of falling hard for those who hold her affections. In a sense, she can be easy to fluster and ramble about things if she feels nervous as well. It's one of the reasons why she'll often take on a more hesitant approach when it comes to romance. 

Good Habit(s): Organized, playful, confident, assertive, and understanding. 

Bad Habit(s): Impatient, a bit of a tease, sarcastic, distant, and hesitant. 

Like(s): Bonfires, rain, soft melodies, card games, an occasional party or two, snow, sleeping in, physical constant, blankets, small animals, mythology, studies of alchemy, comedies, thriller novels, long talks.

Dislike(s): Rude awakenings, boring plays, strict teachers, short deadlines, drunk driving, arguments, getting lost, driving at night, crowded places, war movies, disregard for someone else's safety, confrontations.

Hobbies: Swimming, drawing, participating in plays, jogging, star gazing 

Fear(s): Eerie silences. Another family member dying young. Fire. 

Strength(s): Acting. Thinking on the spot. Memorization. Prioritizing. Observational skills. 

Weakness(es): Giving out speeches. Frying food. 

Special Powers/Abilities: Memorization. Dodging skills. Exceptional observation skills. 

Nationality: British and two quarters of Italian and Greek. 

Languages spoken: English, Italian and a bit of Greek. 


» Bambi is an active member in the Drama Club, often participating in plays or fundraiser for the department.

» If there's a school event that any one of her cousins is joining or in, she usually attends it.

» She has a pretty good relationship with both her siblings, even her deceased older brother, Samuel. The four were relatively close before his death, often seen hanging out together with his fiancee, Emily, and Blake, their son.

» Attends Spencer Academy.

» Samuel's death had only occurred a mere two weeks before they attended Spencer Academy. She's still fairly sensitive to any mentions of death, car crashes or her brother.

» Bambi is the aunt of Blake, Samuel's only son, who's currently living with them. 

» Dante, her fraternal twin only shows up from time to time to the Turner household. This mainly due to his preference of living in the dorms. Of course, Bambi has decided to start living in the dorms as well, though she does come back home weekly to check up on things. 

|| D R E A M S A N D T A L E N T S ||

Ambition/Life-long Dream: Bambi's main dream is to have a career in psychology or simply travel the world. 

Occupation/Job: Part time at restaurant as a waitress.


Family origins: The Turner lineage comes from a long line of individuals, though their blood does have some connection to one of the scarce survivors of the Salem witch trials. However, the knowledge behind the true identity of the survivor isn't known though it's believed it had been a female. A witch. By the time it had finally reached the Cosmos twins era, the witch blood inside them was already very faint at best but there was still potential for the two. Nonetheless, they still carry the blood of a witch inside of them- unknowingly of course.

Popularity: Bambi does have a somewhat decent standing when it comes to the social hierarchy when it comes to Spencer Academy, though she's often keeping to her group of friends or those mutual friends. In other-words, the brunette will resort to avoiding some social events if Kira is attending. After all,she prefers staying away from the troublesome female mainly to avoid stirring up anything. To be blunt, Bambi can't stand being near Kira considering her personality. 

|| F A M I L Y A N D F R I E N D S ||



               Katarina Cosmos, 43 years old. ( Deceased )

Katarina is rather energetic and high-maintenance though she does have a stubborn strike to her. She's fairly considerate of other's feelings, which is why she'll often come across as soft-hearted towards others.  This might be the reason why everyone has such a great opinion on the female, finding her to be great company. It would explain the shock that transpired when she was abruptly killed at a rather young age, considering her age at the given moment. 


  Benjamin Turner, 45 year old.

Benjamin is a reserved British man with a trace of Spanish mixed inside of him. Similar to his children, his hair is raven colored but it's kept short on a day to day basis. After all, he's not too fond of long hair on himself. In fact, he finds it unsuitable for someone his age. Ben wasn't legally married to Bambi and Dante's mother, instead he was only seeing her casually- hardly anything serious at the time. It wasn't until a year later that the two finally married and the twins were conceived. However, neither adult expected any issues to show up in the relationship. The twins were probably around the age of six when Benjamin decided to divorce Katarina. 

Benjamin is a rather charismatic man though he does have a bad tendency to be sarcastic at times. Nonetheless, he does try to be stern about rules though that often falls on deaf ears, considering his non confrontational attitude towards most things. 


Dante Jay Cosmos, fraternal twin. 17-19 years old. Alive.

Dante is the older twin due to being born a few minutes before Bambi. Despite being the oldest, he's hardly the most mature out of the two honestly. The male is the type who has to be constantly moving, regardless of the situation. That might explain his participation in the sports clubs, though he mainly sticks to basketball and soccer to say the least. Despite his laid-back nature, he's often the one who'll propose going to a party among the company of his siblings, especially to Bambi. It isn't too odd considering he'll often drag her or one of their half siblings along for the ride anyways. 

                    Bruce the Third, Turner. 17-19 years old. Alive. Half sibling. 

Bruce is the second oldest out of the Turner family, being a junior in one of the local high schools in the town. Typically, he's usually laid-back and carefree though he seemed to develop a desire to be more responsible. The death of his older brother, Samuel, made him become more responsible for the others in his family considering he was now the eldest son in the family. Despite that, he can still be caught  acting in small plays at his school or local community center helping out with some of the activities there. He also happens to have a passion for writing scripts due to his dream of becoming a script writer in the near future.

Samuel Turner. 23 years old. Deceased. Half sibling. 

Samuel was the oldest out of the four Turner children, one with the most promising future. The brunette did attend college in hopes to get into Criminal law. He was quite the charmer, often seen befriend people or helping others out. Samuel was the one who enjoyed political debates and shows like Law & Order, he really seemed to enjoy those shows. There's an occasional smell of smoke on him when he was still alive, due to his smoking habits. He wasn't like the usual cigarette addict. The nickname he had been given ranged from Sammy boy, or Sam. One late night, he was driving himself and Emily, his fiancee at the time, home they had been hit by a drunk diver. The drunk driver hit the two head on, instantly killing the two. Their son, Blake, wasn't accompanying the two since he was at his Grandparent's house, waiting for them. The Turner's received the devastating news an hour later, Blake would be left in his family's care. The funeral for Samuel and his beloved, Emily was held the following week. Hardly anyone had gotten over the grieving process or even the accepting stage in the past month or so.


Blake Turner, Nephew. 3-5 years old. Alive.

Blake is the only son of Samuel Turner and Emily White. The little blond is a ball full of sunshine and fun, constantly having a smile on his face, like a certain uncle of his. William. He's a very adventurous little guy with a goofy personality, the class clown. Also, he's a pretty short kid for most boys in his age group. Blake is currently living with his Aunt and Two uncles, including his grandparents.

                                              Christian Heartnet, Cousin. 24-26 years old. Alive.

Christian is a second cousin of the Turner clan, basically growing up with the kids. He's currently attending college, in hopes of further his career as a Lawyer. Due to his father's recent death, he is staying with the Turner's until he finishes college up. Although, it's not like he minds staying with them anyways. Everyone there is awfully friendly with him, even if he didn't speak much to them before Samuel's death. Samuel and him had been relatively close before his death, almost considered as best friends of some sort. The only nickname he's been given is Chris.


Best Friend(s): 



Tyler Simms

Bambi had met Tyler through one of the classes the two had together previously, which explains her comfort in talking to Tyler occasionally. Of course, she didn't interact much with him until recently, sometime before Chase had appeared. She does find it easier talking to Tyler than the others, though that might be due to their already developing friendship. Nonetheless, Bambi enjoys talking to Tyler, and occasionally Reid, whenever she gets the chance to do so. 

Pouge Parry

Bambi only managed to meet Pouge through Tyler, though she didn't interact much with him until later on. Although it did help that her car broke down once and Pouge had been the one she stumbled upon during that time. Her friendship with Kate did led the two to converse from time to time, whenever there was an opportunity available. In a sense, she does find if reliable that he knows plenty about mechanics and topics related to it. This might be the reason why she's often seeking him out for car advice or advice in general.

Chase Collins 

With Chase befriending the group, Bambi eventually got around to conversing with him and befriending him at a later time. There was an odd feeling he gave off but the brunette couldn't quite understanding what it was. Despite that thought, she continued to converse with Chase while remaining unaware of his true intentions at Spencer academy. After all, the male was good company and someone who was great to converse with. Bambi can often be spotted conversing with the male from time to time.

Sarah Wenham 

P E N D I N G 

Kate Tunney 

P E N D I N G 


Reid Garwin

 Reid did attract Bambi's attention at first glance, though she'd be an idiot to reveal that verbally. At the beginning, the brunette didn't have much contact with Reid until she met Tyler and befriended him. She was a bit hesitant to converse with the blond, but that thought was quickly forgotten once the two began to interact. Bambi finds it easy to be more like herself and is quick to become playful, and curious, while in the presence of Reid. Of course, she does find it easy to be swiped into his pace- though Bambi is still debating if it's such a negative thing or not at this point. The brunette won't admit it but the fact her feelings for Reid had changed leaves her rather cautious of what she says to him. However she still keeps up the playful banter between them.

Caleb Danvers

It would be a lie if Bambi stated she hadn't seen Caleb before, considering he's one of the more well-known students at the school. On the occasional the brunette has to converse with the male, she does find Caleb to be great company. After all, his personality is quite charming as well as his good nature. That might have been the reason why the female was drawn to him after a few meetings here and there with Caleb. Nonetheless, she enjoys her conversations with the male whenever there's a chance to interact with him. Although she won't admit it, it's easy to fall into a sense of comfort and safety in Caleb's presence. That might be the reason why she didn't find her change in feelings for me so surprising. 





|| L O O K S A N D A P P E A R A N C E ||

Body Type/Looks:  Bambi's body is slender with an athletic build due to the frequent swimming sessions and other sports she used to be involved in. Her posture is something she constantly tries to correct whether unconsciously or consciously. Her chest isn't heavily endowed instead it's a moderate b-cup. She has a fair complexion though it often becomes tinted with a light rosy hue. Her cheeks are lightly dusted with freckles, which also happens to appear on her shoulders. Her eyes are a bit round and a warm chocolate hue- a trait she received from her mother, Katarina. Bambi's eyes can be described as expressive and bright. Her lips are slightly full and can often be found in a smile or a brief grin. Meanwhile, her nails are trimmed and often decorated.

Height: 5'5.

Weight: 130 lbs.

Everyday Outfit(s): For Bambi, she can usually be spotted in anything she finds comfortable and suiting to her tastes. However, she does have a bit of preference for fitted clothing when it's summer time and loose clothing during winter. Nonetheless, she'll often be seen wearing a mixture of graphic tees, crop shirts, v-necks and long sleeved shirts or sweaters occasionally. Bambi can often be caught wearing cardigans with her outfits or a simple leather jacket. Typically, she'll often be caught wearing fitted jeans or shorts, and occasionally skirts from time to time. As for shoes, she prefers wearing ankle length leather boots or a simple pair of tennis shoes. For formal events, like dances, she'll often resort to wearing dresses that fit the occasion of the event. 

Accessories: Despite Bambi's lack of accessories, she does wear a simple necklace containing a charm of a crescent moon on it, along with a silver charm bracelet containing a few charms she's been given over the last few years. 

Makeup: Bambi doesn't wear a lot of make up but she does wear eyeliner and some pale lip gloss at the very least on a daily basis. Other than that, she does put more of an effort if it's a party or a formal event she's attending. 

Scent: Bambi gives off a rather sweet scent, similar to that of vanilla. 

Hairstyle(s): Typically, Bambi's light chocolate are kept down and reach the middle of her back, while her bangs are often swept to the side. Her hair is often brushed despite the occasional ruffled look her hair may have due to the wind. Typically, she keeps her hair down though she does braided it or keep it in a low ponytail from time to time. If there's a formal event, she'll put in more of an effort to fix her hair into an up do. 

Scars, Tattoos, Jewelry and/or Piercings: There's two piercings on both of her ears, also a dragon wrapping around the top of her ear to the bottom. A faint scar runs along her wrist along the way to her elbow, due to a accident she had when she was younger. There's another faint scar on the back of right leg, directly below her knee. As far as tattoos goes, she doesn't have any yet.

|| E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N || 

Theme Song/Quote(s): 

» Heavy in your arms; Florence and the machine. 

» Thistle and weeds; Mumford & sons. 

» Demons; Imagine dragons.

» Once I was real; Brad Caleb. 

» Retrograde; James Blake. 

" I personally admit that I tend to get myself lost in town with no clue as to where I am. It's a bad habit of mine, but you can't say your's isn't."

"What? Why would I even consider doing that..? There's no point- ugh. Fine, I'll do it." 

Favorite Food(s): Preferably Italian or american food.

Favorite Color(s): Warm colors.

Favorite Number(s): 18. 96. 27. 80. 59.

Favorite Season(s): Winter. Fall.

Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas.

Favorite Time of Day: Late morning.

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